ESP32 ADC inverts result - esp32

I try to measure the output of a joystick with ADC1 of ESP32.
The voltage for the potentiometer is stabilized with a TL431 to 2.5V.
ADC-settings are:
Reading the pot:
uint16_t rawlx = adc1_get_raw(ADC1_CHANNEL_0);
The result is inverted, e.g 0V results in 4095.
Board is SBC-NodeMCU-ESP32 from joy-it. Chip is ESP-WROOM-32.
How can I fix that, or are my settings wrong?


Esp32 Micropython Max31865 Spi connection and data read

I need to read temperature data with using MAX31865 SPI communication. First of all, I tried to read 4 byte data:
import machine
import ubinascii
spi = machine.SPI(1, baudrate=5000000, polarity=0, phase=0)
#baudrate controls the speed of the clock line in hertz.
#polarity controls the polarity of the clock line, i.e. if it's idle at a low or high level.
#phase controls the phase of the clock line, i.e. when data is read and written during a clock cycle
cs = machine.Pin(15, machine.Pin.OUT)
data =
I tried many times with different codes but result is always similar b'00000000'.
I am using ESP32 WROOM.
I used this pins:
ESP32 : D12 - D14 - 3V3 - GND - D15
Max31865: SDO - CLK - VIN - GND - CS
I am new on micropython and esp32.
I don't know what should I do. Is there any suggestions , recommended tutorials or idea?
Short answer: see if you can use CircuitPython and its drivers for MAX31865.
Long answer: a bunch of stuff. I suspect you've been following the Adafruit tutorial for MAX31855, but its SPI interface is very different from the MAX31865.
Your SPI connection is missing the SDI pin. You have to connect it, as communication is bidirectional. Also, I suggest using the default SPI pinout on ESP32 side as described in the micropython documetation for ESP32.
The SPI startup looks to be missing stuff. Looking at the SPI documentation a call to machine.SPI() requires that you assign values to arguments sck, mosi, miso. Those would probably be the pins on ESP32 side where you've connected SCLK, SDI, SDO on MAX31865 (note mosi means "master out, slave in" and miso is "master in, slave out").
The chip select signal on the MAX is inverted (that's what the line above CS input in the datasheet means). You have to set it low to activate the chip and high to disable it.
You can't just read data out of the chip, it has a protocol you must follow. First you have to request a temperature-to-resistance conversion from the chip. The datasheet for your chip explains how to do that, the relevant info starts on page 13 (it's a bit difficult to read for a beginner, but try anyway as it's the authoritative source of information for this chip). On a high level, it works like this:
Write to Configuration register a value which initiates the conversion.
Wait for the conversion to complete.
Read from the RTD (Resistance-To-Digital) registers to get the conversion result.
Calculate the temperature value from the conversion result.
The code might be closer to this (not tested, and very likely to not work off the bat - but it should convey the idea):
import ubinascii, time
from machine import Pin, SPI
cs = Pin(15, Pin.OUT)
# Assuming you've rewired according to default SPI pinout
spi = machine.SPI(1, baudrate=100000, polarity=0, phase=0, sck=Pin(14), mosi=Pin(13), miso=Pin(12))
# Enable chip
# Prime a 1-shot read by writing 0x40 to Configration register 0x00
# Wait for conversion to complete (up to 66 ms)
# Select the RTD MSBs register (0x01) and read 1 byte from it
msb =
# Select the RTD LSBs register (0x02) and read 1 byte from it
lsb =
# Disable chip
# Join the 2 bytes
result = msb * 256 + lsb
Convert result to temperature according to section "Converting RTD Data Register
Values to Temperature" in datasheet.
Side note 1: here spi = machine.SPI(1, baudrate=5000000, polarity=0, phase=0) you've configured a baud rate of 5MHz which is the maximum for this chip. Depending on how you've connected your devices, it may not work. The SPI protocol is synchronous and driven by master device, so you can set any baud rate you want. Start with a much, much lower value, maybe 100KHz or so. Increase this after you've figured out how to talk to the chip.
Side note 2: if you want your conversion result faster than the 100ms sleep in my code, connect the DRDY line from MAX to ESP32 and wait for it to go low. This means the conversion is finished and you can read out the result immediately.

How to connect our push button to ZYNQ-based board's GPIO?

I want to add external push button to Parallella's GPIO pins.
Is it correct to connect push button just like the users did for Raspberry pi boards?
enter image description here
if it's working, what resistor should I use? and if it's not correct, what schematic should I follow to connect push-button to one of the GPIOs?
I just had a quick look at the Parallella schematic. It is 17 pages with rather a lot of connections so I can't do a full analysis in a few minutes. (I would also need to work through the datasheet)
You must check which voltage your I/O pin is operating at. If it is 3V3 you can use the schematic as-is. If it is a different voltage you have to replace the 3V3
with whatever the I/O voltage is. For the rest the principle is OK: Pull the port low with a resistor and use a push button to the selected voltage to make it active high.
If you don't know which voltage to use set the pin in output mode and output a 'high' Then measure which voltage appears.
Note that in general it is safer way to use a resistor (e.g. 50KOhm) to tie the pin to the I/O voltage. Then use a push button to pull the pin low. If you make a mistake, the pin is more likely to survive as the resistor limits the current.

What enables the Raspberry Pi GPIO15(RXD0) pull-up resistor during boot?

On the raspberry pi 3 all GPIO pins are powered up with a direction of "input". Each pin has a pull-up and a pull-down resistor associated with it. The status of these resistors is preserved through power loss or reset. (This is why there is no way to read the status of these resistors because they may not be known after a reset.)
I wrote a program that forces all the pull resistors to disabled so that nothing is pulling the lines high or low and then rebooted. /sys/class/gpio/*/direction and values all indicate success.
After reset, all pins came up in the input direction and without pull resistors enabled except for:
GPIO2: pulled-up (No problem, due to externally soldered i2c pull-up
GPIO3: pulled-up (No problem, due to externally soldered i2c pull-up resistor)
GPIO14: (TXD0) pull-down resistor has been re-enabled somehow!
GPIO15: (RXD0) pull-up resistor has been re-enabled somehow!
I have already previously used raspi-config to disable both the serial console logging and the serial uart. So I would think nothing in the boot process should alter the peripheral registers controlling GPIO14 and GPIO15.
What in the boot process is reconfiguring the GPIO15(RXD0) and GPIO14(TXD0) pins to have their pull-up/down resistors enabled and how to I stop it?
One thing I found out:
The pull-up/down resistor configurations on the broadcom chipset are non-volatile. (This is actually why you can't query what their status is in anyway; because the chip doesn't know what they are from boot time and can't query them itself. The CPU can only set them.)
So, if you turn off all the pull-up/down resistors the raspian distribution boots with all pins in the output/high-z configuration except for GPIO2 and 3 because these are the I2C pins with physical pull-up resistors soldered on board. The Tx GPIO pin also reads high but I think it due to the bluetooth system being initialized in the kernel and I don't know how to disable that.
So if you set all the pins to input/hi-z and disable pull-up/pull-down it will come up that way after reboot (unless you've enable something in the kernel or otherwise changed them after power-up)

UART RX Interrurpt fired too early

I'm doing a small project, where I want to transmit a text via a cable to my Atmega328p.
I first created the project on an Arduino Uno (with pure C), where the transmission works.
Now I switched to a standalone 328p and tried it there.
But now the Problem is, that my RX-Complete Interrupt is fired too early. In fact it is even fired, when nothing has been transmitted. It will fired when I just touched the cable (the isolated parts) .
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <util/setbaud.h>
void setup(void){
CLKPR = 0;
//Set Output
DDRC |= (1 << PC0) | (1 << PC1) |(1 << PC2) |(1 << PC3) |(1 << PC4) | (1 << PC5);
DDRD |= (1 << PD6) | (1 << PD7);
// Interrupts
// Init UART
// Set baud
#if USE_2X
UCSR0A |= (1 << U2X0);
UCSR0A &= ~(1 << U2X0);
// Enable UART Receive and Receivecomplete Interrupt
UCSR0B = (1<<RXEN0) | (1 << RXCIE0);
// Set frameformat to 8 Data and 1 Stopbit
UCSR0C = ((1<<UCSZ00)|(1<<UCSZ01));
int main(void){
return 0;
// Enable some LEDs
Edit: Picture of my Setup:
I use the Arduiono just for Powering my Breadboard. 5V and GND are connected.
The AVR MKII ISP is Connected via some Pins to flash the µC. The two cables are used for UART RX.
The Pushbutton is just for RESET
Edit 2: I just tried to power it via an external source and a raspberrypi. There is the same effect everywhere
Of course. RXC flag is set when there are unread data in the receive buffer.
This flag is used to generate the RX interrupt.
Since you never read UDR inside your interrupt, this flag remains set, and, therefore just after interrupt routine is completed, it is starts again. And again. And again....
The Rx line should not be floating. Its a high impedance input and should be driven to a specific level. Your cables act like an antenna and if you touch the cable it gets worse because there is capacitive coupling between the cable and your body. This may result in high frequency noise on your input which may trigger the Rx interrupt.
Further make sure that the 328p local power supply is properly decoupled. I don't see any capacitors near the controller on your breadboard. Check GND connection between Arduino and 328p (mandatory).
Without looking at your setup it's hard to tell what's going wrong, but if you're touching an isolated cable and getting a response from the processor, then I would check common grounds between the devices if you're powering the ATMega via a battery, make sure the battery ground is touching the device that's receiving and transmitting, as any potential difference in power levels could cause the little magnetic field that you give off to be amplified into something that the core registers as a high bit.If possible, post a picture of your setup!
Also when programming with ATMel chips, burning the arduino bootloader and going the simple(r) C code way never hurt.

Arduino Serial transmitting Missing One Charcter

I am using Arduino Leonardo to transmit an string to a wifi module. The format of command that wifi module can recognize is:
AT60,1,content to a server
I am using an virtual server(TCP/IP Builder) to test the content I can received.
Here is the content I want to send:
Since I try to send it again and again, I use a loop to send it. In the virtual server side, the content I got is:
This is the QUESTION: There exist one terrible mistake in the content I received, which is the deviceId part never correct. It's so weird.
Here is part of related code:
//In Uart.cpp
//These three lines can sent a formatted string as "AT60,1,content"
Serial1.write(channelID); //channel ID = 1 here
Serial1.write(reportIsFire, 76);
//In Uart.h
//Definition of the string I need to send, which has 76 characters.
char reportIsFire[76] = ",smart/device/deviceCmd?userId=1010002003&deviceId=A00019999990002&cmd=ON \n";
Here is few background of this application:
I am using Arduino 1.5.8 IDE with VisualStudio
Since the serial buffer of Arduino is only 64 Bytes, I have already
change the buffer size to 128 Bytes in "HardwareSerial.h" to send
out this large string.
The baud rate is 115200 and I am using Serial 1. I have used Serial 1
to transmit few other characters and it works fine.
I will appreciate that If you have any idea about this question.
I am betting that the serial baud rate of the Arduino is not 100% correct. Increasing the buffer size will not matter if the data is being lost due to a timing issue in the physical link.
I'd recommend double-checking the code that initializes the serial baud rate generator. It may be possible to get a closer rate to 115,200 by either adjusting the available settings, altering the main clock speed (if possible), implementing some form of flow control, or all of the above.
In extreme cases, you may consider using a special-frequency oscillator. Many Microchip PICs use an internal or external 4MHz or 8MHz crystal, but this can produce far too much timing error for lengthy serial transmissions at high speed. In that case, something special, like a 7.3728MHz crystal can be used, bringing the accuracy to exactly 100% (at least on some PIC devices.)
Lastly, another consideration is if any pre-emptive code is running on the device, such as interrupts or timers which could inadvertently interfere with the serial output.
I don't have an answer, but I suspect the most likely problem is that the Wifi card can't read characters at a sustained 115200 baud rate. If possible, set the Wifi baud rate and the Arduino Serial.begin() to a lower rate, such as 57600 or 19200.
If the Arduino baud rate was simply inaccurate, I'd expect to see the problem appearing at random locations in the string, rather than about 40 characters in.
