Spring version update [closed] - spring

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I have some spring components in my project:
spring framework version 5.0.5.RELEASE
spring boot version 2.0.1.RELEASE
spring-boot-starter-security version 2.0.1.RELEASE
I want to upgrade spring-boot-starter-security up to version 2.7.8, but after that project doesn't start.
Is there something like a table which contains information about these versions compatibility?

spring boot version and any spring-boot-starter-* dependencies should all share the same version number. You shouldn't be updating any spring-boot-starter packages to be newer than the version of Spring Boot you are using. You generally would only declare the Spring Boot version number in your Gradle/Maven files, and have it automatically include the same version of the spring-boot-starter packages.
On top of that, each Spring Boot version is built on a specific version of Spring, and that's really the only version of Spring that that version of Spring Boot is guaranteed to be compatible with.
So I suggest looking at the Spring Boot releases page to determine which version of Spring Boot you want to upgrade to, that includes the versions of Spring and Spring Security you want to use.


Upgrade tomcat for spring boot application

The application is created using spring boot version 1.2.5 Release. I can see that it includes an embedded tomcat version which is 8.0.23. Is it possible to upgrade to a recent tomcat version, let's say, tomcat 9 with spring boot 1.2.5 and still run the application? Or do we need to upgrade the spring boot version to be compatible with tomcat 9? Is there any documentation for the spring boot version compatibility with Tomcat? Thank you.
Why do you want to upgrade it? What is the newer version of tomcat going to bring?
I personally go with the defaults for the spring version unless there is a specific need or issue.
That being said this question may have some pointers
How to change embedded tomcat's version in existing spring boot app?
You may be able to just set the property
It would be preferable to upgrade to the latest Spring Boot release (currently 2.2.5-RELEASE) to avail yourself of the latest features. There are many tutorials, migration guides, problem solutions, etc., out there to guide you, of which here are just a couple:
Global CORS configuration breaks when migrating to Spring Boot 2.0.x
You didn't specify a reason for keeping your Spring Boot version at 1.2.5-RELEASE and only upgrading tomcat, but if you really must, there are other answers, such as here: How to change embedded tomcat's version in existing spring boot app?

Spring Boot versions compatibility with Vaadin framework versions

We are currently using the following frameworks and its versions.
Spring Boot parent - 1.4.5.RELEASE
Vaadin-Bom - 7.7.3
Vaadin Spring Boot Starter - 1.1.0
Vaadin-Spring - 1.1.0
Planning to upgrade the spring boot parent version. But i'm sure if we upgrade the spring boot parent version, then need to upgrade the Vaadin dependencies.
I spent few days to find the latest Vaadin frameworks compatibility with the
Spring Boot jars. But couldn't able to arrive at solution. Could you please share your suggestions.
Thanks in Advance!!!
Since Vaadin 7 end-of-life happened already I would suggest migrating to Vaadin 8. You can check the versions in Vaadin 8 full stack app starter with Spring

Is there any Spring 5.0.6.RELEASE osgified version patch available?

Is there any Spring 5.0.6.RELEASE osgified version patch available? We have to to do quick release so need to upgrade older spring but currently our framework uses OSGI based container, though spring has officially stopped supported OSGI. Is it possible to have patched version of latest Spring framework?
Though I know it's better to convert to Spring based container but since time doesn't allow I'm in search of any osgified version of Spring jars.
Apache Servicemix produces osgified versions of a lot of well known libraries, Spring included: https://github.com/apache/servicemix-bundles
Currently the latest osgfied version of Spring is "5.0.5.RELEASE", with "5.0.6.RELEASE" probably due to come in the near future. Otherwise, getting servicemix pom.xml for 5.0.5.RELEASE and manually changing Spring version should work (from 5.0.5 to 5.0.6 there should be just internal implementation changes).

Spring Boot 2 OAuth2 starter changes [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am trying to migrate one of my projects from Spring Boot 1.5.10.RELASE to 2.0.0.RC1. And seems like they made some major changes in API, because I cannot find #EnableOAuth2Sso and UserInfoRestTemplateCustomizer that I used to make some configuration for Azure AD and OAuth2.
Where can I find new documentation or change list for Spring Boot 2.0.0 and OAuth2?
I recommend reading Spring Boot 2.0 official migration guide.
To quote from there, the most interesting thing for you will be:
Functionality from the Spring Security OAuth project is being migrated
to core Spring Security. Dependency management is no longer provided
for that dependency and Spring Boot 2 provides OAuth 2.0 client
support via Spring Security 5.
To elaborate on bjedrzejewski's answer with the specific artifact information and how I found it:
After discussions in an existing GitHub issue on spring boot, I was eventually led to the annotation's location in the 2.0.0 release. It has been moved to a project completely new to the 2.0.0 release artifacts.
To resolve this issue and migrate your project, add the artifact org.springframework.security.oauth.boot:spring-security-oauth2-autoconfigure to your dependency management configuration.

Why use Spring Boot rather than Spring Boot-less? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm confused why should i use Spring Boot for my next project? Is Spring Boot as powerful as Spring Boot-less? Or there is something you can't do with Spring Boot.
Spring Boot is opinionated Spring setup with batteries included. If you use it, you will waste less time on non-features because you will be getting quite a few things for free. List of advantages that I've observed compared to classical Spring setup (surely there are more, check the Spring Boot website):
dependency management - versions of commonly used libraries are pre-selected and grouped in different starter POMs that you can include in your project. By selecting one Spring Boot version you are implicitly selecting dozens of dependencies that you would have to otherwise select and harmonize yourself
auto-configuration - you do not have to manually configure dispatcher servlet, static resource mappings, property source loader, message converters etc.
advanced externalized configuration - there is a large list of bean properties that can be configured through application.properties file without touching java or xml config
"production ready" features - you get health checking, application and jvm metrics, jmx via http and a few more things for free
runnable jars - you can package your application as a runnable jar with embedded tomcat included so it presents a self-contained deployment unit
I haven't observed any disadvantages, it's just Spring after all. You can build anything that you could build with "vanilla" Spring, only faster.
Here is my simple explanation:
Without Spring Boot, one will have to put the correct versions of all the dependencies in the build configuration file (e.g. pom.xml) and configure all the beans manually.
This seems like a lot of non-functional task for normal projects. Hence, Spring Boot does these automatically, assuming some conventions. For example, if you just include spring-boot-starter-web dependency in your pom.xml, a web application will be automatically configured by assuming default conventions.
What makes it more interesting is that the pieces of the default configuration can be very easily overridden.
Going through a couple of official guides would give more insight on Spring Boot. In summary, unless an application is abnormal enough, people seem to be preferring Spring Boot nowadays.
Coming to power, Spring Boot could be seen as just a configuration layer. So, everything possible in Spring should also be possible using Spring Boot.
