Is there a way to use Spring boot beans in a Gatling simulation? - spring

I am currently writing a Spring boot application that will perform loadtests on another app. I want to use Gatling to manage the tests, but I need it to access the configuration that I defined in beans of my Spring app.
Here is what I would like to see working :
public class MySimulation extends Simulation {
private JMSConnectionFactoryBeanClass myConnectionFactory;
public MySimulation() {
JmsProtocolBuilder jmsProtocol = jms.connectionFactory(myBean);
ScenarioBuilder scn = scenario("My Simulation Scenario")
When I hardcode the configuration into the simulation class and remove all #Autowired thing, everything works, so it must be comming from the dependency injection. Does anybody know if there is a way to us spring beans in a gatling simulation ?

Following Stéphane Landelle advice, here is what I came up with, but instead of creating my app context inside of the simulation, I figured out how to run the simulation along with my spring app using gatling API :
public class GatlingRunner {
public static void run() {
GatlingPropertiesBuilder props = new GatlingPropertiesBuilder();
This is how I modified my spring app :
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);;
Finally, to use spring beans in the simulation, I wrote a context provider that would make the link between spring and gatling :
public class ApplicationContextProvider implements ApplicationContextAware {
private static ApplicationContext context;
public static ApplicationContext getApplicationContext() {
return context;
public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext context)
throws BeansException {
ApplicationContextProvider.context = context;
Now, to get a bean inside of the simulation, all I needed was this :
Bean myBean = ApplicationContextProvider.getApplicationContext()
.getBean("myBean", Bean.class)

You can't use #Autowired. You have to create an ApplicationContext programmatically and pull the JMSConnectionFactoryBeanClass from it.

#ContextConfiguration(classes = MySimulation.class, loader = SpringApplicationContextLoader.class)
public class MySimulation extends GatlingTest {
private JMSConnectionFactoryBeanClass myConnectionFactory;
public void test() {


Why is my Spring application run from my spring boot unit test

I have a basic spring data application and I have written a unit test. What appears to happen is that when I run the Spring test my application run method gets called as well. I would like to know why this is and how to stop it please.
I have tried using active profiles but that doesnt fix the problem
#EntityScan({ "com.demo" })
public class Application implements ApplicationRunner {
private IncrementalLoadRepository repo;
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
public void run(ApplicationArguments args) throws Exception {
IncrementalLoad incrementalLoad = new IncrementalLoad("fred",,,;;
and the unit test........
#SpringBootTest(classes = { Application.class })
public class IncrementalLoadServiceTest {
private IncrementalLoadService incrementalLoadService;
public void checkInitialRecords_incrementalLoad() {
List<IncrementalLoad> incrementalLoads = incrementalLoadService.list();
assertEquals(3, incrementalLoads.size());
So I think I found the solution. I created another #SpringBootApplication class in my test folders. Initially that failed but I believe thats because the entity scan annotation pointed to packages where my "production" #SpringBootApplication was. I moved that class up a level and it all seems to work ok now.

why can't I access ApplicationContext from ApplicationContextAware implemented bean

I have a Spring JUnit tester class MySimpleTester:
public class MySimpleTester {
public void setUp() throws Exception {
myAdapter = (MyAdapter) applicationContext.getBean("myAdapter");
public void testGetSimpleList() {
List<SimpleLink> simpleList = **myAdapter.getSimpleLinksList**();
In the adapter class I have:
public MyAdapter {
public List<SimpleLink> getSimpleLinksList() {
List<SimpleLink> simLinks = null;
String environment = AppFactory.getPropertiesObj();
class AppFactory implements ApplicationContextAware {
private static ApplicationContext context;
public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext acontext) {
context = acontext;
public getPropertiesObj() {
return getAppContext().getBean("propertiesBean");
I get NullPointerException and see that ApplicationContext is Null here.
However at the SpringJUnitTestRunner class MySimpleTester I could find the applicationContext to be initialized correctly. I am not including the mySimpleConfig.xml and included files. The method in MyAdapter class getSimpleLinksList() works perfectly fine from the web application when run in the application server, and the appcontext is obtained there.
Only from the Spring tester is it not able to reach the static application context AppFactory class, as it is called statically through AppFactory.getPropertiesObj(). I had the classpath set correctly as other test classes are executing.
If you want to access the current ApplicationContext in MySimpleTester:-
public class MySimpleTester {
ApplicationContext applicationContext;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
myAdapter = (MyAdapter) applicationContext.getBean("myAdapter");
public void testGetSimpleList() {
List<SimpleLink> simpleList = **myAdapter.getSimpleLinksList**();
I think it is happening as multiple application contexts are created. The AplliCationContext object is supposed to be singleton. But when from the static method we call the applicationContext again it is refering to altogether different confirguration. The ApplicationContext is not even initialised there.
This does not happen when the same module is called from Spring MVC webcontanier. It happens only when you try to use Spring tester classes RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class). I can pass the AppContext in the business method but I do not want to change the bsiness method signature. I found some threads in spring community with similar issue.

spring-boot: Application loads but tests fail

I am experiencing rather strange thing when using Spring Boot. Lets get with it.
I have an app which, when ran from spring-boot:run, loads perfectly fine and I can use my server. However, if I try to run tests (either via launching test from IntelliJ or via surefire plugin) context fails to load.
Issue lies within this class (only relevant part shown):
value = "/sa/revisions/"
class RevisionController {
// cant autowire this field
private RepositoryEntityLinks repositoryEntityLinks = null;
/* omitted */
And here is my main class:
public class SpringAtomApplication {
private DataLoaderManager dataLoaderManager = null;
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
public CacheManager cacheManager() {
final GuavaCacheManager manager = new GuavaCacheManager();
return manager;
private void doPostConstruct() {
As I said, application loads without an issue when ran normally, however when it comes to this simple test, everything falls apart:
#SpringApplicationConfiguration(classes = SpringAtomApplication.class)
public class SpringAtomApplicationTests {
public void contextLoads() {
Would appreciate any suggestion, because I'd love to start with testing it.
You should set SpringApplicationContextLoader in your test class:
classes = SpringAtomApplication.class,
loader = SpringApplicationContextLoader.class)
public class SpringAtomApplicationTests {
public void contextLoads() {
With that you can test non-web features (like a repository or a service) or start an fully-configured embedded servlet container and run your tests using MockMvc.

AOP using Spring Boot

I am using this Spring AOP code in my Spring Boot starter project in STS. After debugging this for some time I don't see any problem with the AspectJ syntax. The Maven dependencies are generated by STS for a AOP starter project. Is there a glaring omission in this code like an annotation ? The other problem could be with the AOP starter project or with the way I try to test the code in a #PostConstruct method.
I installed AJDT but it appears STS should show AspectJ markers in the IDE on its own. Right ? I don't see the markers. What other AspectJ debugging options are included in STS ? -Xlint is what I used in Eclipse/AJDT.
public class StateHandler<EVENTTYPE extends EventType> {
private State<EVENTTYPE> state;
private Event<EVENTTYPE> event;
public StateHandler(State<EVENTTYPE> state, Event<EVENTTYPE> event) {
this.state = state;
this.event = event;
public void handle( Event<EVENTTYPE> event ){
state = state.handle( event );
public State<EVENTTYPE> getState() {
return state;
DeviceLogger .java
public class DeviceLogger {
private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("Device");
#Around("execution(* com.devicemachine.StateHandler.*(..))")
public void log() { "Logger" );
public class LoggerApplication {
private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("Device");
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
public void log(){
DeviceState s = DeviceState.BLOCKED;
StateHandler<DeviceEvent> sh = new StateHandler<DeviceEvent>( s,
Event.block(DeviceEvent.BLOCKED, "AuditMessage") );
sh.handle(Event.block(DeviceEvent.UNBLOCKED, "AuditMessage"));
There are 3 obvious things wrong and 1 not so obvious wrong.
Your aspect is wrong and breaks proper method execution. When using an around aspect you must always return Object and use a ProceedingJoinPoint and call proceed() on that.
You are creating new instances of classes yourself, Spring, by default, uses proxy based AOP and will only proxy beans it knows.
In a #PostConstruct method it might be that proxies aren't created yet and that nothing is being intercepted
You need to use class based proxies for that to be enabled add spring.aop.proxy-target-class=true to your By default JDK Dynamic Proxies are used which are interface based.
Fix Aspect
Your current aspect doesn't use a ProceedingJoinPoint and as such never does the actual method call. Next to that if you now would have a method that returns a value it would all of a sudden return null. As you aren't calling proceed on the ProceedingJoinPoint.
#Around("execution(* com.devicemachine.StateHandler.*(..))")
public Object log(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp) throws Throwable { "Logger" );
return pjp.proceed();
Create a bean to fix proxying and #PostConstruct
public class LoggerApplication {
private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("Device");
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApplicationContext context =, args);
StateHandler<DeviceEvent> sh = context.getBean(StateHandler<DeviceEvent>.class);
sh.handle(Event.block(DeviceEvent.UNBLOCKED, "AuditMessage"));
public StateHandler<DeviceEvent> auditMessageStateHandler() {
return new StateHandler<DeviceEvent>(DeviceState.BLOCKED, Event.block(DeviceEvent.BLOCKED, "AuditMessage") );
Add property to enable class proxies
In your in src\main\resources add the following property with a value of true

Spring Boot Only Finds Beans in current and sub packages - how do you obtain reuse

Spring boot only find beans within the current packages or sub packages. I am creating several services that reuse beans and packages - how do I do this? Do I need to use the java implementation and forget autoscan?
You should use #ComponentScan and tell to spring all the packages you wan to scan.
You don't need to do that
ApplicationContext ctx = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(KafkaMqttBridgeConfig.class);
And instead to implement BeanFactoryAware use
#Autowired private KafkaMqttBridge bridge;
This should works
I have modified some classes and now it works.
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
public class SpringBootTestController {
public SpringBootTestController(SpringBootTest springBootTest) {
* #return the get method that return the service info and statistics
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String getServiceInfo() {
return "";
