I am having trouble to invoke idf.py command from windows shell - esp32

I am trying to run the following command as suggested by the espressif documentation, but I get a message saying 'Please use idf.py only in an ESP-IDF shell environment.'
..\esp\esp-idf\examples\get-started\hello_world> idf.py set-target esp32
Do you have an idea about what could have done wrong ?
Thanks in advance !


Runnig shell command on osgi/kura stack

How I can easily run shell command like ls on linux os behind kura?
I've tried classic java approach, but it not work.
Please help. Give me some guidelines, directions. It is very hard to find something on network.
You can use : org.eclipse.kura.executor.Command and org.eclipse.kura.executor.CommandExecutorService.

How do i access AWS SAM-CLI through bash on windows?

I am running Windows 10 and can only access AWS SAM through command prompt but not bash. When i try to use bash, i get a bash: sam: command not found error.
If it helps, I currently have installed AWS CLI v2 and have installed it via an MSI file.
Why am i not able to use SAM through bash?
Edit: Yes i am aware that it doesnt explicitly say that you can use bash on the AWS setup guide
Verify the installation.
After completing the installation, verify it by opening a new command prompt or PowerShell prompt. You should be able to invoke sam from the command line.
However, I still want to be able to use it through bash. Is there a workaround?
Do you tried sam.cmd?
Sometimes bash don't know how to execute .cmd files. Here is a thread with this problem.
You can try this solution too:
alias sam='sam.cmd'

unix commands not working

I wanted to start developing in ruby on rails, so I followed few tutorials how to set everything needed. However, I have problem now, because basic commands in terminal window dont work. For example if I type: whoami, ls, etc... error appears saying: -bash: whomami: command not found
when I type: $PATH, this appears: -bash: /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0: is a directory
did I make a mistake while setting up rails environment or it's another problem? If you have similar experiences, please help me to solve this.
Try the following command.
Better you use this command in you .bashrc file.

standard input is not a terminal device

I am trying to execute a customised command to upgrade software.
executable-name -d /dev/ttySP1 -f media1/sda1/file.txt
this line is added in a shell script. gives below error when executed from shell script. runs independently from command prompt
'standard input is not a terminal device'
please comment if some one has faced same issue or has any idea.
I am using beaglebone . Linux os.

How to disable stdin echo in windows console

I'm writting a Ruby program for windows, and I need to read user input from keyboard (stdin).
However, it's needed that the user key-presses are not automatically displayed in the windows console, and behave like "silent key presses"
This problem in Ruby over linux, can be solved using the "stty" linux command:
%x{stty -icanon -echo}
because it is the linux terminal who automatically outputs the user-keys into the terminal, so running the "stty" command tells the terminal to stop showing the user-key-presses.
But my program must run in windows, so I tried searching for a "stty" equivalent command for windows console, but still found nip...
?any suggestions, pointers ?
Look at Highline gem. To clarify, look at ask method and provide a block to silence it's output. It is well exemplified in their documentation
