I need Jquery code to be written in Javascipt - converters

I would like to create a javascript quiz that will work exactly like this one...enter image description here but the issue is that this one is written in Jquery and I need it in Javascript not Jquery. Any suggestions?
I tried online tools and coverters but they couldnt help me. Here is the Jquery code below:


SonarQube page extension with html possible?

I just read about extending SonarQube with custom pages. All examples I have found consist only of javascript files.
Is it possible to have html files as well or is it javascript only? If it is javascript only then the whole feature is completely useless as nobody wants to create all the html elements with javascript.
It's Javascript only.
However, there's a guide on how to use React to create the HTML elements, which makes it a lot more bearable. Try it!

JQuery UI Tabs using Ajax and Bookmarkable

I use JQuery UI Tabs version 1.10.3. Loaded the pane data using AJAX. I saw a sample of implementing bookmarkable JQuery UI Tabs but it is static tabs (not AJAX loaded), as you can see the sample here http://jqueryui.com/resources/demos/tabs/default.html#tabs-2
Tried to find some solution on how to combine AJAX and bookmarkable features but no success. Anyone can help me with any solutions or enlightenment?
Thanks in advance.
This has worked out great for me.
Here is a sample found on the page that is of interest.
He's using a different jquery version but I don't know how much that matters.

Magento : Add to Cart function not working on Product details page

I am facing a strange problem and have no idea how to fix this since i am new to magento. The Add-to-cart button is not working on the product details page here
But it's working on the category page here
Why can this be happening. I have given the links above so that you can see the button code and tell me if somethings getting wrong.
I removed the declaration for jquery library and my navigation file. Then the add to cart button started working. What i need to know is why does thing works well in localhost. Same files, same library and same code, but they just seem to encounter a conflict on server. Please suggest something
I can't see that you've added the jquery library in your code - the error seems to say jQuery is undefined - I think either remove all jquery or add the library should solve it
jQuery is added after your calling scripts.
Make sure you add your jQuery to the page BEFORE any other script that relies on it.
The reason for all this was the conflict between the jquery and prototoype.js library. I solved the same by using jQuery.noConflict() function and then replacing all the $ references in my javascript code with the jQuery
Just disable the js files added in page.xml and head.phtml added for that particular theme.
things will work :-)

Ajax requests in jquery mobile dialog

I have a problem...
I'm working on a dialog in which there're two buttons that are linked with two different actions.
I'd like to have two Ajax requests when the buttons are clicked.
I tried every kind of javascript scripts but it dosn't work...
I premise that in the page of the dialog I haven't included jquery mobile scripts (in the guide is said that dialogs don't need links to the script if they're called as dialogs through a link [data-rel])
It seems that inside dialog external javascript code isn't loaded...
This is a problem...
Do you think it's better to call the dialog with a simple link (without data-rel and with data-ajax=false) and replace data-role=page with data-role=dialog (I mean inside the dialog page).
Thank you
Best regards
I found the solution through Jquery mobile forum...
The problem is that for dialogs the javascript code must be wrote inside the page div and not at the end of the body (the classical position of javascript code).
So your code will be loaded and will work...

Cannot get jQuery Lightbox working on Joomla

I have followed these instructions at Balupton to the word but I cannot seem to get this lightbox working. I managed to get this working on another Mambo project last year but I cannot get this working on Joomla and I was wondering if it could be that there is a clash between Moo Tools and jQuery. Although this should not be the case because I have used the JT slideshow plugin without any problems!
Any advice on this? I cannot put up a link at this stage sorry.
Have you tried using jquery.noconflict() to prevent it the namespace clashing?
