Is it possible to prevent `set -x` from reporting on the commands ran from a trap? Or have a custom prefix for `set -v`? - bash

My motivation - I would like to echo commands before evaluation and the actually executed commands, but with a custom prefix.
As far as I know PS4 is for set -x, but there is nothing for set -v and the only way to emulate set -v with a custom prefix is through trap 'echo "##[command]$BASH_COMMAND"' DEBUG.
However, the command in the trap is intercepted by set -x, which is not good.
For example:
mark#L-R910LPKW:~$ env -i HOME="$HOME" USER="$USER" bash --noprofile --norc
bash-5.1$ PS4='[debug] ' ; trap 'echo "[verbose] $BASH_COMMAND"' DEBUG ; set -x
[verbose] set -x
bash-5.1$ ls -1 | head -2 | xargs echo
[[debug] echo '[verbose] ls -1'
[verbose] ls -1
[[debug] echo '[verbose] head -2'
[verbose] head -2
[debug] head -2
[[debug] echo '[verbose] xargs echo'
[verbose] xargs echo
[debug] xargs echo
[debug] ls -1
1 1.txt
So the problematic output is:
[[debug] echo '[verbose] ls -1'
[[debug] echo '[verbose] head -2'
[[debug] echo '[verbose] xargs echo'
So, my question - is there a solution to this? Is it possible to "hide" the command in the trap from set -x? Or maybe there is a prompt dedicated to set -v?

Redirect the logs of the echo you don't want to show up in xtrace logs somewhere they won't be seen. If you haven't modified BASH_XTRACEFD, that means redirecting stderr.
trap '{ echo "[verbose] $BASH_COMMAND"; } 2>/dev/null' DEBUG
It doesn't work if you apply the redirection to the echo itself, but if you apply it to the block the echo is in, you get the desired effect.
Applying the above change, behavior is more appropriate:
$ ls -1 | head -2 | xargs echo
[verbose] ls -1
[verbose] head -2
[debug] ls -1
[verbose] xargs echo
[debug] head -2
[debug] xargs echo


How to easily find out which part of a bash/zsh pipeline failed due to `set -o pipefail`?

I have a bash/zsh command with multiple pipes | that fails when using set -o pipefail. For simplicity assume the command is
set -o pipefail; echo "123456" | head -c2 | grep 5 | cat
How do I quickly find out which command is the first to fail and why? I know I can check the exit code, but that doesn't show which part of the pipeline failed first.
Is there something simpler than the rather verbose check of building up the pipeline one by one and checking for the first failing exit code?
Edit: I removed the contrived code example I made up as it confused people about my purpose of asking. The actual command that prompted this question was:
zstdcat metadata.tsv.zst | \
tsv-summarize -H --group-by Nextclade_pango --count | \
tsv-filter -H --ge 'count:2' | \
tsv-select -H -f1 >open_lineages.txt
In bash, use echo "${PIPESTATUS[#]}" right after the command to get the exit status for each component in a space separated list:
$ set -o pipefail; echo "123456" | head -c2 | grep 5 | cat
$ echo ${PIPESTATUS[#]}
0 0 1 0
Beware zsh users, you need to use the lower case pipestatus instead:
$ set -o pipefail; echo "123456" | head -c2 | grep 5 | cat
$ echo $pipestatus
0 0 1 0
In fish you can also simply use echo $pipestatus for the same output.
${PIPESTATUS[#]} right after is the answer you were looking for. However, I want to advise on the first example. It's a good habit to anticipate error, so instead of testing after you should have check the path prior everything.
if [ -d "/nonexistent_directory" ]; then
# here pipe shouldn't fail to grep
# ...unless there's something wrong with "foo"
# ...but "grep" may be a failure if the pattern isn't found
if ! ls -1 "/nonexistent_directory" | grep 'foo' ; then
echo "The command 'grep foo' failed."
# else
# echo "The pipeline succeeded."
echo "The command 'ls /nonexistent_directory' failed."
Whenever possible, avoid greping ls output in script, that' fragile...

How do I prevent my bash script (tailing a file) from repeatedly acting on the same line?

I was working on a script that would keep monitoring login to my server or laptop via ssh.
this was the code that I was working with.
slackmessenger() {
curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' --data '{"text":"'"$1"'"}' myapilinkwashere
## removed it the api link due to slack restriction
while true
tail /var/log/auth.log | grep sshd | head -n 1 | while read LREAD
echo ${LREAD}
var=$(tail -f /var/log/auth.log | grep sshd | head -n 1)
slackmessenger "$var"
The issue I'm facing is that it keeps sending the old logs due to the while loop. can there be a condition that the loop only sends the new entries/updated enter as opposed to sending the old one over and over again. could not think of a condition that would skip the old entries and only shows old one.
Instead of using head -n 1 to extract a line at a time, iterate over the filtered output of tail -f /var/log/auth.log | grep sshd and process each line once as it comes through.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# ^^^^- this needs to be a bash script, not a sh script!
case $BASH_VERSION in '') echo "Needs bash, not sh" >&2; exit 1;; esac
while IFS= read -r line; do
printf '%s\n' "$line"
slackmessenger "$line"
done < <(tail -f /var/log/auth.log | grep --line-buffered sshd)
See BashFAQ #9 describing why --line-buffered is necessary.
You could also write this as:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
case $BASH_VERSION in '') echo "Needs bash, not sh" >&2; exit 1;; esac
tail -f /var/log/auth.log |
grep --line-buffered sshd |
tee >(xargs -d $'\n' -n 1 slackmessenger)

syntax error near unexpected token `<' for shell script block in Jenkinsfile

I have the below block of shell script code in Jenkinsfile
stage("Compose Source Structure")
sh '''
set -x
rm -vf config
wget -nv --no-check-certificate https://test-company/k8sconfigs/test-config
export KUBECONFIG=$(pwd)/test-config
kubectl config view
ns_exists=$(kubectl get namespaces | grep ${consider_namespace})
echo "Validating k8s namespace"
if [ -z "$ns_exists" ]
echo "No namespace ${consider_namespace} exists in the cluster ${source_cluster}"
exit 1
echo "scanning namespace \'${namespace}\'"
mkdir -p "${HOME}/cluster-backup/${namespace}"
while read -r resource
echo "scanning resource \'${resource}\'"
mkdir -p "${HOME}/sync-cluster/${namespace}/${resource}"
while read -r item
echo "exporting item \'${item}\'"
kubectl get "$resource" -n "$namespace" "$item" -o yaml > "${HOME}/sync-cluster/${namespace}/${resource}/${BUILD_NUMBER}-${source_cluster}-${consider_namespace}-$item.yaml"
done < <(kubectl get "$resource" -n "$namespace" 2>&1 | tail -n +2 | awk \'{print $1}\')
done < <(kubectl api-resources --namespaced=true 2>/dev/null | tail -n +2 | awk \'{print $1}\')
Unfortunately, I am getting error like below:
++ kubectl get namespaces
++ grep test
+ ns_exists='test Active 2d20h'
+ echo 'Validating k8s namespace'
Validating k8s namespace
/home/jenkins/workspace/k8s-sync-from-cluster#tmp/durable-852103cd/ line 24: syntax error near unexpected token `<'
I did try to escape "<" with "", so I did like the below
But still having no success, any idea what I am doing wrong here?
From the docs for the sh step (emphasis mine):
Runs a Bourne shell script, typically on a Unix node. Multiple lines are accepted.
An interpreter selector may be used, for example: #!/usr/bin/perl
Otherwise the system default shell will be run, using the -xe flags (you can specify set +e and/or set +x to disable those).
The system default shell on your Jenkins server may be sh, not bash. POSIX sh will not recognize <(command) process substitution.
To specifically use the bash shell, you must include a #!/usr/bin/env bash shebang immediately after your triple quote. Putting a shebang on the next line will have no effect.
I also took the liberty of fixing shellcheck warnings for your shell code, and removing \' escapes that are not necessary.
Try this:
stage("Compose Source Structure")
sh '''#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -x
rm -vf config
wget -nv --no-check-certificate https://test-company/k8sconfigs/test-config
kubectl config view
ns_exists="$(kubectl get namespaces | grep "${consider_namespace}")"
echo "Validating k8s namespace"
if [ -z "$ns_exists" ]
echo "No namespace ${consider_namespace} exists in the cluster ${source_cluster}"
exit 1
echo "scanning namespace '${namespace}'"
mkdir -p "${HOME}/cluster-backup/${namespace}"
while read -r resource
echo "scanning resource '${resource}'"
mkdir -p "${HOME}/sync-cluster/${namespace}/${resource}"
while read -r item
echo "exporting item '${item}'"
kubectl get "$resource" -n "$namespace" "$item" -o yaml > "${HOME}/sync-cluster/${namespace}/${resource}/${BUILD_NUMBER}-${source_cluster}-${consider_namespace}-$item.yaml"
done < <(kubectl get "$resource" -n "$namespace" 2>&1 | tail -n +2 | awk '{print $1}')
done < <(kubectl api-resources --namespaced=true 2>/dev/null | tail -n +2 | awk '{print $1}')

Bash - pipe to variable and file

In the simplified example bellow, "anything" is correctly echoed from the $S" variable into "S.gz" file. However, the variable loses its value out of the pipe stream:
echo 'anything' | tee >(read S | gzip >S.gz)
zcat S.gz
echo '$S='"$S"
It echoes:
The intended output is:
Another way, same unfortunate output:
echo 'anything' | tee >(read S) | gzip >S.gz
zcat S.gz
echo '$S='"$S"
It echoes:
Any ideas?
The read has to execute in the current shell; you need to invert your pipeline.
read S < <(echo anything | tee >(gzip - > S.gz))
or, in bash 4.2 or later, use the lastpipe option. (Note that job control must be inactive for lastpipe to take effect. It is off by default in non-interactive shells, and can be turned off in interactive shells with set +m.)
shopt -s lastpipe
echo anything | tee >(gzip - > S.gz) | read S

Bash - how do i output line and then pipe line to another command side by side? [duplicate]

cat a.txt | xargs -I % echo %
In the example above, xargs takes echo % as the command argument. But in some cases, I need multiple commands to process the argument instead of one. For example:
cat a.txt | xargs -I % {command1; command2; ... }
But xargs doesn't accept this form. One solution I know is that I can define a function to wrap the commands, but I want to avoid that because it is complex. Is there a better solution?
cat a.txt | xargs -d $'\n' sh -c 'for arg do command1 "$arg"; command2 "$arg"; ...; done' _
...or, without a Useless Use Of cat:
<a.txt xargs -d $'\n' sh -c 'for arg do command1 "$arg"; command2 "$arg"; ...; done' _
To explain some of the finer points:
The use of "$arg" instead of % (and the absence of -I in the xargs command line) is for security reasons: Passing data on sh's command-line argument list instead of substituting it into code prevents content that data might contain (such as $(rm -rf ~), to take a particularly malicious example) from being executed as code.
Similarly, the use of -d $'\n' is a GNU extension which causes xargs to treat each line of the input file as a separate data item. Either this or -0 (which expects NULs instead of newlines) is necessary to prevent xargs from trying to apply shell-like (but not quite shell-compatible) parsing to the stream it reads. (If you don't have GNU xargs, you can use tr '\n' '\0' <a.txt | xargs -0 ... to get line-oriented reading without -d).
The _ is a placeholder for $0, such that other data values added by xargs become $1 and onward, which happens to be the default set of values a for loop iterates over.
You can use
cat file.txt | xargs -i sh -c 'command {} | command2 {} && command3 {}'
{} = variable for each line on the text file
With GNU Parallel you can do:
cat a.txt | parallel 'command1 {}; command2 {}; ...; '
For security reasons it is recommended you use your package manager to
install. But if you cannot do that then you can use this 10 seconds
The 10 seconds installation will try to do a full installation; if
that fails, a personal installation; if that fails, a minimal
$ (wget -O - || lynx -source || curl || \
fetch -o - ) >
$ sha1sum | grep 883c667e01eed62f975ad28b6d50e22a
12345678 883c667e 01eed62f 975ad28b 6d50e22a
$ md5sum | grep cc21b4c943fd03e93ae1ae49e28573c0
cc21b4c9 43fd03e9 3ae1ae49 e28573c0
$ sha512sum | grep da012ec113b49a54e705f86d51e784ebced224fdf
79945d9d 250b42a4 2067bb00 99da012e c113b49a 54e705f8 6d51e784 ebced224
fdff3f52 ca588d64 e75f6033 61bd543f d631f592 2f87ceb2 ab034149 6df84a35
$ bash
I prefer style which allows dry run mode (without | sh) :
cat a.txt | xargs -I % echo "command1; command2; ... " | sh
Works with pipes too:
cat a.txt | xargs -I % echo "echo % | cat " | sh
This is just another approach without xargs nor cat:
while read stuff; do
command1 "$stuff"
command2 "$stuff"
done < a.txt
This seems to be the safest version.
tr '[\n]' '[\0]' < a.txt | xargs -r0 /bin/bash -c 'command1 "$#"; command2 "$#";' ''
(-0 can be removed and the tr replaced with a redirect (or the file can be replaced with a null separated file instead). It is mainly in there since I mainly use xargs with find with -print0 output) (This might also be relevant on xargs versions without the -0 extension)
It is safe, since args will pass the parameters to the shell as an array when executing it. The shell (at least bash) would then pass them as an unaltered array to the other processes when all are obtained using ["$#"][1]
If you use ...| xargs -r0 -I{} bash -c 'f="{}"; command "$f";' '', the assignment will fail if the string contains double quotes. This is true for every variant using -i or -I. (Due to it being replaced into a string, you can always inject commands by inserting unexpected characters (like quotes, backticks or dollar signs) into the input data)
If the commands can only take one parameter at a time:
tr '[\n]' '[\0]' < a.txt | xargs -r0 -n1 /bin/bash -c 'command1 "$#"; command2 "$#";' ''
Or with somewhat less processes:
tr '[\n]' '[\0]' < a.txt | xargs -r0 /bin/bash -c 'for f in "$#"; do command1 "$f"; command2 "$f"; done;' ''
If you have GNU xargs or another with the -P extension and you want to run 32 processes in parallel, each with not more than 10 parameters for each command:
tr '[\n]' '[\0]' < a.txt | xargs -r0 -n10 -P32 /bin/bash -c 'command1 "$#"; command2 "$#";' ''
This should be robust against any special characters in the input. (If the input is null separated.) The tr version will get some invalid input if some of the lines contain newlines, but that is unavoidable with a newline separated file.
The blank first parameter for bash -c is due to this: (From the bash man page) (Thanks #clacke)
-c If the -c option is present, then commands are read from the first non-option argument com‐
mand_string. If there are arguments after the command_string, the first argument is assigned to $0
and any remaining arguments are assigned to the positional parameters. The assignment to $0 sets
the name of the shell, which is used in warning and error messages.
One thing I do is to add to .bashrc/.profile this function:
function each() {
while read line; do
for f in "$#"; do
$f $line
then you can do things like
... | each command1 command2 "command3 has spaces"
which is less verbose than xargs or -exec. You could also modify the function to insert the value from the read at an arbitrary location in the commands to each, if you needed that behavior also.
Another possible solution that works for me is something like -
cat a.txt | xargs bash -c 'command1 $#; command2 $#' bash
Note the 'bash' at the end - I assume it is passed as argv[0] to bash. Without it in this syntax the first parameter to each command is lost. It may be any word.
cat a.txt | xargs -n 5 bash -c 'echo -n `date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S:` ; echo " data: " $#; echo "data again: " $#' bash
My current BKM for this is
... | xargs -n1 -I % perl -e 'system("echo 1 %"); system("echo 2 %");'
It is unfortunate that this uses perl, which is less likely to be installed than bash; but it handles more input that the accepted answer. (I welcome a ubiquitous version that does not rely on perl.)
#KeithThompson's suggestion of
... | xargs -I % sh -c 'command1; command2; ...'
is great - unless you have the shell comment character # in your input, in which case part of the first command and all of the second command will be truncated.
Hashes # can be quite common, if the input is derived from a filesystem listing, such as ls or find, and your editor creates temporary files with # in their name.
Example of the problem:
$ bash 1366 $> /bin/ls | cat
Oops, here is the problem:
$ bash 1367 $> ls | xargs -n1 -I % sh -i -c 'echo 1 %; echo 2 %'
1 Makefile
2 Makefile
Ahh, that's better:
$ bash 1368 $> ls | xargs -n1 -I % perl -e 'system("echo 1 %"); system("echo 2 %");'
1 #Makefile#
2 #Makefile#
1 Makefile
2 Makefile
$ bash 1369 $>
Try this:
git config --global alias.all '!f() { find . -d -name ".git" | sed s/\\/\.git//g | xargs -P10 -I{} git --git-dir={}/.git --work-tree={} $1; }; f'
It runs ten threads in parallel and does what ever git command you want to all repos in the folder structure. No matter if the repo is one or n levels deep.
E.g: git all pull
I have good idea to solve the problem.
Only write a comman mcmd, then you can do
find . -type f | xargs -i mcmd echo {} ## cat {} #pipe sed -n '1,3p'
The mcmd content as follows:
echo $* | sed -e 's/##/\n/g' -e 's/#pipe/|/g' | csh
