esp32-idf ble mesh save/delete network saved parameters - esp32

I have a question that I can not find my answer to.
I know that to save the BLE Mesh parameters and network configuration, I can check the Store BLE Mesh configuration in the “MenuConfig”.
(*) Store BLE Mesh configuration persistently
so After resetting the ESP32 it’s restored automatically and my node is still joined to the network.
and in the MenuConfig there's a feature -> "Use a specific NVS partition for BLE Mesh" and "Name of the NVS partition for BLE Mesh" but I can not find a way to access this.
my question is, How can I delete the saved configuration and again save this configuration for a node?
I mean when my node joined the network and that config saved the network parameter to NVS flash how can I read that data and erase or rewrite it again?
Is there any function to manage it?
Does anyone know?


Do Beacons Deliver Content?

Using the RadiusNetworks Proximity Kit, I have created a kit. Within the kit, I have created a region and registered my dev beacon. Next, I have attached key/value attributes to the beacon. My question is, once synched are these attributes physically stored on the beacon?
This article confuses me. Per this article:
They don't deliver anything. They simply broadcast a few identifiers.
Beacons broadcast a UUID, Major Value, and Minor Value. No user
consumable content is broadcast, just these IDs.
Along with the other info (UUID, major and minor versions), don’t these beacons also broadcast the key/value pairs?
iBeacons can only transmit one type of data: the UUID number. Beacons using the new Eddystone standard can transmit three types of data: UID (similar to UUID), URL (website addresses) and TLM (telemetry, such as temperature and beacon battery level). Standard beacons don't have any memory to store arbitrary data, but you could work around that by using the Lightblue Bean or building a custom beacon from Raspberry Pi. Like already mentioned, another option would be to use a backend, where you store and retrieve the data. We did a museum application that functioned with iBeacons using our platform, which is able to store the data for temporary offline mode, and re-syncs, when Internet access becomes available again. A third option would be to just build in all the data into the application.
Looking at the Proximity Kit Documentation, step 2 of the lifecycle says that your app will sync with their back end and that your "region data and configuration is cached and can be updated in the background."
I believe that your key/value pairs are stored in the cloud (and synced to your mobile device), and not stored on the beacon (since there is no way for their back end to connect to a beacon).

Live streaming google tango's data

I am working with Google Tango to extract data from the tablet and use it at the same time in another device. I am trying to record the data and use it with another laptop via live streaming.
I've looked at various topics about it and I found the Paraview topic. However the App records the data, save as ZIP file and send it via bluetooth(which is fine for me). I do not want to save the file as ZIP format and send it to another device. I want to record and use the data via live streaming(bluetooth or Wi-Fi).
Is that possible? How can I do it?
Paraview shared the source code so I think I can change it make it work for me. However I am not really used to programming.
Thank you very much for your help. I really appreciate it.
You might want to use sockets: setting a socket server on your computer and connecting to it via your tablet. It is a way to transfer information via what is called, for example, a TCP protocol.
However, there might be a more efficient way to do what you want to achieve with USB debugging. I did not got able to make USB debugging work yet on the tablet and computer I worked with.
You could use TangoAnywhere, I developed it so you can broadcast Google Tango position and orientation data to any device.
You connect using a TCP client on your PC/Mac (simple TCP client written Python or something) to port 8080 of your Tango device and will get the position data in realtime.
I recommend the Tango ROS Streamer app which enables you to choose which data (position, point cloud, RGB image) to stream or not.
You will need ROS to retrieve the data. On Linux ROS is easy to install, otherwise use a docker image of ROS.
Caution: the theorical WiFi bandwidth does not enable to stream all the RGB frames at full resolution without dropping some.

Is it okay to let users to reset core data iCloud sync by rebuilding from ubiquitous content?

I have a core data app that uses iCloud to sync data across devices (OS X and iOS versions). Every once in a while a user reports that syncing just sort of stops working, as if the client devices just stop receiving or properly processing updates to the core data database stored in iCloud.
As a solution, I'm thinking about adding something like an option for users to rebuild the data on each device from the data stored in iCloud.
I'm thinking that this will involve calling the persistent store coordinator's migratePersistentStore function, with NSPersistentStoreRebuildFromUbiquitousContentOption as one of the options.
Will this work? Am I barking up the wrong tree here?
While I haven't personally done this in a shipping app, Apple does explain this scenario and state you may need to do this occasionally in real-world usage in the iCloud Programming Guide for Core Data (scroll to bottom - see Removing an iCloud-enabled Persistent Store). So yes, you should be able to provide that functionality without issue. And yes, you do use migratePersistentStore and pass NSPersistentStoreRebuildFromUbiquitousContentOption as an option.
Another option is to completely wipe out all iCloud and local data at once, but Apple states specifically that this should not be done in a shipping application.

Is it possible to setup SNMP trap settings on the NMS instead of the device itself?

I know that I should setup the trap service on each devices seperately but I am just thinking about the possibility of setting up all devices in the network, by using the NMS.
Any ideas?
Normally, it is technically possible to configure via NMS if,
The vendor of this device provides the necessary objects in MIBs so that you can change via GET/SET.
The default settings are suitable for you to perform initial connection in NMS.
Anyway you have to rely on the vendor (as there is no standard to cover this area), which is often frustrating.

Programmatically access addressing of ad hoc network?

I'm testing this using my laptop to create the ad-hoc network.
I would like to be able to programmatically access the unique mac ids of any other chips in the area similar to a router.
Any kind of file logging would work, if that's what it needs to be. The perfect set up would be an evented set up that on discovery of a new mac address, or rediscovery of an address. A script would run, passing in the id.
Can anyone one help me figure out where one would look, or atleast point me in a good direction to figure it out? Thanks!!
You can use arp -a to see the current ARP table which gives you all devices that your computer has talked to (their IP and MAC addresses). You can filter by interface if you're interested only in a particular network/device.
