Spring integration - Gateway - Retry logging - spring-boot

I have a retry advice applied on a sftpOutboundGateway. I want to see in the logs whenever retries happen. how do I enable that ? is there some property in application.yml ?

Since you talk about an application.yml, I just guess that you use Spring Boot. Indeed Spring Boot allows us to configure logging categories in that configuration properties. And here is the one for Spring Retry:
With that you'll see some activities from the RetryTemplate:
Retry: count=
Checking for rethrow: count=
Retry failed last attempt: count=
See Spring Boot docs: https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/htmlsingle/#features.logging.log-levels


how disable 'attempting to receive mail from folder' spring integration mail in spring boot

i need to disable "attempting to receive mail from folder " log in spring integration.
Because it writes a lot of logs in catalina.out Tomcat and increases the file size.
See more info in the issue you have raised: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-integration/issues/3430.
This is not an INFO starting with Spring Integration version 5.4.
As a workaround you can just disable logging for the AbstractMailReceiver class making it on the, let's say, WARN level.
According your tags in the question, you probably use Spring Boot, so its configuration property for the logging may look like this:
and you won't see that INFO message in logs any more.

Spring Integration between two message brokers

I am new to Spring-Integration.
My use case is:
Listen to a RabbitMQ queue/topic, get the message, process it, send it to other message broker (mostly it will be another RabbitMQ instance).
Expected load: 5000 messages/sec
In application.properties we can set configurations for one host.
How to use Spring Integration between two message brokers?
All the examples that i see are for one message broker. Any pointers to get started with two message brokers and Spring Integration.
Since you mention an application.properties it sounds like you use Spring Boot with its auto-configuration feature. It is very important detail in your question because Spring Boot has opinion about auto-configuration and you really can have only one broker connection configuration auto-configured. If you would like to have an another similar in the same application, then you should forget that auto-configuration feature. You still can use the mentioned application.properties, but you have to manage them manually.
Since you talk about a RabbitMQ connection, so you need to exclude RabbitAutoConfiguration and manage all the required beans manually:
#SpringBootApplication(exclude = RabbitAutoConfiguration.class)
You still can use the #EnableConfigurationProperties(RabbitProperties.class) on some your #Configuration class to be able to inject that RabbitProperties and populate respective CachingConnectionFactory. For the second broker you can introduce your own #ConfigurationProperties or just configure everything manually reading properties via #Value. See more info about manual connection factory configuration in Spring AMQP reference manual: https://docs.spring.io/spring-amqp/docs/2.2.1.RELEASE/reference/html/#connections

zuul (without eureka) - always ends up in "Forwarding error"

I have configured zuul with 2 instances using ribbon (without eureka) as below:
zuul.routes.simple-ms-app.serviceId: client
When both the instances 7788 & 8877 are up and running, everything goes fine.
When the first instance in the listOfServers is down, then the request ends up in the below error:
com.netflix.zuul.exception.ZuulException: Forwarding error
I am using the below version configuration:
spring-boot : 2.0.7.RELEASE
spring-cloud: Finchley.SR2
If anyone had faced similar issue and managed to figure out a solution, please share it here.
Thank you.
By default, Zuul throws exception (instead of throwing 503/404) when upstream service is not available. This behavior has been discussed in detail in Zuul swallows 503 exceptions from upstream microservices GitHub thread.
To handle this case and configure Zuul to retry on (current and next ) available instances, you need to do two things:
Extend ErrorFilter and handle the exception with custom behavior
Configure retry for Zuul
Extend ErrorFilter and provide custom logic to return 404 or 503 status code. Some of the approaches to deal with this exception is explain in this SO thread: Customizing Zuul Exception.
Retry in Zuul can be configured using following application properties:
retryable: true
MaxAutoRetries: 1
MaxAutoRetriesNextServer: 3
OkToRetryOnAllOperations: true
listOfServers: instance-1-url, instance-2-url
Please note that Spring retry is a dependency for retry in Zuul.

Spring Boot and Kafka: Broker disconnected

I have setup a Spring Boot application to receive Kafka messages from an existing and working Kafka producer. The setup is standard, and based on the following: https://www.codenotfound.com/spring-kafka-consumer-producer-example.html
Messages are not received, and the following is continually displayed in the console:
WARN org.apache.clients.NetworkClient :Bootstrap broker <hostname>:9092 disconnected
In addition, the following debug message is logged:
org.apache.common.errors.Timeout: Failed to update metadata after 60000 ms.
The console message is discussed in the following link:
The logged message is discussed here:
Very likely, the timeout will not happen when the first issue is resolved.
The solution to the console message which is given is to explicitly pass --security-protocol SSL as an argument to the producer or consumer command.
Given that I am listening on an existing Kafka broker and topic, no settings can be changed there. Any changes must be on the Spring Boot side.
Is it possible to configure application.yml so that --security-protocol SSL is passed an an argument to the consumer? Also, has anyone experienced this before, and is there another way to resolve the issue using the configuration options available in Spring Boot and Spring Kafka?
See the documentation.
Scroll down to Kafka. Arbitrary Kafka properties can be set using
security.protocol: SSL
applies to consumer and producer (and admin in 2.0).
In the upcoming 2.0 release (currently RC1), there is also
some.property: foo
for properties that only apply to consumers (and similarly for producers and admins).

Check MongoDB Status with Spring Boot

How do I check, if the connection to the MongoDB is active (without using the actuator project) if just a MongoRepository is used, which hides the connection?
If mongodb connection is inactive then spring boot application will throw errors which can be checked in logs.
Ideally actuator project is best way to check the status.
You can also check the status by creating your own controller method lets say ping and in implementation write some operation like MongoRepository.findAll() if it returns positive value it is in active state.
