If two random numbers generated at exactly same time using Math.random(), would they be same or different? - random

I want to predict the random number generated with Math.random() function.
I studied an article that the algorithm behind random number generator function takes the time in mili seconds an input, and generate a random number.
So, is this possible to predict the next random number?
I am playing a game named as dragon/tiger. Each dragon and tiger has 13 numbers. The numbers for both are both randomly generated after every 15 seconds. The side having higher number wins. Is there any way to predict which side will win(what number would be generated next)?


Shuffle sequential numbers without a buffer

I am looking for a shuffle algorithm to shuffle a set of sequential numbers without buffering. Another way to state this is that I’m looking for a random sequence of unique numbers that have a given period.
Your typical Fisher–Yates shuffle needs to have each element all of the elements it is going to shuffle, so that isn’t going to work.
A Linear-Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) does what I want, but only works for periods that are powers-of-two less two. Here is an example of using a 4-bit LFSR to shuffle the numbers 1-14:
The first two is the input, and the second row the output. What’s nice is that the state is very small—just the current index. You can start of any index and get a difference set of numbers (starting at 1 yields: 8, 12, 14; starting at 9: 6, 3, 2), although the sequence is always the same (5 is always followed by 11). If I want a different sequence, I can pick a different generator polynomial.
The limitations to the LFSR are that the periods are always power-of-two less two (the min and max are always the same, thus unshuffled) and there not enough enough generator polynomials to allow every possible random sequence.
A block cipher algorithm would work. Every key produces a uniquely shuffled set of numbers. However all block ciphers (that I know about) have power-of-two block sizes, and usually a fixed or limited number of block sizes. A block cipher with a arbitrary non-binary block size would be perfect if such a thing exists.
There are a couple of projects I have that could benefit from such an algorithm. One is for small embedded micros that need to produce a shuffled sequence of numbers with a period larger than the memory they have available (think Arduino Uno needing to shuffle 1 to 100,000).
Does such an algorithm exist? If not, what things might I search for to help me develop such an algorithm? Or is this simply not possible?
Edit 2022-01-30
I have received a lot of good feedback and I need to better explain what I am searching for.
In addition to the Arduino example, where memory is an issue, there is also the shuffle of a large number of records (billions to trillions). The desire is to have a shuffle applied to these records without needing a buffer to hold the shuffle order array, or the time needed to build that array.
I do not need an algorithm that could produce every possible permutation, but a large number of permutations. Something like a typical block cipher in counter mode where each key produces a unique sequence of values.
A Linear Congruential Generator using coefficients to produce the desired sequence period will only produce a single sequence. This is the same problem for a Linear Feedback Shift Register.
Format-Preserving Encryption (FPE), such as AES FFX, shows promise and is where I am currently focusing my attention. Additional feedback welcome.
It is certainly not possible to produce an algorithm which could potentially generate every possible sequence of length N with less than N (log2N - 1.45) bits of state, because there are N! possible sequence and each state can generate exactly one sequence. If your hypothetical Arduino application could produce every possible sequence of 100,000 numbers, it would require at least 1,516,705 bits of state, a bit more than 185Kib, which is probably more memory than you want to devote to the problem [Note 1].
That's also a lot more memory than you would need for the shuffle buffer; that's because the PRNG driving the shuffle algorithm also doesn't have enough state to come close to being able to generate every possible sequence. It can't generate more different sequences than the number of different possible states that it has.
So you have to make some compromise :-)
One simple algorithm is to start with some parametrisable generator which can produce non-repeating sequences for a large variety of block sizes. Then you just choose a block size which is as least as large as your target range but not "too much larger"; say, less than twice as large. Then you just select a subrange of the block size and start generating numbers. If the generated number is inside the subrange, you return its offset; if not, you throw it away and generate another number. If the generator's range is less than twice the desired range, then you will throw away less than half of the generated values and producing the next element in the sequence will be amortised O(1). In theory, it might take a long time to generate an individual value, but that's not very likely, and if you use a not-very-good PRNG like a linear congruential generator, you can make it very unlikely indeed by restricting the possible generator parameters.
For LCGs you have a couple of possibilities. You could use a power-of-two modulus, with an odd offset and a multiplier which is 5 mod 8 (and not too far from the square root of the block size), or you could use a prime modulus with almost arbitrary offset and multiplier. Using a prime modulus is computationally more expensive but the deficiencies of LCG are less apparent. Since you don't need to handle arbitrary primes, you can preselect a geometrically-spaced sample and compute the efficient division-by-multiplication algorithm for each one.
Since you're free to use any subrange of the generator's range, you have an additional potential parameter: the offset of the start of the subrange. (Or even offsets, since the subrange doesn't need to be contiguous.) You can also increase the apparent randomness by doing any bijective transformation (XOR/rotates are good, if you're using a power-of-two block size.)
Depending on your application, there are known algorithms to produce block ciphers for subword bit lengths [Note 2], which gives you another possible way to increase randomness and/or add some more bits to the generator state.
The approximation for the minimum number of states comes directly from Stirling's approximation for N!, but I computed the number of bits by using the commonly available lgamma function.
With about 30 seconds of googling, I found this paper on researchgate.net; I'm far from knowledgable enough in crypto to offer an opinion, but it looks credible; also, there are references to other algorithms in its footnotes.

implement a function that generates an random number between a range given an biased random function

Given :
I was given a function that generates randomly 0 or 1. It generates 0 with probability p and 1 with probability 1-p.
I need to create a function that generates a number between 0 and 6 randomly with uniform probability by utilizing the above given function.
Note:cant use inbuilt random functions.
Can someone help me with this.
Thanks in advance
You can skew a biased random function to become unbiased by checking for a sequence of 01 or 10 and ignoring other results, this way you have a fair coin with a 50% chance of outputting any of the said sequences ((1-p)*p == p*(1-p)
With this fair coin you can then roll 3 bits and output the rolled number, if you roll a 7 (111) just repeat the process.

A good starting number for the middle square method

I want to generate using the middle square method 10,000 (ten thousand) numbers with 6 decimals for both higher than 1 (for example 785633)and lower than 1(for example 0.434367) starting numbers. Is there any starting number for the two situations that can generate 10,000 distinct numbers?
You generally want a pretty big number for middle-square, say fifty digits or so. When you pick six digits (they can be any portion of the middle part of the number), you can use them as a six-digit number or divide by a million and use them as a decimal number.
You should be aware that middle-square is no longer considered a good method for generating random numbers. A simple linear congruential generator is faster and better, and there are many other types of random number generators also.

Does adding random numbers make them more random?

This is a purely theoretical question.
We all know that most, if not all, random-number generators actually only generate pseudo-random numbers.
Let's say I want a random number from 10 to 20. I can do this as follows (myRandomNumber being an integer-type variable):
myRandomNumber = rand(10, 20);
However, if I execute this statement:
myRandomNumber = rand(5, 10) + rand(5, 10);
Is this method more random?
The randomness is not cumulative. The rand() function uses a uniform distribution between your two defined endpoints.
Adding two uniformly distributions invalidates the uniform distribution. It will make a strange looking pyramid, with the most probability tending toward the center. This is because of accumulation of the probability density function with increasing degrees of freedom.
I urge you to read this:
Uniform Distribution
and this:
Pay special attention to what happens with the two uniform distributions on the top right of the screen.
You can prove this to yourself by writing to a file all the sums and then plotting in excel. Make sure you give yourself a large enough sample size. 25000 should be sufficient.
The best way to understand this is by considering the popular fair ground game "Lucky Seven".
If we roll a six sided die, we know that the probability of obtaining any of the six numbers is the same - 1/6.
What if we roll two dice and add the numbers that appear on the two ?
The sum can range from 2 ( both dice show 'one') uptil 12 (both dice show 'six')
The probabilities of obtaining different numbers from 2 to 12 are no longer uniform. The probability of obtaining a 'seven' is the highest. There can be a 1+6, a 6+1, a 2+5, a 5+2, a 3+4 and a 4+3. Six ways of obtaining a 'seven' out of 36 possibilities.
If we plot the distribution we get a pyramid. The probabilities would be 1,2,3,4,5,6,5,4,3,2,1 (of course each of these has to be divided by 36).
The pyramidal figure (and the probability distribution) of the sum can be obtained by 'convolution.
If we know the 'expected value' and standard deviation ('sigma') for the two random numbers, we can perform a quick a ready calculation of the expected value of the sum of the two random numbers.
The expected value is simply the addition of the two individual expected values.
The sigma is obtained by applying the "pythagoras theorem" on the two individual sigmas (square root of the sum of the square of each sigma).

How to program a function to return values on some sort of probability?

This question arose to me while I was playing FIFA.
Assumingly, they programmed a complex function which includes all the factors like shooting skills, distance, shot power etc. to calculate the probability that the shot hits the target. How would they have programmed something that the goal happens according to that probability?
In other words, like a function X() has the probability that it return 1 89% and 0 11%. How would I program it so that it returns 1 (approximately) 89 times in 100 trials?
Generate a uniformly-distributed random number between 0 and 1, and return true if the number is less than the desired probability (0.89).
For example, in IPython:
In [13]: from random import random
In [14]: vals = [random() < 0.89 for i in range(10000)]
In [15]: sum(vals)
Out[15]: 8956
In this realisation, 8956 out of the 10000 boolean outcomes are true. If we repeat the experiment, the number will vary around 8900.
That is not how goals are determined in FIFA or other video games. They don't have a function that says, with some probability, the shot makes it or doesn't.
Rather, they simulate a ball actually being kicked into a goal.
The ball will have some speed (based on the "shot power") and some trajectory angle (based on where the player aimed, and some variability based on the character's "shot skill"). Then they allow physics - and the AI of the goalee, if there is one - to take over, and count it as a point only when the ball physically enters the goal.
There is of course still randomness involved, but there is no single variable that decides whether or not a shot will make it.
I'm not 100% sure but one way i would achieve:
Generate a random number (between 0 and 100). If the number is 89 or greater than return 1, elsewise return 0.
If you have a random number generator, then you would do something like:
bool return_true_89_out_of_100() {
double random_n = rand(); // returns random between 0 and 89
return (random_n < 0.89);
You can generate a crudely random number by, for example, sampling lower bits of the CPU clock or some mathematical tricks.
You're tagged language agnostic, but the answer depends on what random number function(s) are available to you. Furthermore the accuracy may depend on how close to being truly random your generator is (generally they're not that close).
As to random number functions, there tend to be two kinds -- those which generate a number between 0 and 1, and those that generate a number between m and n. Each can be used to derive a percentage easily.
