How to push logs to RabbitMQ using micrometer and Spring Boot 3 - spring

I am using Zipkin server to aggregate the logs, and my project uses Spring Boot 3.0.2
and want to push logs to RabbitMQ with micrometer.
The pom.xml contains:
and the properties file contains:
logging.pattern.level=%5p [${},%X{traceId:-},%X{spanId:-}]
But I cannot see any message in the queue when I call any endpoint.


How to get trace-id in spring-cloud-gateway using micrometer-brave

I want to display traceId in logs for each request in Spring Cloud Gateway. However, traceId and spanId are just empty.
Log config is like below:
level: "%5p [TRACE_ID: %X{traceId:-}] [SPAN_ID: %X{spanId:-}]"
Part of pom.xml:

Opentelemetry logs not printing

I am migrating from open tracing to open telemetry with jaeger.
Earlier the pom had following:
Then I migrated from java 8 spring boot v2.3 to java 17 spring boot v3. So I updated the config as follows:
the properties are mentioned below:
The problem I encounter is that the spans are not logged. I do not see any logs that say span reported, which I usually get before. I haven't connected this to any collector or added any telemetry related configuration. I was following this tutorial () but it says the app should work out of the box.
What kind of configurations am I missing here?
EDIT: The second approach (The open telemetry one) works when spring boot version is 2.5.6 ( but not when 3.0. How can make this work in spring boot 3?

Error starting Spring Cloud Stream with Kinesis

I'm trying to start a new sample project using for process Kinesis Stream but I'm getting the following error:
Exception in thread "-kinesis-consumer-1" java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: logger
And those are my pom dependencies:
The sample code of Spring Cloud with Kinesis is outdated, so I tried use newest dependencies.
Anyway, someone can help?
You probably try to use the latest Spring Boot 2.4.x which brings for us Spring Integration 5.4 already. And this one is not compatible with the latest Spring Integration AWS, which is still based on the Spring Integration 5.3.x.
Let's see if you still can stick with Spring Boot 2.3.x!

spring boot jsp: NoClassDefFoundError TldParser

NoClassDefFoundError TldParser is thrown while deploying the spring boot application in apache tomcat 7.0.47.
Java version is 1.7
Spring boot version 2.1.7.RELEASE
Added spring boot dependencies: spring-boot-starter-web, spring-boot-devtools,
spring-boot-starter-data-jpa ,spring-boot-starter-tomcat , tomcat-embed-core ,tomcat-embed-el ,tomcat7-websocket, tomcat-embed-jasper
Added the below dependencies in pom.xml along with the other spring boot dependencies

How to output logger name in JGroups and Spring Boot?

I'm using Spring Boot 1.3.2, with Logback, and using EhCache as the Hibernate second-level cache with JGroups 3.6.8.Final for distribution. All of the log messages for org.jgroups loggers are coming out as unknown.jul.logger. This originates in the SLF4JBridgeHandler that Spring Boot installs to bridge java.util.logging loggers over to SLF4J.
Is there something I can do to have the logger name propagated over to the SLF4J logger? When I was using JGroups 3.1.0.Final it was working fine, but after the upgrade all I get is the unknown logger.
Since jgroups 3.6.x I switched to the following configuration (slf4j + log4j2).
