Request failed with status 400 due to invalid argument: invalid argument: unrecognized capability: pollTimeout - mocha.js

error while trying to run basic mocha structure
printing console log


Parse error: Failed parsing args: missing field > account_id" on NEAR dApp

I deployed the contract on another computer and it worked, and now on a new envirenment and account the NEAR dApp is failing; here is the code:
// Get blockchian state once on component load and wallet is connected:f
Error: [-32700] Parse error: Failed parsing args: missing field
before I make the RPC call I actually console.log the args.. and there you see the account_id not missing... so what's the problem?

Sorry-Cypress --> RequestError: Error: Invalid URI "/runs" when running the tests in parallel

I was trying to run the cypress tests in parallel using sorry-cypress. Getting below error when i run the scripts in parellel. Can someone help on how can i resolve this issue?
npx cy2 run --record --key XXX --parallel --ci-build-id 'build01'
C:\sorry-cypress-demo>npx cy2 run --record --key XXX --parallel --ci-build-id 'build01'
npm does not support Node.js v15.3.0
You should probably upgrade to a newer version of node as we
can't make any promises that npm will work with this version.
You can find the latest version at
[cy2] Running cypress with API URL: "http://localhost:1234/"
We encountered an unexpected error talking to our servers.
We will retry 3 more times in 30 seconds...
The server's response was:
RequestError: Error: Invalid URI "/runs"
We encountered an unexpected error talking to our servers.
We will retry 2 more times in 1 minute...
The server's response was:
RequestError: Error: Invalid URI "/runs"
We encountered an unexpected error talking to our servers.
We will retry 1 more time in 2 minutes...
The server's response was:
RequestError: Error: Invalid URI "/runs"
We encountered an unexpected error talking to our servers.
We will retry 0 more times in ...
The server's response was:
RequestError: Error: Invalid URI "/runs"
We encountered an unexpected error talking to our servers.
Because you passed the --parallel flag, this run cannot proceed because it requires a valid response from our servers.
The --ciBuildId flag you passed was: 'build01'
The server's response was:
RequestError: Error: Invalid URI "/runs"
I don't know if helps you too but for me works, when I correctly set up CYPRESS_API_URL. Something like this:
cross-env CYPRESS_API_URL=http://localhost:1234/ cy2 run --parallel --record --key XXX --config-file cypress.config.ts --ci-build-id 'build01'

Unable to stop Telegram integration.
Returns the following error: {"ok":false,"error_code":401,"description":"Unauthorized"}
error 401

There is no .trace file found for performance profile ‘Leaks’

Following this example and using Javascript, get the following error when run my tests. The error is generated on the following command:
enter code heredriver.executeScript('mobile: stopPerfRecord', [
{ profileName: 'Leaks' },
Got this error “Request failed with status 500 due to An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: There is no .trace file found for performance profile ‘Time Profiler’ and device XXXX. Make sure the selected profile is supported on this device”

: API error (404): network hlfv11_hyperledger not found

✖ Starting business network definition. This may take a minute...
Error: Error trying to start business network. Error: No valid responses from any peers.
Response from attempted peer comms was an error: Error: failed to execute transaction b5c260c02b4792c4ae4b85b3d4ccb4565a495da399d27917dccc1a84244e631f: error starting container: error starting container: API error (404): network hlfv11_hyperledger not found
Response from attempted peer comms was an error: Error: failed to execute transaction b5c260c02b4792c4ae4b85b3d4ccb4565a495da399d27917dccc1a84244e631f: error starting container: error starting container: API error (404): network hlfv11_hyperledger not found
This looks like it is a Docker problem trying to start a new ChainCode container on a Docker Network bridge called "hlfv11_hyperledger" which doesn't exist.
(The word 'network' here is ambiguous in the error message :-( )
This is the same problem and hopefully the same solution as a previous post.
