How to pass relative path to strings in Self-Extraction Directive file? - cmd

I’m using IExpress to create a self-extracting / self-installing package (.EXE) and a Self-Extraction Directive file (.SED).
When moving the files from a test environment to a production one, I’ve noticed that the strings TargetName (target path and filename of the package) and SourceFiles0 (folder of the packaged files) were hardcoded, and so the creation of a new package failed because no folder/files were found in the “old” path.
FriendlyName= MyPackage
AppLaunched= MyPackage.cmd
FILE1=" MyPackage.ps1"
I’ve tried writing just the filename for TargetName or child folder for SourceFiles0, but I’ve got an error message.
The same goes for “.\” or ”%~dp0” or ”$(srcdir)\” (without the double quotes)
I’ve tried using IExpress GUI wizard and command-line tool.
Does anyone know how to pass a path relative to the .sed file itself to those strings?


OpenDDS - Solution builds fine, examples run, but IDL exes crash

I have successfully built OpenDDS 3.13.2 from source. Here is my environment:
Windows 10
Visual Studio 2017 (re-targeted Solution to SDK 10.0.17763.0)
Tried all Configuration/Platform combinations
I successfully used the configure script from the VS command prompt, built everything by opening the generated solution in the same command prompt, and finally ran the Messenger example (publisher and subscriber), and even configured it to use RTPS successfully.
However, when I try to create my own IDL and use the tao_idl, it crashes. Here's my test (using the proper environment from setenv.cmd):
> tao_idl (no args)
IDL: No input files
Second test:
> tao_idl Test.idl (crashes)
I get no error message, and am unable to locate logs or any indication of what went wrong. The same thing happens when I used opendds_idl.
What is the best approach to debug this, and/or are there pre-built binaries available for the IDL compiler(s) (both TAO and OpenDDS)?
After about a day of troubleshooting, I have determined a solution. Despite being able to call tao_idl and opendds_idl yourself, you should basically never do it. There are a good amount of command-line arguments needed to get both to work, and if they're not present, each exe will crash without the proper reasoning why.
I will add my steps below to create a new basic two-exe pub/sub project using OpenDDS:
Create your own IDL file.
Starting with the DCPS Messenger example, modify the .mpc file, replacing Messenger.idl with your IDL file name.
Create a new file called <your project>.mwc, and add the following contents:
workspace {
// the -relative and -include cmdlines make it so this workspace
// does not have to be in the $DDS_ROOT directory tree.
// tell MPC to substitute our DDS_ROOT environment variables for relative paths
cmdline += -relative DDS_ROOT=$DDS_ROOT
// tell the projects where to find the DDS base projects (*.mpb)
cmdline += -include $DDS_ROOT/MPC/config
Open a new VS command-line terminal and run $DDS_ROOT/setenv.cmd, or open a regular terminal if you have those environment variables set via Windows settings.
Navigate to your project directory and call: -type vs2017, replacing "vs2017" as needed for your build tool/IDE.
Open up the generated solution, and retarget it as necessary for your Windows SDK version.
Build the <your project>_IDL project first. If you notice in the output window, it is invoking the tao_idl and opendds_idl commands automatically. You can view the .vcxproj files to see the full command-line arguments that were the original problem.
Modify the publisher.cpp, subscriber.cpp, and DataReaderListenerImpl.cpp files to match your new IDL. Run the example as usual and ta-da!
For completeness, the full commands for both tao_idl and opendds_idl are as follows:
> opendds_idl -Sa -St "<your file>.idl"
> tao_idl -Wb,pre_include=ace/pre.h -Wb,post_include=ace/post.h -I$(TAO_ROOT) -Sa -St -I$(DDS_ROOT) "<your file>.idl"
> tao_idl -Wb,pre_include=ace/pre.h -Wb,post_include=ace/post.h -I$(TAO_ROOT) -Sa -St -I$(DDS_ROOT) "<your file>TypeSupport.idl"

Windows Driver build - incorrect path passed to Inf2Cat.exe

I'm new to the subject of windows drivers. I'm trying to build one of the Windows-driver-samples in Visual Studio 2015. The compilation and linking steps pass without errors and then I get the following error:
TRACKER : error TRK0002: Failed to execute command:
""C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\x86\inf2cat.exe"
/os:10_x64 /driver:x64\Debug\WFPSamplerCalloutDriver\".
The operation identifier is not valid.
(Note the relative path in /driver argument). If I call Inf2Cat manually from command prompt with full path to the driver, it passes without a hitch:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\x86>Inf2Cat.exe /os:10_x64
Signability test complete.
Catalog generation complete.
So, it seems to me that VS somehow failed to provide the full path to the driver in the argument to Inf2Cat.
How can I fix this? Which configuration property of my project is incorrect?
Seems Inf2Cat from SDK10 does not accept directory path format provided by VS Project Configurator. Works when: either output folder name has with no trailing "\" or folder name ends up with "\.".
Disable Inf2Cat under Project Preferences: Run Inf2Cat -> No
Configure build events under Build-Events->Post Build-Event: Command Line -> "$(WindowsSdkDir)bin\$(DDKPlatform)\inf2cat.exe" /os:10_$(DDKPlatform) /driver:"$(ProjectDir)$(IntDir)$(MSBuildProjectName)"

unable to build OpenH264.lib for windows

I followed all the instruction mentioned in but I am unable to get through. The information is cited in link but its quite confusing.
Alternative Way:
You can build Openh264 using visual studio in windows. Here are the steps..
i) Download OpenH264 source code provided by cisco (that already you
ii) Now you will find two visual studio compatible projects in
directory /OpenH264/codec/build/win32/dec and
iii) You will need to download NASM software from
iv) Install NASM software on the directory C:\NASM or wherever you like.
v) Then Add NASM executable path to all these visual studio projects.
vi) Then You can either select static or dynamic library in general
vi) If you are able to perform all these operations successfully, you will have 5 different .lib or .dll files named welsdcore, welsdecplus, welsecore, welsencplus, welsvp and those
are usable in any visual studio projects.
Now if you want to get openh264 features, just add all these libraries to your project and enjoy.
Hope it will help you.. :)
I also had some difficulty building openh264 on Windows using the recommended mingw approach.
In my case make crashed for all configurations I tried:
bash -c "make OS=msvc ARCH=x86_64 USE_ASM=No BUILDTYPE=Debug clean"
bash -c "make OS=msvc ARCH=x86_64 USE_ASM=No BUILDTYPE=Debug"
0 [main] make 3888 handle_exceptions: Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION
564 [main] make 3888 open_stackdumpfile: Dumping stack trace to make.exe.stackdump
0 [main] make 5448 handle_exceptions: Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION
561 [main] make 5448 open_stackdumpfile: Dumping stack trace to make.exe.stackdump
copying dll files to destination folder...
FullDestDir is E:\projects\openh264\bin\x64\Debug
current dir is:
DestDir is bin/x64/Debug
cp: cannot stat `openh264.dll': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat `openh264.lib': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat `openh264.pdb': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat `codec_unittest.exe': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat `h264enc.exe': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat `h264dec.exe': No such file or directory
BuildDebugFlag =1
BuildReleaseFlag =0
BuildDebugInfo ="build debug--failed"
BuildReleaseInfo =NULL
aBuildFlagList is 1 0
ReturnCode is 1
I resorted to converting the existing solution/projects (VS2008) to VS2013 and linking/building with the created .lib files.
You can find the solutions in {openh264_dir}\codec\build\win32\enc and {openh264_dir}\codec\build\win32\dec.
Building the solution will create .libs and .dlls in {openh264_dir}\bin\Win32\Release
To link to the lib, you need to link to welsenc.lib.
When running, you need to have both the welsenc.dll and welsvp.dll in your application directory. So far it seems to have worked fine for my usage.
I'm assuming that building the decoder will be similar.

Teamcity as Symbol Server no pdbs found

I am trying to use Teamcity as Symbol Server. I set Up TC like I should and TC is indexing my files.
I found THIS question so I tried it to find the symbols on the server. I get some .dll listed with the command symchk /r * /s SRV* I Only see other dlls but not my libraries or pdbs.
What did i miss?
A short Log:
[14:45:48]Indexing sources appeared in file C:\BuildAgent\work\8652c4bdd8dd2154\***\File.pdb
[14:45:48]Information about 7 source files was updated
[14:45:53]Collecting symbol files signatures.
[14:45:53]Running command C:\BuildAgent\plugins\symbol-server\bin\JetBrains.CommandLine.Symbols.exe dumpSymbolSign /o="C:\BuildAgent\temp\buildTmp\symbol-signatures-8701232224987713334.xml" /i="C:\BuildAgent\temp\globalTmp\dumpSymbolSign5535309674029756055.input"

Where is TextTransform.exe Located on Hard drive?

Where is TextTransform.exe located?
I'm trying to implement the solution in this post:
Get Visual Studio to run a T4 Template on every build
However I'm getting an error
"'TextTransform.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file."
I have been looking through the program files, however not sure where TextTransform.exe is located.
It should be below
\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\TextTemplating\
Anyone coming to this question that's using VS 2017 or later should be using vswhere to locate this file. #codingdave's comment is the closest but that still won't work on many computers.
I've added an example to the Microsoft Docs article feedback that shows how to do this with Powershell.
#the path to VSWhere.exe is always in programfiles(x86)
$progFilesx86Path = [System.Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables("%programfiles(x86)%")
$vsWherePath = Join-Path $progFilesx86Path "\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vswhere.exe"
# this tells vswhere to use paths of the latest version of visual studio installed
# to locate this exe anywhere in those paths, and return a single textual
# value (not a json object or xml payload)
$ttExe = & $vsWherePath -latest -find **\TextTransform.exe -format value
if (-Not(Test-Path $ttExe)){
throw "Could not locate TextTransform.exe"
#then to invoke a transformation
& "$ttExe" c:\Source\
From #codingdave's comment
For VS2017, VS2019 location of TextTransform.exe will be
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\<<Version>>\<<Edition>>\Common7\IDE
Version -> (2017/2019)
Edition -> (Community/Professional/Enterprise)
And in pre build event we can use macro like
"$(DevEnvDir)\TextTransform.exe" "$(ProjectDir)"
I would recommend trying this over that solution:
If you don't have VS 2010, though, I suppose you're stuck doing it the hard way.
