Xcode exclude folders/projects from Open Quickly - xcode

Is there any way to set the indexing folders for Open Quickly Cmd+Shift+O?
For example i need to exclude one big folder. And add one from not root folder and exclude Pods from this search.


How to identify and rename project folders in an SSIS solution

This is related to How to find a folder with Visual Studio project
I have a SSIS solution in Visual Studio 2012. It has a handful of projects under it, and each project has its own folder. But I renamed the projects within VS. I thought that would rename the directory folders too. It apparently did not. Under my main folder, I have a handful of solutions, and dozens of folders in this one directory.
How do I identify which folder belongs to which project?
Some folders need to be discarded before adding my code to git, and I do need the folder names to match the project names. So I guess I also need to know how to rename the folder (once I identify it), so it matches the project name.
Example - a solution structure:
Solution DIM_Inspect
Project Export_Inspect
Project Extract_InspectType1
Project Extract_InspectType2
Project Load_Inspect
Project Transform_Inspect
And my directory structure (along with a lot of other files and folders)
Dir Export_InspectType
Dir Export_InspectType1
Dir Export_InspectType2
Dir Extract_InspectType1
Dir Extract_InspectType2
Dir Load_InspectType1
Dir Load_InspectType2
Dir Transform_Inspect
File DIM_Inspect.sln
I can identify the two extracts and the transform directory because they match. But one of those export directories should be called Export_Inspect. One of the load directories should be called Load_Inspect.
(In other words, there was a bit of renaming and figuring things out as I created the solution. Now, how do I figure it out and clean it up?)
I know all but the last folder for each project. I can look at the files within each folder, and I see my Export_InspectType1 folder has the following files (so it's probably the right folder)
And the dates for the Export_Inspect.dproj.user indicate an active file (changed today). So I've found the folder (for one project). Is that the only way? And how do I change the folder name (and the .database file name) without messing everything up?
Is the only way to fix this to drop all the projects, fix the names, and then add the projects again? (Once I've manually inspected file name and dates in each subdirectory?)
There may not be an easy way from within VS. But there is a way.
First, do a rebuild all on the solution. The output will show each file and the directory it is in. If the directory and files have a mismatch, then those are the ones that will need to be fixed.
Find a mismatch, and remove the project from the solution.
Go to the file explorer and rename the folder. In my case, there were often some files in the folder that were kruft as well, and I put an x in front of the name (I'll remove all of those at the end).
Then, back in VS, add the existing project, browsing to the now correct folder name.
Do a rebuild all again, which will make sure no mistakes were made, and also allow checking that all folder and file names now match.

Moving files within codeblocks project

So this might be outright stupid question, but I found no answer looking on the internet or fiddling with different buttons.
Say you have a project with several physical folders which contain different source files. Now you've decided that you'll create a new folder and move parts of three old ones in there.
In order to do so, I had to do the following:
Go into my project folder via explorer and create a new folder
Manually move all the desired files into that folder
Return to code blocks and remove all the moved files from the project
Re-add all the removed files by selecting the whole new folder when adding existing files
Manually going through code and modifying all affected include directives to point to the proper path
It would be much simpler if you could right-click a folder, create a new nested folder and just drag-and-drop files to where you want them while code blocks would move them on disk and correct the includes for me.
It's the way that Eclipse does it for Java. Is there similar functionality for code blocks, maybe a plugin?

How can I add a whole directory structure into a solution?

There's a directory structure (the root folder and a bunch of subfolders with their subfolders in them etc.) and I'd like to keep these in our TFS, as a part of the solution, even if those are not source code files and don't belong to a project.
Optimally, those would be listed as "others" or "solution files". However, I can put them in a project if there's a suitable type of such.
When I tried to add these to the solution, the root directory's files get added but none of the subfolders nor the files in the subfolders. Is it possible to add a non-shallow directory structure to a solution somehow?
As the image depicts, there's a folder called Misc. In that folder, only the files from the root directory get added. How can I add the whole structure with its depth preserved? Or is there a more appropriate way to keep such files within a solution?
From How do I add an existing directory tree to a project in Visual Studio?
Add the folders to your folder directory
Show all files
Include the subdirectory in the solution

What is a blue folder in Xcode

I have opened a project from Github, which has blue folders in its file structure.
As far as I understand this is a physical folder reference rather than just a means of grouping files together which might just lay around loosely on your hard drive.
So my question: When do you use those blue folders over the "normal" Group, what are its advantages and drawbacks and how do you create them in Xcode?
If you use blue folder references for your resources these folders will also be created inside your application bundle, while resource files in groups will simply be copied to your mainBundle's root directory.
When folder structure is managed outside of XCode (for example, a cross-platform project which has project files for different versions of XCode, Visual Studio and other IDEs, all using mostly the same directory tree), you normally want folder references. Otherwise one would have to recreate every project file every time folder structure changes.

how do I package support files in a cocoa app

I'm building an application where I want to provide the user with a few dozen templates that will internally take the form of property lists. I would also want to group them in categories, which would conveniently be achieved using folders.
While I have contemplated shipping these files as simple resources in my application, I don't like the idea of this single location containing dozens and dozens of files, and besides it doesn't seem to be possible to group them in folders.
I can see that many applications have installed such resources in their application support directory (~/Library/Application Support//...), but I can't seem to find any documentation resource on how to achieve this.
I don't like the idea of this single location containing dozens and dozens of files, and besides it doesn't seem to be possible to group them in folders.
It is. Put them in folders in your project directory, then add the top-level folder(s) to your project. Make sure you add it/them as folder reference(s) and not group(s) (see? that sheet does have a purpose!).
Then, add the folder reference(s) to your Copy Bundle Resources or Copy Files phase.
One word of warning: When you change one of the files in the folder, you may need to “touch” the folder to get Xcode to re-copy it. You can do this in Xcode or from the terminal.
You can group items in sub-folders of your app bundle's Resources directory. Unless you want users to edit these plists, keeping them in your app bundle allows users to drag-n-drop install your app, rather than having to use an installer package (a big win).
You can group them into folders in your application bundle by adding a "New Copy Files Build Phase" to your project as described in this forum post:
