Is there any way we can share a object in all java embed activities in BPEL process.
case is My BPEL process has 5 JavaEmbed Activities. at first Activity I am creating some Value Object based on some logic, and I want to use the same Value Object on Java Embed Activity 5.
value object may be many instance of same class(3 objects of Employee class)
please tell me how can I achieve the same.
My Environment is Oracle SOA 11g, Jdeveloper.
In your first embed use setVariableData function to save the object to a variable you have created.
In your final embed use getVariableData function to retrieve your object.
I'm trying to change class for a given document and below is the code that I used
Document p8Document = Factory.Document.getInstance(p8ObjectStore,
oldDocumentClassName, new Id(documentId));
Upon executing the code, I can see that document class is being changed successfully. Now the problem is if I run the code again for the same guid, the below line fetches the document again with the old document class name.
Document p8Document = Factory.Document.getInstance(p8ObjectStore,
oldDocumentClassName, new Id(documentId));
By using getInstance, you are not asking the server to verify the existence of the object. Use fetchInstance instead.
From Instantiating Objects
The getInstance methods are used to instantiate an object that references a server object that is assumed to already exist. The existence of the object is not verified on the Content Engine server, and no round trip to the server is made until you perform a function on the object
getInstance is a way that you can setup an object while avoiding a trip to the CE server.
The fetchInstance methods instantiate an object by first making a round-trip to the Content Engine server and retrieving ("fetching") property values.
fetchInstance actually will retrieve the object from the CE server.
I am automating a mobile application using TestComplete tool. I have to get the text of an object from the UI, but the object id keep on changing while change of values. So is there any option in test complete which support -following-sibling or Child Property which exist in selenium tool. So that we can easily traverse from a parent object to track the child or sibling. Please help.
You need to find a property or a set of properties that will uniquely identify the needed object without using its native id. Use these identification criteria to set up the corresponding Name Mapping scheme for this object.
PS. Of course, having a permanent ID for a UI object is the best way to automate tests with the object.
I have defined a class like this:
Class Foo
Public SomePublicProperty
Public Function init(p_somePublicProperty)
set init = Me
SomePublicProperty= p_somePublicProperty
End Function
End Class
And then consumed that in my global.asa Application_OnStart lke this:
Dim fooInstance
Set fooInstance = New Foo.init("Some data")
fooArray = Array(fooInstance)
Application("fooArray") = fooArray
Which works fine but when i get the value back out of the application store on another page i can't get at the property...
fooArray = Application("fooArray")
fooArray(0).SomePublicProperty 'This line returns an error - Object doesn't support this property or method
I have tried putting the class definition into the second page, but it doesn't help.
What have I missed?
I have just found this question. Am I right in assuming the same rule re serialization applies equally to the Application object? and so i shouldn't try and do this?
Unfortunately you can't do this, here is a the best explanation I could find as to why;
From Can I store VBScript class objects in a Session variable?
This is because VBS classes are NOT true classes. They are really just in-memory collections of info, and there is no way to guarantee (for example) that an instance that is stored in one page will even come close to matching the class definition in another page.
This is not the same as using Server.CreateObject() COM objects which can be stored and retrieved from both the Application and Session objects.
You have a couple of options;
Serialise the object yourself, in a structured string then use this to de-serialise the object when needed.
Create a COM wrapper for your VBScript class and stop using Class statement altogether. As COM objects can be stored in Application and Session objects this should work as long as the COM class is single threaded.
Convert your class into an Array and use this instead.
Useful Links
Application Object (IIS)
Setting the Scope of COM Objects in ASP Pages - Giving an Object Application Scope
I couldn't find any reference with this functionality. Shall I just implement a helper method in the builder to read fields in StateTransition object and populate the chain configureTransition() call by myself??
Just to confirm not to reinvent the wheels.
I'm trying to use StateMachineBuilder to configure with some pre-defined states and transitions in a properties file. In Builder, they use this chained call to generate configuration:
What I have in mind is, everything read from the file is stored in an object, the spring sm library has this StateTransition object. But as far as I know from the API, there is no way to use it directly to configure a state machine. Instead, I can read individual fields in the object and use the chained call above.
If you want to do it like that, what you mentioned is pretty much only option. Hopefully we get a real support for external state machine definition, i.e. tracked in
I just have started working with Realm for Swift. After reading the documentation, still I have a couple of question marks in mind.
My biggest one is, if there is a best practice for separation Model classes from Realm classes.
For example, in Java MVC projects we used DAO classes (Data Access Object classes) which were responsible for the communication with the database layer.
Our corresponding model classes only have either the dao object injected or we used service classes for this (like CRUD operations).
If I habe a Realm “Model” class, this seems now to be everything in one. But after having the object persisted to the database, changing attributes of the object in the UI-Layer results in
'Attempting to modify object outside of a write transaction - call
beginWriteTransaction on an RLMRealm instance first.'
Which brings me back to my initial though: Shouldn’t this be separated in Realm objects and model objects. Or is it OK to have "realm.write" processes in View-Classes then?
I did some research on this but the results are very vage on this.
How do you deal with this in your projects. Do you have some kind of best practice or guidance?
Many thanks in advance
Officially, (on the iOS side at least), there's no established best practice for abstracting the model class logic away from the actual Realm Object subclasses. That being said, I've definitely heard of apps in the past who do do this sort of logic in order to support multiple types of data frameworks.
If I were to do this, I would make a separate object class for each model implementing my own API on how to get/set data properties, and make the Realm object an internal member of this object. This object would then serve as the generic interface between my app's logic and how to save that data to Realm. That way, if I did want to swap out the data framework down the line, I could simply replace my own data object with a new one, but keep the API consistent.
In regards to that error message you posted, in order to ensure data integrity, you cannot modify a Realm object (UI thread or otherwise) unless it's in a write transaction. That being said, you could encapsulate that logic (i.e. open up a Realm write transaction on the current thread) pretty easily within that abstract object.