Consuming FHIR Client API with SQL-like ideas - hl7-fhir

I'm new to the FHIR World, I have a FHIR client, HAPI FHIR that I can use to fetch data through a restful API. I apology if I missunderstand something during my FHIR documentation journey.
I've look around the documentation and tried some requests to fetch basic data, like a list of Patient, an Observation by id etc..
In my case, I need to get a list of Patient that have the same name as its resource generalPractioner (it's unlikely to happen, it's just an example).
In regular SQL it would look like something like this :
INNER JOIN Practitioner ON = Patient.practitioner_id
Since FHIR doesn't work that way and isn't relational database, I need to come up with a way to do the equivalent of SQL's WHERE and SQL's JOIN but through the restful API of the client.
My questions are : Is it possible to do these kind of thing directly on a FHIR Client through the API ? If yes, do I need to make new modules inside HAPI FHIR (JPA or plain server ?) (using Java) so it can understand what I really want ?(a new parser with a new route on each resource for example).
Note that the example with the SQL query is pretty simple, my project is to be able to do really nested joins and wheres, as well as the SQL's AND and OR. It doesn't have to use graphQL, this is just what matches the most with my idea while I was reading the documentation.
I'm afraid that regular _include, _filter and _search parameters aren't enough for what I need.
I found that the fhirpath thing could be use but I didn't find how to use it through the API (except with the $graphql operation).
Seems like ChatGPT want me to use the operation $fhirql which is no longer supported in the recent versions of HAPI FHIR, this seemed to be wnat I want.
Thanks !

I do not know what $fhirql is - and I think I know everything there is to know about FHIR. And Google comes up blank, so that might be ChatGPT just fantasising again. Maybe it invented that based on, which is clearly the kind of thing you're thinking about.
Or maybe Pathling is closer to what you want:
$graphql only lets you filter your data, it doesn't allow de novo new joins. _filter is the nearest to what you want, for the few servers that support it, but even then, no joins the way you want.
So it looks like you'll have to fetch the data from your API by a client, and then do something locally, which is how those tools work. Unless the server does something specific for you


ElasticSearch: Is it possible to use dfs_query_then_fetch with the explain API?

Did the Explain endpoint ever support search_type: dfs_query_then_fetch? If it does now (I'm on 7.1), how do I specify it?
I was thrown for a loop when using the Explain API on two identical documents, but seeing different score calculations. Learning the documents lived in different shards, and that the TF/IDF inputs were calculated per-shard explained the difference. Using dfs_query_then_fetch on the Search API normalized the scores, but the ElasticSearch .net client (both LowLevel and NEST) don't appear to expose a way to specify it for calls to the Explain API.
I also tried to form a request manually, passing it as a querystring or request body parameter. Both fail saying the argument is invalid. I thought perhaps the Explain endpoint didn't offer a way to specify dfs_query_then_fetch, but digging through some old issues it appears that it at least did at some point:
Search type is not supported on the explain API. An approach that might work would be to use the Search API with dfs_query_then_fetch and explain, with a compound query that filters only to the document you're interested in (using IdsQuery), along with the query you want the explanation for.

how to pass object on Spring's REST Template using get

I am using a Spring REST template to pull data using POST and everything is working fine.
ResponseEntity<MyObject> resp= restTemplate.postForEntity("url", inputParam, MyObject.class);
But now since I am not doing any POST operation, I want to change it to GET. I can do this by adding all input params as url parameters and do:
ResponseEntity<MyObject> resp= restTemplate.getForEntity("url",MyObject.class);
But the problem is, inputParam has alot of parameters, so preparing the url manually is not the best solution. Also GET requests have length restrictions.
Is there any other better solution for handling this?
First of all, I think your second line should say getForEntity().
Secondly, there are numerous URL builder class options if you google around (including ones from Spring). So, I would use a URL building class to prepare the URL rather than manually doing it yourself which can get messy.
Length Restriction
There's a good SO entry here noting length restrictions of common browsers; so if its going through a browser then I'd stick to POST if you're potentially over the 2000 lower limit they suggest.
Technically there shouldn't be a limit according to
I think on a lot of back-end technologies there is no limit. So, if this is API-only and not going through a browser (like back-end to back-end) then you may be able to ignore those limits. I'd recommend looking into that specifically though and testing it with your back-end.
Also, as a personal recommendation, I have found UniRest to be an amazingly useful REST client which makes most of my code much cleaner :). If you have time, maybe try giving that a shot.

Path Variable or Request parameter?

When we design Rest apis, it is said that use Path Variable when you need to identify a resource and Request Parameters when you need to do operations like sorting, filtering, searching, pagination. Let us take a scenario of Employee:
Employee has three fields like name, companyName, socialSecurityNo.
Now i want an Employee with a socialSecurityNo = ABC.
It seems fine to have endpoint with path variable like /employees/{socialSecurtityNo}, since we are identifying a resource.
Also it seems intuitive that we are filtering on the basis of socialSecurityNo and have an endpoint like /employees?socialSecurityNo=ABC
What will be the right way as i am confused and think that both apply.
It's a good question.
is filtering all employees on socialSecurityNo. If socialSecurityNo is unique to an employee, there's no point in this endpoint existing and a client should use /employees/{socialSecurtityNo}.
There's nothing wrong with filtering on a unique field value (socialSecurtityNo) and if a client finds it easier to use this version (for whatever technical reason) then that's fine. There is no 'right' way. The ultimate reason APIs exist is to allow valuable work to be done by a client. Work with the client to allow that to happen but keep best practice in mind and know when the solution isn't the best but is the most practical in the situation.
I would expect to see:
as this is filtering on a non unique field value and should return a collection of Employee objects.
The 'right' thing to do is keep the results consistent. If you have both ways of finding an employee, make sure the returned result is the same in each case.

How can I use isValidJSValue to validate a query variable in my client code?

I'm writing client-side code for an app that will query a GraphQL server. In a couple of places in my code, I'm passing around data that will eventually get turned into a query variable, so it needs to validate against a specific GraphQLInputType in my schema. On looking into some of the utilities that graphql-js provides, it looks like the isValidJSValue checker is exactly what I'm looking for, and its comments even mention that it's intended to be used to do just that.
The issue is that I don't have access to the GraphQL type I want to validate against as a JS object, which is what I'm pretty sure that function is looking for. I'm importing my schema (as an npm depdendency) as JSON, or I also have it in the schema notation. Is there some other utility I can use to get the JS type I need from one of those sources, and then use that to check my data with isValidJSValue? Or is there some other way I could go about this that I just haven't thought of?
You can use the JSON schema you have imported to construct an actual GraphQL schema instance using buildClientSchema here:
Then, it should be a simple matter of looking in the types field of the resulting schema to find your input type, and then calling isValidJSValue on it.
I'm curious, though - why validate the value on the client before sending it, rather than just relying on the validation the server will do?

Django client side query construction

I'm making a pretty standard AJAXy (well, no XML actually) web page. The browser makes a bunch of API queries that return JSON to run the site. The problem is, I need to add to the API interface each time the page needs to do something new. The new API interface is usually little more than a database query followed by mapping the returned objects to JSON.
What I'd like to do is to get rid of all that server-side duplication and just have the page make database requests itself (using the model interface), but in a way that is safe (i.e. just read only ones). I think this would amount to an interface for constructing Q objects using JSON or something like that, and then send that up to the server, run the query, and return the results. Before I go making my own half-broken architecture for this, I'm wondering if this has already been done well. Also, is this even the best way to go about eliminating this duplication?
Search multiple fields of django model without 3rd party app
Django SQL OR via filter() & Q(): Dynamic?
Generate a django queryset based on dict keys
Just replace with operator.and_ where appropriate.
