Ruby: Print JSON payload object with truncation - ruby

I am sending long payloads to API (Google Spreadsheets) and when that fails, I want to print the payload I sent.
The problem is when there is a lot of data I don't want to store all of it, I want the long arrays truncated any way possible.
Rxample payload:
requests: {
do_short_change: {
attribute: "value",
attribute: "value",
attribute: { seomthing: "value" },
do_long_change: {
attribute: "value",
attribute: "value",
attribute: { seomthing: "value" },
rows: [], # <--- this contains a ton of data
Example result:
requests: {
do_short_change: {
attribute: "value",
attribute: "value",
attribute: { seomthing: "value" },
do_long_change: {
attribute: "value",
attribute: "value",
attribute: { seomthing: "value" },
rows: Array(12000 items), # <--- the description is optional
so far I've narrowed my search to:
overriding the pretty_print(pp) method on array (too broad of modification), or
finding another JSON/geral prettifier that I can more easily and locally modify

I was able to achieve somewhat decent output using awesome_print with limit.
puts -2, limit: 4, plain: true, index: false)


KendoGrid - Filtering on a property of object

here is my KendoGrid :
$scope.gridEltCompoOptions = {
dataSource: {
transport: {
schema: {
model: {
id: 'IdElement',
fields: {
GroupeActes: { defaultValue: { IdGroupeActes: null, Libelle: ' ' } }
sortable: true,
resizable: true,
filterable: {
mode: 'row'
columns: [{
field: 'GroupeActes',
title: "Groupe d'actes",
template: function (dataItem) {
return kendo.toString(dataItem.GroupeActes.Libelle);
}, ]
I want to filter my field 'GroupeActes' on the property Libelle (GroupeActes is an object), but actually the filter take the entire object.
When i try to filter, i have a Js Error
Uncaught TypeError: (d.GroupeActes || "").toLowerCase is not a function
The problem is clear, the filter is taking the entiere object, not the property Libelle.
i passed the last 4 hours to try all the solutions i found on google but nothing is working
my object GroupeActes is like this :
var GroupeActes = {
GroupeActes : {
Libelle : ""
there is two groupeActes level
I saw a post in 2015 of an Admin, saying this kind of filter isn't possible,
but i saw also this kind of solution :
(if(e.field == "Category" && e.filter !== null){) in the example
i tried to do something like : if field == "groupeActes" => so i want to filter on Libelle properties,
but i didn't success
Can someone help me please ?
thank you so much
Have you looked at this article:
I believe you can accomplish what you want by setting the column field to "GroupeActes.Libelle" instead of using a column template:
columns: [
field: 'GroupeActes.Libelle',
title: "Groupe d'actes",
See this DEMO:

Express that, for a given property value, a property with the same name should exist using json schema?

I'm trying to validate json files which have an element that has a property which contains a value that should exist in another part of the json. I'm using jsonschema Draft 07.
This is a simple little example that shows the scenario I'm trying to validate in my data.
"objects": {
"object1": {
"colorKey": "orange"
"colors": {
"orange": {
"red": "FF",
"green": "AF",
"blue": "00"
How can I validate that the 'value' of colorKey (in this case 'orange') actually exists as a property of the 'colors' object? The data isn't stored in arrays, just defined properties.
For official JSON Schema...
You cannot check that a key in the data is the same as a value of the data.
You cannot extract the value of data from your JSON instance to use in your JSON Schema.
That being said, ajv, the most popular validator, implements some unofficial extensions. One of which is $data.
Example taken from:
var ajv = new Ajv({$data: true});
var schema = {
"properties": {
"smaller": {
"type": "number",
"maximum": { "$data": "1/larger" }
"larger": { "type": "number" }
var validData = {
smaller: 5,
larger: 7
ajv.validate(schema, validData); // true
This would not work for anyone else using your schemas.

Complex array in Ruby

I need to create this structure in ruby
"list": {
"ownerList" : [ {
"owner" : "Nacho",
"list" : "MyList"
"owner" : "Nacho2",
"list" : "MyList2"
but I'm not sure how to create a multientry array in ruby. Any ideas?
my_hash = {
owner_list: [
owner: "Nacho",
list: "MyList"
owner: "Nacho",
list: "MyList"
This creates a hash with the data you want. You can then very easily transform it to a json if you like and make operations over it.

Kendo-Grid column field validation

I am working on populating kendo--grid with APIs data but on adding validation on one field is automatically working for every other fields too.
Here is schema inside kendo-dataSource :
schema: {
model: {
id : "id",
fields: {
id: { editable: false, type: 'number'},
name: { editable: true, type : "string" },
unique_url: { editable: true , type: 'string'},
image_url : { editable: true, type : "string" },
title: {type : "string", validation: {
required: true,
validateTitle: function (input) {
console.log("I am inside validation",input.val());
if (input.val().length > 5) {
input.attr("data-validateTitle-msg", "Max length exceeded 5 characters only");
return false;
return true;
body: { editable: true, type : "string",validation: { max: 90, required: true, message : "Maximum characters should be 90"} },
adaccount_id: { editable: false, type: 'number'}
Here I have added validation for title field but its getting called for others fields too.
I am adding one snapshot of validation---
Please help me to find errors in it.
There isn't really any error in your code, but more like an error in Kendo Grid's validation design. Even though you specify the validation function only in the title field, it will run the validation globally for any input field that you edit.
In validateTitle you need to filter which input you want the validating function to run on. Something like this:
if ("[name='title']") && input.val().length > 5) {
input.attr("data-validateTitle-msg", "Max length exceeded 5 characters only");
return false;
If you need a live working demo, you can always refer to Telerik's online demos that are editable, very handy for playing around with things. Here's the demo for custom validation where they similarly have to filter the input for the field name.
you want simply required field validation means just add your view model property attributes
[Required(ErrorMessage ="CountryCode is Mandatory")]
public virtual string CountryCode
We can easily set the maximum length using this code,It will not allow user to enter more characters than the specified one
model: {
id: "CLASSID",
fields: {
CLASSID: { type: "number" },
CLSNAME: { type: "string" },
type: "string", validation: {
required: true,maxlength:"3"
CLSSTATUS: { type: "boolean" }

Example with discreteMapper

I'd like to use the discreteMapper of CytoscapeWeb 2.0 (that is, the jQuery-based CytoscapeWeb) but need some example code showing what exactly I have to do.
I already tried with some code taken from the Flash-based CytoscapeWeb and tried
var entityColorMapper = {
attrName: "etype",
entries: [ { attrValue: "protein", value: "#ff0000" },
{ attrValue: "compound", value: "#00ff00" },
{ attrValue: "group", value: "#0000ff" }
and then in the "style" structure I have
"node.E": {
fillColor: {
discreteMapper: entityColorMapper
but this does not seem to work.
It's different in Cytoscape Web 2:
// example discrete mapper
fillColor: {
defaultValue: "grey",
discreteMapper: {
attr: "type", // field in to map to
mapped: {
"foo": "red", // field value : visual property value
"bar": "blue"
You don't really need to use a discrete mapper, since you could be using selectors in your style:
"node[type='foo']": { fillColor: "red", borderColor: "pink" },
"node[type='bar']": { fillColor: "blue" }
It's better to use the second approach, since you can separate the style for [type='blah'] for several visual properties at once (e.g. borderColor), much like CSS.
Remember: Make sure to always work with the latest prerelease version while Cytoscape Web 2 until the first official release is made.
