How do you link from a Personal Tab app to a Channel Tab app in Microsoft Teams? - microsoft-teams

There's a bug in teams-js which is causing getContext to return an empty string for subEntityId, a required field for deeplinking to an app within a channel within a team.
Original Question
I have a requirement to link from a Personal Tab app to a Channel Tab app. Is this possible? If so, how do you do it? I couldn't find any relevant info in the docs.
We have an app which runs in the Channel Tab and the Personal Tab. If you're viewing our app from your Personal Tab, you'll see a list of items which when clicked should navigate to our app in a Channel Tab associated with the clicked item. The channel could be under a different team, but it will be in the same organization, and you are already a member of that team and channel.

You can accomplish this via Deep Linking. See more at but specifically here is an example cited in that page:
Link to a configurable tab itself: List 123&context={"channelId": ""}


Teams in browers opens up new tab when Launch() function is used from within Power App (canvas)

I'm doing a custom Power App (canvas) that is used inside Teams as a Tab in a channel. This app has some deeplinks to other channels inside teams (the link url is copied from within teams and are verified and works ok). I'm using the Launch() function to do these deeplink redirects. I get the desired behavior in the Desktop and Mobile version of Teams, but in the browser version whatever I try it always open up the link in a new tab. I would like it to open up in the same window and keep the navigation context for a smooth UX.
I've tried booth LaunchTarget.New and LaunchTarget.Replace. Also used booth 'https://' and 'msteams://' in the deeplink urls. I would expect that the LaunchTarget.Replace would have done what I wanted, but it doesn't work.
The only way I've seen links working as expected in all three versions of teams (Desktop, Mobile and Browser). Is if I manually insert a link inside a message in a 'Posts' tab or if I manually insert a link inside a Wiki. If I do the same in for example a OneNote document it doesn't work and open up in a new Tab. Its quite inconsistent behavior.
Any help, info or workaround is appropriated.

How to add custom UI elements inside chat window using MS Teams Toolkit?

I previously worked on creating VSTO and Office addins for MS Outlook, Excel and Word using C# VS. Now I have a plan to build one for MS teams. So, I checked online and found the documentation.
But I didn't found that how I can add custom UI elements (text, buttons etc.) inside a chat window. For example: Teams suggested replies shows suggestions inside button above the chat textbox.
Do anybody have an idea that how I can achieve this one?
you might want to start with these docs:
build a command-response bot that you can customize the messages in chat window to either text or adaptive cards (on which you can have buttons).
and notification bot doc which has more information on customizing adaptive card for Teams apps.
there are also docs on message extension on the same doc site, you can take a look to decide which is what you want to build.

Trying to close MS Teams meeting app sidepanel view programatically

I developed an MS Teams meeting app which based on documentation, when added to a meeting would have a tab-config dialog for example like here.
After we click Save, we would get the sidepanel view of the app for example like here.
I am wondering if there is any way or meeting api available to close the sidepanel view or close the app programmatically rather than the user clicking the cross icon or removing the app.
Currently there is no option to close the meeting sidepanel programmatically.
Could you please raise a user voice here:

deeplink to chat in microsoft teams app tab not working

I have a microsoft teams app. I'm working on creating a deeplink in microsoft teams from a tab in the app that goes back to the chat and it doesn't seem to be working.
It seems even if I point it the chat, when using deep links, it hides the chat and defaults it the the "files" tab goes to the app tab goes to the contact tab goes to the about tab
but goes to the files tab and the chat tab disappears
We are also aware that there is a current issue where using a deeplink hides the chat link so this could be related.
Documentation I'm using:

How to Add image/logo for Bot in MS Teams

I have created a Bot and uploaded it to MS teams. I have already added the icons in the manifest.The uploaded icons appear only at the heading but not in the conversation.
I've heard this is apparently a "bug" that the relevant Microsoft team is dealing with, but, basically, you need to ALSO set the icon in the Azure portal, in your bot registration. Go to the Settings screen, and there's an option to upload an icon - you can use the same one you used in your Teams manifest of course.
Don't forget to click the "Save" button at the top of the settings screen when you're done. See example screenshot:
I forgot to add, very importantly, that this can take up to 24 hours for the change to come through, I think
