React Three Fiber ScrollControlls Infinite - three.js

I've been trying to replicate this scene from
I used a combination of image gallery and inifinite scroll but I'm still missing a few things.
Whenever the scroll length ends camera restarts back to its starting position. Instead, I would like to have the effect of continuing moving.
I have 5 panels/screens and I want to repeatedly display them as the user scrolls further,


Create pop menu Sims's style when click on Character in Unity3D

I'm trying to build a game that uses a concept from the known game "The Sims". Right now I'm building the AI for a 3d Character, and I need the player to be able to tell where the character should go or do. I want to know the best ways to create a pop up menu with animations, kind of to show some choices, so that when the player clicks over the 3d Character he can pick wherever he wants to do. I know this must be using UI elements under a Canvas that's placed over the player. However I can not have 2 Canvas in a Scene and I don't know how to fix them to the character so that it moves with him. Thanks in advance.
Here you can see what I mean, this is the Sims Game
You have two main approaches here:
1) Use a world space UI.
2) Use a screen space UI and position it in real time using a worldspace to screen space transformation.
Both of these topics will expand substantially when you approach them, so it's not possible to give any more specifics from here.
Having played the Sims a bit before though, I would suggest you use a world space UI system if you're chasing the same style as them.
You can have as many canvases as you want. To control levels of canvases (which one is on top) you use "Order in Layer" parameter in "Canvas" component of your chosen Canvas. The lower the number is the higher interactivity and visibility your canvas has.
You can create one canvas ant parent it to you character. AS the canvas will be smaller your should play with these parameters to get the resolution you want (don't over do it):
To make canvas always facing the camera you should give Canvas a new script, with a command:
To control canvas' visibility you may use this code line:
canvas.enabled = bool;
Where bool is false when you want to hide it and bool is true when you want to show it.
In the "Sims" the visibility comes with animation which you may do also, but I would leave it after I did all the functionality.

Slide animation in Xamarin forms

I am trying to animate a StackLayout. Two requirements:
The stack layout moves horizontally and comes back to its original position. It should animate in such a manner that it feels like it disappears from the right side of the screen and appears from the left.
When half of the stack layout goes out of the right side, the other half should be visible on the left side of the screen i.e. Translate around the screen
I wrote this:
await sl.TranslateTo(800, 0, 0);
await sl.TranslateTo(0,0,1000);
It satisfies the requirement 1 but I am not able to figure out a solution to #2.
Check out the Flexlayout
FlexLayout Demos
Almost Exactly what you requested except that it doesn't go back to the first part when you reach the end.
You might need to create a condition and play with some events.
good luck

JavaFX animations are flickering

I have a window displaying a video stream with a twitter feed as an overlay.
When a new tweet is displayed, the current tweet animates out using a rotate animation and the next tweet is rotated into view. The animations are performed using a RotateTransition.
The app also switches between different cameras to display different streams. To give an indication of when the app switches to the next camera, I have a progressbar that fills using a Timeline object.
This works well, until I resize the window. The rotate animations start to flicker, along with the progressbars as they gradually fill.
As a test, I disabled the video stream, to see what's happening. The 'artifact' doesn't occur then and I can resize as much as I want. If I play the stream and don't resize, everything works well.
The video player is based on VLCJ, but the actual pixels are drawn on a WritableImage in an Imageview.
See the following images that illustrate the problem.
At the bottom right you can see 2 different progress bars (a ProgresBar and a ProgressIndicator).
A part of the flickering result is still visible below the second image. It somehow stays visible, probably because the area doesn't get redrawn.
Any idea what makes the flickering happen? Is there anything I can do to fix or avoid this?
I tried some VM options in IntelliJ: -Dsun.java2d.d3d=true -Dprism.forceGPU=true to somehow enable hardware acceleration, but that doesn't seem to help.
Disabling the progressbar fill animation doesn't help either.
I had a similar problem with some arcs and shapes that would flicker when its attributes / sizes were changed.
The solution to my problem was to make sure that the methods used to change the shapes were called from inside the JavaFX thread.
Platform.runLater(() -> {
} images carousel

How can I create simple image carousel. Let's say I have GridView with two rows and one column. I want to create image carousel in upper row. Can I do that with ScrollView. Any sugestions?
You have the right idea. You can use gridLayout just to keep your sizing in line, and using scrollView is perfectly fine.
I do not know exactly how you imagine such a carousel working, but one option to be aware of in scrollview is the 'paginated' option. This allows you to easily define target positions for scrollview to stop and snap to, similar to a scroll picker on native. Or if you want the sources definition..
* #param {Boolean} [paginated=false] A paginated scrollview will scroll through items discretely
* rather than continously.
The next thing you may want to think about is how a carousel goes round and round and never reaches an end like scrollview would. There is no option for this by default, but I found a way it can easily be done. It may be a bit trickier with smaller images, but here is an example I did for a infinite panorama.
Transforming Panoramas for Virtual Tours with, has it been done?
The trick was to use a second duplicate image trailing the scrollview and when scrollview was in the right position, we could jump it back to the beginning, with no visual evidence to the user.
Here is the live example..
Hope this helps you get started!

Want to implement delay in scroll to scroll smoothly in Scrolltohorizontal offset method

I need to scroll smoothly when scrolltohorizontal offset value sets. From 1000 offset, if i scroll to 5000, it suddenly moves with a blink and fix the view in 5000. I need to scroll slow and smooth like animation and have to reach the destination. Without using the story board how can I achieve that?
I have found that without implementing the storyboard animation we cant acheive the smooth scroll. I refer this class and got the result.
