I have several collections with my Netlify CMS site, all worked fine, but needed to add a new one which is not working on the live site.
I’ve added a new collection to the config file, which works flawlessly in a local environment (I can see the content of the folder referenced in the CMS, all entries are editable, I can create new ones or delete them) but this new collection shows up empty in the live environment - no entries are visible in the live CMS.
I got no error in the console, no build errors either.
I’ve tried to create an entry on the live site, which shows up in the CMS, but not on the site itself, and when I pull it, the newly created page/.md is not getting added to the folder where the other entries are - cannot be found locally.
The site itself displays the content of the folder - all articles show up on the site that were visible in the local CMS environment.
The newly created collection is a copy of a working one (tried it multiple times with different naming) and no matter how I renamed it, each try produced the same result - shows up locally, not in the live CMS.
Any ideas what should I do to display the content of the folder in the live CMS?
a trimmed version of the config file:
name: git-gateway
branch: main
media_folder: "public/logos"
public_folder: "/logos"
logo_url: "/img/cb_logo.svg"
local_backend: true
- name: "review"
preview: false
label: "Reviews"
folder: "src/review"
create: true
slug: "{{slug}}"
- {label: "Page Title", name: "pagetitle", widget: "string", hint: "Displayed in browser tabs", default: "placeholder text" }
- {label: "Page meta description", name: "pagemeta", widget: "string", required: false }
- name: "article"
preview: false
label: "Articles"
folder: "src/article"
create: true
slug: "{{slug}}"
- {label: "Title for Page URL", name: "title", widget: "string", default: "url-friendly-text" }
- {label: "Page Title", name: "pagetitle", widget: "string", default: "placeholder text" }
"Articles" is the one that shows as an empty collection on the live site.
The project folder structure:
I use Strapi with Nuxt and i18n to produce a static site in English and Danish.
The site should be able to produce URLs like these:
I have a pages folder structure like this
_slug.vue <-- for case pages
_slug.vue <-- for news pages
_slug.vue <-- for other pages
index.vue <-- for my frontpage
I use the following code to list links for nice URLs that renders just fine
h2 case
router-link(:to="localePath({ name: 'cases-slug', params: { cases: $t('slugs.cases'), slug: aCasePage.slug }})") {{aCasePage.title}}
h2 news
router-link(:to="localePath({ name: 'news-slug', params: { news: $t('slugs.news'), slug: aNewsPage.slug }})") {{aNewsPage.title}}
The problem is, that no matter if I click and go to a news page or a case page, I get served the same _cases -> _slug.vue component.
Looking into the .nuxt/router.js file, the routes seems to be generated correct:
routes: [{
path: "/da",
component: _1ea75fec,
name: "index___da"
}, {
path: "/da/:slug",
component: _2214a27c,
name: "slug___da"
}, {
path: "/da/:cases/:slug?",
component: _3a25cd77,
name: "cases-slug___da"
}, {
path: "/da/:news/:slug?",
component: _3988eeb6,
name: "news-slug___da"
}, {
path: "/",
component: _1ea75fec,
name: "index___en"
}, {
path: "/:slug",
component: _2214a27c,
name: "slug___en"
}, {
path: "/:cases/:slug?",
component: _3a25cd77,
name: "cases-slug___en"
}, {
path: "/:news/:slug?",
component: _3988eeb6,
name: "news-slug___en"
How can I avoid Nuxt mixing up these routes? and the page Vue-components matched to them?
can you share you solution for the _slug pages data fetching ?
I am using findOne (slug,_locale:i18n.locale) from strapi .it's not working
so still hold on this issue
Here is the relevant portion of my config.yml for NetlifyCMS where I want to use Uploadcare's image widget to select multiple images for a gallery:
name: uploadcare
publickey: mypublicapikey
media_folder: "/src/images/"
public_folder: "/src/images/"
- label: "Projects"
name: "projects"
folder: "src/data/projects"
media_folder: 'images'
name: uploadcare
publickey: mypublicapikey
fields: # The fields for each document, usually in front matter
- {label: "Image", name: "image", widget: "image", allow_multiple: false}
- label: "Gallery Images"
name: "images"
widget: "image"
multiple: true
previewStep: false
This results in a widget where I can only select one image. I have tried shift/ctrl/ctrl+shift clicking additional entries but it doesn't work. The docs say allowing for multiple images is the default, but this is not the behavior I am experiencing.
To get Uploadcare working, you may need to install the uploadcare plugin for netlify-cms:
npm i netlify-cms-media-library-uploadcare --save
I followed the solution posted here, to break it down:
Create a cms folder in src
Add a cms.js file to the src/cms folder
Add this code:
import CMS from 'netlify-cms-app'
import uploadcare from 'netlify-cms-media-library-uploadcare';
Then follow the docs for Uploadcare.
I have created a Prestashop child theme to a theme I purchased.
I can see my child theme (once enabled), but every time I visit the theme page to switch themes I get a 500 error.
The way I get around this is to change my child theme's config/theme.yml file. This is what I have normally which gives me the 500 error:
parent: parent-theme
name: My Child Theme
display_name: Child Theme
version: 1.0.0
name: "Me"
email: "email#email.com"
url: "domain.com"
use_parent_assets: true
- id: theme-custom
path: assets/css/custom.css
media: all
priority: 1000
- id: theme-custom
path: assets/js/custom.js
priority: 1000
position: bottom
And this is what I need to have in the confog/theme.yml file in order to NOT get the 500 error:
parent: parent-theme
name: My Child Theme
display_name: Child Theme
version: 1.0.0
name: "Me"
email: "email#email.com"
url: "domain.com"
use_parent_assets: true
What is it about the lines starting with css: and below that is causing this issue? Does the – id: need to be a reference to something above it, or has to be theme-custom?
Any good tutorials / reference out there that you guys can point me to, to create a child theme the right way?
My Prestashop version is 1.7.3
You can read the complete guide how to achieve this on: https://devdocs.prestashop.com/1.7/themes/reference/template-inheritance/parent-child-feature/
But the code you will need use in the theme.yml file to use your custom styles/scripts files, here a complete example.
parent: classic
name: childtheme
display_name: My first child Theme
version: 1.0.0
use_parent_assets: true
- id: custom-lib-style
path: assets/css/custom-lib.css
- id: custom-lib-script
path: assets/js/custom-lib.js
PD. It's important keep the correct tabulation, otherwise could not works.
I have tried following numerous tutorials on connecting Drupal, and GatsbyJS. For instance, in this article, I get to step 4.3b, "Pull Content from the Drupal 8 site using GraphQL" before everything fails.
I have followed every instruction, but GraphQL seems to be pulling from the temporary Gatsby page rather than the Drupal site I made. Queries such as "allNodeBlog" don't exist, and I'm not sure how to fix everything so I can get to pulling information from my Drupal JSON API page rather than the Gatsby site.
Any help/advice would be great. And/or articles that aren't simply the first Googled "Drupal and Gatsby" help sites (as I've looked at them all).
module.exports = {
siteMetadata: {
title: 'Gatsby Default Starter',
plugins: [
resolve: 'gatsby-source-drupal',
options: {
baseUrl: 'http://gatsbydrupal.dd:8083/',
apiBase: 'api', // endpoint of Drupal server
resolve: `gatsby-plugin-manifest`,
options: {
name: 'gatsby-starter-default',
short_name: 'starter',
start_url: '/',
background_color: '#663399',
theme_color: '#663399',
display: 'minimal-ui',
icon: 'src/images/gatsby-icon.png', // This path is relative to the root of the site.
I wanted to know if we can remove options like "dev tools","monitering" etc from kibana page , localhost:5601. I want to have only Dashboard visualization options .
Nevermind, I found one way to do this by modifying src/core_plugins/kibana/index.js , deleting these blocks
id: 'kibana:dev_tools',
title: 'Dev Tools',
order: 9001,
url: '/app/kibana#/dev_tools',
description: 'development tools',
icon: 'plugins/kibana/assets/wrench.svg'
}, {
id: 'kibana:management',
title: 'Management',
order: 9003,
url: `${kbnBaseUrl}#/management`,
description: 'define index patterns, change config, and more',
icon: 'plugins/kibana/assets/settings.svg',
linkToLastSubUrl: false
and other blocks as per your need