Spring Batch Real World Open Source Projects - spring

Are there any real world Spring Batch OpenSource projects? I have searched a few but they are just basic examples. I tried following the projects mentioned in the question here but they do not seem to have Spring Batch included.Please suggest the SpringBatch projects you know. I need to know how they have organized their code. This will help me as a reference.

Not to my knowledge. But since you are looking for how to organize the code, you can check the getting started guide or the samples. They both provide a typical structure of a Spring Batch based project.


Ant to Gradle Build Project - Help/Assistance Needed

Nice to be in this channel.
I have a specific need that I'm hoping some of you might be able to help with.
We have a large project where we are migrating from ant to Gradle. The Java code has been built up over the past 15 years so there is a lot of it.
We are struggling with this migration as we don't know gradle at a deep level. We know how it works & have used it lots of times to build java projects. However, this is different as the projects are so large, we need somebody with a deep understanding of how gradle works at a low level.
So, I'm putting this message out there, asking if anybody is interested in working with us on this for 3,6,9+ months. If you know of anybody who could help us then I would really appreciate an intro.
Thanks in advance, John.

How does the Spring Boot Project generate release notes?

Here are the release notes for Spring Boot 2.3.1
I've searched everywhere in the Wiki, in Issues and in the code, but I can't find where these are being created.
Is this a manual process or automated in some way?
I'd love to take a similar approach in my projects but prefer not to do it manually if possible.
Does anyone know of any resources that describe how to generate release notes in this format with some level of automation?
hello if you look carefully in spring boot github repo, you will have this
this is where they have their build/release workflow
and the file below is the script use to generate the github release note

Where is the Elasticsearch Plugin API Documentation?

The closest thing I've found is their Elasticsearch Plugins and Integrations
page, which doesn't help. I was following their out of date tutorial to make a "hello world" plugin, but I can't find any documentation on the classes used. Is there a page with information on what each class does, or do I have to look at the code to figure it out on my own?
To quote elastic search developer Adrien Grand(jpountz) "No, there is no guide about writing plugins and the API is actually quite unstable. The plugin API is mainly a way for us to provide additional functionality through plugins so that we do not have to fold everything into a single release artifact that would be quite huge. Some community membors have writter plugins by taking inspiration of existing plugins but we do not want to commit on a stable API for plugins as this might prevent us from improving other areas of elasticsearch."
The only real way of learning about developing a plugin is trying to find something similar and modifying it to suite your needs. Developing anything remotely complex will require an extensive knowledge of the ES codebase. I suggest you look into some plugins developed by jprante to get started.

Is there a tool to convert a Buckminster project into Maven?

I'm tasked with migrating our product's build/dependency-management technology from Buckminster to Maven. I'm quite decent with Maven, but before I drill down into Buckminster's inner-workings (which I'm not currently very knowledgeable on), I thought I'd see if there was an available tool to automate this, as it would be a rather lengthy task if done manually. If not, I guess I'll write one myself.
Any input would be much appreciated! Thanks!

Springsource tool suite and Spring template project

I'm trying to set up a new Spring MVC project using springsource tool suite and the Spring Template project wizard.
The wizard asks for a top-level package name such as com.mytravel.company, but it seems to ignore any top level package greater than 3 levels deep
Is this by design, or is it a bug in the wizard.
Can anybody recommend another wizard to generate the shell of a spring mvc project.
The wizard asks for a top-level package name such as com.mytravel.company, but it seems to ignore any top level package greater than 3 levels deep
I can't confirm this behavior (didn't check myself) but a dummy workaround would be to use a package name that gets accepted and to modify it after the facts. This doesn't seem to be a blocking issue.
Not an answer but a confirmation. More than a year after this question the latest version of STS still limits the package to three levels. A VERY annoying limitation!
