How does direct manipulation work for scroll on windows? - windows

I am trying to write an application on win10 and need to support scrolling. How does direct manipulation work when i am using my own bitmaps. I understand that it will scroll the screen but what about the new content (uncovered rect). Do I explicitly update it or is there a way to create a larger viewport and let there be smooth scrolling?


Flutter, scroll, pinch and zoom large image

I need to show a large image (or pdf) that the user can then scroll around and pinch & zoom.
In iOS / Android, I'd just show it in a WebView.
Note: the file to display is from the filesystem (an asset), not from the internet.
Is there a way of doing this in Flutter?
Actually the only thing that you can do is to use this plugin:
It is not very customizable, but it should work for simple use cases.
PS. The zoom actually doesn't work and there is also another similar library:

Can I take a design done in Sketch and transfer it into Xcode's Storyboard?

I designed my apps UI using Sketch. Is there a way to transfer it directly into Xcode ie the storyboard? Or do I have to recreate the design from scratch using Xcode's Storyboard?
I've done it in pieces using Sketches, a program similar to Sketch. I exported each drawing from Sketches as a JPEG and then added the file in Xcode. You might want to use some intermediary program (such as Preview) to change the size of the drawing to exactly whatever you need for the app. If you've created an entire drawing of the proposed screen, you can use it as the background for a screen-sized imageView. Then you can place the appropriate UI elements and re-size them to match. Delete the imageView. With Auto Layout, you can set it to use the Canvas values to generate constraints as needed.

How to resize interactively layer in jCanvas

I would like to make anchor points (handlers like in FabricJS) for change the size, width and height of any element drawn on layers with jCanvas. Is it possible to do that?
Previously, there was no easy way to create a resizable shape in jCanvas. However, I have recently released a jCanvas plugin, called Handles, that will allow you to do just that. You can download and read the documentation for Handles on its plugin page.

J2ME setting textfield over a background image

I am new to J2ME. I just want to know how to put a textfield over a background image. I tried canvas but I can only set the background image and don't know how to add a textfield above the background image. Please help me.
APPROACH I: Using high level api's like Screen, Item, etc
It is NOT feasible in Java ME (CLDC) using high level api's like screens, items, etc are laid out on the display with default device styling and without the extensive layout support like Swing.
APPROACH II: Using low level api's like Canvas
To use the low level api's you need to create custom components like in J4ME. In their you layout the Canvas and paint the components on the top. So in your case you can render the image of the size of Canvas and then render the components on top of it.
NOTE: Please keep in mind this a very tedious and not so rewarding process.
APPROACH III: Use third party library
High Rated UI libraries: LWUIT and J2ME-Polish
SO: JavaME UI Libraries

How to programmatically arrange windows like in expose with Cocoa?

I would like to know if there is a way to programmatically arrange desktop windows similar to Expose in Cocoa.
The best I can think of off the top of my head is this (somewhat clumsy, and doesn't continue to show moving content, but should work):
Draw the contents of each of your windows to images
Create new windows showing those images (set to scale with window resizing), and hide your old
Calculate the new positions for each window (a first approximation would be to scale them all to the same size, then tile them)
Call -setFrame:animate: on all of them
Alternately, the same trick but instead of using real windows, make one screen-sized transparent window and move CALayers around in it.
Good luck! This is definitely a tricky thing to do well.
