how can i set was: SpringBoot(tomcat) + web: nginx(bring the thymeleaf resource files from was) on docker in linux - spring-boot

It was a project with a base of springboot + thymeleaf.
I want to use the web server by using nginx to place the resource files of thymeleaf on the web server.
Running nginx and spring boot project (WAS) with docker container.
nginx uses a port number of 8003:80 and WAS 8002:8080.
At this time, I want to know the settings of nginx.conf and the settings of the application.yml file of WAS.
In the linux environment, there is a situation where mapping is not working properly depending on whether or not thymeleaf is "/", so I want to solve this.
The settings for nginx.conf are as follows.
server {
listen 80;
location / {
proxy_pass http://ipaddr:8002;
location /templates {
root /usr/resources/templates;
location /css/ {
alias /usr/resources/static;
The application.yml setting for WAS is as follows.
prefix: /usr/resources/templates/
suffix: .html
Some are omitted, but by default, they refer to the directory in the same way as above.
When you run each server, the was server and nginx seem to be calling normally, but they don't seem to map the screen that will eventually be displayed properly.
[TemplatesInputException: Error resolving template [common/pagename], template might not exist or might not be accessible by any of the configured Template Resolves]
An error is occurring. Please Help me.
I tried to modify the nginx.conf file in nginx and the application.yml file in was server in many ways.


Spring cloud's config server plain text api with SVN and a default label

I have spring boot 2 app that acts as a config server with the following properties. Notice in particularly the "default-label" properties which is the empty string because we check out directly the folder that contains the files, and not some parent branch/folder.
name: config-server
include: subversion
uri: https://...somesvnrepo.../project/trunk/config
username: fake
password: notreal
basedir: C:\Users\John\Documents\Application\configserver_tmp
The contents of /trunk/config is straigthforward. There ae no subdirectories and just these files:
Serving the yml files works fine, but getting the logback.xml file using the "plain text api" not work at all.
Doing localhost:8888/appname/default/master/logback.xml gives the error "no label master found" which is true, I don't have that label. Any other combination of paths by omitting profiles or labels results in a 404 all the way up to just calling localhost:8888/logback.xml. Adding the ?useDefaultLabel request parameter makes no difference. Actually I don't understand the purpose of the appname, profile and label part of the url when the context is to get a plain text file that is not bound to any specific application, profile or label.
I found similar questions on the internet but they mention updating their spring boot version and then it worked for them. I'm already at the latest spring boot version (2.1.3-release).
Is this because I use SVN? Or because of of the default-label being empty?

Spring boot not finding template when deployed on docker

My app works just fine if I run the application on my host using the
mvn spring-boot:run
but when I deploy it on docker, it does not work and I get this error:
SEVERE: Servlet.service() for servlet [dispatcherServlet] in context with path [] threw exception [Request processing failed; nested exception is org.thymeleaf.exceptions.TemplateInputException: Error resolving template "/store/index", template might not exist or might not be accessible by any of the configured Template Resolvers] with root cause org.thymeleaf.exceptions.TemplateInputException: Error resolving template "/store/index", template might not exist or might not be accessible by any of the configured Template Resolvers
but if I go on the url: http:localhost:8080/login which is controlled by spring security, renders the template normally. Seems to be a permission problem but I'm not sure.
here is my Dockerfile:
FROM openjdk
RUN touch engdevcommerce.jar
COPY target/engdevcommerce.jar engdevcommerce.jar
ENTRYPOINT ["java","","-jar","/engdevcommerce.jar"]
Turns out the problem I was having, had nothing to do with the docker deployment. I ran the jar file on my host, and I was getting the same error.
The problem was that, where I returned the view url at the controllers methods, I was starting with slash like this: "/.../..." . And spring does not load view with double slash when the application is packed as .jar file. I had to remove the slash character at the beginning of the url every where I returned a ModelAndView and at the th:insert tags too on my html files.
this link helped me a lot :
Always check the application execution first with 'java -jar your_app_name.jar' command!
In general this issue is mostly resolved by checking following 3 points-
Your should have the entry-
Your controller should return name of the template without any preceding slash. As the thymeleaf configuration is case sensitive.
Your Project should follow standard spring boot thymeleaf directory structure. If not, then make changes accordingly in your file.
add your local index directory to dockerfile so it will create /store and copy the index directory to /store then your docker vm will have /store/index with the contents from you local index directory
ADD <local-index-directory> /store
ENTRYPOINT ["java","","-

Where is client-dependencies-gradle exposing depedencies?

I am using client-dependencies-gradle plugin (to install polymer).
clientDependencies {
bower {
npm {
I see that the depedencies are installed (i.e. the diretory build/client-cache/npm/#polymer/ is populated).
I do not find documentation about how client depedencies are acccesed from client application.
For example,
curl localhost:8080/#webcomponents/webcomponentsjs/b6e46ee59e51fe258423440aa58327d5/webcomponents-lite.js
curl localhost:8080/jquery/jquery.js
Where is the client supposed to see these files?
The solution was to modify the configuration of spring static content location. I did it by adding the following line to The default is:
I just appended classpath:/vendor/ to make spring look for static content there too.
The /src/assets/vendor directory is mapped to the url http://localhost:8080/. For example jquery that is installed under /usr/assets/vendor/jquery/jquery.js is located at http://localhost:8080/jquery/jquery.js

Nginx serve images from multiple static directories under one alias

I am making transition from apache to nginx, and i can not get the alias to serve images. Reading nginx documentation, diving in google and what not have not yielded any acceptable results for me ;(
The images is located C:/xampp/htdocs/content/XYZ/thumbn/image.jpg
the XYZ part is dynamic and changes.
Nginx is set up to serve content from root C:/nginx/public_html/
In the apache i had simply made Alias /CDN "C:\xampp\htdocs\content"
So that way when ever i request i would get the image from the alias directory.
So im trying to replicate the same in nginx
location /CDN {
alias C:/xampp/htdocs/content;
autoindex on; # just there to see if it works.
Unfortunately when i access the image i get 404. In the Nginx logs i see following record :
2017/07/04 16:43:32 [error] 10532#6488: *4 CreateFile() "C:/nginx/public_html/" failed (3: The system cannot find the path specified), client:, server:, request: "GET /CDN/XYZ/thumbn/two.jpg HTTP/1.1", host: ""
it is how ever listing the directory contents.
Now if i change the location block to this
location ^~ /CDN/ {
alias C:/xampp/htdocs/content/;
I get the same error in log, only way i managed to get it working (but not in the way i need) was when i use this location block
location ^~ /CDN/ {
alias C:/xampp/htdocs/content/XYZ/thumbn/;
Then it is showing the image, but the url for the image is different and not valid for my project.
Now the question: how do i serve only images from multiple static directories under same alias?
the images are located in following structure
And they should be accessed by URL as follows
Is this even possible with Nginx? so how do i achieve this? Is regex required in this occasion?
full config file here
try this
location /CDN/ {
alias C:/xampp/htdocs/content/;
The problem was caused by
location ~* \.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|ico|css|js)$ {
expires 7d;
When i comment out this location directive i can access the images from alias directory.
This how ever removes expiration header for images and with this enabled i can not access the images.

nginx Windows: setting up sites-available configs

I'm trying to set up Nginx on my Windows development environment. I can't find how to create something similar to "sites-enabled" on Linux where Nginx would look for (links to) active virtual host configurations.
Is there a way to do something similar with a directory with shortcuts to the actual configuration files and Nginx scanning that directory? Or is there another way to hook up a virtual host configuration other than copying the host configuration to nginx.conf?
In windows you have to give full path of the directory where the config files are located. There are two files to update: nginx.conf, which tells nginx where to find web sites, and localhost.conf, which is the configuration for a web site.
It is assumed that nginx is installed in C:\nginx. If the installation directory is at another path, you will have to update that path accordingly, wherever it appears in the following two configuration files.
Location: C:\nginx\conf
worker_processes 1;
events {
worker_connections 1024;
http {
include mime.types;
default_type application/octet-stream;
#to read external configuration.
include "C:/nginx/conf/sites-enabled/*.conf";
Location: C:\nginx\conf\sites-enabled
server {
listen 80;
server_name localhost;
location / {
root html;
index index.html index.htm;
error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html;
location = /50x.html {
root html;
The "sites-enabled" approach as used by some Linux packages of nginx utilize include directive, which understands shell wildcards, see You may use it in your own config as well, e.g.
http {
include /path/to/sites/*.conf;
Note though that such approach might be very confusing (in particular, it would be hard to tell which server{} is the default one unless you use default_server explicitly).
The following worked for me but only AFTER I moved my main nginx exe folder from c:/Program Files (x86)/nginx-1.7.0 to c:/nginx-1.7.0 (because I think it doesn't handle spaces in file paths well):
http {
include "f:/code/mysite/dev-ops/nginx/dev/mysite.conf";
Till the time of writing this answer (7 Jan 2022) non of the other answers fully answer this question.
Wildcards (include a/*.b) just include a list of vhosts which cannot be disabled/enabled. sites-enabled and sites-available is about being able to disable a vhost without deleting the corresponding config file.
Nginx has only one config file (nginx.conf), which in turn includes other files. The ability to include files is what led to enabled/available design.
So the directory structure goes as follows:
conf // or whatever
|____default // symlink to sites-available/default.conf
|____default.conf // You can omit the extension but I just like it
|____some vhost.conf
|____another vhost.conf
|____disabled vhost.conf
|____other config files ...
# nginx.conf
http {
# ...
include path/to/sites-enabled/*; # include the enabled ones
In windows (cmd) you do:
mklink Link Target
# for example
mklink default X:/path/to/nginx/conf/sites-available/default.conf
Many think that windows doesn't have symlinks, it does :-)
I use a slightly more complex config directory structure, for development:
|____some-site // sites-available/some-site/{env} where {env} is either dev or prod
|________www.conf // vhost (server {}) for the www subdomain
|________api.conf // same as above but for the api subdomain
|________root.conf // vhost for the top level domain (e.g without any subdomain prefix)
|________http.conf // listen on ipv4 80/ipv6 80 and redirect http to https
|________https.conf // listen on ipv4 443 ssl/ipv6 443 ssl and `include`s ssl.conf
|________ssl.conf // ssl config, pay attention to permission
You can include your config with a relative path in your nginx.config (the relative path is just the path of the config file itself in contrast to the logs path for example):
http {
include mime.types;
default_type application/octet-stream;
include ../sites-enabled/*.conf;
