JMeter: Connection Timed out error in JMeter script - jmeter

I am trying to create a JMeter script for an application hosted in public cloud. But when I try to record or replay, the connection to site fails with following error. But the same site/application works via browser with no issues.
I have already tried launching the JMeter using the PROXY host & port (since I am behind a enterprise proxy/firewall), but it did not work. Any suggestions/workarounds help. Thanks in advance.
Error: org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: Connect to [XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX] failed: Connection timed out: connect

Your error message means that the connection attempt to the website fails due to timeout, but we cannot comment what exactly needs to be done unless we see more detailed stacktrace.
You could try:
Enabling Java debug logging for HTTPS connections by adding the next line to file:
Enable JMeter debug logging for HTTP components by adding the next line to log4j2.xml file:
<Logger name="org.apache.http" level="debug" />
If the proxy is really "enterprise" you might need to set your domain via http.proxyDomain JMeter property


Jmeter RTE Plugin Connection timed out: connect

I'm trying to use Jmeter RTE Plugin to make mainframe tests.
Using a pconn or wc3270, it`s connects good but trying to record or using an existent JMX file, i'm getting a connection exception.
There is any other configuration that I need to do?
com.blazemeter.jmeter.rte.core.exceptions.RteIOException: Communication error wit server:
at com.blazemeter.jmeter.rte.core.listener.ExceptionHandler.throwAnyPendingError(
at com.blazemeter.jmeter.rte.protocols.tn3270.Tn3270Client.connect(
at com.blazemeter.jmeter.rte.sampler.RTESampler.buildClient(
at com.blazemeter.jmeter.rte.sampler.RTESampler.sample(
at org.apache.jmeter.threads.JMeterThread.doSampling(
at org.apache.jmeter.threads.JMeterThread.executeSamplePackage(
at org.apache.jmeter.threads.JMeterThread.processSampler(
at java.base/
Caused by: Connection timed out: connect
at java.base/ Method)
at java.base/
at java.base/
at java.base/
at java.base/
at java.base/
at java.base/
... 1 more
I already tried; reinstall jmeter, java, get a jmeter working installation and script but nothing fixed that issue.
Configs of wc3270 and rte plugin
Unfortunately we're not able to help without seeing your wc3270 and RTE Config (or RTE Recorder) configuration details.
The exception means that JMeter cannot connect to the host on the given port so I would recommend double checking that you can reach that host using telnet or equivalent.
You can also enable debug logging and see whether jmeter.log file contains any clues.
And finally you can check out Testing Mainframe Environments Using Open Source Tools and cross check it with your setup, maybe you're missing something obvious.
Coming back on this thread to share the solution and add an information.
My jmeter test it`s connecting through VPN connection and the problem it was Java trying to use IPv4 over IPv6 for IPv4 connections.
resolution: setx _JAVA_OPTIONS

Spring Tool Suite 4.8.0.RELEASE - Network connections proxy settings

When I run any maven command with specified http and https proxy address and port as below:
mvn <command> -Dhttps.proxyHost=<MY.PROXY.HOST.ADDRESS> -Dhttps.proxyPort=<MY_PROXY_PORT> -Dhttp.proxyHost...
It's running without any error.
I want to set those configurations as default for my STS network connections and select the manual Active Provider (see attached screenshot for my configurations),
I think it's not related to the STS versions because I faced the same problem with 3.8 and 4.6 version. Anyway, Here is my STS version
Now, when I try the same maven command without proxy and port arguments, the maven command fails due to a network connection error.
[ERROR] unable to read Connection timed out

Getting connection abort and fatal alert error while recording in jmeter

I am unable to record a script using JMeter and getting connection abort and fatal alert.
JMeter log:
2018-02-13 13:41:24,653 WARN o.a.j.p.h.p.Proxy: [54571] Problem with SSL certificate for url for ''? Ensure browser is set to accept the JMeter proxy cert: Software caused connection abort: recv failed
2018-02-13 13:41:39,823 WARN o.a.j.p.h.p.Proxy: [54636] Problem with SSL certificate for url for ''? Ensure browser is set to accept the JMeter proxy cert: Received fatal alert: unknown_ca
2018-02-13 13:41:40,868 WARN o.a.j.p.h.p.Proxy: [54650] Problem with SSL certificate for url for ''? Ensure browser is set to accept the JMeter proxy cert: Software caused connection abort: recv failed
The main reason for this error is incorrect configuration of your browser, you need to import JMeter's self-signed certificate into the browser, the file is called ApacheJMeterTemporaryRootCA.crt and it's generated in "bin" folder of your JMeter installation when you launch HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder. See HTTPS recording and certificates chapter of JMeter User Manual for more information on the concept and instructions on how to install JMeter's certificate into different browsers. I would also recommend checking out Recording HTTPS Traffic with JMeter's Proxy Server article for more details.
If your application doesn't use HTTPS and the call to is generated as a result of parsing embedded resources you can simply exclude this URL from recording by adding it to URL Patterns to Exclude field of the HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder like:

Mulesoft - SFTP Component to go through SOCKS Proxy

I was hoping someone could help.
I am trying to sftp to a remote server that is behind a firewall. I have a proxy setup and can sftp via the unix terminal succesfully. However when using mulesofts SFTP connector I get a timeout. From research it looks like this is because it is run on the JVM.
Mule comes with wrapper.conf to update any jvm settings so I have set the following settings:
When I do this the Mule service no longer runs and get the following error:
WrapperManager Error: Unexpected exception opening backend socket: Can't connect to SOCKS proxy:Invalid argument or cannot assign requested address
Hopefully someone can assist.
Thank you.
Perhaps typo in the
Should be = rather than :.
The port is unnecessary, 1080 is the default. Documentation is here, see section 2.4 for SOCKS

JMeter (Active?) FTP to VLTrader

I'm using JMeter to load test my communications application (Cleo VLTrader). I'm new to JMeter, and have been able to get HTTP communication working, but not FTP. When I attempt to use a JMeter FTP Request sampler, I can see on the server side that the JMeter is issuing a "PASV" command, and failing shortly thereafter due to a "502 PASV command not available" error.
How do I need to configure my JMeter FTP Request sampler to connect to my FTP server?
1. Sorry for this but just to ensure: have you ensured that FTP connection succeeds manually, i.e. not from FTP Request in jmeter script but via console/telnet connection or any FTP client utility?
2. FTP Passive mode
Possible cause:
Since your FTP Request fails during PASV command execution can suppose that the root cause is that your ftp server doesn't support passive mode while jmeter's FTP Request uses passive mode by default.
To ensure this try to switch into Passive mode after connecting to your ftp from console,
telnet your.ftp.server.url 21
USER yourusername
PASS yourpassword
ftp -d your.ftp.server.url
USER yourusername
PASS yourpassword
or using any ftp client utility which have option to select mode (active/passive) for connection.
If the same issue appears during this - well, the problem is that your ftp server doesn't support passive mode which is used by FTP Request.
See e.g. this for explanation of differences in both the modes.
Possible solution:
As per jmeter sources:
switch to passive mode is used by default and there is no possibility to set mode externally in FTP Request configuration screen.
But you can implement ftp request yourself, avoiding usage of FTP Request.
You can use FTPClient realization from Apache Commons Net and script ftp connection in BeanShell Sampler.
Very simplified this may look like:
FTPClient client = new FTPClient();
client.login(userName, userName);
// FTPClient uses 'active mode' by default
if (ftp_passive_mode) {
} else {
Maybe also I'm wrong and the reason of your issue hides in another place.
Hope this will help you to diagnose and solve your problem.
