How to connect to api endpoint? - windows

I have been given a small task and was wondering how i connect to an API that feeds data to a live web server and then add this into the app, I have everything ready to
Go but im unsure on how to do this, the file type is XML
Ide - VS2022 - lanuage -
I have got the correct format in postman but now unsure on how to get this into the app to read live stats


How to pipe upload stream of large files to Azure Blob storage via Node.js app on Azure Websites?

I am building a Video service using Azure Media Services and Node.js
Everything went semi-fine till now, however when I tried to deploy the app to Azure Web Apps for hosting, any large files fail with 404.13 error.
Yes I know about maxAllowedContentLength and not, that is NOT a solution. It only goes up to 4GB, which is pathetic - even HDR environment maps can easily exceed that amount these days. I need to enable users to upload files up to 150GB in size. However when azure web apps recieves a multipart request it appears to buffer it into memory until a certain threshold of either bytes or just seconds (upon hitting which, it returns me a 404.13 or a 502 if my connection is slow) BEFORE running any of my server logic.
I tried Transfer-Encoding: chunked header in the server code, but even if that would help, since Web Apps doesn't let the code run, that doesn't actually matter.
For the record: I am using Sails.js at backend and Skipper is handling the stream piping to Azure Blob Service. Localhost obviously works just fine regardless of file size. I made a duplicate of this question on MSDN forums, but those are as slow as always. You can go there to see what I have found so far: enter link description here
Clientside I am using Ajax FormData to serialize the fields (one text field and one file) and send them, using the progress even to track upload progress.
Is there ANY way to make this work? I just want it to let my serverside logic handle the data stream, without buffering the bloody thing.
Rather than running all this data through your web application, you would be better off having your clients upload directly to a container in your Azure blob storage account.
You will need to enable CORS on your Azure Storage account to support this. Then, in your web application, when a user needs to upload data you would instead generate a SAS token for the storage account container you want the client to upload to and return that to the client. The client would then use the SAS token to upload the file into your storage account.
On the back-end, you could fire off a web job to do whatever processing you need to do on the file after it's been uploaded.
Further details and sample ajax code to do this is available in this blog post from the Azure Storage team.

Chat implementation in windows form using SignalR

I am trying to implement chat application in windows form using SignalR. Actually I had created the web chat application using signalR now i want to synchronize it with windows application.
I am facing following problems
1) How to initialize the hub class as in web application we initialize it in javascript on page load. So how can we innitialize the hub and in web application there is global file to maphub for dynamically generating the signalr javascript so where in windows application can i map the hub to dynamically generate the same.
2) As i want to synchronize the windows application with the web application so do i need to keep both the projects under one solution or can i synchronize the two different solutions??
Please provide the startup code for the first problem as i have searched alot but not getting any way to implement the chat in windows form. the code i found on net just raising errors but helping me in any sense.
This is a full working sample for using SignalR in WinForms and WPF
You can download it and play with it.
There is a WinForms Server and Client which can be your starting point.
It is a good idea to keep the projects under one solution, but its up to you. The WinForms projects will need a server URL where they can communicate with each other (you can see this in the sample code from the above link)

Xcode - Simulating an update of data in applicationWillEnterForeground

I'm doing a check for updated data from the web in -applicationWillEnterForeground: but how would I test this in the simulator? I have no control of when the updates from the web are made so I need to trigger an update myself within Xcode when it's already running in the simulator.
I need to some dynamic testing so to speak.
Not suer by what you mean by 'check for updated data from the web' though sounds like you are getting refreshed Data from a WebData source. Can you Simulate that Web Data source? There are many WebServers you can install that you can create a Quick page to send you back Data when you query it. We do this with our App. Ultimately we will be querying our Ultimate Web Data, but while testing we simulate the data on the web with our own web server. A few pages in the background and you can have it return you the data that you need. We use XML of the communications back and forth.
Then once we go live, we switch the web server name and we are good to go.

Data Syncrhonization between daemon and Django protocol

I'm currently working on a web application which shows data about remote microcontollers which collect weather data. Data is sent to an application through a proprietary protocol, and ends up being stored in a ODBC accessible database in a Windows machine.
I've written a Django application, taking a snapshot of that data, showing those remote units as Google Map Markers that show a nice Google Visualization plot. Up to this point, everything went just fine.
The problem I'm facing here is that the ODBC accesible database is running in a Windows machine and the Django app in a remote server under Linux.
I need to synchronize data from the Windows box to the remote django app. I'm planning to write a transaction-oriented sync protocol. But I don't want it to be too complex, though I must prevent stalled sync states.
Any thoughts about the problem?
I've come up with a RESTful API with TastyPie on the server, and a PyQt4 GUI in the client using httplib2 as client library.
Since I'm using Python 2.7, I use native json module (which tastes much like simplejson).
Final notes, I'm building an executable with cxfreeze.

application -> database <-> web app communication

I'm working on a personal project that consists of a linux dev board and temperature sensor. I'd like to see a nice web 2.0 real time plot of the tempature from anywhere in the house. Coming from hardware/driver background so i'm not very familar with databases or webservers. I'm stuck trying to figure out how i can send new temperature values from an application to a local web server (also running on the dev board) which can be simulataneously viewed from a client web browser. I've attached a picture which shows what i'm trying to do:
I've written the driver, application and played around making an app using GWT. I'm stuck trying to figure out how to make the server-side application and database i.e. Do i need to make a seperate executable that embeds SQL to talk to both application and client via http or is there an easier, existing way to do this?
Thanks in advance.
GWT is usually used with a Java application server. You can use JSON or XML to communicate with any kind of server, but I don't know how easy this is.
In a not embedded server you would install Java and an application server. You would also install a database server, but for simple projects you could avoid this by using an embedded DB like HSQL or Derby. For your situation I don't believe this is necessary.
The question is what kind of application server can you use in your platform? All application servers support some kind of CGI communication. This way you could connect your server with the application that samples the temperature values. I don't think there is a need for SQL or an embedded database.
