Send updates from unbound Flux with Micronaut Websocket endpoint - websocket

I have a Flux which emits an unbound number of values on an interval.
I need a Websockets endpoint, which emits the values of the Flux when a client connects.
Currently I realized it as follows:
public class UpdateController {
private Flux<Update> updates;
// ... left out for brevity
public Flux<Update> onOpen(WebSocketSession session) {
return updates.flatMap(session::send);
public void onMessage(String content) {
// do nothing
public void onClose(WebSocketSession session) {
// do nothing
This works, but as soon as the client closes the connection, an exception is thrown.
Makes sense to me, since the updates Flux still emits values and session::send
will get called.
But how could I structure my code in a way, that this exception is not thrown? I
have the feeling that I am missing something.

You can prevent emitting value to the closed session by adding a filter that checks if the session is open before the flatMap call:
public Flux<String> onOpen(WebSocketSession session) {
return updates
.filter(it -> session.isOpen())


Sending async message from micronaut ServerWebSocket

I am trying to implement simple WebSocket server using Micronaut (and Groovy). I am new to Micronaut, so learning it as I go, and with it some RxJava seems required. So learning that as well.
I can make the basic example work:
class TimeseriesWebSocket {
public Publisher<String> onOpen(WebSocketSession session) {
println("opening connection")
return session.send("Hello")
public Publisher<String> onMessage(String message, WebSocketSession session) {
println("message received")
return session.send("Thanks for the message")
public Publisher<String> onClose(WebSocketSession session) {
//this seems not to be delivered, I guess due to session being closed already
return session.send("OK")
So this prints out all the messages I put there and works fine with a client connecting. The client also sees the "Hello" and "Thanks for the message" messages that are return with session.send(..).
Now my problem is, I am trying to send a message outside these methods. Like this:
class MyWebSocket {
public Publisher<String> onOpen(WebSocketSession session) {
println("opening connection")
return session.send("Hello")
//...(same as above)
public void startPing(WebSocketSession session) {
PingPing ping = new PingPing(session)
ScheduledExecutorService exec = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor();
exec.scheduleAtFixedRate(ping, 0, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
class PingPing {
WebSocketSession session
public PingPing(WebSocketSession session) {
this.session = session
void run() {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
This executes but nothing shows up on the client end. Now if I change session.send() to session.sendSync() it works fine. The ping is delivered.
The send() signature is actually
default <T> Publisher<T> send(T message)
I figured at first I should provide the Publisher to some other source to have it sent. But I guess this is not the case. I realized it is sort of a Future object, so if I subscribe to it myself like this:
def publisher = session.send("Ping...")
publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<GString>() {
void onSubscribe(Subscription s) {
void onNext(GString gString) {
void onError(Throwable t) {
void onComplete() {
println("publisher: ${publisher}")
Running the above piece of code (with subscribe), I guess it triggers the session.send() on the current thread and returns a result. But where should I actually call this? On what thread? I looked at the RxJava schedulers but could not quite understand where to call it from.
Further, the result of running the above actually delivers the message to the client, but also throws an error:
io.reactivex.exceptions.MissingBackpressureException: create: could not emit value due to lack of requests
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableCreate$ErrorAsyncEmitter.onOverflow(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableCreate$NoOverflowBaseAsyncEmitter.onNext(
at io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.NettyRxWebSocketSession.lambda$null$2(
at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultPromise.notifyListener0(
What is the backpressure and values / requests this referring to, and what is the actual way I should process an async send of the message? I expect it to just send the single item I am trying to send..
The Micronaut API documentation mentions following the javax.websocket API closely but
the javax.websocket async API seems to make more sense in just providing a Future to listen to.
So the short question is, how to use the Micronaut Websocket API to send message with the async mode outside the Micronaut provided functions? Or am I doing it all wrong?
It seems like I might be making some general wrong assumption about this API, but cannot figure it out from docs and cannot find example.
I had the same problem with micronaut v1.3.2.
I managed to get it working with sendAsync/sendSync instead of send.
I had a look at the implementation of NettyRxWebSocketSession and it looks like send is implemented somewhat differently than sendAsync. Not clear if its due to configuration or just problem with the implementation of send.
I hope this helps.

Spring WebFlux detect client disconnect

Suppose the following #RestController:
public Flux<Object> listen() {
return Flux.create(sink -> process(sink));
And somewhere Object());
This code has no information about sink state or completion
Tried using isCanceled, it returns false every time.
Is it possible to detect is FluxSink is still being used by the client?
In spring-webflux if the client close the connection the subscription will be canceled and disposed.
If in the process method you add a callback onCancel and onDispose you will see that.
private <T> void process(final FluxSink<T> sink) {
sink.onCancel(new Disposable() {
public void dispose() {
System.out.println("Flux Canceled");
sink.onDispose(new Disposable() {
public void dispose() {
System.out.println("Flux dispose");
Then send an http request to your endpoint and cancel it before your flux complete. You will see that both callbacks are triggered.
the accepted answer is only work combined with "sever send event", the server send periodical event to client, when the client is disconnected the subscription will be canceled. as the document says

run PublishSubject on different thread rxJava

I am running RxJava and creating a subject to use onNext() method to produce data. I am using Spring.
This is my setup:
public class SubjectObserver {
private SerializedSubject<SomeObj, SomeObj> safeSource;
public SubjectObserver() {
safeSource = PublishSubject.<SomeObj>create().toSerialized();
**safeSource.subscribeOn(<my taskthreadExecutor>);**
**safeSource.observeOn(<my taskthreadExecutor>);**
safeSource.subscribe(new Subscriber<AsyncRemoteRequest>() {
public void onNext(AsyncRemoteRequest asyncRemoteRequest) {
LOGGER.debug("{} invoked.", Thread.currentThread().getName());
public void publish(SomeObj myObj) {
The way new data is generated on the RxJava stream is by #Autowire private SubjectObserver subjectObserver
and then calling subjectObserver.publish(newDataObjGenerated)
No matter what I specify for subscribeOn() & observeOn():
my threads
The onNext() and the actual work inside it is done on the same thread that actually calls the onNext() on the subject to generate/produce data.
Is this correct? If so, what am I missing? I was expecting the doSomething() to be done on a different thread.
In my calling class, if I change the way I am invoking the publish method, then of course a new thread is allocated for the subscriber to run on.
taskExecutor.execute(() -> subjectObserver.publish(newlyGeneratedObj));
Each operator on Observable/Subject return a new instance with the extra behavior, however, your code just applies the subscribeOn and observeOn then throws away whatever they produced and subscribes to the raw Subject. You should chain the method calls and then subscribe:
safeSource = PublishSubject.<AsyncRemoteRequest>create().toSerialized();
.subscribeOn(<my taskthreadExecutor>)
.observeOn(<my taskthreadExecutor>)
.subscribe(new Subscriber<AsyncRemoteRequest>() {
public void onNext(AsyncRemoteRequest asyncRemoteRequest) {
LOGGER.debug("{} invoked.", Thread.currentThread().getName());
Note that subscribeOn has no practical effect on a PublishSubject because there is no subscription side-effect happening in its subscribe() method.

Disconnect client session from Spring websocket stomp server

I've searched quite a bit and been unable to find this: Is there a way that a spring websocket stomp server can disconnect a client based on the sessionId (or really based on anything at all)?
It seems to me that once a client connects to a server there is nothing that allows the server to disconnect the client.
Actually using some workarounds you can achieve what you want.
For that you should do:
Use java configuration (not sure if it is possible with XML config)
Extend your config class from WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurationSupport and implement WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer interface
Create custom sub-protocol websocket handler and extend it from SubProtocolWebSocketHandler class
In your custom sub-protocol websocket handler override afterConnectionEstablished method and you will have access to WebSocketSession :)
I've created sample spring-boot project to show how we can disconnect client session from server side:
You can also disconnect session by implementing a custom WebSocketHandlerDecorator:
public class WebSocketConfig<S extends ExpiringSession> extends AbstractSessionWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer<S> {
public void configureWebSocketTransport(final WebSocketTransportRegistration registration) {
registration.addDecoratorFactory(new WebSocketHandlerDecoratorFactory() {
public WebSocketHandler decorate(final WebSocketHandler handler) {
return new WebSocketHandlerDecorator(handler) {
public void afterConnectionEstablished(final WebSocketSession session) throws Exception {
protected void configureStompEndpoints(final StompEndpointRegistry registry) {
.setHandshakeHandler(new DefaultHandshakeHandler(
new UndertowRequestUpgradeStrategy() // If you use undertow
// new JettyRequestUpgradeStrategy()
// new TomcatRequestUpgradeStrategy()
As far as I know the API doesn't provide what you are looking for, on server-side you can only detect disconnect events. If you want to disconnect a certain client I think you must go for a litte workaround, e.g. this one:
Write a client-side javascript function that is able to trigger a disconnect
As soon as your client is connected to the server, generate a client ID in your javascript and send it to the server. Remember the ID on the client, you'll need it in step (4).
At the time you want the server to disconnect the connection to the specific client (identified by the ID), send a message containing the ID back to the client.
Now your client javascript evaluates the message send from the server and decides to call the disconnect function you wrote in step (1).
Your client disconnects itself.
The workaround is a bit cumbersome but it'll work.
I relied on the idea of #Dániel Kis and implemented the websocket session management with the key point of storing websocket sessions for authenticated users in Singleton-like object.
public class WebSocketConfig implements WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer {
public void configureWebSocketTransport(WebSocketTransportRegistration registration) {
registration.addDecoratorFactory(new WebSocketHandlerDecoratorFactory() {
public WebSocketHandler decorate(final WebSocketHandler handler) {
return new WebSocketHandlerDecorator(handler) {
public void afterConnectionEstablished(final WebSocketSession session) throws Exception {
// We will store current user's session into WebsocketSessionHolder after connection is established
String username = session.getPrincipal().getName();
WebsocketSessionHolder.addSession(username, session);
Class to store websocket users' sessions WebsocketSessionHolder. I use 'synchronized' blocks for thread safety. Actually this blocks are not expensive operations because each of methods (addSession and closeSessions) are used not so often (On establishing and terminating connection). No need to use ConcurrentHashMap or SynchronizedMap here because we perform bunch of operations with the list in these methods.
public class WebsocketSessionHolder {
static {
sessions = new HashMap<>();
// key - username, value - List of user's sessions
private static Map<String, List<WebSocketSession>> sessions;
public static void addSession(String username, WebSocketSession session)
synchronized (sessions) {
var userSessions = sessions.get(username);
if (userSessions == null)
userSessions = new ArrayList<WebSocketSession>();
sessions.put(username, userSessions);
public static void closeSessions(String username) throws IOException
synchronized (sessions) {
var userSessions = sessions.get(username);
if (userSessions != null)
for(var session : userSessions) {
// I use POLICY_VIOLATION to indicate reason of disconnecting for a client
And the final touch - terminating (disconnecting) specified user websocket sessions ("ADMIN" in the example), say in some Controller
public class PageController {
public void killSessions() throws Exception {
In case of xml configuration you can use <websocket:decorator-factories> in the <websocket:transport> of your <websocket:message-broker>.
Create custom WebSocketHandlerDecorator and WebSocketHandlerDecoratorFactory which implement decorate method.
This may seem brief but I am not certain what the implementation would look like in your case. But, I think there are some circumstances that would warrant this workaround/solution:
Set a timeout on the back-end (say 30 seconds):
This is how you would do it with Spring Boot Websocket (and Tomcat):
public ServletServerContainerFactoryBean websocketContainer() {
ServletServerContainerFactoryBean container = new ServletServerContainerFactoryBean();
return container;
If you want to keep the session open - continue to send messages or else actively send ping/pongs. In the case that you want the session to disconnect, stop the ping/pong interaction somewhere suitable in you application.
Of course, if you are wanting to disconnect immediately, this doesn't seem to be an appropriate solution. But if you are simply trying to reduce the number of active connections, ping/pong may be a good fit since it keeps a session open only so long as messages are actively being sent, preventing the session from being closed prematurely.
first you have to introduce a class as your User class by inheritance then use it like this:
if (userObject instanceof User) {
User user = (User) userObject;
if (user.getId().equals(userDTO.getId())) {
for (SessionInformation information : sessionRegistry.getAllSessions(user, true)) {

Google Web Toolkit (GWT) EventBus event firing/handling

Background Story:
I am developing a GWT application, using the standard MVP design pattern, and also using RPC to get data from my custom data handling servlet (does a lot behind the scenes). Anyway, my goal is to create a very simple custom caching mechanism, that stores the data returned from the RPC callback in a static cache POJO. (The callback also sends a custom event using the SimpleEventBus to all registered handlers.) Then when I request the data again, I'll check the cache before doing the RPC server call again. (And also send a custom event using the EventBus).
The Problem:
When I send the event from the RPC callback, everything works fine. The problem is when I send the event outside the RPC callback when I just send the cached object. For some reason this event doesn't make it to my registered handler. Here is some code:
public void callServer(final Object source)
if(cachedResponse != null)
System.err.println("Getting Response from Cache for: "+ source.getClass().getName());
//Does this actually fire the event?
eventBus.fireEventFromSource(new ResponseEvent(cachedResponse),source);
System.err.println("Getting Response from Server for: "+ source.getClass().getName());
service.callServer(new AsyncCallback<String>(){
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
System.err.println("RPC Call Failed.");
public void onSuccess(String result) {
cachedResponse = result;
eventBus.fireEventFromSource(new ResponseEvent(cachedResponse),source);
Now I have two Activities, HelloActivity and GoodbyeActivity (taken from: GWT MVP code)
They also print out messages when the handler is called. Anyway, this is the output I get from the logs: (Not correct)
Getting Response from Cache for: com.hellomvp.client.activity.HelloActivity
Response in GoodbyeActivity from: com.hellomvp.client.activity.HelloActivity
Getting Response from Cache for: com.hellomvp.client.activity.GoodbyeActivity
Response in HelloActivity from: com.hellomvp.client.activity.GoodbyeActivity
What I expect to get is this:
Getting Response from Cache for: com.hellomvp.client.activity.HelloActivity
Response in HelloActivity from: com.hellomvp.client.activity.HelloActivity
Getting Response from Cache for: com.hellomvp.client.activity.GoodbyeActivity
Response in GoodbyeActivity from: com.hellomvp.client.activity.GoodbyeActivity
And I will get this expected output if I change the above code to the following: (This is the entire file this time...)
package com.hellomvp.client;
public class RequestManager {
private EventBus eventBus;
private String cachedResponse;
private HelloServiceAsync service = GWT.create(HelloService.class);
public RequestManager(EventBus eventBus)
this.eventBus = eventBus;
public void callServer(final Object source)
if(cachedResponse != null)
System.err.println("Getting Response from Cache for: "+ source.getClass().getName());
service.doNothing(new AsyncCallback<Void>(){
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
System.err.println("RPC Call Failed.");
public void onSuccess(Void result) {
eventBus.fireEventFromSource(new ResponseEvent(cachedResponse),source);
System.err.println("Getting Response from Server for: "+ source.getClass().getName());
service.callServer(new AsyncCallback<String>(){
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
System.err.println("RPC Call Failed.");
public void onSuccess(String result) {
cachedResponse = result;
eventBus.fireEventFromSource(new ResponseEvent(cachedResponse),source);
So the point it out, the only change is that I created a new RPC call that does nothing, and send the event in its callback, with the cached data instead, and it causes the application to work as expected.
So the Question:
What am I doing wrong? I don't understand why 'eventBus.fireEvent(...)' Needs to be in an RPC Callback to work properly. I'm thinking this is a threading issue, but I have searched Google in vain for anything that would help.
I have an entire Eclipse project that showcases this issue that I'm having, it can be found at: Eclipse Problem Project Example
Edit: Please note that using eventBus.fireEventFromSource(...) is only being used for debugging purposes, since in my actual GWT Application I have more than one registered Handler for the events. So how do you use EventBus properly?
If I understand your problem correctly you are expecting calls to SimpleEventBus#fireEventFromSource to be routed only to the source object. This is not the case - the event bus will always fire events to all registered handlers. In general the goal of using an EventBus is to decouple the sources of events from their handlers - basing functionality on the source of an event runs counter to this goal.
To get the behavior you want pass an AsyncCallback to your caching RPC client instead of trying to use the EventBus concept in a way other than intended. This has the added benefit of alerting the Activity in question when the RPC call fails:
public class RequestManager {
private String cachedResponse = null;
private HelloServiceAsync service = GWT.create(HelloService.class);
public void callServer(final AsyncCallback<String> callback) {
if (cachedResponse != null) {
} else {
service.callServer(new AsyncCallback<String>(){
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
public void onSuccess(String result) {
cachedResponse = result;
And in the Activity:
clientFactory.getRequestManager().callServer(new AsyncCallback<String>() {
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
// Handle failure.
public void onSuccess(String result) {
