Add text to video use FFmpeg - ffmpeg

Can someone write me a code to insert text into a video like this.
I used chatgpt to write this code but after rendering it crashed:
ffmpeg -i "F:/Test/video.mp4" -vf "drawtext=fontfile=/path/to/Montserrat.ttf:text='Get free Robux\nby click link below':fontcolor=white:fontsize=35:box=1:boxcolor=black#0.5:boxborderw=5:x=(w-text_w)/2:y=10" -codec:a copy "F:/Tested/output.mp4"
Incomplete text
Video I edit with software
Please write me the code to insert text into the video like image 2


how to use multiple videos with background in it with color correction

Hey i am try to create a batch input output file with that so i can easliy add my video in to a frame with top header and footer GIF for youtube subscribe and credit in the right side my logo and card should be display and the left the actual video should be shared to avoid video theifs please help me out
look at my code but not working
for %%a in ("_input\*.*") do ffmpeg -loop 1 -i image.png -i "%%a" -filter_complex "overlay=(main_w-overlay_w)/2:(main_h-overlay_h)/2:shortest=1; movie=111.mp4" -codec:a copy -movflags +faststart _output\%%~na.mp4
look at the image what i acutaly want any kind of help would be much much appreciated thank you[]

How to fix "moov atom not found" when extracting an image from partial video mp4 file?

I think the problem is relatively common, but I can't find any good solution to my problem.
Well, I need to create a preview of the video while it uploads. It can be a very big video, so I decided to use only the first 10 Mb of video to make image extraction with ffmpeg.
The command-line looks like this
ffmpeg -ss 00:00:00 -i "src.mp4" -frames:v 1 -q:v 2 "preview.jpg"
It works fine for lots of video files, but for mp4 it always failed with the error message "Moov atom not found". I guess the mp4 format is not streamable and the cut file looks like a broken video for the FFmpeg.
But there should be a solution to this. Could you help me?

Preview FFMPEG subtitles before encoding

I'm using FFMPEG to burn in subtitles using a command like this:
ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -vf "'Fontsize=24,PrimaryColour=&H0000ff&'" -c:a copy output.mp4
I'd like to create a sort of preview of what the the encoded file with subtitles will look like in the browser before the user clicks "Encode video". I've been creating a DIV with each bit of text from the .srt file and overlaying it on top of a VIDEO tag. I've then been fiddling with the font-size, positioning, color, etc. but just can't get it right. It would be nice if there were some sort of FFPLAY for the browser.
Is there some sort of approach/technique for creating an in-browser preview prior to encoding with FFMPEG?
Use WebVTT in your HTML5 video player. CSS is used for styling.
You can use ffmpeg to convert the SRT to VTT:
ffmpeg -i output.vtt

drag and drop conversion with FFMPEG in multiple formats

i'm looking for a script that can convert a video in 2 formats for my website :
mp4 and Webm
i also want it to create a jpeg of the first frame and make all at 640*360
I'm a begginer with ffmpeg so i don't really know where to start. this is what i have for the moment, but that doesn't work
ffmpeg -i /tmp/ /tmp/video.webm /tmp/video.mp4
the ideal situation is to have a drag and drop conversion tool, but a folder based can do the trick too
Thank you

FFmpeg Images to Video and Streaming

I've a C# program generating JPEG images in realtime, i need to (continuously) generate a video from the images and stream it (also in realtime).
I've used ffmpeg to transcode an input video source and stream it, doesn't ffmpeg have an option to get the input as a set of images(always being generated) and make the video out of it ?
Actually I used VLC for the streaming....
Actually I just found at that I could:
ffmpeg -f image2 -i img%d.jpg /tmp/a.mpg
But i need to tell ffmpeg to keep doing it, I mean, if it doesn't find another image ffmpeg should wait for another one to be generated... is this possible ?
