on my code i can send an sms to my target number but i don't know how to read or receive sms from target number
the tinyGSM library doesn't have the read member function and i don't know how to use AT commands
void setup() {
// Set console baud rate
// Keep power when running from battery
Wire.begin(I2C_SDA, I2C_SCL);
bool isOk = setPowerBoostKeepOn(1);
SerialMon.println(String("IP5306 KeepOn ") + (isOk ? "OK" : "FAIL"));
// Set modem reset, enable, power pins
digitalWrite(MODEM_PWKEY, LOW);
digitalWrite(MODEM_RST, HIGH);
digitalWrite(MODEM_POWER_ON, HIGH);
// Set GSM module baud rate and UART pins
SerialAT.begin(115200, SERIAL_8N1, MODEM_RX, MODEM_TX);
// Restart SIM800 module, it takes quite some time
// To skip it, call init() instead of restart()
SerialMon.println("Initializing modem...");
// use modem.init() if you don't need the complete restart
// Unlock your SIM card with a PIN if needed
if (strlen(simPIN) && modem.getSimStatus() != 3 ) {
// To send an SMS, call modem.sendSMS(SMS_TARGET, smsMessage)
String smsMessage = "Hello from ESP32!";
/*if(modem.sendSMS(SMS_TARGET, smsMessage))
SerialMon.println("SMS failed to send");
SerialAT.println("AT"); //Once the handshake test is successful, it will back to OK
SerialAT.println("AT+CMGF=1"); // Configuring TEXT mode
SerialAT.println("AT+CNMI=1,2,0,0,0"); // Decides how newly arrived SMS messages should be handled
void loop()
hello, good day, I am making an example with a 5500 chip in esp32 with the socketioclient library, but when I want to send the json to my server, they are only left on the waiting list and I don't know what is happening to me, before all this an error message about invalid mbox appeared and I added the following line of code esp_netif_init(); and it was fixed, but once entering the loop the following happens:
serial monitor:
Starting WebServer on ESP32 with W5x00 using Ethernet_Generic Library with Large Buffer
Ethernet_Generic v2.4.0
[ETG] Default SPI pinout:
[ETG] MOSI: 23
[ETG] MISO: 19
[ETG] SCK: 18
[ETG] SS: 5
[ETG] =========================
[ETG] ESP32 setCsPin: 5
[ETG] W5100 init, using SS_PIN_DEFAULT = 22 , new ss_pin = 10 , W5100Class::ss_pin = 5
[ETG] Chip is W5500
[ETG] W5100::init: W5500, SSIZE = 8192
[ETG] Currently Used SPI pinout:
[ETG] MOSI: 23
[ETG] MISO: 19
[ETG] SCK: 18
[ETG] SS: 5
[ETG] =========================
Using mac index = 1
Connected! IP address:
Speed: 100 MB, Duplex: FULL DUPLEX, Link status: LINK
LLego a la parte de initwebsocket y task
termino inits
[SIoC] add packet 42["setRele",{"Dato":"hola"}]
[SIoC] add packet 42["getPrueba",{"name":"hola ese","SERVIDOR":"HOLA MUNDO"}]
[SIoC] Disconnected!
[SIoC] add packet 42["setRele",{"Dato":"hola"}]
[SIoC] add packet 42["getPrueba",{"name":"hola ese","SERVIDOR":"HOLA MUNDO"}]
[SIoC] Disconnected!
[SIoC] add packet 42["setRele",{"Dato":"hola"}]
[SIoC] add packet 42["getPrueba",{"name":"hola ese","SERVIDOR":"HOLA MUNDO"}]
[SIoC] Disconnected!
then the loop remains without emitting it just remains as shown above
Ethernet_Generic is a library for the W5x00 Ethernet shields trying to merge the good features of
previous Ethernet libraries
Built by Khoi Hoang https://github.com/khoih-prog/Ethernet_Generic
The Arduino board communicates with the shield using the SPI bus. This is on digital pins 11, 12, and 13 on the Uno
and pins 50, 51, and 52 on the Mega. On both boards, pin 10 is used as SS. On the Mega, the hardware SS pin, 53,
is not used to select the Ethernet controller chip, but it must be kept as an output or the SPI interface won't work.
#include "defines.h"
#include <SocketIoClient.h>
#include <Arduino_JSON.h>
#include <tcpip_adapter.h>
//TaskHandle_t Task1;
SocketIoClient socketIO;
//void Task1code( void * parameter ){
// Serial.print("Task1 is running on core ");
// Serial.println(xPortGetCoreID());
// while(1){
// socketIO.loop();
// delay(100);
// }
void initWebSocket()
// server address, port and URL
// event handler for the event message
void getresponse(const char *payload, size_t length){
Serial.printf("response: ",payload);
String data = String(payload);
JSONVar dato = JSON.parse(data);
void setup()
while (!Serial && millis() < 5000);
Serial.print("\nStarting WebServer on "); Serial.print(BOARD_NAME);
Serial.print(F(" with ")); Serial.println(SHIELD_TYPE);
#if (USING_SPI2)
#if defined(CUR_PIN_MISO)
ETG_LOGWARN(F("Default SPI pinout:"));
ETG_LOGWARN(F("Default SPI pinout:"));
#if defined(ESP32)
// You can use Ethernet.init(pin) to configure the CS pin
//Ethernet.init(10); // Most Arduino shields
//Ethernet.init(5); // MKR ETH shield
//Ethernet.init(0); // Teensy 2.0
//Ethernet.init(20); // Teensy++ 2.0
//Ethernet.init(15); // ESP8266 with Adafruit Featherwing Ethernet
//Ethernet.init(33); // ESP32 with Adafruit Featherwing Ethernet
#define USE_THIS_SS_PIN 5 //22 // For ESP32
// Must use library patch for Ethernet, EthernetLarge libraries
// ESP32 => GPIO2,4,5,13,15,21,22 OK with Ethernet, Ethernet2, EthernetLarge
// ESP32 => GPIO2,4,5,15,21,22 OK with Ethernet3
//Ethernet.setCsPin (USE_THIS_SS_PIN);
Ethernet.init (USE_THIS_SS_PIN);
// start the ethernet connection and the server:
// Use DHCP dynamic IP and random mac
uint16_t index = millis() % NUMBER_OF_MAC;
// Use Static IP
//Ethernet.begin(mac[index], ip);
//SPIClass SPI2(HSPI);
//Ethernet.begin(mac[index], &SPI2);
// Just info to know how to connect correctly
// To change for other SPI
#if defined(CUR_PIN_MISO)
ETG_LOGWARN(F("Currently Used SPI pinout:"));
ETG_LOGWARN(F("Currently Used SPI pinout:"));
Serial.print(F("Using mac index = "));
Serial.print(F("Connected! IP address: "));
if ( (Ethernet.getChip() == w5500) || (Ethernet.getAltChip() == w5100s) )
Serial.print(F("Speed: ")); Serial.print(Ethernet.speedReport());
Serial.print(F(", Duplex: ")); Serial.print(Ethernet.duplexReport());
Serial.print(F(", Link status: ")); Serial.println(Ethernet.linkReport());
Serial.println("LLego a la parte de initwebsocket y task");
Serial.println("termino inits");
// tcpip_adapter_init();
// for (int i = TCPIP_ADAPTER_IF_STA; i < TCPIP_ADAPTER_IF_MAX; i++) {
// if (tcpip_adapter_is_netif_up((tcpip_adapter_if_t)i))
// ESP_LOGI(TAG, "interface %i up ", i);
// else
// ESP_LOGI(TAG, "interface %i down ", i);
// }
esp_netif_init();//ojo con esta funcion https://gitter.im/espressif/arduino-esp32?at=607b291f06e2e024e85cdf50
// xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(Task1code,"Task1",10000,NULL,1,&Task1,0);
void loop()
//socketIO.emit("getPrueba","{\"hello world\"}");
//socketIO.emit("plainString", "\"this is a plain string\"");
//socketIO.emit("app","{\"name\":\"hola ese\",\"chava\":\"hola chava\"}");//esta libreria solo maneja archivos json
socketIO.emit("getPrueba","{\"name\":\"hola ese\",\"SERVIDOR\":\"HOLA MUNDO\"}");
i only use two events to emit to the server they are setRele and getprueba as shown in the loop
server java script:
var app = require('express')();
var http = require('http').Server(app);
var io = require('socket.io')(http,{allowEIO3: true ,cors: {origins: ['http://localhost:4200', 'http://localhost']}});
var port = process.env.PORT || 8080;
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
console.log("app works");
io.on('connection', (socket) => {
/**Catalogos */
// socket.emit("GetConfiguracion","{\"code\":\"ECOA-0179\",\"cambio\":\"0\",\"idRespuesta\":\"1\",\"Pines\":[{},{}]}");
// socket.emit("Reiniciar","{\"CodigoMDC\":\"ECOA-0179\"}");
// socket.emit("SetRelee","{\"code\":\"ECOA-0179\",\"f\":\"2022/04/26 03:51:33\",\"p\":\"26\",\"v\":\"1.00\"}");
socket.on("stateChanged", (params) => {
console.log(params); // x8WIv7-mJelg7on_ALbx
socket.on("getPrueba", (params) => {
console.log(params); // x8WIv7-mJelg7on_ALbx
socket.on("setRele", (params) => {
console.log(params); // x8WIv7-mJelg7on_ALbx
//socket.emit("SetRelee","{\"code\":\"ECOA-0179\",\"f\":\"2022/04/26 03:51:33\",\"p\":\"26\",\"v\":\"1.00\"}");
socket.on("ConfiguracionAplicada", (params) => {
console.log(params); // x8WIv7-mJelg7on_ALbx
socket.on('disconnect', () =>
console.log("Desconectado id: ",socket.id);
http.listen(port, () => {
console.log('listening on :' + port);
If someone could help me, it would be very helpful. Thank you. I'm new to ethernet connectivity. I hope you understand.
I am trying to communicate to a KASA HS103 smart plug using an HTTPS POST request sent via ESP32 (LoRa V2). For the actual POST content, I'm quite new to HTTP and have been following the instructions here: https://itnerd.space/2017/01/22/how-to-control-your-tp-link-hs100-smartplug-from-internet/
This is the POST request I am trying to send (with token & IDs modified):
URL: https://use1-wap.tplinkcloud.com/?token=fb2f7209-ATebDhHDOxB2wWc6wslPewO&appName=Kasa_Android&termID=1263f577-4387-4d3e-be79-705445d33bb08&appVer=
This will turn on the smart plug. I have verified that the POST request itself works, with both an online API tester (https://reqbin.com/) and through cURL on my MacBook.
I retrieved the URL token and device ID by authenticating with TP-Link server using my credentials through the API tester (also in the instructions linked above).
However, I am unable to control the smart plug when sending with ESP32. I am writing and compiling through the Arduino IDE, using the Heltec framework / libraries. Here is my code (started with the code from Rui Santos here and modified for my application):
Rui Santos
Complete project details at Complete project details at https://RandomNerdTutorials.com/esp32-http-get-post-arduino/
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files.
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#include <WiFi.h>
#include <HTTPClient.h>
#include <WiFiClientSecure.h>
const char* ssid = "XXXXX";
const char* password = "XXXXX";
//Your Domain name with URL path or IP address with path
const char* serverName = "https://use1-wap.tplinkcloud.com/?token=fb2f7209-ATebDhHDOxB2wWc6wslPewO&appName=Kasa_Android&termID=1263f577-4387-4d3e-be79-705445d33bb08&appVer= HTTP/1.1";
const int port = 443;
// the following variables are unsigned longs because the time, measured in
// milliseconds, will quickly become a bigger number than can be stored in an int.
unsigned long lastTime = 0;
// Timer set to 10 minutes (600000)
//unsigned long timerDelay = 600000;
// Set timer to 5 seconds (5000)
unsigned long timerDelay = 5000;
void setup() {
WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
while(WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.print("Connected to WiFi network with IP Address: ");
Serial.println("Timer set to 5 seconds (timerDelay variable), it will take 5 seconds before publishing the first reading.");
void loop() {
//Send an HTTP POST request every 10 minutes
if ((millis() - lastTime) > timerDelay) {
//Check WiFi connection status
if(WiFi.status()== WL_CONNECTED){
WiFiClientSecure *client = new WiFiClientSecure;
if (client) {
Serial.println("Client Created!");
//client -> setCACert(rootCACertificate);
HTTPClient http;
// Your Domain name with URL path or IP address with path
http.begin(*client, serverName);
// If you need an HTTP request with a content type: application/json, use the following:
http.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
//int httpResponseCode = http.POST("{\"api_key\":\"tPmAT5Ab3j7F9\",\"sensor\":\"BME280\",\"value1\":\"24.25\",\"value2\":\"49.54\",\"value3\":\"1005.14\"}");
int httpResponseCode = http.POST("{\"method\":\"passthrough\", \"params\": {\"deviceId\": \"80068FEB5A735A5BB187B4EC309EF1BE1D6D8997\", \"requestData\": \"{\"system\":{\"set_relay_state\":{\"state\":0}}}\" }}");
Serial.print("HTTP Response code: ");
String payload = http.getString();
Serial.print("HTTP String: ");
// Free resources
delete client;
} else {
Serial.println("Unable to create client");
} else {
Serial.println("WiFi Disconnected");
lastTime = millis();
Here is the output from the serial terminal:
Connected to WiFi network with IP Address: 192.168.X.XXX
Timer set to 5 seconds (timerDelay variable), it will take 5 seconds before publishing the first reading.
Client Created!
HTTP Response code: 200
HTTP String: {"error_code":-10100,"msg":"JSON format error"}
The smart plug does not turn off when uploading and running on ESP32.
Doing a quick search online for POST response codes, receiving 200 seems to mean the request was processed and OK, yet the error code is negative and message is "JSON format error".
Any ideas why this POST request is not working? Or anything I should try to get more info?
Thanks in advance!
Digging into "JSON format error" - turns out I had an extra "" around the 'requestData' value which parsed fine in cURL but could not be understood when sending raw through ESP32.
Removing those quotes fixed the problem and now I'm able to send POST requests successfully.
Here is the working code now:
#include <WiFi.h>
#include <WiFiClientSecure.h>
#include <HTTPClient.h>
#include <Arduino_JSON.h>
const char* ssid = "XXXXX";
const char* password = "XXXXX";
//Your Domain name with URL path or IP address with path
const char* serverName = "https://use1-wap.tplinkcloud.com/?token=fb2f7209-ATebDhHDOxB2wWc6wslPewO&appName=Kasa_Android&termID=1163f577-4288-4d3d-be69-705445d33ba08&appVer= HTTP/1.1";
// the following variables are unsigned longs because the time, measured in
// milliseconds, will quickly become a bigger number than can be stored in an int.
unsigned long lastTime = 0;
// Set timer to 5 seconds (5000)
unsigned long timerDelay = 5000;
void setup() {
WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
while(WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.print("Connected to WiFi network with IP Address: ");
Serial.println("Timer set to 5 seconds (timerDelay variable), it will take 5 seconds before publishing the first reading.");
void loop() {
//Send an HTTP POST request every 10 minutes
if ((millis() - lastTime) > timerDelay) {
//Check WiFi connection status
if(WiFi.status()== WL_CONNECTED){
WiFiClientSecure *client = new WiFiClientSecure;
if (client) {
HTTPClient http;
// Your Domain name with URL path or IP address with path
http.begin(*client, serverName);
// If you need an HTTP request with a content type: application/json, use the following:
http.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
int httpResponseCode = http.POST("{\"method\":\"passthrough\",\"params\":{\"deviceId\":\"80068FEB3A733B5BB287B4EC309FE1BE1D7D8997\",\"requestData\":{\"system\":{\"set_relay_state\":{\"state\":1}}}}}");
Serial.print("HTTP Response code: ");
String payload = http.getString();
Serial.print("HTTP String: ");
// Free resources
delete client;
} else {
Serial.println("Unable to create client");
} else {
Serial.println("WiFi Disconnected");
lastTime = millis();
At the moment I try to send packets between one Heltec WIFI LoRa V2 and another by reading the serial-line and sending the input via LoRa.
Small packets (like 30 bytes) work every time, but as bigger the packet gets the packet won't be received every time or even never.
So I write a little sending loop, where my sender sends at every iteration a packet, which gets every time 10 byte bigger, and surprisingly every packet was received by the sender (I tried that until 500 bytes).
After that, I wanted to send a 80 byte serial input message and this did not work. Do you know what's the problem with that?
void setup() {
// ... LoRa.begin(); ....
// ... LoRa.receive(); ...
void onReceive(int packetSize) { // uses the interrupt pin on the dio0
String packet = "";
packSize = String(packetSize,DEC);
for (int i = 0; i < packetSize; i++) {
packet += (char) LoRa.read();
} ```
``` // writer
boolean sendPacket (String packet) {
Serial.println("Send begin");
LoRa.beginPacket(false); // true: optional implicit mode (--> Set everything on both sides?!)
LoRa.print(packet); // also LoRa.write(byte(, length));
LoRa.endPacket(false); // true: async mode: doas not wair until transmission is completed
// put the radio into receive mode
LoRa.receive(); // set redio back in receive mode
Serial.println("Send end");
return true; // will be changed
void loop(){
while(Serial.available() > 0 ){
delay(2); //delay to allow byte to arrive in input buffer
String text = Serial.readString();
digitalWrite(LED, HIGH); // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level)
boolean packetSent = false;
while (!packetSent) {
packetSent = sendPacket(text);
if (packetSent) {
Serial.print("Packet has been sent: ");
} else {
Serial.print("Retry sending packet: ");
digitalWrite(LED, LOW); // turn the LED off (HIGH is the voltage level)
} ```
Basically, my project uses a force-sensing resistor to detect occupancy on the chair. The ESP8266 WiFi would wake from the sleep mode and send an update to the server. If there is no occupancy, the ESP8266 goes back to sleep.
My project uses Wiolink, a dev board that uses a ESP8266 WiFi chip. Hence, it is quite impossible to connect GPIO 16 to RST to wake up ( or reset ) the device.
Deep sleep is predefined at a set amount of time using this function ESP.deepsleep(). Is it possible to wake up with an external interrupt such as the force sensing resistor?
String apiKey = ""; // const char* ssid = ""; // wifi username const
char* password = ""; // wifi password
void setup() // Defines the initial condition of the hardware board.
Serial.begin(115200); delay(10);
void loop() // Defines the loop condition of the hardware board. {
sensorReading = analogRead(A0);
if(sensorReading >= 150) // Condition when someone is sitting;
//Wake ESP8266
//perform server update
if(sensorReading <=149) // Condition for no one sitting;
Serial.println("Going into deep sleep");
ESP.deepSleep(); //