How to automate the keycloak setup while running Junit test cases? - spring-boot

I have some Junit test cases in my Spring Boot project. I am using keycloak for getting tokens on the basis of the username and password in order to perform authentication. Now instead of manually deploying the keycloak server while running Junit test cases, I want to automate the keycloak deployment step. I want to ask that is there any Java library through which I can easily start the keycloak, pass the json file that contains all the configuration related to the realm, clients and users and then after running all Junit test cases keycloak automatically stops? Is there any way of doing such thing while running Junit test cases easily?

If you start an external service, this are surely not unit-tests. This is not even integration testing. That's part of end-to-end testing.
With Spring Boot:
the first (unit) are #WebMvcTest (or #WebFluxTest for reactive app) when testing a #Controller or plain JUnit with #ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class) to #EnableMethodSecurity and auto-wire an instrumented instance of the secured #Component (#Service or #Repository with #PreAuthorise, #PostFilter and alike). All external service and all #Components (but the one under test) are mocked and so is the Authentication in the security-context.
the second (integration) are #SpringBootTest which wire together the application #Components (but external services are still mocked / stubbed). It is still possible to #AutoConfigureMockMvc (or #AutoConfigureWebTestClient) and as so, to keep using mocked Authentication.
the last is best to be done without Java (Protractor or whatever end-to-end testing tool)
I answered this subject many times already. To mention a few:
How to write unit test for SecurityConfig for spring security


Spring integration test has different behaviour when started via IntelliJ run configuration and via mvn verify

I am working on the Spring application based on Spring Boot 2.6.7 (Spring framework version 5.3.19). I noticed that when I run the integration test via IntelliJ run configuration (basically created only by the right clicking on the test method name and choosing Run test) then the same instance of the ApplicationContext is used in the integration test class and in the actual SpringBootApplication which is tested by the integration test.
But when the same integration test is executed from the command line via mvn verify command, then the different instance of the ApplicationContext is active in the Spring Boot Application from the one which is active in the integration test class.
That for example has a consequence that spring data repository which I added as a field to the integration test class with #SpyBean annotation is not not applied in the Spring boot application. In the applicationContext of the integration test class, that spring data repository is registered as a spy but in the application context of the Spring Boot Application there is no spy proxy but the regular repository.
On the other hand when the test is running via IntelliJ run configuration, the applicationContext is same everywhere and the spy bean is active in the Spring Boot Application flow.
So I want to achieve the same behavior when I run mvn verify as I achieve when I run the test from IntelliJ. Any ideas?

Not able to write Test cases for Spring Boot application with actual DB connection from Service to DAO

Can anyone let me know, how to write JUnit test cases for Spring Boot application with actual DB connection?
I mean to say, when we right click on #Test class in src/test/java, and click on Run as JUnit Test, we need to Autowire all the beans of Service and DAO which we had developed in src/main/java and control should flow from #Test class to Service and Service to DAO and queries should be executed using #PersistenceContext Entitymanager and return successfully with the desired results.
The stack specifications
Spring Boot 1.5.10
Please help me...
You can first refer to the documentation of the SpringBootTest
Spring Boot testing instruments allow you to 'slice' application into pieces, test it separately and test application as a whole. If you want to concentrate on database testing - consider using #DataJpaTest.
As for databases: it is a more common case to use in-memory databases like H2 during testing. But, if you want to test against the real databases, take a look at TestContainers or it's particular implementation (test container spring boot)

TestNG or Spring Test framework?

I have used TestNG+Rest Assured for rest api service testing(application is written based on Spring framework) and just want to know if it is better to use Spring test framework alone or integration TestNG+Spring test.
Use the combination of both.
TestNG will act as full featured test framework and Spring Test framework to mock spring beans (In other words, to get the out of the box spring support).

Using Spring Boot Configuration in a custom JUnit test runner that does not otherwise use Spring

I have a custom JUnit test runner that executes acceptance-level tests using a test specification format specific to my project. The system under test is using Spring Boot and takes advantage of its configuration facility. I'd like the tests to be able to read the same configuration files in the same way. Obviously, using Spring Boot Configuration itself is an answer.
I'd like to just use Spring Boot Configuration as a stand-alone library, but I'm willing to fire up Spring Boot if that's what it takes. I'm not in control of the top-level application - JUnit is. So, I don't know how to start Spring Boot when I get control inside my test runner.
I've looked at extending SpringJunit4ClassRunner but I can't keep it from looking for #Test annotations and failing when it doesn't find any. I've started to look into merging code from SpringJunit4ClassRunner into my custom runner. Before I go too far down that path, I'd appreciate input from the community.
It sounds like you simply want the application running for a standalone webservice testing. This can be done simply by scripting the "java -jar" command to run the spring boot application. However, I would question why you don't want to leverage the testing tools built into spring boot? You can fire up the entire spring boot application and write some very logical looking tests.
For example a rest api test case:
public void homePage() throwsException () {
.andExpect((model().attribute("books", is(empty()))));

JMeter, JUnit and Spring Java configuration

Is it possible to run JMeter with the JUnit plugin/sampler and Spring Java configuration? When I try to do this, the Spring autowired beans are not being created and although the test case runs, because the beans have not been created, I get null pointer exceptions.
I am using the Spring annotation
#SpringJUnit4ClassRunner and #ContextConfiguration to configure the JUnit test (which works). The goal is to be able to write JUnit test cases that can be measured for performance using JMeter.
Yes, running JMeter with JUnit and Spring is a problem.
JMeter does not use standard JUnit runner; its specified at
User manual, point 7. There are subtle differences between standard JUnit test runners and JMeter's implementation. Because of this, #SpringJUnit4ClassRunner is becomes ignored. Workaround is to load beans as normal i.e using ApplicationContext.getBean().
