Data Parsing in Ruby [closed] - ruby

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Closed 2 days ago.
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I like to parse data like:
data = [{"dev_type"=>[{"rate"=>1000, "class_type"=>"2020"}], "sys_type"=>{"techs"=>[{"tech"=>"2", "type"=>"classA"}]}, "MOD"=>[{"id"=>"00:00:00:08:00:00", "add"=> "0"}], "user"=>"test", "host_id"=>1, "SYSTEM"=>2}]
for instance if i like to extract "rate" in dev_type.
data.each do |d|
pp d["dev_type"][0]["rate"]
# >> 1000
same to extract for type in sys_type i need:
data.each do |d|
pp d["sys_type"]["techs"][0]["type"]
# >> ClassA
But this i think not the right way doing for extracting data, what i wanted to do is to extract values like "type" in sys_type, "rate" in dev_type, "id" and "add" in MOD , and "user" . What is the best way of doing this.


How to get the index of a key in a ruby hash? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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If I have
footnotes = { "apple" => "is a fruit", "cat" => "is an animal", "car" => "a transport"}
How can I get the index of these?, something like:
# => 1
There's no need to first retrieve the keys:
footnotes.find_index { |k,_| k== 'cat' } #=> 1
As to the question of whether hash key-value pairs have an index (since v1.9), I would just point out that the Ruby monks decided to supply us with Enumerable#find_index, which of course means Hash.instance_methods.include?(:find_index) #=> true.
You can do
footnotes.to_a.index {|key,| key == 'cat'}
# => 1

How to group an array in the fastest way? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am grouping array items using the below code but it feels slow.
Is there a faster/better way to group?
#tasks_sorted = #tasks.group_by(&:start_date).map do |month, data|
hash = {"date" => month}
data.each {|placement| hash["tasks"] = data}
I think below you are looking for :
#tasks_sorted = #tasks.group_by(&:start_date).map do |month, data|
{"date" => month, "tasks" => data }

How to return a result composed of two changed has_and_belongs_to_many relations [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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r is an array that has three items that is the result of
r = Part.components.products.uniq
where Part HABTM Component and Component HABTM Product.
Why does this code:
class Array
def p_object_ids
puts each { object_id }.join(", ")
p r.class
p r.count
generate this output:
#<User:0x00000006535650>, #<User:0x000000065338f0>, #<User:0x000000065336e8>
It returns 1 when it's not really an array of three items, but an Array containing a single ActiveRecord. The correct implementation of what I was looking for turned out to be:
class Part
def products
Prooduct.joins(components: :part).where(parts: {id:})
and not

How can I produce one whole string from iteration on array of arrays in Ruby [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have array of arrays looking something like this :
arr = [[f,f,f,f,f], [f,f,t,f,f], [f,t,f,t,f]]
and am I outputing it formatted on the console like this:
arr.each {|a| puts a.join.gsub('t','<b></b>').gsub('f','<i></i>')}
and it generates something like this:
but it is only in the output. I am wondering how I can assign it to a string? With the new lines and everything, exactly the way it looks,
a= [["f","f","f","f","f"], ["f","f","t","f","f"], ["f","t","f","t","f"]].map do |arr|
arr.join.gsub(/[ft]/) do |x|
if x =~ /f/
elsif x =~ /t/
puts a
# >> <i></i><i></i><i></i><i></i><i></i>
# >> <i></i><i></i><b></b><i></i><i></i>
# >> <i></i><b></b><i></i><b></b><i></i>

How can I print out the value of each key in a hash represented by *'s? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Here is my code:
class String
def frequency
chars.each_with_object( do |char, h|
h["#{char.upcase}:"] += 1 if char[/[[:alpha:]]/]
I've tried breaking it down in smaller bit's of code, such as using a .times do loop but I couldn't figure it out
for example:
str = "\*"
h["A:"] = count('a').times do
Are you trying to do something like:
counts = 'aassssvvvvv'.frequency
counts.each{|key,count| puts key + '*'*count}
# A:**
# S:****
# V:*****
Or if you want to change the key you can do:
counts.each{|key,amount| counts[key] = '*'*amount}
