Error: failed to send transaction: Transaction simulation failed: Error processing Instruction 1: An account required by the instruction is missing - solana

SolAccountInfo *store_account = &params->ka[0];
uint64_t ref_comission = *store_account->lamports * 0.2;
SolPubkey pk_holder = { .x = { 0x04 ,0x34 ,0x1d ,0xfa ,0xbf ,0xb9 ,0x24 ,0x0d ,0xda ,0x80 ,0x0f ,0xad ,0xd6 ,0x1d ,0xeb ,0xd7 ,0xd1 ,0x3f ,0x74 ,0x00 ,0xa1 ,0xf5 ,0xa3 ,0xe6 ,0xa9 ,0xb0 ,0x5d ,0x32 ,0xdb ,0x51 ,0x67 ,0x03 } };
SolAccountMeta arguments[] = {{store_account->key,true,true}};
uint8_t data[4 + 8];
*(uint32_t*)data = 2;
*(uint64_t *)(data + 4) = ref_comission;
const SolInstruction instruction = {
&pk_holder, arguments, SOL_ARRAY_SIZE(arguments), data, SOL_ARRAY_SIZE(data)
uint64_t res = sol_invoke(&instruction, params->ka, params->ka_num);
pk_holder is another contract deployed on local network.
when I try to pass store_account (owned account) I get that error.
Error: failed to send transaction: Transaction simulation failed:
Error processing Instruction 1: An account required by the instruction
is missing


Can't get curl response after updating port number and checksum in TC with ebpf

I am trying to reroute packets with destination port 80 to 5432 using ebpf. I am locally running nginx on port 80 and postgresql on port 5432. What I would like is whenever I execute curl localhost:80, my program will change the port number to 5432 and I will get the results of executing curl localhost:5432. Both nginx and postgresql are installed and deployed locally without using any containers. All I am changing is the port number. No ip address is changed.
I have written an ebpf program to be attached to the TC hook. Since the three way handshake is established in the lo interface on my device, This program is attached on iface=lo and attempts to rewrite any packet with destination port=80. I used two methods to recalculate the checksum after the port rewrite, but both methods produce the same error:
static __always_inline __u16 csum_fold_helper(__u32 csum) {
__u32 sum;
sum = (csum>>16) + (csum & 0xffff);
sum += (sum>>16);
return ~sum;
int tc_egress(struct __sk_buff *skb) {
void *data_end = (void *)(long)skb->data_end;
void *data = (void *)(long)skb->data;
struct ethhdr *eth;
struct iphdr *iph;
struct tcphdr *tcph;
eth = data;
if ((void *)eth + sizeof(*eth) > data_end) {
return TC_ACT_OK;
if (eth->h_proto != __bpf_htons(0x0800)) {
return TC_ACT_OK;
iph = data + sizeof(*eth);
if ((void *)iph + sizeof(*iph) > data_end) {
return TC_ACT_OK;
if (iph->protocol != IPPROTO_TCP) {
return TC_ACT_OK;
tcph = data + sizeof(*eth) + sizeof(*iph);
if ((void *)tcph + sizeof(*tcph) > data_end) {
return TC_ACT_OK;
if (tcph->dest == __bpf_htons(80)) {
// update checksum method #1
// __u64 from = tcph->dest;
// __u16 new_port = __bpf_htons(5432);
// tcph->dest = new_port;
// __u64 res = bpf_skb_store_bytes(skb, ETH_HLEN + sizeof(struct iphdr) + 2, &(new_port), 2, BPF_F_RECOMPUTE_CSUM);
// update checksum method #2
__u16 new_port = __bpf_htons(5432);
__u16 old_csum = tcph->check;
__u32 sum = bpf_csum_diff(&tcph->dest, 2, &new_port, 2, 0);
__u16 csum = csum_fold_helper(sum);
tcph->dest = new_port;
bpf_l4_csum_replace(skb, ETH_HLEN + sizeof(struct iphdr) + 16, old_csum, csum, BPF_F_PSEUDO_HDR);
return TC_ACT_OK;
I have seen some posts regarding this issue (most of them involve changing ip addresses) and I have tried to follow the advice, but none of it worked on my program. Tcpdump is used to verify activity on port 5432, and I can see that packets are arriving. All packets with the S flag show incorrect checksum, and R show correct checksum. However, when I detach the ebpf program and run a simple curl on localhost:5432, all packets seem to show an incorrect checksum even if I do get a curl response. Hence, I would like some help checking whether the checksum is correctly updated and whether I am missing other steps to complete the program.
Any advice is greatly appreciated!

How to write data to InfluxDB with ESP8266 / NodeMCU over Internet & HTTPS?

I want to securely send data to my InfluxDB over the Internet using a NodeMCU MCU and a self signed cert.
I found this library that seems to accomplish exactly this but get compile errors, more below ->
This library seems to only use HTTP -> Am i mistaken?
Using the example from the 1st library above from TEEBR, i get this error compiling - Any suggestions on how to fix? Will this run on my NodeMCU?
C:\Users\Jason\Documents\Arduino\libraries\Influx-Arduino-master\InfluxArduino.cpp:1:24: fatal error: HTTPClient.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
exit status 1
Error compiling for board NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module).
My code
#include <WiFi.h>
#include "InfluxArduino.hpp"
#include "InfluxCert.hpp"
InfluxArduino influx;
//connection/ database stuff that needs configuring
char WIFI_NAME[] = "ssid";
const char WIFI_PASS[] = "password!";
const char INFLUX_DATABASE[] = "db_name";
const char INFLUX_IP[] = "";
const char INFLUX_USER[] = "db_name"; //username if authorization is enabled.
const char INFLUX_PASS[] = "Password"; //password for if authorization is enabled.
const char INFLUX_MEASUREMENT[] = "FromESP8266"; //measurement name for the database. (in practice, you can use several, this example just uses the one)
unsigned long DELAY_TIME_US = 5 * 1000 * 1000; //how frequently to send data, in microseconds
unsigned long count = 0; //a variable that we gradually increase in the loop
void setup()
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.println("WiFi connected!");
influx.configure(INFLUX_DATABASE,INFLUX_IP); //third argument (port number) defaults to 8086
influx.authorize(INFLUX_USER,INFLUX_PASS); //if you have set the Influxdb .conf variable auth-enabled to true, uncomment this
influx.addCertificate(ROOT_CERT); //uncomment if you have generated a CA cert and copied it into InfluxCert.hpp
Serial.print("Using HTTPS: ");
Serial.println(influx.isSecure()); //will be true if you've added the InfluxCert.hpp file.
void loop()
unsigned long startTime = micros(); //used for timing when to send data next.
//update our field variables
float dummy = ((float)random(0, 1000)) / 1000.0;
//write our variables.
char tags[32];
char fields[32];
sprintf(tags,"new_tag=Yes"); //write a tag called new_tag
sprintf(fields,"count=%d,random_var=%0.3f",count,dummy); //write two fields: count and random_var
bool writeSuccessful = influx.write(INFLUX_MEASUREMENT,tags,fields);
Serial.print("error: ");
while ((micros() - startTime) < DELAY_TIME_US)
//wait until it's time for next reading. Consider using a low power mode if this will be a while.
Long time reader, first time poster - Thanks for all the help in the past!

CAN communication not working between different PIC

I am working on project, and we need to establish a CAN communication between 4 nodes, 2 using a PIC 18F4580 and 2 using 18F25K80. In all those circuits, I'm using a Crystal oscillator 20MHz. The issue is when I test the communication between same PICs, it's working, but when I try with two different PICs it's not working.
The codes I used to test:
For the emitting PIC 18F4580 : Emitting a CAN message every 1 second :
int i;
unsigned char Can_Init_Flags, Can_Send_Flags, Can_Rcv_Flags; // can flags
unsigned char Rx_Data_Len; // received data length in bytes
char RxTx_Data[8]; // can rx/tx data buffer
char Msg_Rcvd; // reception flag
const long ID_cmd = 3, ID_led1 = 2; // node IDs
long Rx_ID;
void main() {
for(i=0;i<10;i++) {
PORTD=0xFF ^ PORTD; //Blinking Leds
Can_Init_Flags = 0; //
Can_Send_Flags = 0; // clear flags
Can_Rcv_Flags = 0; //
Can_Send_Flags = _CAN_TX_PRIORITY_0 & // form value to be used
_CAN_TX_XTD_FRAME & // with CANWrite
Can_Init_Flags = _CAN_CONFIG_SAMPLE_THRICE & // form value to be used
CANInitialize(1,3,3,3,1,Can_Init_Flags); // Initialize CAN module
CANSetOperationMode(_CAN_MODE_NORMAL,0xFF); // set NORMAL mode
for(i=0;i<10;i++) {
PORTD=0xFF ^ PORTD; //Blinking Leds
CANWrite(ID_cmd, RxTx_Data, 1, Can_Send_Flags); // send incremented data back
For the receiving Node PIC 18F25K80 : Blink after receiving any CAN message (Should blink every 1 second) :
unsigned char Can_Init_Flags, Can_Send_Flags, Can_Rcv_Flags; // can flags
unsigned char Rx_Data_Len; // received data length in bytes
char RxTx_Data[8]; // can rx/tx data buffer
char Msg_Rcvd; // reception flag
const long ID_led1 = 2, ID_cmd = 3; // node IDs
long Rx_ID;
void main() {
//OSCCON |= 0b01110010;
TRISC = 0;
Can_Init_Flags = 0; //
Can_Send_Flags = 0; // clear flags
Can_Rcv_Flags = 0; //
Can_Send_Flags = _CAN_TX_PRIORITY_0 & // form value to be used
_CAN_TX_XTD_FRAME & // with CANWrite
Can_Init_Flags = _CAN_CONFIG_SAMPLE_THRICE & // form value to be used
CANInitialize(1,3,3,3,1,Can_Init_Flags); // Initialize CAN module
CANSetOperationMode(_CAN_MODE_CONFIG,0xFF); // set CONFIGURATION mode
CANSetMask(_CAN_MASK_B1,-1,_CAN_CONFIG_XTD_MSG); // set all mask1 bits to ones
CANSetMask(_CAN_MASK_B2,-1,_CAN_CONFIG_XTD_MSG); // set all mask2 bits to ones
CANSetFilter(_CAN_FILTER_B2_F4,ID_cmd,_CAN_CONFIG_XTD_MSG);// set id of filter B2_F4 to 2nd node ID
CANSetOperationMode(_CAN_MODE_NORMAL,0xFF); // set NORMAL mode
while(1) { // endless loop
Msg_Rcvd = CANRead(&Rx_ID , RxTx_Data , &Rx_Data_Len, &Can_Rcv_Flags); // receive message
if ((Rx_ID == ID_cmd) && Msg_Rcvd) { // if message received check id
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
It's me again, it worked, the nodes must have the same oscillator value (in my case : 20MHz Crystal).

OS freeze while trying to send UDP packet from linux kernel

I'm modifying UDP to implement a custom protocol. After UDP connect establishes a route, I want to send a custom UDP packet to the destination (like a SYN packet in TCP). When I try the connect() socket function on a machine running my custom kernel, it freezes without writing out anything to the kernel log. Here's my code
int quic_connect(struct sock *sk, struct flowi4 *fl4, struct rtable *rt){
struct sk_buff *skb, *buff;
struct inet_cork cork;
struct ipcm_cookie ipc;
struct sk_buff_head queue;
char *hello;
int err = 0, exthdrlen, hh_len, datalen, trailerlen;
char *data;
hh_len = LL_RESERVED_SPACE(rt->;
exthdrlen = rt->dst.header_len;
trailerlen = rt->dst.trailer_len;
datalen = 200;
//Create a buffer to be send without fragmentation
skb = sock_alloc_send_skb(sk,
exthdrlen + datalen + hh_len + trailerlen + 15,
if (skb == NULL)
goto out;
skb->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_PARTIAL; // Use hardware checksum
skb->csum = 0;
skb_reserve(skb, hh_len);
skb_shinfo(skb)->tx_flags = 1; //Time stamp the packet
* Find where to start putting bytes.
data = skb_put(skb, datalen + exthdrlen);
skb_set_network_header(skb, exthdrlen);
skb->transport_header = (skb->network_header +
sizeof(struct iphdr));
* Put the packet on the pending queue.
__skb_queue_tail(&queue, skb);
cork.flags = 0;
cork.addr = 0;
cork.opt = NULL;
ipc.opt = NULL;
ipc.tx_flags = 0;
ipc.ttl = 0;
ipc.tos = -1;
ipc.addr = fl4->daddr;
err = ip_setup_cork(sk, &cork, &ipc, &rt);
buff = __ip_make_skb(sk, fl4, &queue, &cork);
err = PTR_ERR(buff);
if (!IS_ERR_OR_NULL(buff))
err = udp_send_skb(buff, fl4);
return err;
The function quic_connect is called at the end of the ip4_datagram_connect function which is the registered handler for UDP connect.
There is absolutely nothing in the kernel log.
What am I doing wrong here?
**EDIT 1: **The problem occurs at err = udp_send_skb(buff, fl4); as there is no issue when I comment out that line. so I'm assuming my sk_buff has not been formed correctly. Any ideas why?

Audio Unit and Writing to file

I'm creating real-time audio sequencer app on OS X.
Real-time synth part is implemented by using AURenderCallback.
Now I'm making function to write rendered result to Wave File (44100Hz 16bit Stereo).
Format for render-callback function is 44100Hz 32bit float Stereo interleaved.
I'm using ExtAudioFileWrite to write to file.
But ExtAudioFileWrite function returns error code 1768846202;
I searched 1768846202 but I couldn't get information.
Would you give me some hints?
Thank you.
Here is code.
outFileFormat.mSampleRate = 44100;
outFileFormat.mFormatID = kAudioFormatLinearPCM;
outFileFormat.mFormatFlags =
kAudioFormatFlagIsSignedInteger | kAudioFormatFlagIsPacked;
outFileFormat.mBitsPerChannel = 16;
outFileFormat.mChannelsPerFrame = 2;
outFileFormat.mFramesPerPacket = 1;
outFileFormat.mBytesPerFrame =
outFileFormat.mBitsPerChannel / 8 * outFileFormat.mChannelsPerFrame;
outFileFormat.mBytesPerPacket =
outFileFormat.mBytesPerFrame * outFileFormat.mFramesPerPacket;
AudioBufferList *ioList;
ioList = (AudioBufferList*)calloc(1, sizeof(AudioBufferList)
+ 2 * sizeof(AudioBuffer));
ioList->mNumberBuffers = 2;
ioList->mBuffers[0].mNumberChannels = 1;
ioList->mBuffers[0].mDataByteSize = allocByteSize / 2;
ioList->mBuffers[0].mData = ioDataL;
ioList->mBuffers[1].mNumberChannels = 1;
ioList->mBuffers[1].mDataByteSize = allocByteSize / 2;
ioList->mBuffers[1].mData = ioDataR;
while (1) {
//Fill buffer by using render callback func.
RenderCallback(self, nil, nil, 0, frames, ioList);
//i want to create one sec file.
if (renderedFrames >= 44100) break;
err = ExtAudioFileWrite(outAudioFileRef, frames , ioList);
if (err != noErr){
goto errorExit;
Some of the error codes are actually four character strings. The Core Audio book provides a nice function to handle errors.
static void CheckError(OSStatus error, const char *operation)
if (error == noErr) return;
char str[20];
// see if it appears to be a 4-char-code
*(UInt32 *)(str + 1) = CFSwapInt32HostToBig(error);
if (isprint(str[1]) && isprint(str[2]) && isprint(str[3]) && isprint(str[4])) {
str[0] = str[5] = '\'';
str[6] = '\0';
} else
// no, format it as an integer
sprintf(str, "%d", (int)error);
fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s (%s)\n", operation, str);
Use it like this:
&codec), "Setting codec.");
Before you can do any sort of debugging, you probably need to figure out what that error message actually means. Have you tried passing that status code to GetMacOSStatusErrorString() or GetMacOSStatusCommentString()? They aren't documented so well, but they are declared in CoreServices/CarbonCore/Debugging.h.
