is clickhouse install on windows , and it is atype of no sql column oriented DB such as casendera or it is type of relational DB - installation

is clickhouse install on windows , and it is atype of no sql column oriented DB such as casendera or it is type of relational DB
is clickhouse install on windows , and it is atype of no sql column oriented DB such as casendera or it is type of relational DB


Parameterized query in SSIS Oracle data load

I am learning to use SSIS to use between our Oracle ERP system and my SQL Server data warehouse
When loading transactional data (Inventory transactions) I have a unique auto increment integer Transaction_Id column that I would like to use in my SSIS data flow task
I understand that I would need to create a Parameter and fill this using a "Execute SQL Task", where I look up the latest transaction_id from my SQL Server table, then on to the "Data flow task" where I would use the parameter in a SQL Query.
My issue is that the Oracle connectors I am using "MS Oracle Source" From attunity does not allow me to add parameters to my query.
How would I go about getting my parameter value into my SQL query?

Query JSONB through dblink (Oracle <> Postgres)

We have a local db (Oracle) where we want to query a remote db (postgres), the data to be retreived is in JSONB format.
What is the best way for achieving this ?
The tool for accessing PostgreSQL from Oracle database is GoldenGate.
The 12.2 documentation does not even list the jsonb data type, so it is probably is not supported (I guess Oracle didn't check PostgreSQL's documentation since 9.2, when json was introduced).
But then Oracle doesn't have a special JSON data type anyway, it stores JSON as VARCHAR2 or CLOB, so you can easily use a view in PostgreSQL that casts the jsonb to text and use that.

Create tables in Oracle the same as they are in Postgres

I have multiple Tables in PostgreSQL
extract_a, extract_b and so on now I want to create all of these tables in Oracle by using Pentaho.
I set the Data type Varchar2(4000) in all my tables fields. Tables created successfully but when I tried to insert the data it give men an error
"Identifier is too long"
How do I create these tables Oracle ?

Export tables from data modeler to oracle database by sql developer

I created logical and relational model in Oracle Datamodeler of my database and I would like add some examples data in tables.
When I open sql developer and connect to my database - user(system). I don't know how to import created tables from relational model and how writing examples date.
When you design is 'finished' - you need to export your relational model as a SQL script.
This will bring up a wizard where you can probably safely ignore a bunch of options - just press OK.
This will spit out a script.
-- Generated by Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler
-- at: 2015-05-22 05:39:15 EDT
-- site: Oracle Database 11g
-- type: Oracle Database 11g
Column_2 BLOB ,
Column_3 CHAR (4)
) ;
Open that in a SQL Developer connection with the USER you want the objects to live in - don't use SYSTEM or SYS! - and execute with F5.
Then refresh your table node, and you'll see your data.
The easiest way to add a bunch of sample data is to import it from an Excel file. That's pretty straightforward - Google it if you get stuck.

How to copy bytea from Postgres to Oracle

I have a Postgres 9.1 table plines with a bytea field shape.
Number of records is about 500000.
What is the best way to copy bytea data plines.shape from Postgres to a field shape of an Oracle 10g table olines?
Thank you in advance, ysa
I'd create a program in Java which would connect to PostgreSQL (using JDBC PostgreSQL driver) and Oracle (using Oracle Instant Client) simultaneously and then read a row from Postgres, put this row to Oracle table, repeat.
This would be much easier the other way around... ;-)
