Ansible-semaphore not running tasks in the order that they were added to queue - ansible

I'm using ansible-semaphore API to handle playbook execution, when i call the start task endpoint:
start task endpoint
I need the tasks to run in the order they're added to the queue via API.
But apparently they are running in a random order:
tasks queue
In my settings I have set to only run one task at a time, which stopped it from running multiple tasks also in random order.
UI settings
In Semaphore's config.json I noticed the "concurrency_mode" setting:
"bolt": {
"host": "/home/ubuntu/semaphore.bolt",
"mysql": {
"host": "localhost",
"user": "root",
"pass": "*****",
"name": "semaphore",
"options": {}
"postgres": {
"host": "localhost",
"user": "postgres",
"pass": "*****",
"name": "semaphore",
"options": {}
"dialect": "postgres",
"port": "",
"interface": "",
"tmp_path": "/tmp/semaphore",
"cookie_hash": "*****",
"cookie_encryption": "*****",
"access_key_encryption": "*****",
"email_sender": "",
"email_host": "",
"email_port": "",
"web_host": "",
"ldap_binddn": "",
"ldap_bindpassword": "",
"ldap_server": "",
"ldap_searchdn": "",
"ldap_searchfilter": "",
"ldap_mappings": {
"dn": "",
"mail": "",
"uid": "",
"cn": ""
"telegram_chat": "",
"telegram_token": "",
"concurrency_mode": "",
"max_parallel_tasks": 0,
"email_alert": false,
"telegram_alert": false,
"slack_alert": false,
"ldap_enable": false,
"ldap_needtls": false
But the docs don't mention the options for this field:
Is it possible to run the queue in chronological order? What setting do I have to change?
I tried changing the "concurrency_mode" in the config.json to "false" with no results.
I also tried adding a few seconds delay between the tasks addition to queue, no results either.


How to use json_query against a output stored in a registered variable in Ansible?

I am writing an Ansible role to fetch current details of Audit settings from SQL Server through ansible.windoww.win_powershell module. In doing so, I am trying to use json_query in Ansible that has the following structure in the output but json_query is returning empty values. Please help.
This is the Ansible task:
- name: Sample Test debug:
msg: "{{list_of_audit_actions.output}}"
This variable list_of_audit_actions.output has this structure:
"msg": [
"HasErrors": false,
"ItemArray": [
"RowError": "",
"RowState": {
"String": "Detached",
"Type": "System.Data.DataRowState",
"Value": 1
"Table": {
"CaseSensitive": false,
"ChildRelations": "",
"Columns": "name audit_action_name audited_result type_desc",
"Constraints": "",
"Container": null,
"ContainsListCollection": false,
"DataSet": null,
"DefaultView": "",
"DesignMode": false,
"DisplayExpression": "",
"ExtendedProperties": "System.Data.PropertyCollection",
"HasErrors": false,
"IsInitialized": true,
"Locale": "en-GB",
"MinimumCapacity": 50,
"Namespace": "",
"ParentRelations": "",
"Prefix": "",
"PrimaryKey": "",
"RemotingFormat": 0,
"Rows": "",
"Site": null,
"TableName": ""
"audit_action_name": "AUDIT_CHANGE_GROUP",
"audited_result": "SUCCESS AND FAILURE",
"name": "Test-Audit_Specification_SCM",
"type_desc": "APPLICATION LOG"
"HasErrors": false,
"ItemArray": [
"RowError": "",
"RowState": {
"String": "Detached",
"Type": "System.Data.DataRowState",
"Value": 1
"Table": {
"CaseSensitive": false,
"ChildRelations": "",
"Columns": "name audit_action_name audited_result type_desc",
"Constraints": "",
"Container": null,
"ContainsListCollection": false,
"DataSet": null,
"DefaultView": "",
"DesignMode": false,
"DisplayExpression": "",
"ExtendedProperties": "System.Data.PropertyCollection",
"HasErrors": false,
"IsInitialized": true,
"Locale": "en-GB",
"MinimumCapacity": 50,
"Namespace": "",
"ParentRelations": "",
"Prefix": "",
"PrimaryKey": "",
"RemotingFormat": 0,
"Rows": "",
"Site": null,
"TableName": ""
"audit_action_name": "AUDIT_CHANGE_GROUP",
"audited_result": "SUCCESS AND FAILURE",
"name": "TestAuditSpec1",
"type_desc": "APPLICATION LOG"
"HasErrors": false,
"ItemArray": [
"RowError": "",
"RowState": {
"String": "Detached",
"Type": "System.Data.DataRowState",
"Value": 1
"Table": {
"CaseSensitive": false,
"ChildRelations": "",
"Columns": "name audit_action_name audited_result type_desc",
"Constraints": "",
"Container": null,
"ContainsListCollection": false,
"DataSet": null,
"DefaultView": "",
"DesignMode": false,
"DisplayExpression": "",
"ExtendedProperties": "System.Data.PropertyCollection",
"HasErrors": false,
"IsInitialized": true,
"Locale": "en-GB",
"MinimumCapacity": 50,
"Namespace": "",
"ParentRelations": "",
"Prefix": "",
"PrimaryKey": "",
"RemotingFormat": 0,
"Rows": "",
"Site": null,
"TableName": ""
"audit_action_name": "FAILED_LOGIN_GROUP",
"audited_result": "SUCCESS AND FAILURE",
"name": "TestAuditSpec1",
"type_desc": "APPLICATION LOG"
How do I use json_query to filter all the values of audit_action_name in the above output?
I tried something like
- name: Sample Test
msg: "{{list_of_audit_actions.output| community.general.json_query('audit_action_name')}}"
But that does not yield anything but empty output
For building a query to use with the json_query filter, I like to use the jp command line tool to experiment with queries.
The contents of list_of_audit_actions.output is a list, so a query for audit_action_name doesn't make sense -- it's not a dictionary and does not have an audit_action_name attribute.
We want to extract the audti_action_name attribute from every item in the list, which we can do like this:
- debug:
var: list_of_audit_actions.output | json_query('[].audit_action_name')
Which will produce as output:
TASK [debug] ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"list_of_audit_actions.output | json_query('[].audit_action_name')": [

How to register multiple service instances in consul on one machine

I have a consul running locally on a dev machine. I also have one golang service running on two different ports on the same machine. Is there a way to register them as one service but two instances in consul using golang API (for example, is it possible to specify the node name when registering)?
Here's a very basic example which registers two instances of a service named my-service. Each instance is configured to listen on a different port, 8080 and 8081 respectively.
The key thing to note is that the service instances are also registered with a unique service ID in order to disambiguate between instance A and instance B of my-service which are running on the same agent.
package main
import (
func main() {
// Get a new client
client, err := api.NewClient(api.DefaultConfig())
if err != nil {
service_name := "my-service"
service_ports := [2]int{8080, 8081}
for idx, port := range service_ports {
svc_reg := &api.AgentServiceRegistration{
ID: fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", service_name, idx),
Name: service_name,
Port: port,
After running go mod init consul-register (or any module name), and executing the code with go run main.go, you can see the service has been registered in the catalog.
$ consul catalog services
Both service instances are correctly being returned for service discovery queries over DNS or HTTP.
$ dig # -p 8600 -t SRV my-service.service.consul +short
1 1 8080 b1000.local.node.dc1.consul.
1 1 8081 b1000.local.node.dc1.consul.
$ curl localhost:8500/v1/health/service/my-service
"Node": {
"ID": "11113853-a8e0-5787-7482-538078db855a",
"Node": "b1000.local",
"Address": "",
"Datacenter": "dc1",
"TaggedAddresses": {
"lan": "",
"lan_ipv4": "",
"wan": "",
"wan_ipv4": ""
"Meta": {
"consul-network-segment": ""
"CreateIndex": 11,
"ModifyIndex": 13
"Service": {
"ID": "my-service-0",
"Service": "my-service",
"Tags": [],
"Address": "",
"Meta": null,
"Port": 8080,
"Weights": {
"Passing": 1,
"Warning": 1
"EnableTagOverride": false,
"Proxy": {
"Mode": "",
"MeshGateway": {},
"Expose": {},
"TransparentProxy": {}
"Connect": {},
"CreateIndex": 14,
"ModifyIndex": 14
"Checks": [
"Node": "b1000.local",
"CheckID": "serfHealth",
"Name": "Serf Health Status",
"Status": "passing",
"Notes": "",
"Output": "Agent alive and reachable",
"ServiceID": "",
"ServiceName": "",
"ServiceTags": [],
"Type": "",
"Definition": {},
"CreateIndex": 11,
"ModifyIndex": 11
"Node": {
"ID": "11113853-a8e0-5787-7482-538078db855a",
"Node": "b1000.local",
"Address": "",
"Datacenter": "dc1",
"TaggedAddresses": {
"lan": "",
"lan_ipv4": "",
"wan": "",
"wan_ipv4": ""
"Meta": {
"consul-network-segment": ""
"CreateIndex": 11,
"ModifyIndex": 13
"Service": {
"ID": "my-service-1",
"Service": "my-service",
"Tags": [],
"Address": "",
"Meta": null,
"Port": 8081,
"Weights": {
"Passing": 1,
"Warning": 1
"EnableTagOverride": false,
"Proxy": {
"Mode": "",
"MeshGateway": {},
"Expose": {},
"TransparentProxy": {}
"Connect": {},
"CreateIndex": 15,
"ModifyIndex": 15
"Checks": [
"Node": "b1000.local",
"CheckID": "serfHealth",
"Name": "Serf Health Status",
"Status": "passing",
"Notes": "",
"Output": "Agent alive and reachable",
"ServiceID": "",
"ServiceName": "",
"ServiceTags": [],
"Type": "",
"Definition": {},
"CreateIndex": 11,
"ModifyIndex": 11

passing more information to consul watch handler

I am wondering whether consul watch handler can be passed some dynamic information while it's called.
That means watch mechanism can pass the script more arguments instead of my given arguments like the below example.
"watches": [
"type": "service",
"args": ["/tmp/", "how can i get responses from /v1/health/service here"]
By the way, when I want to 'watch' a service, the most important info to me is the service's state(passing or critial), but I don't understand:
when watch type is 'service', why I cannot appoint the 'service'.
when watch type is 'checks', why I cannot appoint state and service concurrently.
consul watch passes the entire API response payload as an argument to the watch handler script. Your script needs to be able to consume and parse the JSON, and then act on the data provided.
When you watch a service, the data returned is from the /v1/health/service/:service endpoint. (See consul/api/watch/funcs.go.)
when watch type is 'service', why I cannot appoint the 'service'.
I assume you mean that you would like to watch a specific service. If so, this is supported. You can specify a specific service to watch using the -service flag. For example, consul watch -type=service -service=assets.
when watch type is 'checks', why I cannot appoint state and service concurrently.
If you're interested in monitoring checks for a particular service, you should just use the aforementioned watch command for a specific service. The service check information is included in the API response.
$ consul watch -type=service -service=assets
"Node": {
"ID": "f013522f-aaa2-8fc6-c8ac-c84cb8a56405",
"Node": "hashicorp-consul-server-2",
"Address": "",
"Datacenter": "dc2",
"TaggedAddresses": null,
"Meta": null,
"CreateIndex": 22898191,
"ModifyIndex": 22898191
"Service": {
"ID": "assets-v1",
"Service": "assets",
"Tags": [],
"Meta": null,
"Port": 9090,
"Address": "",
"Weights": {
"Passing": 1,
"Warning": 1
"EnableTagOverride": false,
"CreateIndex": 22898195,
"ModifyIndex": 22898195,
"Proxy": {
"MeshGateway": {},
"Expose": {}
"Connect": {}
"Checks": [
"Node": "hashicorp-consul-server-2",
"CheckID": "serfHealth",
"Name": "Serf Health Status",
"Status": "passing",
"Notes": "",
"Output": "Agent alive and reachable",
"ServiceID": "",
"ServiceName": "",
"ServiceTags": [],
"Type": "",
"Definition": {
"Interval": "0s",
"Timeout": "0s",
"DeregisterCriticalServiceAfter": "0s",
"HTTP": "",
"Header": null,
"Method": "",
"Body": "",
"TLSServerName": "",
"TLSSkipVerify": false,
"TCP": ""
"CreateIndex": 22898191,
"ModifyIndex": 22898191

Unable to see files inside a container

I'm unable to access content in a container created using docker-compose; it's been suggested to me that this could be because the content folder on the host is not being mounted correctly. (Note: I don't know how to validate this advice, so I must assume that it's correct.)
Here's my docker-compose.yml file:
version: "2.1"
image: docs/docstage
- "4000:4000"
- "./:/usr/src/app"
Here's the output of my docker-compose command:
D:\Dev\Git\>docker-compose up
Creating dockergithubio_docs_1 ...
Creating dockergithubio_docs_1 ... done
Attaching to dockergithubio_docs_1
docs_1 | Configuration file: none
docs_1 | Configuration file: none
docs_1 | Source: /usr/src/app
docs_1 | Destination: /_site
docs_1 | Incremental build: disabled. Enable with --incremental
docs_1 | Generating...
docs_1 | done in 0.017 seconds.
docs_1 | Auto-regeneration: enabled for '/usr/src/app'
docs_1 | Configuration file: none
docs_1 | Server address:
docs_1 | Server running... press ctrl-c to stop.
docs_1 | [2017-07-17 20:58:02] ERROR `/favicon.ico' not found.
...and here's the result:
C:\Users\Admin>docker exec -it 863a59969066 bash
root#863a59969066:/usr/src/app# ls
As we can see, there's no content in the container. Also, browsing to the URL reveals an empty directory:
Here's the result of docker container inspect:
C:\Users\Admin>docker inspect dockergithubio_docs_1
"Id": "863a59969066444d0b6e908a46d0f05b68605b7fe72bfd4b0ddf2036847b0779",
"Created": "2017-07-17T20:57:06.7250794Z",
"Path": "/bin/sh",
"Args": [
"jekyll serve -d /_site --watch -H -P 4000"
"State": {
"Status": "running",
"Running": true,
"Paused": false,
"Restarting": false,
"OOMKilled": false,
"Dead": false,
"Pid": 3252,
"ExitCode": 0,
"Error": "",
"StartedAt": "2017-07-17T20:57:08.0003358Z",
"FinishedAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"
"Image": "sha256:9670258d73f081ef2c7dd476c56fc5945627ee68867e1296fbe19e612ddd29a4",
"ResolvConfPath": "/var/lib/docker/containers/863a59969066444d0b6e908a46d0f05b68605b7fe72bfd4b0ddf2036847b0779/resolv.conf",
"HostnamePath": "/var/lib/docker/containers/863a59969066444d0b6e908a46d0f05b68605b7fe72bfd4b0ddf2036847b0779/hostname",
"HostsPath": "/var/lib/docker/containers/863a59969066444d0b6e908a46d0f05b68605b7fe72bfd4b0ddf2036847b0779/hosts",
"LogPath": "/var/lib/docker/containers/863a59969066444d0b6e908a46d0f05b68605b7fe72bfd4b0ddf2036847b0779/863a59969066444d0b6e908a46d0f05b68605b7fe72bfd4b0ddf2036847b0779-json.log",
"Name": "/dockergithubio_docs_1",
"RestartCount": 0,
"Driver": "overlay2",
"MountLabel": "",
"ProcessLabel": "",
"AppArmorProfile": "",
"ExecIDs": null,
"HostConfig": {
"Binds": [
"ContainerIDFile": "",
"LogConfig": {
"Type": "json-file",
"Config": {}
"NetworkMode": "dockergithubio_default",
"PortBindings": {
"4000/tcp": [
"HostIp": "",
"HostPort": "4000"
"RestartPolicy": {
"Name": "",
"MaximumRetryCount": 0
"AutoRemove": false,
"VolumeDriver": "",
"VolumesFrom": [],
"CapAdd": null,
"CapDrop": null,
"Dns": null,
"DnsOptions": null,
"DnsSearch": null,
"ExtraHosts": null,
"GroupAdd": null,
"IpcMode": "",
"Cgroup": "",
"Links": null,
"OomScoreAdj": 0,
"PidMode": "",
"Privileged": false,
"PublishAllPorts": false,
"ReadonlyRootfs": false,
"SecurityOpt": null,
"UTSMode": "",
"UsernsMode": "",
"ShmSize": 67108864,
"Runtime": "runc",
"ConsoleSize": [
"Isolation": "",
"CpuShares": 0,
"Memory": 0,
"NanoCpus": 0,
"CgroupParent": "",
"BlkioWeight": 0,
"BlkioWeightDevice": null,
"BlkioDeviceReadBps": null,
"BlkioDeviceWriteBps": null,
"BlkioDeviceReadIOps": null,
"BlkioDeviceWriteIOps": null,
"CpuPeriod": 0,
"CpuQuota": 0,
"CpuRealtimePeriod": 0,
"CpuRealtimeRuntime": 0,
"CpusetCpus": "",
"CpusetMems": "",
"Devices": null,
"DeviceCgroupRules": null,
"DiskQuota": 0,
"KernelMemory": 0,
"MemoryReservation": 0,
"MemorySwap": 0,
"MemorySwappiness": -1,
"OomKillDisable": false,
"PidsLimit": 0,
"Ulimits": null,
"CpuCount": 0,
"CpuPercent": 0,
"IOMaximumIOps": 0,
"IOMaximumBandwidth": 0
"GraphDriver": {
"Data": {
"LowerDir": "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/8f7ba6861640a6fb639f64c475db0260cb4c9ded686711b05625ff37c19737fa-init/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/0772e69f7faba8d149e7d9aed149d4607c905f1d01b28b97f5453772e5326904/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/6d2a854de0c3c7af4e8e3b6ef831af1dde8c400f5aa8fd809d76a06f3ba5c705/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/8a4466b60f60d0141625c1ad32233f3fee49821f534f8709685c2d6514b9d3f6/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/6a4fe33cae424e9a671300332244aa19f5a314d90c945b399f35ea487e01d333/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/de35de0b23cb93e811a7f2ec6b59e3e282faf770131179c60cad588c522551be/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/e7f896a4b4d0da7ddbddd208a9130affea2358f4b1fd147f403b82fe7fe748aa/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/b09694bfeb6b2e7d75de351286d95bf9af18181004f9d3c2d9bf73ea6538ba56/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/4feb0e4dccefd6570fee715baf80ebe6ea77ab133cc3ac15fd850bb737f7e8b2/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/1291c76b0bb03c133b70dad4dd08147f3c753b52f8ac3070d2e0f9bbdd99e874/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/9166f2a32c7b3284fab5a95803ac66c83cba936161083f0405b630178f5dbeb2/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/46499476944e8234be84f662104f3968f8717f3e36a67bb06d814f9c70998d9f/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/fc1f9d566f52e9f994bd02dd73528fb3402a98a2618c5b3a9dbf10c8c5ae554c/diff",
"MergedDir": "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/8f7ba6861640a6fb639f64c475db0260cb4c9ded686711b05625ff37c19737fa/merged",
"UpperDir": "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/8f7ba6861640a6fb639f64c475db0260cb4c9ded686711b05625ff37c19737fa/diff",
"WorkDir": "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/8f7ba6861640a6fb639f64c475db0260cb4c9ded686711b05625ff37c19737fa/work"
"Name": "overlay2"
"Mounts": [
"Type": "bind",
"Source": "/D/Dev/Git/",
"Destination": "/usr/src/app",
"Mode": "rw",
"RW": true,
"Propagation": "rprivate"
"Config": {
"Hostname": "863a59969066",
"Domainname": "",
"User": "",
"AttachStdin": false,
"AttachStdout": false,
"AttachStderr": false,
"ExposedPorts": {
"4000/tcp": {}
"Tty": false,
"OpenStdin": false,
"StdinOnce": false,
"Env": [
"Cmd": [
"jekyll serve -d /_site --watch -H -P 4000"
"ArgsEscaped": true,
"Image": "docs/docstage",
"Volumes": {
"/usr/src/app": {}
"WorkingDir": "/usr/src/app",
"Entrypoint": null,
"OnBuild": null,
"Labels": {
"com.docker.compose.config-hash": "f86127819d2d94cf924f8d7ef0fe8579286043aebafc2940e6ca0b1d1b4828b7",
"com.docker.compose.container-number": "1",
"com.docker.compose.oneoff": "False",
"com.docker.compose.project": "dockergithubio",
"com.docker.compose.service": "docs",
"com.docker.compose.version": "1.14.0"
"NetworkSettings": {
"Bridge": "",
"SandboxID": "b6ad8a59f8f902f5a2fff0e4d6656bed6b3ecf1904424504886543614524f570",
"HairpinMode": false,
"LinkLocalIPv6Address": "",
"LinkLocalIPv6PrefixLen": 0,
"Ports": {
"4000/tcp": [
"HostIp": "",
"HostPort": "4000"
"SandboxKey": "/var/run/docker/netns/b6ad8a59f8f9",
"SecondaryIPAddresses": null,
"SecondaryIPv6Addresses": null,
"EndpointID": "",
"Gateway": "",
"GlobalIPv6Address": "",
"GlobalIPv6PrefixLen": 0,
"IPAddress": "",
"IPPrefixLen": 0,
"IPv6Gateway": "",
"MacAddress": "",
"Networks": {
"dockergithubio_default": {
"IPAMConfig": null,
"Links": null,
"Aliases": [
"NetworkID": "8c5980632aa0810c818544573e76247a7b27f95e86d137e5f755cbff5b16b6aa",
"EndpointID": "ead13e880ebeede298f16c912d4eac0f5eb89ec5600da208202d54868273927d",
"Gateway": "",
"IPAddress": "",
"IPPrefixLen": 16,
"IPv6Gateway": "",
"GlobalIPv6Address": "",
"GlobalIPv6PrefixLen": 0,
"MacAddress": "02:42:ac:12:00:02",
"DriverOpts": null
At first glance this appears OK, but I must admit to a lack of knowledge on exactly interpreting the detail.
I've opened an issue here, but it seems I've exhausted all resources on that thread.
How can I determine whether there's a mount error occurring, and—if so—how can I fix it?
You need to configure docker to share your D drive into the embedded docker VM. Without that, the VM has nothing at this location and when mounting a volume in a container to a directory that doesn't exist (inside the docker VM, not on your windows machine), you get the resulting empty directory.
See the windows install steps for how to share this drive:

panic when start traefik with boltdb backend

I'm trying to start traefik with the boltdb backend. Sadly I always get a panic. Following my setup and the terminal output.
Start Command
./traefik_darwin-amd64 -d -c config.toml
debug = true
defaultEntryPoints = ["http"]
address = ":8081"
address = ":8082"
endpoint = "/Users/tochti/Tmp/traefik.db"
watch = true
prefix = "/traefik"
Terminal Output
After a long time of waiting the following panic is displayed
Output of traefik version: (What version of Traefik are you using?)
Version: v1.3.1
Codename: raclette
Go version: go1.8.3
Built: 2017-06-16_11:00:34AM
OS/Arch: darwin/amd64
What is your environment & configuration (arguments, toml, provider, platform, ...)?
"GraceTimeOut": 10000000000,
"Debug": true,
"CheckNewVersion": true,
"AccessLogsFile": "",
"TraefikLogsFile": "",
"LogLevel": "ERROR",
"EntryPoints": {
"http": {
"Network": "",
"Address": ":8081",
"TLS": null,
"Redirect": null,
"Auth": null,
"Compress": false
"Cluster": null,
"Constraints": [],
"ACME": null,
"DefaultEntryPoints": [
"ProvidersThrottleDuration": 2000000000,
"MaxIdleConnsPerHost": 200,
"IdleTimeout": 180000000000,
"InsecureSkipVerify": false,
"Retry": null,
"HealthCheck": {
"Interval": 30000000000
"Docker": null,
"File": null,
"Web": {
"Address": ":8082",
"CertFile": "",
"KeyFile": "",
"ReadOnly": false,
"Statistics": null,
"Metrics": null,
"Path": "",
"Auth": null
"Marathon": null,
"Consul": null,
"ConsulCatalog": null,
"Etcd": null,
"Zookeeper": null,
"Boltdb": {
"Watch": true,
"Filename": "",
"Constraints": [],
"Endpoint": "/Users/tochti/Tmp/traefik.db",
"Prefix": "/traefik",
"TLS": null,
"Username": "",
"Password": ""
"Kubernetes": null,
"Mesos": null,
"Eureka": null,
"ECS": null,
"Rancher": null,
"DynamoDB": null,
"ConfigFile": "/Users/tochti/Tmp/traefik_test/config.toml"
Bolt "traefik" Bucket Items
/traefik/frontends/srv1_example_com/backend srv1_example_com
Thanks for help!
