I am trying to quickly solve the following problem:
f[r_] := Sum[(((-1)^n (2 r - 2 n - 7)!!)/(2^n n! (r - 2 n - 1)!))
* x^(r - 2*n - 1),
{n, 0, r/2}];
Nw := Transpose[Table[f[j], {i, 1}, {j, 5, 200, 1}]];
X1 = Integrate[Nw . Transpose[Nw], {x, -1, 1}]
I can get the answer quickly with this code:
$starttime = AbsoluteTime[]; Quiet[LaunchKernels[]];
DIM = 50;
Print["$Version = ", $Version, " ||| ",
"Number of Kernels : ", Length[Kernels[]]];
Nw = Transpose[Table[f[j], {i, 1}, {j, 5, DIM, 1}]];
nw2 = Nw.Transpose[Nw];
Round[First[AbsoluteTiming[nw3 = ParallelMap[Expand, nw2]; ]]]
intrule = (pol_Plus)?(PolynomialQ[#1, x]&) :>
(Select[pol, !FreeQ[#1, x] & ] /.
x^(n_.) /; n > -1 :> ((-1)^n + 1)/(n + 1)) + 2*(pol /. x -> 0)]);
Round[First[AbsoluteTiming[X1 = ParallelTable[row /. intrule, {row, nw3}]; ]]]
Print["overall time needed in seconds: ", Round[AbsoluteTime[] - $starttime]];
But how can I manage this code if I need to solve the following problem, where a and b are known constants?
X1 = a Integrate[Nw.Transpose[Nw], {x, -1, 0.235}]
+ b Integrate[Nw.Transpose[Nw], {x, 0.235,1}];
Here's a simple function to do definite integrals of polynomials
polyIntegrate[expr_List, {x_, x0_, x1_}] := polyIntegrate[#, {x, x0, x1}]&/#expr
polyIntegrate[expr_, {x_, x0_, x1_}] := Check[Total[#
Table[(x1^(1 + n) - x0^(1 + n))/(1 + n), {n, 0, Length[#] - 1}]
]&[CoefficientList[expr, x]], $Failed, {General::poly}]
On its range of applicability, this is about 100 times faster than using Integrate. This should be fast enough for your problem. If not, then it could be parallelized.
f[r_] := Sum[(((-1)^n*(2*r - 2*n - 7)!!)/(2^n*n!*(r - 2*n - 1)!))*
x^(r - 2*n - 1), {n, 0, r/2}];
Nw = Transpose[Table[f[j], {i, 1}, {j, 5, 50, 1}]];
a*polyIntegrate[Nw.Transpose[Nw], {x, -1, 0.235}] +
b*polyIntegrate[Nw.Transpose[Nw], {x, 0.235, 1}] // Timing // Short
(* Returns: {7.9405,{{0.0097638 a+0.00293462 b,<<44>>,
-0.0000123978 a+0.0000123978 b},<<44>>,{<<1>>}}} *)
I would like to populate an n * n (n being odd) matrix in the following way:
_ _ _ 23 22 21 20
_ _ 24 10 9 8 37
_ 25 11 3 2 19 36
26 12 4 1 7 18 35
27 13 5 6 17 34 _
28 14 15 16 33 _ _
29 30 31 32 _ _ _
What is an easy way to do this using Mathematica?
With this helper function:
makeSteps[0] = {};
makeSteps[m_Integer?Positive] :=
Table[#, {m}] & /# {{-1, 0}, {-1, 1}, {0, 1}, {1, 0}, {1, -1}, {0, -1}}, 1];
We can construct the matrix as
constructMatrix[n_Integer?OddQ] :=
Module[{cycles, positions},
cycles = (n+1)/2;
positions =
Flatten[FoldList[Plus, cycles + {#, -#}, makeSteps[#]] & /#
Range[0, cycles - 1], 1];
SparseArray[Reverse[positions, {2}] -> Range[Length[positions]]]];
To get the matrix you described, use
constructMatrix[7] // MatrixForm
The idea behind this is to examine the pattern that the positions of consecutive numbers 1.. follow. You can see that these form the cycles. The zeroth cycle is trivial - contains a number 1 at position {0,0} (if we count positions from the center). The next cycle is formed by taking the first number (2) at position {1,-1} and adding to it one by one the following steps: {0, -1}, {-1, 0}, {-1, 1}, {0, 1}, {1, 0} (as we move around the center). The second cycle is similar, but we have to start with {2,-2}, repeat each of the previous steps twice, and add the sixth step (going up), repeated only once: {0, -1}. The third cycle is analogous: start with {3,-3}, repeat all the steps 3 times, except {0,-1} which is repeated only twice. The auxiliary function makeSteps automates the process. In the main function then, we have to collect all positions together, and then add to them {cycles, cycles} since they were counted from the center, which has a position {cycles,cycles}. Finally, we construct the SparseArray out of these positions.
I don't know the Mathematica syntax but I guess you could use an algorithm like this:
start in the middle of the matrix
enter a 1 into the middle
go up-right (y-1 / x+1)
set integer iter=1
set integer num=2
while cursor is in matrix repeat:
enter num in current field
increase num by 1
repeat iter times:
go left (x-1 / y)
enter num in current field
increase num by 1
repeat iter times:
go down-left (x-1 / y+1)
enter num in current field
increase num by 1
repeat iter times:
go down (x / y+1)
enter num in current field
increase num by 1
repeat iter times:
go right (x+1 / y)
enter num in current field
increase num by 1
repeat iter times:
go up-right (x+1 / y-1)
enter num in current field
increase num by 1
repeat iter-1 times:
go up (x / y-1)
enter num in current field
increase num by 1
go up-up-right (y-2 / x+1)
increase iter by 1
you can also pretty easily convert this algorithm into a functional version or into a tail-recursion.
Well, you will have to check in the while loop if you aren't out of bounds as well. If n is odd then you can just count num up while:
m = floor(n/2)
num <= n*n - (m+m*m)
I'm pretty sure that there's a simpler algorithm but that's the most intuitive one to me.
The magic numbers on the diagonal starting at 1 and going up right can be arrived at from
f[n_] := 2 Sum[2 m - 1, {m, 1, n}] + UnitStep[n - 3] Sum[2 m, {m, 1, n - 2}]
In := f#Range#5
Out := {2, 8, 20, 38, 62}
With this it should be easy to set up a SparseArray. I'll play around with it a bit and see how hard that is.
First version:
i = 10;
a = b = c = Array[0 &, {2 (2 i + 1), 2 (2 i + 1)}];
f[n_] := 3*n*(n + 1) + 1;
k = f[i - 2];
p[i_Integer] :=
-x + y < i - 1 && -x + y > -i + 1 &&
(2 i + 1 - x)^2 + (2 i + 1 - y)^2 <= 2 i i - 2 &&
3 i - 1 > x > i + 1 &&
3 i - 1 > y > i + 1, {x, y}, Integers];
((a[[Sequence ## #]] = 1) & /# ({x, y} /. {p[i]}));
((a[[Sequence ## (# + {2, 2})]] = 0) & /# ({x, y} /. {p[i - 1]}));
(b[[Sequence ## #]] = k--)&/#((# + 2 i {1, 1}) &/# (SortBy[(# - 2 i {1, 1}) &/#
Position[a, 1],
N#(Mod[-10^-9 - Pi/4 + ArcTan[Sequence ## #], 2 Pi]) &]));
c = Table[b[[2 (2 i + 1) - j, k]], {j, 2 (2 i + 1) - 1},
{k, 2 (2 i + 1) - 1}];
A better one:
genMat[m_] := Module[{f, k, k1, i, n, a = {{1}}},
f[n_] := 3*n*(n + 1) + 1;
For[n = 1, n <= m, n++,
a = ArrayPad[a, 1];
k1 = (f[n - 1] + (k = f[n]) + 2)/2 - 1;
For[i = 2, i <= n + 1, i++, a[[i, 2n + 1]] = k--; a[[2-i+2 n, 1]] = k1--];
For[i = n + 2, i <= 2 n + 1, i++, a[[i, 3n+2-i]] = k--; a[[-i,i-n]] = k1--];
For[i = n, i >= 1, i--, a[[2n+1, i]] = k--;a[[1, -i + 2 n + 2]] = k1--];
A partial solution, using image procssing:
Image /# (Differences#(ImageData /#
p = #, (HitMissTransform[p, #, Padding -> 0] & /#
{{{1}, {-1}},
{{-1}, {-1}, {1}},
{{1, -1, -1}},
{{-1, -1, 1}},
{{-1, -1, -1, -1}, {-1, -1, -1, -1}, {1, 1, -1, -1}},
{{-1, -1, -1, 1}, {-1, -1, -1, -1}, {-1, -1, -1, -1}}})] &, img, 4]))
Do you know If and how can I rewrite the code below in a better form for different values of m,k,l?
It is a nested if loop that I want to to check b for all m,k,l, but the code below is too big, I would like to simplify it. Can I?
If[b > m, If[(b - 1) > k, If[(b - 2) > l, b - 3, b - 2],
If[(b - 1) > l, b - 2, b - 1]], If[b < m,
If[(b + 1) > k, If[(b + 2) < l, b + 3, b + 2], If[(b + 1) < l, b + 2, b + 1]],
If[b > k, If[(b - 1) > l, b - 2, b - 1], If[b < k, If[(b + 1) < l, b + 2, b + 1],
If[b > l, b - 1, If[b < l, b + 1, b]]]]]]
Notice that you have If statements for both b > m and b < m, as well as b > k and b < k. These pairs can each be two halves of the one If statement.
Convert all the top level conditionals into a Which statement. Look up the documentation in Mathematica for more information.
You can probably also convert the relationships between b and l to simpler Which statements.
While looking at the belisarius's question about generation of non-singular integer matrices with uniform distribution of its elements, I was studying a paper by Dana Randal, "Efficient generation of random non-singular matrices". The algorithm proposed is recursive, and involves generating a matrix of lower dimension and assigning it to a given minor. I used combinations of Insert and Transpose to do it, but there are must be more efficient ways of doing it. How would you do it?
The following is the code:
Gen[p_, 1] := {{{1}}, RandomInteger[{1, p - 1}, {1, 1}]};
Gen[p_, n_] := Module[{v, r, aa, tt, afr, am, tm},
v = RandomInteger[{0, p - 1}, n];
r = LengthWhile[v, # == 0 &] + 1;
If[r <= n, Break[]]
afr = UnitVector[n, r];
{am, tm} = Gen[p, n - 1];
Insert[Transpose[am], RandomInteger[{0, p - 1}, n - 1], r]], afr,
1], Insert[
Transpose[Insert[Transpose[tm], ConstantArray[0, n - 1], r]], v,
NonSingularRandomMatrix[p_?PrimeQ, n_] := Mod[Dot ## Gen[p, n], p]
It does generate a non-singular matrix, and has uniform distribution of matrix elements, but requires p to be prime:
The code is also not every efficient, which is, I suspect due to my inefficient matrix constructors:
In[10]:= Timing[NonSingularRandomMatrix[101, 300];]
Out[10]= {0.421, Null}
EDIT So let me condense my question. The minor matrix of a given matrix m can be computed as follows:
MinorMatrix[m_?MatrixQ, {i_, j_}] :=
Drop[Transpose[Drop[Transpose[m], {j}]], {i}]
It is the original matrix with i-th row and j-th column deleted.
I now need to create a matrix of size n by n that will have the given minor matrix mm at position {i,j}. What I used in the algorithm was:
ExpandMinor[minmat_, {i_, j_}, v1_,
v2_] /; {Length[v1] - 1, Length[v2]} == Dimensions[minmat] :=
Insert[Transpose[Insert[Transpose[minmat], v2, j]], v1, i]
In[31]:= ExpandMinor[
IdentityMatrix[4], {2, 3}, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, {2, 3, 4, 4}]
Out[31]= {{1, 0, 2, 0, 0}, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, {0, 1, 3, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 4,
1, 0}, {0, 0, 4, 0, 1}}
I am hoping this can be done more efficiently, which is what I am soliciting in the question.
Per blisarius's suggestion I looked into implementing ExpandMinor via ArrayFlatten.
ExpandMinorAlt[m_, {i_ /; i > 1, j_}, v1_,
v2_] /; {Length[v1] - 1, Length[v2]} == Dimensions[m] :=
{Part[m, ;; i - 1, ;; j - 1], Transpose#{v2[[;; i - 1]]},
Part[m, ;; i - 1, j ;;]},
{{v1[[;; j - 1]]}, {{v1[[j]]}}, {v1[[j + 1 ;;]]}},
{Part[m, i ;;, ;; j - 1], Transpose#{v2[[i ;;]]}, Part[m, i ;;, j ;;]}
ExpandMinorAlt[m_, {1, j_}, v1_,
v2_] /; {Length[v1] - 1, Length[v2]} == Dimensions[m] :=
{{v1[[;; j - 1]]}, {{v1[[j]]}}, {v1[[j + 1 ;;]]}},
{Part[m, All, ;; j - 1], Transpose#{v2}, Part[m, All, j ;;]}
In[192]:= dim = 5;
mm = RandomInteger[{-5, 5}, {dim, dim}];
v1 = RandomInteger[{-5, 5}, dim + 1];
v2 = RandomInteger[{-5, 5}, dim];
Table[ExpandMinor[mm, {i, j}, v1, v2] ==
ExpandMinorAlt[mm, {i, j}, v1, v2], {i, dim}, {j, dim}] //
Flatten // DeleteDuplicates
Out[196]= {True}
It took me a while to get here, but since I spent a good part of my postdoc generating random matrices, I could not help it, so here goes. The main inefficiency in the code comes from the necessity to move matrices around (copy them). If we could reformulate the algorithm so that we only modify a single matrix in place, we could win big. For this, we must compute the positions where the inserted vectors/rows will end up, given that we will typically insert in the middle of smaller matrices and thus shift the elements. This is possible. Here is the code:
gen = Compile[{{p, _Integer}, {n, _Integer}},
Module[{vmat = Table[0, {n}, {n}],
rs = Table[0, {n}],(* A vector of r-s*)
amatr = Table[0, {n}, {n}],
tmatr = Table[0, {n}, {n}],
i = 1,
v = Table[0, {n}],
r = n + 1,
rsc = Table[0, {n}], (* recomputed r-s *)
matstarts = Table[0, {n}], (* Horizontal positions of submatrix starts at a given step *)
remainingShifts = Table[0, {n}]
** shifts that will be performed after a given row/vector insertion,
** and can affect the real positions where the elements will end up
** Compute the r-s and vectors v all at once. Pad smaller
** vectors v with zeros to fill a rectangular matrix
For[i = 1, i <= n, i++,
v = RandomInteger[{0, p - 1}, i];
For[r = 1, r <= i && v[[r]] == 0, r++];
If[r <= i,
vmat[[i]] = PadRight[v, n];
rs[[i]] = r;
** We must recompute the actual r-s, since the elements will
** move due to subsequent column insertions.
** The code below repeatedly adds shifts to the
** r-s on the left, resulting from insertions on the right.
** For example, if vector of r-s
** is {1,2,1,3}, it will become {1,2,1,3}->{2,3,1,3}->{2,4,1,3},
** and the end result shows where
** in the actual matrix the columns (and also rows for the case of
** tmatr) will be inserted
rsc = rs;
For[i = 2, i <= n, i++,
remainingShifts = Take[rsc, i - 1];
For[r = 1, r <= i - 1, r++,
If[remainingShifts[[r]] == rsc[[i]],
If[ r <= n,
rsc[[;; i - 1]] += UnitStep[rsc[[;; i - 1]] - rsc[[i]]]
** Compute the starting left positions of sub-
** matrices at each step (1x1,2x2,etc)
matstarts = FoldList[Min, First#rsc, Rest#rsc];
(* Initialize matrices - this replaces the recursion base *)
amatr[[n, rsc[[1]]]] = 1;
tmatr[[rsc[[1]], rsc[[1]]]] = RandomInteger[{1, p - 1}];
(* Repeatedly perform insertions - this replaces recursion *)
For[i = 2, i <= n, i++,
amatr[[n - i + 2 ;; n, rsc[[i]]]] = RandomInteger[{0, p - 1}, i - 1];
amatr[[n - i + 1, rsc[[i]]]] = 1;
tmatr[[n - i + 2 ;; n, rsc[[i]]]] = Table[0, {i - 1}];
Fold[# + 1 - Unitize[# - #2] &,
matstarts[[i]] + Range[0, i - 1], Sort[Drop[rsc, i]]]]] =
vmat[[i, 1 ;; i]];
{amatr, tmatr}
{{FoldList[__], _Integer, 1}}, CompilationTarget -> "C"];
NonSignularRanomMatrix[p_?PrimeQ, n_] := Mod[Dot ## Gen[p, n],p];
NonSignularRanomMatrixAlt[p_?PrimeQ, n_] := Mod[Dot ## gen[p, n],p];
Here is the timing for the large matrix:
In[1114]:= gen [101, 300]; // Timing
Out[1114]= {0.078, Null}
For the histogram, I get the identical plots, and the 10-fold efficiency boost:
Histogram[Table[NonSignularRanomMatrix[11, 5][[2, 3]], {10^4}]]; // Timing
Out[1118]= {7.75, Null}
Histogram[Table[NonSignularRanomMatrixAlt[11, 5][[2, 3]], {10^4}]]; // Timing
Out[1119]= {0.687, Null}
I expect that upon careful profiling of the above compiled code, one could further improve the performance. Also, I did not use runtime Listable attribute in Compile, while this should be possible. It may also be that the parts of the code which perform assignment to minors are generic enough so that the logic can be factored out of the main function - I did not investigate that yet.
For the first part of your question (which I hope I understand properly) can
MinorMatrix be written as follows?
MinorMatrixAlt[m_?MatrixQ, {i_, j_}] := Drop[mat, {i}, {j}]
For example, I have the following recursion and I want to get f[3,n]:
f[m_, n_] := Module[{}, If[m < 0, Return[0];];
If[m == 0, Return[1];];
If[2*m - 1 >= n, Return[0];];
If[2*m == n, Return[2];];
If[m == 1, Return[n];];
Return[f[m, n - 1] + f[m - 1, n - 2]];]
f[3, n]
The code does not seem to work. Please help. Many thanks!
You have an infinite recursion because when m is not initialized, none of the boundary cases match.
Instead of using Return you'll get more predictable behavior if you use functional programming, ie
f[m_, n_] := Which[
m < 0, 0,
2 m - 1 >= n, 0,
2 m == n, 2,
m == 1, n,
True, f[m, n - 1] + f[m - 1, n - 2]
In this case Which can not decide which option to take with n not initialized, so f[3, n] will return an expression.
One way to get a formula is with RSolve. Doesn't look like it can solve this equation in full generality, but you can try it with one variable fixed using something like this
Block[{m = 3},
RSolve[f[m, n] == f[m, n - 1] + f[m - 1, n - 2], f[m, n], {n}]
In the result you will see K[1] which is an arbitrary iteration variable and C[1] which is a free constant. It's there because boundary case is not specified