Enable input field to receive values from several enum types - graphql

I have a query that receives a list of fields of a model in order to sort results by those fields. Something like this in graphql:
input SortFieldInput {
field: FilterBooleanField! // <-- this can receive values from PeopleFields or ExtraFields
order: SortOrder!
enum PeopleFields {
enum ExtraFields {
Then I have this query:
people(first: Int!, after: String, sort: [SortFieldInput]): [Person]
I need to maintain that structure of separating the possible fields in different enums.
I have tried creating an union but it is not supported and I don't like the idea of creating a third enum with the fields from both previous enums.


graphql query with certain combination of parameters

I am looking to specify a certain required combination of parameters in a graphQL query.
The query should be valid either without any params and return all cats or filter by size AND species.
extend type Query {
cats(size: String, species: String): [Cat]
Is the only way to do this via the resolver (throw error if one arg is passed) or is there a neater way?
I don't believe that this is defined in the spec. You could define a new input type and then use this though.
input CatFilter {
size: String!
species: String!
extend type Query {
cats(filter: CatFilter): [Cat]
That way the parameter is optional, but if given, both properties are required.

When do I use nested fields in GraphQL and when do I flatten them?

With GraphQL schemas, when should I provide a type relation's field as a root-level field for its associated type?
In many examples, I almost always see schemas that require the client to create queries that explicitly traverse the graph to get a nested field.
For a Rock Band Table-like component in the front end (or client), the GraphQL service that provides that component's data may have a schema that looks like this:
type Artist {
name: String!
instrument: String!
type RockBand {
leadSinger: Artist,
drummer: Artist,
leadGuitar: Artist,
type Query {
rockBand: RockBand
If the table component specified a column called, "Lead Singer Name", given the current schema, a possible query to fetch table data would look like this:
rockBand {
leadSinger {
For the same Rock Band Table, with the same column and needs, why not design a schema like this:
type RockBand {
leadSinger: Artist,
leadSingerName: String,
drummer: Artist,
leadGuitar: Artist,
That way a possible query can be like this?
rockBand {
Does the choice to include the "leader singer's name", and similar relation fields, entirely depend on the client's need? Is modifying the schema to serve data for this use-case too specific a schema? Are there benefits to flattening the fields outside of making it easier for the client? Are there benefits to forcing traversal through the relation to get at a specific field?

combining resolvers for interface and concrete types

For some reason I'm having a hard time figuring out how to combine resolvers for a GraphQL interface and a type that implements said interface.
Say I have the following schema:
interface IPerson {
id: ID!
firstName: String!
lastName: String!
type ClubMember implements IPerson {
...IPerson fields
memberType: String!
memberSince: DateTime!
type StaffMember implements IPerson {
...IPerson fields
hireDate: DateTime!
reportsTo: StaffMember
extend type Query {
people(ids: [Int!]): [IPerson]
A full ClubMember query with all fields, such as:
query {
people(ids: [123456,234567,345678]) {
... on ClubMember {
would produce a response like the following:
"id": 123456,
"firstName": "Member",
"lastName": "McMemberface",
"memberType": "VIP",
"memberSince": "2019-05-28T16:05:55+00:00"
I've used makeExecutableSchema() from apollo-server with inheritResolversFromInterfaces: true, and I want to be able to make use of default resolvers for each interface/type by having the model classes backing IPerson, ClubMember, etc. return objects with only the fields relevant to each type, i.e., the model class for IPerson fetches only the fields required by IPerson, etc. That is, the response above would execute 2 SQL statements:
SELECT id, firstName, lastName FROM Contacts WHERE id IN(?);
SELECT contactId, memberType, memberSince FROM Members WHERE contactId IN(?);
Of course, I could get all the data in one SQL statement by doing a JOIN at the database level, but I really want to have one (and only one) way of resolving the fields required by IPerson, and let the other types augment that data with their own resolvers.
My question is, do I need to "join" the resulting objects together myself in the resolver for the people query type? E.g.
const resolvers = {
Query: {
people: function( parent, args, context, info ) {
let persons = context.models.Person.getByIds( args.ids );
let members = context.models.Member.getByIds( args.ids );
return an array of {...person, ...member} where person.id === member.id
Or is there some way that Apollo handles this for us? Do I want something like apollo-resolvers? The docs on unions and interfaces isn't super helpful; I have __resolveType on IPerson, but the docs don't specify how the fields for each concrete type are resolved. Is there a better way to achieve this with Dataloader, or a different approach?
I think this question is related to my issue, in that I don't want to fetch data for a concrete type if the query doesn't request any of that type's fields via a fragment. There's also this issue on Github.
Many thanks!
__resolveType looks as follows:
IPerson: {
__resolveType: function ( parent, context, info ) {
if ( parent.memberType ) {
return 'ClubMember';
This problem really isn't specific to Apollo Server or even GraphQL -- querying multiple tables and getting a single set of results, especially when you're dealing with multiple data models, is going to get tricky.
You can, of course, query each table separately and combine the results, but it's not particularly efficient. I think by far the easiest way to handle this kind of scenario is to create a view in your database, something like:
SELECT club_members.id AS id,
club_members.first_name AS first_name,
club_members.last_name AS last_name,
club_members.member_type AS member_type,
club_members.member_since AS member_since,
null AS hire_date,
null AS reports_to,
'ClubMember' AS __typename
FROM club_members
SELECT staff_members.id AS id,
staff_members.first_name AS first_name,
staff_members.last_name AS last_name,
null AS member_type,
null AS member_since,
staff_members.hire_date AS hire_date,
staff_members.reports_to AS reports_to
'StaffMember' AS __typename
FROM staff_members;
You can also just use a single table instead, but a view allows you to keep your data in separate tables and query them together. Now you can add a data model for your view and use that to query all "people".
Note: I've added a __typename column here for convenience -- by returning a __typename, you can omit specifying your own __resolveType function -- GraphQL will assign the appropriate type at runtime for you.

AWS AppSync GraphQL input validation - ignore extra fields?

I have an input type in my schema that specifies lots of attributes, as it's intended to do. The issue is that what I'm sending to the mutation that will persist these objects is an object with arbitrary fields that may change. As it stands, if I send attributes not specified in the schema, I get the error:
Validation error of type WrongType: argument 'input' with value (...)
contains a field not in 'BotInput': 'ext_gps' # 'setBot'
Concretely, my input type did not specify the attribute exp_gps, and that field was provided.
My Question
Is there a way to make it so the input validation simply ignores any attributes not in the schema, so that it continues to perform the mutation with only whatever was specified in the schema? It'll be often that I don't want to persist the additional attributes, so dropping them is fine, as long as the other attributes get added.
GraphQL does not support arbitrary fields, there is a RFC to support a Map type but it has not been merged/approved into the specification.
I see two possible workarounds that both require to change your schema a little bit.
Say you have the following schema:
type Mutation {
saveBot(input: BotInput) : Boolean
input BotInput {
id: ID!
title: String
and the input object is:
"id": "123",
"title": "GoogleBot",
"unrelated": "field",
"ext_gps": "else"
Option 1: Pass the arbitrary fields as AWSJSON
You would change your schema to:
type Mutation {
saveBot(input: BotInput) : Boolean
input BotInput {
id: ID!
title: String
arbitraryFields: AWSJSON // this will contain all the arbitrary fields in a json string, provided your clients can pluck them from the original object, make a map out of them and json serialize it.
So the input in our example would be now:
"id": "123",
"title": "GoogleBot",
"arbitraryFields": "{\"unrelated\": \"field\", \"ext_gps\": \"else\"}"
In your resolver, you could take the arbitraryFields string, deserialize it, and hydrate the values on the BotInput object before passing it to the data source.
Option 2: Pass the input as AWSJSON
The principle is the same but you pass the entire BotInput as AWSJSON.
type Mutation {
saveBot(input: AWSJSON) : Boolean
You don't have to do the resolver hydration and you don't have to change your client, but you lose the GraphQL type validation as the whole BotInput is now a blob.

GraphQL Schema Type with no fields, or scalar type with arguments

I have the following situation, my data look like this:
_id: ID
en_US: String
nl_NL: String
weight: Number
Now I'd like to make the following GraphQL query:
products {
This works when adding a resolver to the productType, which returns the right locale based on the given argument. I'd rather not repeat this type + resolver all the time everytime I use this locale structure in my database. So it seems logical to create a localeType, and pass the right argument (locale) to this type, to then resolve the locale there.
For this I'd imagine to need either a Schema Type with no fields (which is not possible afaik):
const localeType = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'Locale',
fields: {
resolve: (locale, args) => this[args.locale],
Or a Scalar Type which accepts arguments.
Are either of these possible in GraphQL currently? And what would the syntax be?
Or any other way to solve this issue?
