How can I force the use/on the name of a file in windows 11 - windows

I wish I could use the special character especially /, I have to rename a file with / thank you for any help
i use windows 11

The slash and some other special characters are not allowed in filenames on Windows, so what you're asking for is not possible.
See Naming Files, Paths, and Namespaces for details.
As other commenters have mentioned, to provide a workaround or alternative, you would need to provide more specifics about what you're trying to achieve.

We system admins prefer underscores for this very reason, unfortunately, windows isn't going to let you do that. File_Example.exe | underscores also helps readability in my opinion


Should I name desktop and LAN folders and files just like web folders and files? Why or why not?

For naming web folders and downloadable files, there's a standard list of characters to avoid, such as blank spaces and things like (&*#$/)|[{, etc. Are there any good reasons to carry those conventions onto your desktop and/or non-web files and folders, even if these are unlikely to be shared on the web? I'd just like to hear some reasons.
Generally speaking special characters are best to avoid unless you are using them for a reason as some of them tell windows to do specific things with the file. For instance a $ at the end of a share name will make it hidden, / could be ready by some systems as a directory break, * is a wildcard in many programming languages and may cause strange bugs with any program that has to iterate over the files, etc.

Weird characters on mac

Since a few weeks whenever some app needs our password our needs our permission for something, it no longer displays it as understandable language, but with weird characters. How can we fix this?
It is probably a problem with your language for some inputs / options.
Look at this documentation about how to change your language for specific options:
Depending on which version of OSX you are running, you might want to try Font Book (in the Applications folder) and specifically search for Look for Enabled Duplicates. Sometimes having duplicate or misnamed fonts can cause rendering problems like this.
There are other utilities as well, such as Font Doctor that can do similar (and more extensive) searches.

Is there any way to use Windows localization data in your own applications?

For example, in my case I would like to get localized strings for music file tags you could see in explorer file description (see red underline here:
The IPropertyDescription::GetDisplayName method appears to be what you're looking for.
Well, this is placed in the resource file (you can use file searching mechanism to find the right one), so the answer for technical possibility is yes. However, on the legal front I would not be so sure. This is something that surely is copyrighted (although I cannot tell if Softword or Microsoft (probably the latter) is the copyright holder).
Anyway, maybe you can find what you are looking for in freely available Amarok Polish translation.

Automated string insertion on windows

Normally I'm a mac person, but at my new job I'm finding myself using a PC. I often have to open html files and for every href link insert a target blank argument. Rather then do this manually I was wondering if there was a script that I could use to automate the process. Say:
search for href
find the second double quotation after the href string
insert the string "target = _blank"
Mind you I have never used a shell script on a PC in my life, so much explanation might be needed here.
I use Groovy for those kind of tasks. Good thing with Groovy (as well as with other famous scripting languages), someone might have already done the task you want to accomplish. In your case, I found this article. It demonstrates a similar case you mentioned (Search and Replace).
I don't believe the windows shell is very powerful, so even if it is possible to achieve I can't imagine it'll be easy. I would strongly advise using a real scripting language such as Python or Perl, or bash if that's what you're familiar with. You can install pretty much all of them on Windows (see links).
I presume you can solve the problem from there, as your major concern seemed to be with Windows.
Just get a copy of sed for win32 (perhaps form here) and do it the usual sed way.

Can I make an Apache running on Windows case-sensitive?

The Windows file-systems (FAT, NTFS) do not care about the case of file names (case-insensitive). Consequently programs - like the Apache web server - running on windows handle file case-insenstive.
When you create web sites on Windows you inadvertently create links, etc. that do not match the case of the actual file name. You usually notice this mistakes not until you deploy the website onto case-sensitive file systems (as default on Linux, UNIX, ...).
Now, I would like to know if there is a way avoid these kind of mistakes by making the Apache web server somehow care about case even if the file-system does not care. I mean NTFS does differ between upper-case and lower-case letters in file names, so it should be theoretically possible to check whether file names match in a case-sensitive manner.
I know that naming conventions like "Only use lowercase" can help avoiding these kind of problems, but that does not help with existing files and is less convenient :-)
Also, not using Windows is not an option. I do not use Windows voluntarily and running the Apache on a different platform is not possible in this case.
As far as I know you can't, but I will watch this question for other answers.
As a workaround, you say that you must develop on Windows. What about installing Linux in a Virtual PC. There are several free VM programs like VirtualBox and Microsoft Virtual PC. That way, you can match your development environment to your deployment environment.
Beyond that, I find that it is best to just make sure you use lowercase for everything, minimizing mistakes.
According to Apache documentation, it is not possible, because case insensitivity is embedded in Windows OS.
But you can "reverse the problem" and turn the Apache server under Linux/Unix being case insensitive. Just add the following directives to your .htaccess:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteMap lowercase int:tolower
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} [A-Z]
RewriteRule (.*) ${lowercase:$1} [R,L]
See the documentation here.
So it is now possible to do this on windows 10
fsutil.exe file SetCaseSensitiveInfo C:\folder\path enable
NTFS actually does support case sensitive file names. It is used and enabled by Microsoft's Services for UNIX.
It is controlled in the registry.
Do a google on the "ObCaseinSensitive" registry key.
e.g. msdn blog
and in particular this microsoft KB article: kb817921
This is not a problem you can solve the way you want. You need to upload your files by forcing lower case. You will avoid the naming conflict problem on Windows so if you are building things on Windows then you won't have to worry about that. Now, you need to use some sort of link checking program to find URLs that contain capital letters and then replace with lowercase equivalent.
However, Ryan Guill did make a good suggestion to enable CheckSpelling.
It seems you can enable mod_spelling with directive CheckSpelling on in Apache configuration file.
Information and context found here:
Edit: the above was quoted for the reverse of the question, I am sorry. Someone does ask the same question that you do after that but never responds if the answer works or not. After looking further, there really doesn't seem to be a flag or any setting in apache itself to do this. Some people suggest trying to make the file system case-sensitive which does seem to be possible, but it looks like it causes more problems especially with other programs that are not expecting this.
Overall, if you cannot develop on another OS and you cannot go through and change all of your existing filenames to be lowercase (which is understandable), then it doesn't look like you really have many options. The only suggestion I would give you at this point is to try and get a testing environment, set up exactly the same as your production environment and test as much as possible before sending to production.
Sorry for the misunderstanding and that I can't be of more help.
Windows, CAN be set to case-sensitive mode. NTFS volume is also support case-sensitive mode. If you installed UNIX interoperability before, your Windows possibly already turned into case-sensitive mode. I believe there is a switch in registry, but I forgot where it is, so I can't figure it our for you. :-(
