How to set the speed of the scrolldown in git pager? - terminal

Is there a command line tweak to set the scroll-down speed?
For example, after typing:
git diff
I can press 'Enter' to scroll down and show more content.
I want this to scroll faster.
If not, maybe is there a global setting, not just for git?


Let me scroll you - How do I add scroll bar to Git Bash

So I'm using Git Bash. And I seriously want to be able to scroll back. I've tried adding the Quick Edit function, but nothing no scroll bar.
All I want is to scroll...
How do I add scroll bar to Git Bash?
Click on the icon image at the top left of the Git Bash window
Select Properties
Select the Layout tab.
Set the Screen Buffer Size Height to a larger number than
the Window Size Height.
Scroll bars will only appear if the buffer size is larger than the window size.
Example settings:
I don't know if there's a simpler solution, but conemu:
has scroll bars and a lot more features.
Shift Up
Shift Down
will do scrolling in git bash

How can I get quickfix to open results in the previously focused window?

I wrote the following command to search Vim's help files:
command! -n=1 -complete=help SearchHelp \
help | execute "grep! -i <args> $VIMRUNTIME/doc/ -r" | botright copen
Now, for example, when I have forgotten the key to increment the number under the cursor, I can do:
:SearchHelp increment
to search through the help files. (The answer turned out to be <Ctrl-A>.)
The problem is ... I have a few windows open, and I want quickfix to leave them alone. When I hit <Enter> in the quickfix list, I want it to open the result in that help window which I split open at the beginning of the command.
But it doesn't do this. It seems to prefer to always open the result in the bottom-most of all my editing windows, regardless of which window I was focused on, and with complete disinterest for the help window I opened. Obviously this moves away from whatever file I happened to be editing in that window (yes I have :set hidden), requiring an arbitrary number of <Ctrl-O> keys to get back to the file when I have finished browsing the help files.
So how can I get quickfix to open in the previously focused window (ideally that help window that was split open)?
(Incidentally, I sometimes use a patched version of Yegappan Lakshmanan's old grep.vim plugin, and somehow this does open :cope results in the window that had focus before I ran :Grep. I am not sure what's different in the two situations.)
The behavior (among others like :sbuffer) is controlled by the 'switchbuf' option. With a value of useopen, you can make it re-use a window if it already displays that help page. If you need more control than what is offered by that option, you do need to use a custom command / mapping.
So far what I have come up with is to replace that help command with:
99wincmd j | wincmd s
This splits whatever window happens to be at the bottom of the screen, so that when the quickfix clobbers the bottom one, I still have a window that keeps the file visible.
This solution is workable, but not quite as neat as my preferred result, which is to open results in the help window which was split just above the window I was focused on when I ran the command.

ConqueTerm bash in Vim, key input delayed

I've just found out that I can use ConqueTerm to bring up a terminal window in Vim. But I have an annoying issue regarding this.
Lets say I go into insert mode to type commands, and then want to exit insert mode, it will not work unless I press Esc key and a different key. It seems to be a set timeout or delay of some sort. Symbols and characters show up in the bottom right corner of the terminal window.
I had the same problem when editing files in vim, but added "set timeoutlen=1000 ttimeoutlen=0" to my .vimrc which sorted this out for me. But I've been looking around and I cannot seem to find anything similar for ConqueTerm. My guess is that something is to be put/edited in "~/.vim/autoload/conque_term.vim"?!
Any help would be most apprechiated!

ZSH iterm2 increase number of lines history

Not sure if this is zsh, iterm2 or the interaction between them.
Trying to change the number of recallable lines in the terminal - not the command history, the output history.
In .zshrc I have :
This seems to be ignored =(
Not sure of the correct term to google, "Terminal output history?"
It's not immediately obvious in the iTerm2 documentation on how to change it.
open the iTerm2 preferences ⌘ + ,
select the Profiles tab
then select the Terminal subtab
Beware, changes to the Scrollback lines value take effect immediately so check Unlimited scrollback now if you don't want to delete your current buffer(s)
change the value of the Scrollback Lines to whatever you'd like
Uncheck the Unlimited scrollback option if you'd like to use your Scrollback lines value
With zsh and iTerm2 Build 3.2.5, an additional step is required: Preferences->Profiles->terminal->check UnlimitedScrollback->Check save lines to scrollback when an app status bar is present
Scrolling was breaking for me without the last one.
It's not a shell problem, it's about your terminal emulator.
You have to find the option in the configuration / options / tools / whatever, for the number of lines to remember.
Apparently you know your terminal emulator is iterm2.
Looking for iterm2 on the google will lead you to the official website, then go to 'Documentation', Ctrl+F 'number' and find
Scrollback lines
The number of lines of scrollback buffer to keep above the visible part of the screen.
This image below helped me to show all the number of lines from console.log().
Please restart the app and you will be able to see the full lines of logs.
Hope this helps!

Increase the VIM window size on Windows

Is there a command to increase the size of the Vim Command window on the window machine?
Note: I do not need to set the start up size in the vimrc.
I've no idea what is Vim "command window". GVim in Windows is usually one window, and one window only.
If you wish to change the size of that window, you can change the number of lines and columns
set lines=100
set columns=100
for example.
If you're reffering to the number of lines you have available for writing commands
set cmdheight=2 (two is usually enough)
Click on the VIM icon on the left top of the command window, select Properties, then Layout, and then change the Window Size for width and height
Or even better while in the editor use
:set lines=40
:set columns=80
