How to open and close a position in the same bar in pinescript v5 - time

I am trying just that. Open one position at the open of bar and close it at the end of the bar, not in the next bar. Can be done? I can't find a way.
Probably I need to activate the "process_orders_on_close" to force the exit in that bar, okay, but how can I force the position open in that bar and not at the end of the one bar before?
I have been playing with commands like time_close and time_tradingday comparing one or both with a session input. But the problem is the same, the script is executed at the end of the bar by default and any change will be done in the next bar. So if I use the "process_orders_on_close" the entry signal appears in the bar before.
I also tried request.security_lower_tf() but It doesn't work, maybe because the lower timeframes data no longer exits, only does in a higher temp.
So my question is that, can it be done? Can I open an order at the end of a bar and close that order at the end of the same bar? I am talking in historical chart alwais, of course.
I think it doesn't matter the timeframe but I am working on D chart.


Detect order of applications, windows, tabs

I'm using AppleScript to find all tabs in multiple browsers (testing on Safari first) with certain criteria in it's title and give it to stdout for another script.
So I have the basic information I need;
window id
tab index
tab name
tab visible
So from this point I know which of my Safari screens are matching my criteria and I log their window id and their tab index. Besides that with tab visible I can know which is the foremost one.
Now I still have one issue. I really want to be able to know which window and tab was the last one active. Even if I can only know the window id that was used last by the user it would automatically mean that inside that window the tab with visible true is the last one.
But there is one more thing. If the visible tab is not meeting my criteria, then I would still need to know the order of the last active one too.
So what I'm looking for is an counter/order value of the last active windows and tabs. I can't find something in the documentation that could give me that counter. For example; the TAB-logic in OS X knows which apps were last used. I was wondering if that logic would be available as some kind of system variable and then also on it's window/tab sub level.
My code (slimmed down does this):
tell application "Safari"
repeat with win in winlist
repeat with t in tablets
# t.index
# t.visible
end repeat
end repeat
end tell
And so I'm looking for something that emulates win.lastUsedOrderIndex and t.lastUsedOrderIndex.
The simple answer is that if you do not find the properties you need in the application's dictionary, then you are out of luck. Window and Document lists in AppleScript are normally in a front-to-back ordering, since they are based on the orderedWindows and orderedDocuments NSArrays. Tabs in a browser are probably ordered left-to-right or right-to-left, based on the language localization, but I would be surprised if any browser had a reason to return tabs ordered by when they were "last used", whatever that means.

CRichEditCtrl: How to have it scroll to end while focus lost?

I have a CRichEditCtrl with auto vertical scrolling set, which works, but not quite as I'd like. The text in the control can be updated via a message from another thread, so it can be busy updating while the user does other things, but the way it updates is different depending on whether it has focus or not (whether or not the caret is blinking). If it has focus, it auto scrolls to the most recent text (at the bottom of the window), without focus you can see the scroll bar shrinking as text is added but there is no actual scroll. Is there any way of getting it to always scroll to the bottom, so that the user always sees what's been most recently added?
I've tried sending EM_SCROLLCARET after ReplaceSel() but it made no difference. Also tried using LineScroll(), but that puts the most recent line at the top of the window, not at the bottom as happens when auto scrolling - this can also result in a blank window if there are trailing new lines ...
Looking on MSDN/forums I can't see much else to try.
Cheers for any help.

PyQt QComboBox.setEditText leaves the entered text selected/highlighted; how to unhighlight?

UPDATE3 - SOLVED with reservations, please see my solution below; leaving it open since the cause of the problem is unclear, and I don't know how robust the solution is.
UPDATE1: here's the short short version.
Currently, after .setEditText on a QComboBox, I get this:
so the next thing you type will overwrite 'Team '.
But the desired effect is this (unhighlighted / unselected), so that the next thing you type will be appended to 'Team ' instead of overwriting it:
Thanks for any help. The rambling details are below, which is the original post:
(this is all PyQt 5.4)
Apparently python doesn't think anything is actually selected:
self.entryForm.ui.teamField.lineEdit().setText("Team ")
print("selected text:"+self.entryForm.ui.teamField.lineEdit().selectedText())
prints "selected text:" and nothing else. To make sure that's working:
self.entryForm.ui.teamField.lineEdit().setText("Team ")
print("selected text:"+self.entryForm.ui.teamField.lineEdit().selectedText())
prints "selected text:Team"
So that might be why many of the methods that affect selection are not working as expected (.deselect(), .setSelection(5,5), etc, and even some of the other methods give unexpected behavior, i.e. cursorForward(False,1) or cursorBackward(False,1) and such.
Original post:
This is for a radio log GUI, so keyboard interactions must be minimal and intuitive. openNewEntryForm (below) is called as a slot from a pushbutton on the main application GUI window:
It can also be called using a keyPressEvent in the same class:
def keyPressEvent(self,event):
if type(event)==QKeyEvent:
if event.key()==Qt.Key_T:
Here's the method in question:
def openNewEntryDialog(self,key=None):
if key=='t':
self.entryDialog.ui.teamField.setEditText("Team ")
if self.entryDialog.exec_():
self.newEntry(self.entryDialog.getValues()) # adds the log entry
so, the intended key press sequence is (from the main application GUI window):
a single keyboard press of 't' will open the entryForm, set the to_fromField to index 1 (which happens to be "TO"), give focus to teamField (also a QComboBox), set its text to "Team " and set itself up so that the very next keypress will appear as the text following "Team " in teamField.
So, starting from the main app GUI again, the plan is that typing 't3' should open the new entry window, set the to_fromField to "TO", and set the teamField to "Team 3", ready for a keypress of the tab key to move on to the next field in the entryForm.
The problem is that the teamField.setEditText("Team ") call leaves all of the text highlighted/selected, so that a subsequent key press of '3' would replace "Team " with "3"; I'm looking for a way to unhighlight/unselect "Team " but leave the cursor active at the right of that string, so that the subsequent key press of '3' would make the entire string "Team 3".
Ideas? Thanks in advance.
You can access the line-edit of the combo box, and then remove the selection:
self.entryDialog.ui.teamField.setEditText("Team ")
The above code is correct, but it seems that the dialog will then clobber it when it initialises the focus handling for its child widgets after it is shown. If a dialog is opened with exec(), it will start its own event-loop, and some events (including focus events) will only be processed after it is fully shown. This is why it may appear that some changes made to child widgets before the dialog is shown are being ignored.
One way to work around this is to use a single-shot timer to ensure the changes are only attempted after the dialog is shown.
So add a method to the entry dialog class something like this:
def resetUI(self, key):
if key == 't':
self.ui.teamField.setEditText('Team ')
QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(0, self.ui.teamField.lineEdit().deselect)
and then use it like this:
def openNewEntryDialog(self, key=None):
self.entryDialog = newEntryDialog()
if self.entryDialog.exec_():
SOLVED with reservations, see UPDATE3 in the original post.
So, with the initial text all highlighted, tests show that it didn't actually think anything was selected. This solution was just stumbled upon by trial and error, fiddling with setting and clearing focus, selecting text and trying deselect:
def openNewEntryDialog(self,key=None):
if key=='t':
self.entryForm.ui.teamField.lineEdit().setText("Team ")
Notice there are two spaces after 'Team' and the second one is intentionally selected. Then the very next keypress will overwrite that second space; that is basically the desired behavior.
Anyway it looks like something bizarro with the selection scheme; one way to look at this is that the highlight isn't really a selection, but, if you set a valid real selection then it will override the original highlighted 'pseudo-selection'. The original highlighting behaves like a selection in that a keypress will replace everything that's highlighted, but, not like a selection in that the selection methods reveal that there is no 'selection', see UPDATE2 in the original post.
Can anyone help explain this behavior? I'd like to build some more confidence in it before accepting this coincidental answer.

How to open a Glade-created window and wait for it to close, in Ruby?

I want to make my own window, using Glade (3.14.2).
At a certain point in my program, I want to
1) Put up the window and let the user do stuff
2) Wait for it to close
3) Get values from the window object
4) Continue on in my code
So basically, I want to treat the window like a modal dialog - but one that I write and control.
I've tried for a few hours. The window appears just fine, as designed in Glade. The user can interact with it.
When the window closes, code that's been connected with signal_connect('destroy') executes.
But the code that invoked the window's show() method... does not continue executing after the window closes.
class GrammarNodeEditor
#this makes the class visual:
include GladeGUI
def initialize(raw_node = nil, &close_block)
#raw_node = raw_node || {type: :Sequence, data: []}
#original_data = #raw_node[:data]
#close_block = close_block
def show
puts "GNE Window Opening"
#builder["window1"].title = "Edit/Create Grammar Node"
#builder["window1"].signal_connect('destroy') {|*args|
puts "Done showing window"
Here is how I invoke it:
rhs_editor = {|obj|
puts "In closeblck, obj is #{obj.inspect}"
#rhs = obj.raw_node
puts "About to call show in GR:Init"
puts "Back from calling show in GR:Init"
Here is the output:
About to call show in GR:Init
GNE Window Opening
In closeblck, obj is #<GrammarNodeEditor:0x7b82a88 #raw_node={:type=>:Sequence, :data=>[]}, [more junk here]>
The first two lines of output appear after I open the window. The 3rd and 4th appear when I close the window.
Note that "Done showing window" and "Back from calling show in GR:Init" are not printed at all.
Just to make this a little more interesting, I want to be able to do this from within code that puts up another window. My top-level window has a button to create a new Rule. The Rule must be initialized with a Node, and then the Rule must be edited. So first I need to put up a Node-definition window (as shown above) and then, when I have a Node defined, I want to put up a Rule window that uses that Node.
So I think I need to call this code within either the initialize() or the show() method of the GrammarRuleWindow class (another Glade-defined window).
Can someone explain why my puts's aren't being printed, and how to make the control flow go on through them?
...So it turned out the problem was that I had created the window's .glade file directly in Glade, rather than using the VisualRuby IDE.
Creating the .glade in VR adds some stuff to the file that VR needs. Specifically, the file needs to contain the line
<signal name="destroy" handler="destroy_window" swapped="no"/>
before the first <child...> tag. : change windows "top" of the screen

I have an application (menu bar) that, when running, puts itself at the top of my screen and everything else that loads, automatically knows to load below that menu bar. Its like the program established a new "top" of the screen and that top starts right below the menu bar. I want to duplicate this functionality in Does anyone know how to accomplish this?
Basically, I'm looking for something to tell windows the top of the screen starts below my program. I hope that makes sense.
Check out the following project by Arik Poznanski
Take this code, compile, and add it to your project as a reference. Then in the form load
Me.Edge = AppBarEdges.Top 'sets the form to dock at the top of the screen
This sets it to the top of the screen with everything else below.
