Kernel not connecting with Jupyter notebook on Windows 10 - windows

When I load jupyter notebook the kernel says 'waiting trying to connect' then it says 'connected' then it disconnects again. The cycle continues. I have been unable to use jupyternotebook for a week. I turn off the firewall same issue.
Would appreciate the help. I followed some instructions about tornado , none helped!
I also posted this link in the jupyter hub (still did dot get a response).


Can't browse interent with Ubuntu 18.04 , OpenVPN issue?

I have two machines with installed:
Computer 1. Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS
Computer 2. Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS
Both are running the same iptables rules.
Both are connected to two different openvpn servers.
Computer 1. "disconnects" within a minute and i can't browse internet via either Firefox or chrome. But. I can browse via command line browsers.
Computer 2. never disconnects from openvpn server and i can always browse internet via either Firefox or CL.
i tried switching between servers but the problem persist.
What is the problem with Computer 1. ?
How can i troubleshoot this problem? Where to start?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
UPDATE: Presently, I can't browse internet via terminal (CL) anymore on 18.04. I can ssh to my openvpn servers but I can't browse internet !?

ERR_CONNECTION_FAILED on Chrome/IE after 20 minutes of working when internet is still connected

Hoping this is the right place to ask this. I'm trying to learn React Native and I'm using Expo as my medium for deployment, but I'm finding that I'm literally getting 20 minutes at a time before my browser fails to connect with the error code ERR_CONNECTION_FAILED. I've tried the following:
netsh winsock reset, then the related ipconfig commands for flushing DNS settings
Clearing browser caches
Updating drivers
I'm at my wits end as the only thing that completely solves it is restarting my laptop, which for obvious reasons isn't feasible every 20 minutes, so I'm hoping somebody can help.
I'm experiencing the same issue with Expo in this environment:
Windows 10, version 1909 (OS build 18363.476)
using WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) with Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
These links were useful to learn why this is happening:
In essence, this issue seems to be due to a problem with WSL. Per a post in the first link, I tried the alternative to restarting the computer and it worked - it made the ERR_CONNECTION_FAILED problems disappear...for 20 minutes. That alternative is as follows:
WIN+R -> services.msc
Find LxssManager
Right-click -> Restart
This restarts the WSL service which also means that the WSL instance that was running gets terminated. This is less than ideal, but at least a computer restart is avoided. The third link says this WSL problem is fixed in Windows Insider Build 18890.
I am now considering spinning up a VM to run Ubuntu instead of trying to use WSL for Expo projects.
I uninstalled the latest Windows updates, and the problem has not surfaced since.

Hortonworks Docker Sandbox HDP VM VirtualBox stuck on waiting for Ambria server Windows10

I cannot seem to figure out why VirtualBox wont connect with Ambria agent on my laptop. I'm currently using version 2.6.4, but tried the older version and still had the same issue. I have tried different methods to solve the problem:
1) I applied the virtualbox's ip address, which I found in command front, to ports 8080 and 8888, which didnt due anything
2) Tried changing the network connection from NAT to Host-Only Adapter, which did nothing
3) Tried re-installing the package
I currently run Spyder to code in python in its own environment and have Anaconda3 installed in my computer. I don't know if any of this play's a factor
I have no idea how any of this works, so I have been trying random methods that I found on the internet, but nothing seems to work. Was hoping that someone would have encountered a similar issue. Please let me know if I should provide any further information with network connections, etc. Thanks for the help!

Delphi - Checklist for PAServer Connection (Mac OSX)

I have spent the better part of a day trying to connect to PAServer on MAC OSX from my Windows PC with no luck. I am not sure what I am missing.
I am using Delphi 10.2 Tokyo on Windows. Trying to connect to PAServer 19.0 on a Mac Mini running macOS Sierra (10.12.4) on which I already have XCode (v8.3.2) installed along with Command Line Tools.
Both the dev machine as well as the Mac Mini are connected to the same Wifi network. I even tried connecting both machines to a different network but with the same issue.
I get the same error message every time that the connection failed. I suspect that it has something to do with the network - where the 2 machines cannot see each other, but I don't know how I can confirm this or resolve it. I have tried to search on SO as well as online but have not found anything that has helped.
Has anyone seen this issue and overcome it? Is there a set of steps I can go thru to troubleshoot this? Any help or guidance would be most appreciated!
OK - I kept trying out different things and was able to solve this issue (one way to solve it I guess).
Because it seemed like it was network related, I tried first to create a hotspot with my phone and connected the dev machine and the Mac Mini to it. The PAServer connection worked.
So I looked for a way to do this via Windows. Here are the steps I followed:
Open Settings > Network & Internet (on Windows 10)
Go into Mobile Hotspot and select Wi-Fi in the Share my
Connection From dropdown
Set a Network name and Network password
Turn on Share my Internet connection with other devices
Now on the Mac, connect to the network name we set up in step 3 and enter the password that was set. Then start PAServer on the Mac. That's it!
Now when you connect from Delphi to PAServer, the connection succeeds.
Note: Interestingly, when I was not using the mobile hotspot method on Windows, the IP address on PAServer (and on Windows) was 10.xx.xx.xx. With the mobile hotspot, the IP address is 192.xx.xx.xx.
I just configured (today) a new macos sierra with paserver. yes it's painfull :(
don't use virtualbox (it's buggy and slow), but use instead VMware, it's work like a charm. it's much more easy to have only one computer to develop than 2. also you can copy/past the log or anythink else from macosx to windows (or vice-versa) in just one click. and you will not have any internet problem or anything else ...

enthought package manager error

After updating to Enthought Canopy 1.4 on Windows 7 I cannot access packages with Package Manager. It fails with "Could not connect to Canopy server." I don't have proxies: "NO_PROXY: localhost,". This happens on two different computers Win32 and Win64. (With the same settings on a Mac in the same network there is no problem!) Wonder if other people experience the same problem. Can you please help?
I solved the problem by logging out from and logging again in to my Canopy account. On one machine I had to quit Canopy and to start it again before this worked. It seemingly has to do with handling of passwords by Canopy.
