chatify problem with inbox doesn't show messages - laravel

hi im trying to use chatify on my laravel project
everything working fine
but the problem with inbox doesn't display messages until i send message to someone and then it display
how to solve this
i will try to explain with images
befor sending message :
after seding message :


how to format Slack message with several files

Can somebody please advise on how to send a message to a channel with several files attached? I successfully uploaded files to slack, but having issues formatting my message.
I tried markdown message with <file1.permalink| > <file2.permalink| > but it looks ugly with silly (edited) note
What I'm trying to achieve is for my message to look the same way, like when I send a message with files through the Slack client, with no stupid (edited) note
Thank you in advance!

Flutter not showing all Pusher events sent from debug console, and showing none sent from Laravel

I am trying to show Pusher notifications in Flutter. I've set everything up and tested it with Debug console. I've noticed that, although the console itself says that, as data, you can input
{ ... } or a string
I don't get anything if it's not a json format.
Examples that work:
{"key": "value"},
{"key": 123}
Examples that do not work (Pusher says that events are sent successfully):
Why is it that some of these work and other do not?
The goal is to have Laravel send data to Pusher and get it in Flutter, but I get nothing from Pusher since the format is probably wrong, especially because Laravel's broadcastWith function requires that you return an array. I've tried returning my object in an array, as well a json encoded object in an array, but nothing gets received in Flutter.
Has anyone dealt with this, and could I get it to work?
This seems like it could be a limitation of the flutter library in use. Certainly, if the Pusher debug console it showing that the events are being sent to the channel then it indicates an issue with the binding/consumption of events on the client side.
You may need to reach out to the flutter library maintainer for assistance.

SagePay V4.0 CHALLENGE has stopped working for me

I am working on a c# service that uses the V4.0 protocol of sagepay. I am trying to simulate a 3DAUTH request by passing in CHALLENGE as the Cardholder name.
It was working fine earlier this week but today the response status returned is OK and the 3DSecureStatus is ERROR.
Looking at the test MySagePay Fraud Results screen, there is a red shield with the message "The Authentication callback message was Malformed..."
I have set the ThreeDSNotificationURL to a page that doesn't exist but could the error be Sage is somehow trying to validate this page?
I was expecting a status response of "3DAUTH".
Any help greatly appreciated including any tips on getting more info from the mysagepay console error.
this is part of the message I am sending in
I think it (the test sandbox) is working again now.
You need the ThreeDSNotificationURL. This is the page the bank posts back to after the challenge.
There you have to get the post values for cres, VPSTxID and threeDSessionData from the form and post them to SagePay. Then handle the SagePay response to find out if the payment was successful or failed or if an error occured.
We have the same issue. Our code was working fine. We would pass "CHALLENGE" as the CardHolder and we would get the expected status but, at some point, we started receiving "3DSecureStatus=ERROR".
Has anything changed with the sandbox?
Seems to be working again now. Getting this response
StatusDetail=2021 : Please redirect your customer to the ACSURL, passing CReq.
Must have been a blip on the test site. Be good to know if Sage post release notes for these instances so deployment history can be tracked.
For info, you don't need a valid ThreeDSNotificationURL when posting using Cardholder=Challenge.
Thanks all

user verfication doesnt sent an email laravel

i followed the steps of this tutorial:
and everything works so if i register a new user it creates a new user in my database and it shows me no error
but im waitng for a half hour but i dont get a mail
does anyone know if its because i am on localhost and not on a real sever??
because i dont know what is the problem because it seems that everything works
the problem is solved in the comments

Spring file upload with custom message

Using Spring 3.07
I have this upload form which is pretty much the basic spring example for such. Now it displays a message "No file selected" which is correct. However, I don't want this message. My users expect a message in a different language if at all. Does anybody know how I can get rid of this message?
This has nothing to do with Spring. That message is a browser message for input type file. Mock and scorn reigns down upon me.
