List all .c/.h dependecies during target build using make - makefile

Is there way to get a report of all dependencies of particular target in GNU makefile?


gcc make file and parallel building

I need to pick up in the make file the number of processor used for the paralell compilation.
make -j32 .....
I need to pick up the number 32 inside the Makefile.
I know this comes inside the variable MAKEFLAG so I could parse it, but is there some other variable that gives this information directly?
For example:
already solved in
GNU Make: Check number of parallel jobs
NUMPROC = $(patsubst -j%,%,$(filter -j%,$(MAKEFLAGS))
#DevSolar me too would like not mix make and ninja build But I need to do,the project is a big project involving several libraries and several teams so I cannot decide alone the build process.
in order to explain the build process I have a target and some libraries that use for the build system meson/ninja and other libraries that use make.
Now during the official release phase all the library must be recompiled, so first are compiled the ones with the legacy "make " and then the ones with meson and the final the binary/executable that will link al of the previous compiled libraries.
At the moment all is triggered by a make command and the production team wants to use the -j option both for make and ninja.
for this reason I am tring to provide the -j to the libraries and final binary/executable built with ninja.

makefile last target not getting executed

word.o: word.c word.h
gcc -c word.c
line.h: word.h
touch line.h
Above is the contents of the makefile. when I execute make.
I see the file word.o is created. But the file line.h is not.
What could be the reason for this? As far as I know, the make doesn't
execute those targets which don't have any dependencies.
But here the dependency list is not empty, Still, it didn't get executed
Certainly make builds targets that don't have dependencies. If a target has no dependencies, then it is considered out of date if it doesn't exist.
The problem is that make doesn't build every single target in the makefile: that would be bad because many people include clean targets, test targets, and other targets that they only want to run sometimes not every time.
You can read the introduction in the GNU make manual, specifically this section, to understand what's happening.

GNU make - enforcing target order

Could someone please tell me if there is a way to enforce sequential execution of specific Makefile targets. For example, I have a Makefile that builds Libraries and Executables. Now, Executables depend on Libraries, so they must be built after the Libraries are built and staged. This is what I currently have in a single Makefile:
.PHONY: all
all: all_lib all_bin
.PHONY: all_lib
all_lib: $(dep_lib)
.PHONY: all_bin
all_bin: $(dep_bin)
I have two targets all_lib and all_bin, one builds all libraries and the other builds all binary executables. When I pass -j to make to run parallel jobs, I get build failures, because all targets run in parallel and binaries can't find shared library objects and staged header files.
I tried changing it to this to try and force some dependency order:
.PHONY: all
all: all_bin
.PHONY: all_lib
all_lib: $(dep_lib)
.PHONY: all_bin
all_bin: all_lib $(dep_bin)
But for some reason all targets still run in parallel I still get the same build failures. Any ideas?
Make is entirely built around the concept of dependencies. You are simply not using it that way.
If an executable depends on a library, then you should list that library in the prerequisites list of the executable. I can't give you a relevant example because you don't provide any details about the contents of dep_lib or dep_bin above, but for example:
exe1 : exe1.o liblib1.a liblib2.a
etc. Now, exe1 won't attempt to be linked until after the liblib1.a and liblib2.a targets have been created.

OMNET++ 5.1 opp_makemake

I installed OMNET++ 5.1 on my Ubuntu 16 OS and imported my project into the Eclipse IDE. But I can not compile my project as before. Make is giving me error:
make1: *** No rule to make target 'msgheaders'. Stop.
I have a folder called loggingWindow that has its own custom makefile and is excluded from the source.
But I noticed that the generated makefile is not correct:
The makefile is calling msgheaders and smheaders targets in the logginWindow folder. The loggingWindow is a completely separate application with its own makefile and has no idea about mshheader!
Also make clean does not work!
The clean window stuck without any progress:
As a temporary workaround, I have added phony targets (msgheaders, smheaders) in order to compile my project.
As a workaround you can add these targets to your own Makefile in logginWindow, for example:
echo Do nothing
make all
# content from your existing Makefile

Add "-fobjc-arc" flag on specific files from command line

I'm working on a non-arc workspace,for specific files I added "-fobjc-arc" flag BuildPhases>CompileSources>. When I try to automate the build I'm unable to add the compiler flags. I have multiple targets, so i should pick the required target and add compiler flags for files in the target. Can it be handled while generating the project with CMAKE?
Any help here would be appreciated.
