Ansible register variable from facts output - ansible

I'm using Ansible playbook to get information about the server's hardware internals through iDrac controller. It is performed by 3rd party module, which uses API to connect to the device.
I get server's internals info (controllers, disks, CPU information, etc.) by running the task. And I would like to register some variables from such output (the output is just shortened by dots).
I kept the main structure of output, to make it clear:
ok: [rac1] => {
"ansible_facts": {
"discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"
"changed": false,
"invocation": {
"module_args": {
"ca_path": null,
"idrac_ip": "",
"idrac_port": 443,
"msg": "Successfully fetched the system inventory details.",
"system_info": {
"BIOS": [
"BIOSReleaseDate": "09/14/2022",
"FQDD": "BIOS.Setup.1-1",
"CPU": [
"CPUFamily": "Intel(R) Xeon(TM)",
"Characteristics": "64-bit capable",
"CurrentClockSpeed": "2.1 GHz",
"CPUFamily": "Intel(R) Xeon(TM)",
"Characteristics": "64-bit capable",
"Controller": [
"Bus": "67",
"CacheSize": "8192.0 MB",
"DeviceDescription": "RAID Controller in SL 3",
"FQDD": "RAID.SL.3-1",
"Key": "RAID.SL.3-1",
I need to get only couple values from output (PCI slot num where RAID controller is located):
"DeviceDescription": "RAID Controller in SL 3",
"Key": "RAID.SL.3-1"
But I have no clue, which example from documentation can I use to register value to variable.
Considering this is a third party module. The task execution is very slow, so it is not so easy for me to play with it as much as possible.
Could somebody suggest me please, which direction should I dig? I'm not a big expert in Ansible yet.
My role's tasks are following below.
I tried to get nested values using debug task(just to figure out key which I need to register), like this, but no luck:
### Get inventory key:value pairs and trying to save certain value to variable ###:
- name: Get Inventory
idrac_ip: "{{ idrac_ip }}"
idrac_user: "{{ idrac_user }}"
idrac_password: "{{ idrac_password }}"
validate_certs: False
register: ansible_facts[system_info][Controller][FQDD].result
### Trying to show my saved variable in this task ###
- name: print registered value
var: RAID slot is at "{{ result }}"
verbosity: 4
I get this message after launching playbook:
"msg": "Unsupported parameters for (dellemc.openmanage.idrac_system_info) module: register. Supported parameters include: idrac_ip, timeout, idrac_user, ca_path, idrac_port, validate_certs, idrac_password (idrac_pwd)."

Since you are providing already valid output, how do have generated that? How was it "printed"?
A minimal example playbook
- hosts: rac1
become: false
gather_facts: false
system_info: {
"BIOS": [
"BIOSReleaseDate": "09/14/2022",
"FQDD": "BIOS.Setup.1-1"
"CPU": [
"CPUFamily": "Intel(R) Xeon(TM)",
"Characteristics": "64-bit capable",
"CurrentClockSpeed": "2.1 GHz"
"CPUFamily": "Intel(R) Xeon(TM)",
"Characteristics": "64-bit capable"
"Controller": [
"Bus": "67",
"CacheSize": "8192.0 MB",
"DeviceDescription": "RAID Controller in SL 3",
"FQDD": "RAID.SL.3-1",
"Key": "RAID.SL.3-1"
- name: Show Facts
msg: "{{ result.system_info.Controller }}"
will result already into the expected output of
TASK [Show Facts] *****************************
ok: [rac1] =>
- Bus: '67'
CacheSize: 8192.0 MB
DeviceDescription: RAID Controller in SL 3
Key: RAID.SL.3-1
which example from documentation can I use to register value to variable.
you may read about Registering variables. For registering results, even for 3rd-party or Custom Modules the structure will be
- name: Task
module_parameter: values
register: variable_name
That's why you get an syntax error
Unsupported parameters for (dellemc.openmanage.idrac_system_info) module: register.
about the incorrect indention. Therefore try first
- name: Get Inventory
idrac_ip: "{{ idrac_ip }}"
idrac_user: "{{ idrac_user }}"
idrac_password: "{{ idrac_password }}"
validate_certs: False
register: inventory
- name: Show Inventory
msg: "{{ inventory }}"
to get familiar with the result set and data structure.
Further documentation which might help are Return Values and idrac_system_info module – Get the PowerEdge Server System Inventory.


Conditional when win_service exists?

I'm creating playbook to install fluentbit on windows hosts. Everything is working properly but i'm getting error when creating service, it doesn’t fail the install as then everything is already in place but I would like to figure out how I could leverage conditionals. Could you help me with this? :)
My adhoc test-play where I've tried to parse results from module is as follows:
- name: Check Windows service status
hosts: win
gather_facts: True
- name: Check if a service is installed
name: fluent-bit
register: service_info
- debug: msg="{{service_info}}"
- name: Get info for a single service
name: fluent-bit
register: service_info
- debug: msg="{{ service_info }}"
- name: Get info for a fluent-bit service
name: logging
register: service_exists
- debug: msg="{{ service_exists }}"
- name: Send message if service exists
msg: "Service is installed"
when: service_exists.state is not defined or is not defined
- name: Send message if service exists
msg: "Service is NOT installed"
when: service_exists.state is not running
I just don’t get it how I could parse output so that I could skip task when fluent-bit -service exists = True like here:
TASK [debug] *****************************************************************************************
ok: [win-server-1] => {
"msg": {
"can_pause_and_continue": false,
"changed": false,
"depended_by": [],
"dependencies": [],
"description": "",
"desktop_interact": false,
"display_name": "fluent-bit",
**"exists": true,**
"failed": false,
"name": "fluent-bit",
"path": "C:\\fluent-bit\\bin\\fluent-bit.exe -c C:\\fluent-bit\\conf\\fluent-bit.conf",
"start_mode": "manual",
"state": "stopped",
"username": "LocalSystem"
Cheers :)
So, got it working as I wanted with service_info.exists != True, now it will skip the task if service is already present.

Ansible play is not able to take variable

│ ├───houston
│ └───munich
│ └───filter
│ └───__pycache__
│ └───tasks
variable file:
- { node_id: "101", obb_address: "", obb_cidr: "27" , obb_gateway: "" }
- { node_id: "102", obb_address: "", obb_cidr: "27" , obb_gateway: "" }
- { node_id: "201", obb_address: "", obb_cidr: "27" , obb_gateway: "" }
- name: Setup ACI Fabric
hosts: "{{ target }}"
gather_facts: no
any_errors_fatal: true
- include_vars:
file: "{{ ACI_SSoT_path }}/fabricsetup.yml"
- include_vars:
file: "{{ ACI_SSoT_path }}/oob.yml"
# Intent Statement
- include_role:
name: aci-fabric-onboarding
# Adding OBB address
- name: Add OBB address
delegate_to: localhost
host: "{{ aci_ip }}"
username: ansible
private_key: ansible.key
certificate_name: ansible
use_ssl: yes
validate_certs: false
path: /api/node/mo/uni/tn-mgmt/mgmtp-default/oob-default/rsooBStNode-[topology/pod-1/node-"{{item.node_id}}"].json
method: post
with_items: "{{ oob_nodes }}"
TASK [aci-fabric-onboarding : Add OBB address] *****************************************************************************************************************************************************
task path: /etc/ansible/Ansible-Aci-config/roles/aci-fabric-onboarding/tasks/apply-oob-config.yml:4
fatal: []: FAILED! => {
"msg": "The task includes an option with an undefined variable. The error was: 'item' is undefined\n\nThe error appears to be in '/etc/ansible/Ansible-Aci-config/roles/aci-fabric-onboarding/tasks/apply-oob-config.yml': line 4, column 3, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n# Adding OBB address\n- name: Add OBB address\n ^ here\n"
That looks like an indention error to me. You have with_items with the same indention as aci_rest:
# Adding OBB address
- name: Add OBB address
delegate_to: localhost
host: "{{ aci_ip }}"
username: ansible
private_key: ansible.key
certificate_name: ansible
use_ssl: yes
validate_certs: false
path: /api/node/mo/uni/tn-mgmt/mgmtp-default/oob-default/rsooBStNode-[topology/pod-1/node-"{{ item.node_id }}"].json
method: post
with_items: "{{ oob_nodes }}"
Have a look at the documentation as well.

Ansible loop built from variable sets

I am pretty new to Ansible as a network engineer and have found it breaking my brain. I've used basic loops in some Ansible playbooks. Now I'm trying something a bit more complex and I'm sure I'm missing something because it feels like it should be simple.
I want to take these variables in a playbook:
- '139'
- '445'
- '137'
- '138'
- ''
- ''
- '200X:8X0:fX4a:X053::/64'
- '200X:8X0:fX4a:X050::130'
and loop through them so I build a new variable like this:
- { ip: "", port: ['139','445'] }
- { ip: "", port: ['139','445'] }
- { ip: "X001:8X0:fX4a:X053::/64", port: ['139','445'] }
- { ip: "X001:8X0:fX4a:X050::130", port: ['139','445'] }
- { ip: "", port: ['137','138'] }
- { ip: "", port: ['137','138'] }
- { ip: "200X:8X0:fX4a:X053::/64", port: ['137','138'] }
- { ip: "200X:8X0:fX4a:X050::130", port: ['137','138'] }
^^^ the above bit that I want to generate is the bit that I'm struggling with ^^^
Then I can send it to this:
- name: Allow SMB TCP
rule: allow
src: '{{ item.0.ip }}'
port: '{{ item.1 }}'
proto: tcp
- "{{ smb_allowed_ips_tcp }}"
- port
when: "'smbserver' in group_names"
- name: Allow SMB UDP
rule: allow
src: '{{ item.0.ip }}'
port: '{{ item.1 }}'
proto: udp
- "{{ smb_allowed_ips_udp }}"
- port
when: "'smbserver' in group_names"
The question used to have a lot of words here. I deleted it. Thanks Larsks. I hope this is clearer?
I tried set_facts, but there is loads of stuff I don't understand in examples i see, like adding | symbols and writing list, product etc, and I always end up breaking. It also doesnt seem to add as an array, it overwrites.
Answered here: using
- hosts: myhosts
gather_facts: true
become: true
- '139'
- '445'
- '137'
- '138'
- ''
- ''
- '200X:8X0:fX4a:X053::/64'
- '200X:8X0:fX4a:X050::130'
smb_ips_tcp: {}
- name: Populate IPs in dict
smb_ips_tcp: "{{ smb_ips_tcp | combine({'ip': item}) }}"
- "{{ smb_ips }}"
register: smbout
- name: Populate ports in dict
smb_ips_tcp: "{{ item | combine({'port': smb_tcp_ports}) }}"
- "{{ smbout.results | map(attribute='ansible_facts.smb_ips_tcp') | list }}"
register: smbout
- name: smbout results
smb_ips_tcp: "{{ smbout.results | map(attribute='ansible_facts.smb_ips_tcp') | list }}"
- name: Allow SMB TCP
rule: allow
src: '{{ item.0.ip }}'
port: '{{ item.1 }}'
proto: tcp
- "{{ smb_ips_tcp }}"
- port
I think I had missed the register bit. So when I tried the register facts bit before it kept leaving me with one key value pair. Which was useless. The register though is allowing me to keep all the key values and use them again.
Unsure if this is a duplicate question now.
It sounds like you may have resolved your question, but I thought you might be interested in an alternative implementation. I would probably solve this using the product filter, which produces the cartesian product of two lists. For example, to produce smb_allowed_ips_tcp, I would write:
- name: create smb_allowed_ips_tcp
smb_allowed_ips_tcp: "{{ smb_allowed_ips_tcp + [{'ip': item.0, 'port': item.1}] }}"
loop: "{{ smb_ips|product(smb_tcp_ports)|list }}"
smb_allowed_ips_tcp: []
This produces a data structure that looks like:
TASK [debug] ******************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"smb_allowed_ips_tcp": [
"ip": "",
"port": "139"
"ip": "",
"port": "445"
"ip": "",
"port": "139"
"ip": "",
"port": "445"
"ip": "200X:8X0:fX4a:X053::/64",
"port": "139"
"ip": "200X:8X0:fX4a:X053::/64",
"port": "445"
"ip": "200X:8X0:fX4a:X050::130",
"port": "139"
"ip": "200X:8X0:fX4a:X050::130",
"port": "445"
We can feed that to the ufw module like this:
- name: Allow SMB TCP
rule: allow
src: '{{ item.ip }}'
port: '{{ item.port }}'
proto: tcp
loop: "{{ smb_allowed_ips_tcp }}"
There are fewer tasks required for this solution, and I think the logic is a little easier to follow.

Use Jinja2 to compare 2 items within the same list

Seeking for help here what would the jinja2 filter look like if i want to compare 2 list items? example: i want to filter out only records where host = dnsname
- { host: server1, dnsname: }
- { host: server2, dnsname: }
- { host: server3, dnsname: server3 }
json_query will do the job. The tasks below
- set_fact:
server_list2: "{{ server_list|json_query('[?host==dnsname]') }}"
- debug:
var: server_list2
"server_list2": [
"dnsname": "server3",
"host": "server3"

Using url module with jinja2 templates

I know how to process jinja2 templates files and let them create files. I also know how to POST to webservices using the url module.
For now I use some code like this, which successfully posts hardcoded JSON to my remote service:
- name: GSA app definition
url: "http://localhost:8764/api/apps?relatedObjects=false"
method: POST
force_basic_auth: yes
user: "{{ admin_name }}"
password: "{{ admin_pass }}"
body_format: json
body: "{\"name\":\"My new app\", \"description\":\"A really great new app\" }"
follow_redirects: all
status_code: 200
timeout: 15
register: app_gsa_cfg
But the JSON is static, how can I process a jinja2 template and POST its content ? I would prefer not having to create temporary files on disk and POST them, what I am looking for is a direct connection or perhaps an approach that puts the template processing result into a string.
For starters a jinja2 template could look like this, later I will add variables too:
This file creates the basic GSA app in Fusion. See for details
"name": "GSA",
"description": "Contains all configuration specific to the migrated GSA legacy searches"
(I know that this has little advantage over a static json included into the playbook. But is is easier to edit and offers me the opportunity to have (jinja style) comments in Json, which is normally not possible)
In my case, what I do is the following:
I have an API, so I do the following:
- name: Change API Status
url: "{{ enpoint }}/v1/requests/{{ whatever }}"
method: PATCH
user: "{{ tokenid }}"
password: x
X-4me-Account: "myaccount"
body: '{ "status":"{{ reqstatus }}" }'
body_format: json
- 201
- 200
force_basic_auth: true
validate_certs: false
return_content: true
Then your reqstatus var will change.
Even you can add your whole text as yaml, import into a variable and convert with filters {{ some_variable | to_json }}
Note: Have a look to the formatting without escaping quotes. That will help.
It makes no sense creating a file with jinja2 if you are not going to copy it remotely. Ansible supports jinja natively but its strength is the possibility to have plugins for better maintainability. There is no difference between template (or win_template) modules unless (as said) you copy the file somewhere. Look this example:
- name: Adhoc Jinja
hosts: localhost
connection: local
gather_facts: false
- name: "GSA"
description: "Contains all configuration specific to the migrated GSA legacy searches"
- name: "Another Name"
description: "Contains Another Var"
- name: Read Vars Loop
msg: "{{ item | to_json }}"
with_items: "{{ mytemplate }}"
- name: Include Vars
include_vars: adhocjinja2.yml
- name: Read Vars Loop
msg: "{{ item | to_json }}"
with_items: "{{ mytemplate }}"
And adhocjinja2.yml:
- name: "GSA2"
description: "Contains all configuration specific to the migrated GSA legacy searches"
- name: "Another Name 2"
description: "Contains Another Var"
The output is:
TASK [Read Vars Loop] **************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => (item={'name': 'GSA', 'description': 'Contains all configuration specific to the migrated GSA legacy searches'}) => {
"msg": "{\"name\": \"GSA\", \"description\": \"Contains all configuration specific to the migrated GSA legacy searches\"}"
ok: [localhost] => (item={'name': 'Another Name', 'description': 'Contains Another Var'}) => {
"msg": "{\"name\": \"Another Name\", \"description\": \"Contains Another Var\"}"
TASK [Include Vars] ****************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost]
TASK [Read Vars Loop] **************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => (item={'name': 'GSA2', 'description': 'Contains all configuration specific to the migrated GSA legacy searches'}) => {
"msg": "{\"name\": \"GSA2\", \"description\": \"Contains all configuration specific to the migrated GSA legacy searches\"}"
ok: [localhost] => (item={'name': 'Another Name 2', 'description': 'Contains Another Var'}) => {
"msg": "{\"name\": \"Another Name 2\", \"description\": \"Contains Another Var\"}"
You can manage your variables as you want and create your json on the fly as Ansible has jinja and json it its heart.
