AVPlayer play() takes around 500 millisecond to play the video when loading from iglistkit - caching

I'm making an application like ticktok and using IGListKit and AVplayer to play the videos. Im caching the videos and then displaying and playing it checking if the cell occupies the complete screen it should start to play. There is a 500 milli second delay when doing so but its required to work smooth like ticktok.
Using the below code in scrollViewDidEndDecelerating so that when scrolling end it should check for the visible cell which occupies the complete screen of the collection view
let collectionViewVisibleRect = getCollectionViewVisibleRect()
for visibleIndexPath in collectionView.indexPathsForVisibleItems {
if let cell = collectionView.cellForItem(at: visibleIndexPath) as? VideoFeedCollectionViewCell {
if collectionViewVisibleRect.contains(cell.frame) {
cell.imgPlay.isHidden = true
}else {
When playing directly from the cell its playing smoothly but then multiple videos are playing at the same time.


CocosSharp game on Android startup takes a long time to draw graphics

We have a somewhat simple game written using CocosSharp. The game is within another Xamarin.Forms app. When the player clicks to play the game, we bring them to a splash screen. On iOS this screen displays immediately but on Android, the screen is just black for about 15 seconds. The music plays pretty much immediately on both platforms.
The following is called from the ViewCreated event of the CocosSharpView.
var scene = new Scenes.SplashScene(GameView);
The hang up seems to be when creating labels. The following take ~10 seconds to complete with 99% of it being in the constructor of the first label. We call our CreateText in the constructor.
private void CreateText()
var label = new CCLabel("Text 1", "BD_CARTOON_SHOUT.TTF", 80)
PositionX = layer.ContentSize.Width / 2.0f,
PositionY = layer.ContentSize.Height / 1.5f,
Color = CCColor3B.DarkGray
label = new CCLabel("Text 2", "BD_CARTOON_SHOUT.TTF", 60)
PositionX = layer.ContentSize.Width / 2.0f,
PositionY = 50f,
Color = CCColor3B.DarkGray
Keep in mind this only happens on Android.
Thanks in advance!
I had the same issue several weeks ago. The problem was CCLabel constructor
where it didn't know which type of font are you using and therefore trying all other types before finally trying the last one which is correct. You need to specify font type in CCLabel constructor like this:
var label = new CCLabel("Text 1", "BD_CARTOON_SHOUT.TTF", 80, CCLabelFormat.SystemFont);
Hope it helps.

AVAudioPlayer sounds will not play under 1 second apart

I have 0.2sec long sound file "beep.caf" that I am trying to get to play rapidly. If I set the sounds to play 1 second apart, they play just fine, but if I set them to play any less like 0.8, only the first sound plays. I have the same problem using AudioServicesPlaySystemSound too.
To play the sound twice rapidly I have the following function:
func runAfterDelay(delay: NSTimeInterval, block: dispatch_block_t) {
let time = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, Int64(delay * Double(NSEC_PER_SEC)))
dispatch_after(time, dispatch_get_main_queue(), block)
I first setup my sound in the viewDidLoad with the following:
let path = NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource("beep", ofType: "caf")!
let url = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: path)
self.startBeep = try AVAudioPlayer(contentsOfURL: url)
print("Audio didn't load")
Then when a button is pressed the following code is run:
let start_time:Double = 1.0
let end_time:Double = start_time + 0.8
runAfterDelay(start_time ) {
runAfterDelay(end_time ) {
I have tried to stop the sound before the next play, but that doesn't help either. I have even duplicated the should file (beep & beepStop) to see if it had something to do with playing the same sound file and I get the same problems.
Any ideas??
The problem is with the time and not the players. The delay time was supposed to be in a 10th of a millisecond but was a 100th of a millisecond (.1 vs .01) which was so short of time between beeps that it often didn't fire accurately. A false positive was created when the time was set to 1.0 seconds.

Continuous Looping Video in TVOS?

I'm just getting started with TVOS and was wondering if anyone has addressed looping in TVOS / TVJS / TVML. I'm using this tutorial to create a simple interface for playing videos. My wrinkle is that I want these videos to play in a continuous seamless loop - basically a moving screensaver type effect - see example videos at art.chrisbaily.com.
Is there a simple way to do this, or do I need to build some kind of event listener to do the looping manually? I'd like the videos to be fairly hi res, and the videos would be somewhere between 1 and 3 minutes.
I was looking for an answer for this question as well. And found that the only way this would be possible is to create an event listener and adding a duplicate media item to the playlist. But honestly it is not that hard, given if you followed the tutorial that you listed in your post.
So the code would be something like
player.playlist = playlist;
//Again push the same type of media item in playlist so now you have two of the same.
This will make sure that once your first video ends the second one starts playing which is essentially a loop. Then for the third one and on you implement an event listener using "mediaItemWillChange" property. This will make sure that once a video ends a new copy of the same video is added to the playlist.
player.addEventListener("mediaItemWillChange", function(e) {
Just put the event listener before you start the player using
Note this question and idea of this sort was already asked/provided on Apple's discussion board. I merely took the idea and had implemented it in my own project and now knowing that it works I am posting the solution. I found that if I pop the first video out of the playlist and add then push a new on the playlist as mentioned in the linked thread below, my videos were not looping. Below is the link to the original post.
How to repeat video with TVJS Player?
You could also set repeatMode on the playlist object
player.playlist.repeatMode = 1;
0 = no repeat
1 = repeat all items in playlist
2 = repeat current item
There's really no need to push a second media item onto the. Simply listen for the media to reach its end, then set the seek time back to zero. Here's the code.
Play the media.
private func playVideo(name: String) {
guard name != "" else {
let bundle = NSBundle(forClass:object_getClass(self))
let path = bundle.pathForResource(name, ofType:"mp4")
let url = NSURL.fileURLWithPath(path!)
self.avPlayer = AVPlayer(URL: url)
if (self.avPlayerLayer == nil) {
self.avPlayerLayer = AVPlayerLayer(player: self.avPlayer)
self.avPlayerLayer.frame = previewViews[1].frame
avPlayer.actionAtItemEnd = .None
//Listen for AVPlayerItemDidPlayToEndTimeNotification
NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: "playerItemDidReachEnd:", name: AVPlayerItemDidPlayToEndTimeNotification, object: self.avPlayer.currentItem)
Play Again
func playerItemDidReachEnd(notification: NSNotification) {
let item = notification.object as? AVPlayerItem

Storyboard animation only displays last frame

I have to create an animation for a Windows Phone 8.1 app. I want to change the ImageSource property of my Page.Background to display an animated splash when the app launches.
I used this sample as a model: http://www.codeproject.com/Tips/823622/Images-Animation-By-Using-Story-Board-in-Windows-P
In my code, the animation lasts 8 seconds for 80 images, but the screen stays black for 8 seconds, then only displays the last frame.
private void setupStoryboard()
storyboard = new Storyboard();
var animation = new ObjectAnimationUsingKeyFrames();
Storyboard.SetTarget(animation, BackgroundBrush);
Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(animation, "ImageSource");
for (int i = 0; i <= 80; i++)
var keyframe = new DiscreteObjectKeyFrame
KeyTime = KeyTime.FromTimeSpan(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100 * i)), //Time Interval
Value = String.Format("ms-appx:///Assets/Animation/splash{0:D2}.png", i) //Source of images
Resources.Add("Storyboard", storyboard); //Add story board to resources
This code is called from OnNavigatedTo, and I have a button to call storyboard.Begin();
This problem appears on simulator and device.
Update: The problem persists with a greater interval (1000ms), and smaller images (30KB jpg instead of 240KB png)
Update: Same problem with an <Image> tag
Update: Still not solved, but I managed to obtain the desired effect. I created a DispatcherTimer to manually change the image. Unfortunately, this creates a nasty flickering effect. I had to add a second identical image on top of the first, and alternate between the two: imageA loads source1, imageB loads source2, imageA loads source3, ImageB loads source4...
Mission completed, with duct tape.

AVPlayer gapless playback and seeking with multiple video files

I'm currently writing a small application which takes a folder containing many short video files (~1mn each) and plays them like they were ONE long video file.
I've been using AVQueuePlayer to play them all one after another but I was wondering if there were an alternative to this, because I'm running into some problems:
there is a small but noticeable gap when the player switches to the next file
I can't go back to the previous video file without having to remove all the items in the queue and put them back
I'd like to be able to go to any point in the video, just as if it were a single video file. Is AVPlayer the best approach for this?
I realize that it's been about 6 years since this was asked, but I found a solution to this shortly after seeing this question and maybe it will be helpful to someone else.
Instead of using a an AVQueuePlayer, I combined the clips in an AVMutableComposition (a subclass of AVAsset) which I could then play in a normal AVPlayer.
let assets: [AVAsset] = urlsOfVideos.map(AVAsset.init)
let composition = AVMutableComposition()
let compositionVideoTrack = composition.addMutableTrack(withMediaType: .video, preferredTrackID: kCMPersistentTrackID_Invalid)
let compositionAudioTrack = composition.addMutableTrack(withMediaType: .audio, preferredTrackID: kCMPersistentTrackID_Invalid)
var insertTime = CMTime.zero
for asset in assets {
let range = CMTimeRange(start: .zero, duration: asset.duration)
guard let videoTrack = asset.tracks(withMediaType: .video).first,
let audioTrack = asset.tracks(withMediaType: .audio).first else {
compositionVideoTrack?.preferredTransform = orientation!
try? compositionVideoTrack?.insertTimeRange(range, of: videoTrack, at: insertTime)
try? compositionAudioTrack?.insertTimeRange(range, of: audioTrack, at: insertTime)
insertTime = CMTimeAdd(insertTime, asset.duration)
Then you create the player like this
let player = AVPlayer(playerItem: AVPlayerItem(asset: composition))
