How to process lines from external process in elvish? - shell

Original problem: I want to extract information from (string) lines, produced by some process. It can be done by processing the lines one by one. Extracted data should be saved in several collections (lists? maps? whatever...)
The lines to process are specific, and they can be ignored, until some specific line is found. All the following lines should be saved, and then processed.
My problem with elvish is that I don't know, how to transform the produced output lines into a list of strings.
I have tried:
var lines = (my_app) | from-lines`
but elvish says, that on the right side there are many values, and on the left side is only one (it cannot make a list from those values).
My other approach was:
var data = []
my_app | each {|line|
set data = conj $data $line
but it also didn't work (I don't remember the error message, though). Also, (conj $data $line) doesn't work: elvish treats it as some external command, which cannot be found.

Quite simple Output capture worked for me:
~> cat t.txt
~> var linelist = [( cat t.txt )]
~> put $linelist[1]
▶ b


Extract 2 fields from string with search

I have a file with several lines of data. The fields are not always in the same position/column. I want to search for 2 strings and then show only the field and the data that follows. For example:
I would like to return the following:
I am struggling because the data isn't always in the same position, so I can't chose a column number. I feel I need to search for "id" and "hwVersion" Any help is GREATLY appreciated.
Totally agree with #KamilCuk. More specifically
jq -c '{id: .id, hwVersion: .hwVersion}' <<< '{"id":"1111","name":"2222","versionCurrent":"3333","hwVersion":"4444"}'
Not quite the specified output, but valid JSON
More to the point, your input should probably be processed record by record, and my guess is that a two column output with "id" and "hwVersion" would be even easier to parse:
cat << EOF | jq -j '"\(.id)\t\(.hwVersion)\n"'
1111 4444
5555 7777
Since the data looks like a mapping objects and even corresponding to a JSON format, something like this should do, if you don't mind using Python (which comes with JSON) support:
import json
def get_id_hw(s):
d = json.loads(s)
return '"id":"{}","hwVersion":"{}"'.format(d["id"], d["hwVersion"])
We take a line of input string into s and parse it as JSON into a dictionary d. Then we return a formatted string with double-quoted id and hwVersion strings followed by column and double-quoted value of corresponding key from the previously obtained dict.
We can try this with these test input strings and prints:
# These will be our test inputs.
s1 = '{"id":"1111","name":"2222","versionCurrent":"3333","hwVersion":"4444"}'
s2 = '{"id":"5555","name":"6666","hwVersion":"7777"}'
# we pass and print them here
But we can just as well iterate over lines of any input.
If you really wanted to use awk, you could, but it's not the most robust and suitable tool:
awk '{ i = gensub(/.*"id":"([0-9]+)".*/, "\\1", "g")
h = gensub(/.*"id":"([0-9]+)".*/, "\\1", "g")
printf("\"id\":\"%s\",\"hwVersion\":\"%s\"\n"), i, h}' /your/file
Since you mention position is not known and assuming it can be in any order, we use one regex to extract id and the other to get hwVersion, then we print it out in given format. If the values could be something other then decimal digits as in your example, the [0-9]+ but would need to reflect that.
And for the fun if it (this preserves the order) if entries from the file, in sed:
sed -e 's#.*\("\(id\|hwVersion\)":"[0-9]\+"\).*\("\(id\|hwVersion\)":"[0-9]\+"\).*#\1,\3#' file
It looks for two groups of "id" or "hwVersion" followed by :"<DECIMAL_DIGITS>".

Filter sequences with more than 8 same consecutive nucleotides in a fastq file?

I want to filter my sequences which has more than 8 same consecutive nucleotides like "GGGGGGGG", "CCCCCCCC", etc in my fastq files.
How should I do that?
The quick and incorrect way, which might be close enough: grep -E -B1 -A2 'A{8}|C{8}|G{8}|T{8}' yourfile.fastq.
This will miss blocks where the 8-mer is split across two lines (e.g. the first line ends with AAAA and the second starts with AAAA). It also assumes the output has blocks of 4 lines each.
The proper way: write a little program (in Python, or a language of your choice) which buffers one FASTQ block (e.g. 4 lines) and checks that the concatenation of the previous (buffered) block's sequence and the current block's sequence do not have an 8-mer as above. If that's the case, then output the buffered block.
I ended up to use below codes in R and solved my problem.
fq <- FastqFile("/Users/path/to/file")
reads_fq <- readFastq(fq)
sread(reads_fq), invert = TRUE)]
writeFastq(trimmed_fq, "new_name_for_fq.fastq", compress = FALSE)
You can use the Python package biotite for it (
Let's say you have the following FASTQ file:
This is a script, that should do the work:
import as fastq
import biotite.sequence as seq
consecutive_nucs = [seq.NucleotideSequence(nuc * 8) for nuc in "ACGT"]
fastq_file = fastq.FastqFile("Sanger")"example.fastq")
# Iterate over sequence entries in file
for header in fastq_file:
sequence = fastq_file.get_sequence(header)
# Iterative over each of the consecutive sequences
for consecutive_nuc in consecutive_nucs:
# Find all indices, where a match was found
matches = seq.find_subsequence(sequence, consecutive_nuc)
if len(matches) > 0:
# If any match was found report it
f"Found '{consecutive_nuc}' "
f"in sequence '{header}' at position {matches[0]}"
This is the output:
Found 'CCCCCCCC' in sequence 'Read:01' at pos 8

Pad Independently Missing Columns per Row in CSV with Bash (based off expected values)

I have a CSV file in which the ideal format for a row is this:
taxID#, scientific name, kingdom, k, phylum, p, class, c, order, o, family, f, genus, g
...where kingdom, phylum, etc. are identifiers, literals ("kingdom", ... "phylum"), and the values that follow the identifiers (k, p, etc.) are the actual values for those kingdoms, phyla, etc.
240395,Rugosa emeljanovi,kingdom,Metazoa,phylum,Chordata,class,Amphibia,order,Anura,family,Ranidae,genus,Rugosa
However, not all rows possess all levels of taxonomy, i.e. any one row might be missing the columns for an identifier/value pair, say, "class, c," and any 2-column PAIR can be missing independently of the other pairs missing or not. Also, if fields are missing, they will always be missing with their identifier field, so I'd never get "kingdom, phylum" together without the value for "k" between them. Thus much of my file is missing random fields:
135487,Nocardia cyriacigeorgica,class,Actinobacteria,order,Corynebacteriales,genus,Nocardia
10090,Mus musculus,kingdom,Metazoa,phylum,Chordata,class,Mammalia,order,Rodentia,family,Muridae,genus,Mus
152507,uncultured actinobacterium,phylum,Actinobacteria,class,Actinobacteria
171953,uncultured Acidobacteria bacterium,phylum,Acidobacteria
77133,uncultured bacterium
Question: How can I write a bash shell script that can "pad" every row in a file so that every field pair that may be missing from my ideal format is inserted, and its value column that follows is just blank. Desired output:
135487,Nocardia cyriacigeorgica,kingdom,,phylum,,class,Actinobacteria,order,Corynebacteriales,family,,genus,Nocardia
10090,Mus musculus,kingdom,Metazoa,phylum,Chordata,class,Mammalia,order,Rodentia,family,Muridae,genus,Mus
152507,uncultured actinobacterium,kingdom,,phylum,Actinobacteria,class,Actinobacteria,order,,family,,genus,
171953,uncultured Acidobacteria bacterium,phylum,Acidobacteria,clas,,order,,family,,genus,
77133,uncultured bacterium,kingdom,,phylum,,class,,order,,family,,genus,
Notice if a genus was missing, the padded output should end with a comma to denote the value of genus doesn't exist.
taxID# and scientific name (the first two fields) will ALWAYS be present.
I don't care for time/resource efficiency if your solution is brute-forcey.
What I've tried:
I wrote a simple if/then script that checks sequentially if an expected field is gone. pseudocode:
if "$f3" is not "kingdom", pad
but the problem is that if kingdom was truly missing, it will get padded in output but the remaining field variables will be goofed up and I can't just follow that by saying
if "$f5" is not "phylum", pad
because if kingdom were missing, phylum would probably now be in field 3 ($f3), not $f5, that is, if it too weren't missing. (I did this by concatenating onto a string variable the expected output based on the absence of each field, and simply concatenating the original value if the field wasn't missing, and then echoing the finished, supposedly padded row to output).
I'd like to be able to execute my script like this
bash prePadding.csv postPadding.csv
but I would accept answers using Mac Excel 2011 if needed.
Thank you!!
Although it should be possible in bash, I would use Perl for this. I tried to make the code as simple to understand as I could.
while (<>){
my #fields=split ',';
my $kingdom='';
my $phylum='';
my $class='';
my $order='';
my $family='';
my $genus='';
for (my $i=2;$i<$#fields;$i+=2){
if ($fields[$i] eq 'kingdom'){$kingdom=$fields[$i+1];}
if ($fields[$i] eq 'phylum'){$phylum=$fields[$i+1];}
if ($fields[$i] eq 'class'){$class=$fields[$i+1];}
if ($fields[$i] eq 'order'){$order=$fields[$i+1];}
if ($fields[$i] eq 'family'){$family=$fields[$i+1];}
if ($fields[$i] eq 'genus'){$genus=$fields[$i+1];}
print "$fields[0],$fields[1],kingdom,$kingdom,phylum,$phylum,class,$class,order,$order,family,$family,genus,$genus\n";
Which gives me:
perl input
135487,Nocardia cyriacigeorgica,kingdom,,phylum,,class,Actinobacteria,order,Corynebacteriales,family,,genus,Nocardia
10090,Mus musculus,kingdom,Metazoa,phylum,Chordata,class,Mammalia,order,Rodentia,family,Muridae,genus,Mus
152507,uncultured actinobacterium,kingdom,,phylum,Actinobacteria,class,Actinobacteria,order,,family,,genus,
171953,uncultured Acidobacteria bacterium,kingdom,,phylum,Acidobacteria,class,,order,,family,,genus,
(or for better reading:)
perl input | tableize -t | sed 's/^/ /'
|135487|Nocardia cyriacigeorgica |kingdom| |phylum| |class|Actinobacteria|order|Corynebacteriales|family| |genus|Nocardia|
|10090 |Mus musculus |kingdom|Metazoa|phylum|Chordata |class|Mammalia |order|Rodentia |family|Muridae|genus|Mus |
|152507|uncultured actinobacterium |kingdom| |phylum|Actinobacteria|class|Actinobacteria|order| |family| |genus| |
|171953|uncultured Acidobacteria bacterium|kingdom| |phylum|Acidobacteria |class| |order| |family| |genus| |
This would be the answer in bash using associative arrays:
declare -A THIS
while IFS=, read -a LINE; do
# we always get the #ID and name
if (( ${#LINE[#]} < 2 || ${#LINE[#]} % 2 )); then
echo Invalid CSV line: "${LINE[#]}" >&2
echo -n "${LINE[0]},${LINE[1]},"
for (( INDEX=2; INDEX < ${#LINE[#]}; INDEX+=2 )); do
for KEY in kingdom phylum class order family; do
echo -n $KEY,${THIS[$KEY]},
echo genus,${THIS[genus]}
done <$1 >$2
It also validates CSV lines so that they contain at least 2 columns (ID and name) and that they have an even number of columns.
The script can be extended to do more error checking (i.e. if both arguments are passed, if the input exists, etc), but it should work as expected with just the way you posted it.

Get unique on base of part of string but should print whole string

I want get unique count on base of part of string but after count whole string should be display
Sample Logs:
Error [VALIDATION_ERROR_OFFER_NOT_EXISTS] Code [VAL-00023] Message [Offer
Error [WEB_SERVICE_CLIENT_INITIALIZATION_FAILED] Code [WS-00001] Message [Error while initializing CBCM Web Service Client.]
Now on base of first part between [], i want to get count in who logs file, but first line out of all lines should be displayed complete
zgrep -h 'Error' my.log|awk -F'[][]' '{print $2}'|sort| uniq -c
Above only print
but i am looking that after count it display one complete sample line like
This prints the first line found along with the count of what's inside the square brackets, using your existing method:
zcat your.log.gz | awk -F'[][]' '
!($2 in c) {c[$2]=$0}
END {for(i in c){printf "%4d %s\n",a[i],c[i]}}
The logic here is that the c[] array will store first appearances of content, the a[] array functions as a counter for errors. The END block steps through the array (either would do, as they share indices), printing counts and content. Note that output from this is NOT necessarily in the same order as input, but you haven't specified that as a requirement.
You could make it a single command line if you like. I spread it out for easier reading.

Find lines that have partial matches

So I have a text file that contains a large number of lines. Each line is one long string with no spacing, however, the line contains several pieces of information. The program knows how to differentiate the important information in each line. The program identifies that the first 4 numbers/letters of the line coincide to a specific instrument. Here is a small example portion of the text file.
example text file
As you can see, there are two lines that contain 1435 within this text file, which coincides with a specific instrument. However these lines are not identical. The program I'm using can not do its calculation if there are duplicates of the same station (ie, there are two 1435* stations). I need to find a way to search through my text files and identify if there are any duplicates of the partial strings that represent the stations within the file so that I can delete one or both of the duplicates. If I could have BASH script output the number of the lines containing the duplicates and what the duplicates lines say, that would be appreciated. I think there might be an easy way to do this, but I haven't been able to find any examples of this. Your help is appreciated.
If all you want to do is detect if there are duplicates (not necessarily count or eliminate them), this would be a good starting point:
awk '{ if (++seen[substr($0, 1, 4)] > 1) printf "Duplicates found : %s\n",$0 }' inputfile.txt
For that matter, it's a good starting point for counting or eliminating, too, it'll just take a bit more work...
If you want the count of duplicates:
awk '{a[substr($0,1,4)]++} END {for (i in a) {if(a[i]>1) print i": "a[i]}}'
1435: 2
a[substr($0,1,4)]++ # put prefixes to array and count them
END { # in the end
for (i in a) { # go thru all indexes
if(a[i]>1) print i": "a[i] # and print out the duplicate prefixes and their counts
Slightly roundabout but this should work-
cut -c 1-4 file.txt | sort -u > list
for i in `cat list`;
echo -n "$i "
grep -c ^"$i" file.txt #This tells you how many occurrences of each 'station'
Then you can do whatever you want with the ones that occur more than once.
Use following Python script(syntax of python 2.7 version used)
file_name = "device.txt"
f1 = open(file_name,'r')
device = {}
line_count = 0
for line in f1:
line_count += 1
if device.has_key(line[:4]):
device[line[:4]] = device[line[:4]] + "," + str(line_count)
device[line[:4]] = str(line_count)
print device
here the script reads each line and initial 4 character of each line are considered as device name and creates a key value pair device with key representing device name and value as line numbers where we find the string(device name)
following would be output
{'POIP': '2', '1435': '3,6', '1002': '1', '1812': '4', 'BFTO': '5'}
this might help you out!!
