Jar file when compiled runs normally, but trying as a runnable jar opens and exits immediatelly - maven

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Closed 1 hour ago.
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I am running a maven project, which works fine until i try to run the jar file itself. It opens very quickly exits and I get this warning
com.sun.javafx.application.PlatformImpl startup
WARNING: Unsupported JavaFX configuration: classes were loaded from 'unnamed module #720def0d'


Unble to generate nmap_scan output using Ansible Playbook

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Closed 37 mins ago.
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Playbook and output : enter image description here
My yml file is executing successfully but I am unable to find the out file in the mentioned path.
I have tried multiple things but YML is executing successfully every time

goland on windows not recognizing imports and throw error [closed]

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Closed 18 days ago.
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i have enabled the go modules integration according to this docs .
but yet again as you can see in image below . goland keep throwing error on some code i have
as you can see in image i have that execlise package but it keep giving error . not only that i have some error on other files
That happens sometimes with IDEs, from my experience it may happen because of at least three reasons.
first: the differences between package versions in your go.sum, you should empty the go.sum and run go mod tidy command.
Second: the version you’re using is older or newer than what you’re expecting, so the package does not support these methods or didn’t include them. so you should set the exact version of the package. (I suggest you read the documentation of the package in this case)
Third: your IDE has got some problems with the caches. for solving this: you should click on file -> invalidate caches to rebuild your IDE caches.

How to fix the go build error "reflect.typedmemclr not defined"? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I was trying to build a go binary for centOS in a docker container, It's giving the following error:
# command-line-arguments
github.com/ugorji/go/codec.rvSetDirect: relocation target reflect.typedmemclr not defined
github.com/ugorji/go/codec.rvSetDirectZero: relocation target reflect.typedmemclr not defined
I tried go build with -x as well and don't see anything related to broken installation, still the build is unsuccessful with the above errors.
Considering the codec/helper_unsafe.go#rvSetDirect code, you have:
a call to typedmemclr(urv.typ, urv.ptr)
func typedmemclr defined in src/runtime/mbarrier.go
So import runtime is missing in helper_unsafe.go

differences in jars using maven build vs export runnable jar [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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For the period that I have been using spring I have deployed jars using the export runnable jar option for which the apps seemed to run fine. I was informed that I should be deploying maven projects by doing a maven build (clean package) and deploying the jar in the target folder. I have observed differences in the outcome though. With the exported jar, it fails to find the properties file when using :
but the maven jar reads the properties file from within the jar. Also this is a kafka consumer application and with the maven jar, I seem to have an unusual errors of kafka consumer and multi threaded errors which does not happen when running in the IDE.
My question is just to try and understand why there would be these kind of differences and what the differences are between the 2 jars?
For Maven, the pom.xml defines where the resources are and what dependencies to load, for the other method (of whatever IDE?), there might be different default settings.

Get the Output from the MsTest.exe when running through the commandline [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Need to get the Pass or fail status from the particular test run when we run the test cases from the MsTest.exe via command-line.
You can use the /detail and /usestderr command-line options to force test status to be returned to the command-line. For details, please read: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms182489(v=VS.100).aspx
