Sort Hex Color Values - sorting

I have a color table related to products. The value of colors which is a hexadecimal is saved in a nvarchar field.
In the products section I have a dropdown List for colors of a specified product.
So I need to sort these colors from lighter to darker...
I'm using MVC 3.0 and writting C# code.

You want to get their intensity, so convert from RGB to HSV. See this post for more details.


Telerik Reporting Chart

I am trying to build report using Telerik report designer and not able to identify if charts in below format are supported, if supported which chart type we have to use and which property will fill in color between low and high
candlestick , range chart only displays lines (2nd image)
For the candlestick, it looks like a configuration issue. Please, check these things:
High, Low, Open, Close are not properly set
The data source fields that are used are not of numeric type (i.e. hold numerics as strings)
As for coloring the candlestick, check DataPointStyle property. there you can either set BackgroundColor directly, or use DataPointConditionalFormatting in order to add dynamic formatting based on the underlying data.
I am not sure what is the chart in the first picture, can you please shed some more light on its purpose?

How can I make Stata display all the value label in the Data Editor?

I am working with a dataset in which I have information on the occupation in which an individual is employed (see image below). In the data editor, I'd like to be able to read the occupation, while now Stata truncates the information displayed.
format occ2010 %20.0g
You can change 20for any width you like.

Oracle Apex 5 how to change cell color in classic report based on cell value

I have a classic report in my APEX app. I need to do something like conditional formatting in Excel - to change background color of cells in one column, based on the value of the cells. I found some tutorials, but all for interactive reports, which didn't work with the classic report. Can anybody help me with that issue?
If you're trying to conditionally color entire rows, you'll probably want the built-in alternative row templates with conditions. It's part of the report template.
But if you want to format individual cells, the usual way of doing it is to calculate the background color you want in a new SQL column, hide the column, then get the color value using a #COLUMN_NAME# substitution variable. See this article for a simple example, but there are a lot of other examples if you just search for apex conditional cell formatting.

d3.js calendar view - colours + custom date

I have a few questions regarding his calendar view of mine
data ranges from 1 to 4317 so the colours are not very "evenly" distributed. is there any way to improve it? (i mean basically everything below 100 is just one red colour)
is there a way to change the date format when you hover over the field from yyy-mm-dd to dd-mm-yyyy?
how could one change the colour of fields with no data? (generally this means weekends)
at the moment the fileds with no data and with most data (over 1000) are of the same colour.
thanks a bunch.
You can change the date format that is displayed by adapting the line
date = d3.time.format("%Y-%m-%d")
More information on the specifiers can be found in the documentation.
For changing the colour, you need to provide a different function for mapping values to colours. It looks like you're currently mapping your input values to only 40 output colours.
Increasing this number might be a good starting point. Note that you can provide an arbitrary function, in particular you could handle missing values separately in it.

Oracle find a picture's most common colors

I'm new at oracle multimedia/intermedia and currently I'm dealing with the oracle docs. I would like to 'color profile' an image that stored in oracle ORDImage. I saw there is SI_COLOR and SI_HISTOGRAM but it maybe not the one i need.
Here is an example: There is an image let's say a landscape, mainly green and blue. And somehow i would like to extract this information like RGB(000,200,000) RGB(000,000,200) and bulid up a mapping DB table with the main colors and try to match the image. 65%Green and 25% blue or something like that.
Any thoughts are appreciated.
In the meantime i have the solution.
If a picture is stored in ORDIMAGE, i have to convert it first to BLOB then to SI_STILLIMAGE.
Then i can use the SI_COLORHISTOGRAM that contains rgb,frequencie pairs, easy to find to top N most common color
Then i can use this topN color list for a picture to match it to some basic color :)
