How to check if a certain port/container/image is in use in Docker - bash

I'm creating a bash script to loop all my packages, and execute their tests.
testAll () {
for f in "$dir"/*
cd $f;
sail down;
for f in "$dir"/*
cd $f;
sail up;
if MYSQL is EXIST; then
artisan migrate:fresh --seed;
sail down;
cd ..;
I need to check if mysql is exist, so I can execute "migrate" command. I could only find functions that display the container, but I need a boolean. So, how can I do that.
Thanks in advance.

The solution I came up is the following.
if [ ! -z $(docker ps --filter expose=3306 --format "{{.ID}}") ];
# code ...

You can try this:
docker inspect --format='{{.State.Status}}' your_container
This will return docker status, running, up, and exited.


replace upper case character with dash and lowercase

Hi I have this bash script with loop through every directories and build it
for d in * ;
do (cd ./"$d" && docker build -t "$d" .);
the problem is docker does not support uppercase for images name, so with the directory named repairService I want to rename the images to service-desk.
How do I achive that with bash scripting
Also I don't want to build it with docker compose so don't answer it with docker compose
An IF condition is added & then the variable value is reassigned.
for d in *;
if [ "$d" = "repairService" ];
then d="service-desk";
echo "$d"; # Your docker operation here

Phpunit test suites are not running

I've an issue with
php vendor/bin/phpunit
I don't know why when I tried to run with codeship or bitbucket pipelines it seems wasn't run the test suites as follow:
php vendor/bin/phpunit
dir=$(cd "${0%[/\\]*}" > /dev/null; cd "../phpunit/phpunit" && pwd)
if [ -d /proc/cygdrive ] && [[ $(which php) == $(readlink -n /proc/cygdrive)/* ]]; then
# We are in Cgywin using Windows php, so the path must be translated
dir=$(cygpath -m "$dir");
"${dir}/phpunit" "$#"
Perhaps someone could give me a thoughts ?
First recommendation would be to test out an ssh debug session, failing that you may want to reach out directly to with your build url.

How to check for existing docker image in terminal?

I'm creating a new tag from an existing image. But sometimes the image is missing, and the command fails.
So I need to check if an docker image is existing at all before running the command:
$ docker tag source:anything target:something
But how do I check for existing docker image and how do I use an if-statement correctly in the terminal?
if [docker source:anything] docker tag source:anything target:something fi
this is the correct way to do it
if [[ "$(docker images -q myimage:mytag 2> /dev/null)" == "" ]]; then
// do something
you could also use
[ ! -z $(docker images -q myimage:mytag) ] || echo "does not exist"

How to escape space in bash script from inline if?

I know that similar questions have been asked and answered before on stackoverflow (for example here and here) but so far I haven't been able to figure it out for my particular case.
I'm trying to create a script that adds the -v flag only if the variable something is equal to "true" (what I'm trying to do is to mount the current folder as a volume located at /src in the Docker container):
docker run --name image-name `if [ "${something}" == "true" ]; then echo "-v $PWD:/src"; fi` ....
The problem is that $PWD may contain spaces and if so my script won't work. I've also tried assigning "$PWD" to an intermediate variable but it still doesn't work:
docker run --name image-name `if [ "${something}" == "true" ]; then echo "-v $temp:/src"; fi` ....
If I run:
docker run --name image-name -v "$PWD":/src ....
from plain bash (without using my script) then everything works.
Does anyone know how to solve this?
Use an array.
if something; then
docker_args+=( -v "$PWD/src" )
docker run --blah "${docker_args[#]}" …
Don't have arrays? Use set (in a function, so it doesn't affect outer scope).
knacker() {
if something; then
set -- -v "$PWD:/src" "$#"
crocker "$#"
knacker run --blah
But some commands (like docker, git, etc) need special treatment because of their two-part command structure.
slacker() {
local cmd="$1"
if something; then
set -- -v "$PWD:/src" "$#"
docker "$cmd" "$#"
slacker run --blah
Try this (using the array way):
declare -a cmd=()
cmd+=(docker run --name image-name)
if [ "${something}" = "true" ]
cmd+=(-v "$PWD:/src")

How to execute bash script after rsync

When I deploy on my dev server I use rsync. But after rsync I need to execute a .sh file for "after" deploy operations like clear cache...
Usually I do this via SSH, but if I deploy very often it's boring write:
ssh ...
write password
cd /var/www/myapp/web
There is a way to do this quickly? This is my
echo "Cant do rsync";
echo "Using:";
echo " $0 direct";
echo "Or:";
echo " $0 dry";
echo "Host: $host";
echo "Directory: $directory"
if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then
if [ "$1" == "dry" ]; then
echo "DRY-RUN mode";
rsync -CvzrltD --force --delete --exclude-from="app/config/rsync_exclude.txt" -e "sshpass -p '$password' ssh -p22" ./ $host:$directory --dry-run
elif [ "$1" == "direct" ]; then
echo "Normal mode";
rsync -CvzrltD --force --delete --exclude-from="app/config/rsync_exclude.txt" -e "sshpass -p '$password' ssh -p22" ./ $host:$directory
If instead of using rsync over SSH, you can run an rsync daemon on the server. This allows you to use the pre-xfer exec and post-xfer exec options in /etc/rsyncd.conf to specify a command to be run before and/or after the transfer.
For example, in /etc/rsyncd.conf:
path = /path/to/stuff
auth users = username
secrets file = /path/to/rsync.secrets
pre-xfer exec = /usr/local/bin/
post-xfer exec = /usr/local/bin/
You can then do the transfer from the client machine, and the relevant scripts will be run automatically on the server, for example:
rsync -av . username#hostname::myTransfers/
This approach may also be useful because environment variables relating to the transfer on the server can also be used by the scripts.
See for more information.
You can add a command after the rsync command to execute it instead of starting a shell.
Add the following after the rsync command :
sshpass -p "$password" ssh $host "cd $dir && ./"
