Directed Graph walk - visit every node at least once - algorithm

I’m familiar with the Hamilton path for a directed graph - visit every node exactly once.
I’m looking for an algorithm to walk the graph so that I visit every node at least once. I can’t find the standard name for this problem, if any.
This graph is walkable - root-a-d-b-c
This graph is not walkable - because in my walk, if I reach c, I have no directed edge to reach a & d and conversely, if I walk to a, d; there’s no directed edge that takes me to b & c
Hope that clarifies the question? Is there a standard name for this type of graph walk and an algorithm to solve it?
Hamiltonian path
Finding at most 2 leafs in the graph

I don't know if there's a name for a directed "walkable" graph, but it's not too hard to determine of a graph is walkable or not:
Find all the strongly connected components using Tarjan's algorithn, for example
Make a new directed graph of the connections between SCCs. This will be a DAG, and your original graph is walkable if and only if this DAG is walkable.
To determine whether or not a DAG is walkable, do a topological sort. Then check that each vertex has an edge to the next.
Each of these steps takes linear time, so you get O(|V|+|E|) complexity for the whole algorithm.

Theorem: a directed graph is walkable if and only if its strongly connected components are totally ordered by reachability.
Proof sketch: (walkable implies condition) The existence of a walk implies that, for each two strongly connected components, a vertex from one or the other appears first in the walk. That component can reach the other. (condition implies walkable) Since there is full connectivity inside a strongly connected component, each is walkable on its own. We just have to concatenate the walks according to the total order, adding the necessary transitions.
The proof is constructive, so we can extract an algorithm.
Compute the strongly connected components.
Concatenate the strongly connected components in topological order. Actually Tarjan's algorithm will list them in reverse topological order, so this doesn't need to be a separate step.
For each adjacent pair in the previous list, use breadth-first search to find a shortest path.
In general, this algorithm does not find the shortest walk (that's NP-hard by reduction from Hamiltonian path).


How to traverse on only a cycle in a graph?

I'm attempting ch23 in CLRS on MSTs, here's a question:
Given a graph G and a minimum spanning tree T , suppose that we decrease the weight of one of the edges not in T . Give an algorithm for finding the minimum spanning tree in the modified graph.
A solution I found was to add this new changed edge in T, then exactly one simple cycle is created in T, traverse this cycle and delete the max-weight edge in this cycle, voila, the new updated MST is found!
My question is, how do I only traverse nodes on this simple-cycle? Since DFS/BFS traversals might go out of the cycle if I, say, start the traversal in T from one endpoint of this newly added edge in T.
One solution I could think of was to find the biconnected components in T after adding the new edge. Only one BCC will be found, which is this newly formed simple-cycle, then I can put in a special condition in my DFS code saying to only traverse edges/nodes in this BCC, and once a back-edge is found, stop the traversal.
Edit: graph G is connected and undirected btw
Your solution is basically good. To make it more formal you can use Tarjan's bridge-finding algorithm
This algorithm find the cut-edges (aka bridges) in the graph in linear time. Consider E' to be the cut-edges set. It is easy to prove that every edge in E' can not be on circle. So, E / E' are must be the cycle in the graph.
You can use hash-map or array build function to find the difference between your E and the cut-edges set
From here you can run simple for-loop to find the max weight edge which you want to remove.
Hope that help!

Remove duplicate edge in directed graph

Given a directed graph, remove the edge between two nodes if there is an alternate path between them. Ex: given a->b, b->c, a->c, remove a->c. Is there an efficient algorithm to count the number of those removed edges?
From wiki Strongly connected component:
A directed graph is acyclic if and only if it has no strongly connected subgraphs with more than one vertex, because a directed cycle is strongly connected and every nontrivial strongly connected component contains at least one directed cycle.
You can use Tarjan's strongly connected components algorithm to find SCC. And then delete one edge from every component.
Next you need iterate the whole process as every nontrivial strongly connected component contains at least one directed cycle.
In general counting number of cycles is NP-hard as if you can count all cycles in polynomial time then you can detect the existence of Hamiltonian cycle as well. But Hamiltonian path is NP-hard.

Make an undirected graph a strongly connected component (SCC)

Let G(V,E), an undirected, connected graph with no bridges at all. Describe an algorithm which direct the edges, so the new graph is an SCC.
My suggested algorithm
So we run DFS from an arbitrary vertex. We notice that since it's an undirected graph there are only tree-edges and back-edges (Right?). We connect edges accordingly (a tree-edge would be directed "down" and a back-edge would be directed "up").
A start of proof
We notice that the graph has no bridges. Therefore, every edge is part of some cycle. Therefore, the last edge to be discovered in some cycle must be a back-edge.
Now, I think the rest of the proof would need to show that we can always "climb" to the root, and so the graph is an SCC.
I'd be glad if you could help me connect the dots (or vertices XD)
What you are looking for is a proof for Robbins' Theorem.
For a more formal proof you can look at this paper (See proof for theorem 2).
The below is not a formal proof but it's a way you can think of it:
As you already mentioned, since there are no bridges, every edge is a part of some cycle. Since you want your output graph to be SCC, a DFS on this output graph (from any vertex) must only have back-edges and tree-edges. It cannot have forward-edges or cross-edges.
Lets assume we have a forward-edge from s to t. This means that in the DFS we ran in order to build the graph, t was discovered in the sub-DFS (recursive call) of s and had no other gray or white adjacents. But this is not true because whenever we discover t in our DFS we would still have a gray adjacent.
Lets assume we have a cross-edge from s to t. This means that t's sub-DFS has ended before s was discovered. Again, this cannot happen in our DFS because either when discovering t first we would discover s in its sub-DFS or the opposite direction.
Here is a simple graph to help you see those cases.

Modifying shortest path to get a min-cost path

If we modify the shortest path problem such that the cost of a path between two vertices is the maximum of the costs of the edges on it, then for any pair of vertices u and v,
the path between them that follows a minimum-cost spanning tree is a min-cost path.
How can I prove this approach is true? It makes sense but I am not sure. Does anyone know if this algorithm exists in the literature? Is there a name for it?
The approach you mentioned is discussed in detail in literatures that discuss the relationship between Prim's algorithm and Dijkstra's algorithm, as usual wikipedia is a good place to start your research:
The process that underlies Dijkstra's algorithm is similar to the greedy process used in Prim's algorithm. Prim's purpose is to find a minimum spanning tree that connects all nodes in the graph; Dijkstra is concerned with only the lowest cost path beteen two nodes.
You can use some basic facts of MST (that are usually discussed in the correctness proof for Prim's & Kruskal's algorithms). The one that matters now is that
Lema 1:
Given a graph cut (a partitioning of the vertices into two
disjoint sets) the edge in the MST connecting the two parts will be
the cheapest of the edges connecting the two parts.
(The proof is straighfoward, if there were a cheaper edge we would be able to easily contruct a cheaper spanning tree)
We can now prove that the paths in a MST are all min-cost paths if you consider the maximum-cost:
Take any two vertices s and t in G and the path p that connects them in a MST of G. Now let uv be the most expensive edge in this path. We can describe a graph cut over this edge, with one partition with the vertices on the u side of the MST and the other partition with the vertices on the v side. We know that any path connecting s and t must pass this cut, therefore we can determine that the cost of any path from s to t must be at least the cost of the cheapest edge on this cut. But Lemma 1 tells us that uv is the cheapest edge on this cut so p must be a min-cost path.

Minimal path - all edges at least once

I have directed graph with lot of cycles, probably strongly connected, and I need to get a minimal cycle from it. I mean I need to get cycle, which is the shortest cycle in graph, and every edge is covered at least once.
I have been searching for some algorithm or some theoretical background, but only thing I have found is Chinese postman algorithm. But this solution is not for directed graph.
Can anybody help me? Thanks
Edit>> All edges of that graph have the same cost - for instance 1
Take a look at this paper - Directed Chinese Postman Problem. That is the correct problem classification though (assuming there are no more restrictions).
If you're just reading into theory, take a good read at this page, which is from the Algorithms Design Manual.
Key quote (the second half for the directed version):
The optimal postman tour can be constructed by adding the appropriate edges to the graph G so as to make it Eulerian. Specifically, we find the shortest path between each pair of odd-degree vertices in G. Adding a path between two odd-degree vertices in G turns both of them to even-degree, thus moving us closer to an Eulerian graph. Finding the best set of shortest paths to add to G reduces to identifying a minimum-weight perfect matching in a graph on the odd-degree vertices, where the weight of edge (i,j) is the length of the shortest path from i to j. For directed graphs, this can be solved using bipartite matching, where the vertices are partitioned depending on whether they have more ingoing or outgoing edges. Once the graph is Eulerian, the actual cycle can be extracted in linear time using the procedure described above.
I doubt that it's optimal, but you could do a queue based search assuming the graph is guaranteed to have a cycle. Each queue entry would contain a list of nodes representing paths. When you take an element off the queue, add all possible next steps to the queue, ensuring you are not re-visiting nodes. If the last node is the same as the first node, you've found the minimum cycle.
what you are looking for is called "Eulerian path". You can google it to find enough info, basics are here
And about algorithm, there is an algorithm called Fleury's algorithm, google for it or take a look here
I think it might be worth while just simply writing which vertices are odd and then find which combo of them will lead to the least amount of extra time (if the weights are for times or distances) then the total length will be every edge weight plus the extra. For example, if the odd order vertices are A,B,C,D try AB&CD then AC&BD and so on. (I'm not sure if this is a specifically named method, it just worked for me).
edit: just realised this mostly only works for undirected graphs.
The special case in which the network consists entirely of directed edges can be solved in polynomial time. I think the original paper is Matching, Euler tours and the Chinese postman (1973) - a clear description of the algorithm for the directed graph problem begins on page 115 (page 28 of the pdf):
When all of the edges of a connected graph are directed and the graph
is symmetric, there is a particularly simple and attractive algorithm for
specifying an Euler tour...
The algorithm to find an Euler tour in a directed, symmetric, connected graph G is to first find a spanning arborescence of G. Then, at
any node n, except the root r of the arborescence, specify any order for
the edges directed away from n so long as the edge of the arborescence
is last in the ordering. For the root r, specify any order at all for the
edges directed away from r.
This algorithm was used by van Aardenne-Ehrenfest and de Bruin to
enumerate all Euler tours in a certain directed graph [ 1 ].
