What are the differences between windows service and windows driver ?
Don't they both run in kernel mode?
Don't they both run in session0 in win vista&7
Services do not run in Kernel mode. They often do run at a higher privilege level than Administrator (the NT_AUTHORITY\SYSTEM account,) but still in userland. Drivers, especially in Vista and later, more often than not will also run in userland (with the exception of graphics card drivers1.)
I'm remote-debugging a Windows kernel-mode driver using WinDbg. The driver has issues in the initialization routine, leading to a bugcheck/crash when installing the device driver. When I detach the debugger, the target PC reboots and runs again into the same bugcheck.
In order to test a new version of the driver, I therefore have to boot into safe mode, uninstall the device using device manager and reboot into normal mode.
Is there any way to simplify this workflow so that the device driver is automatically removed upon rebooting after a bugcheck?
Additional infos:
I'm using dpinst to install the driver on the target PC
use .Kdfiles to pull a replacement driver during boot
Documentation From MS
Write Up in Nt Insider From Osr Online
if you are using windows 10 then you can leverage the -m option to provide a partial name
and forego the dospath C:\ NtPath \.\xx , %SystemRoot%
confusions in the map file formats ,
or as described here
I am planning to get into windows driver development and start to learn windows wdk
But I know that windows blocks loading unsigned drivers and I have to purchase a digital certificate but it's too expensive for me and I won't be developing drivers that I'll distribute to customers now
I'll be only testing on my home computer
I knew that I could turn off the signature enforcement and restart but the problem is that I am not the only one who uses the computer and can't make the test mode on all the time , and need my driver to be running
So when I load the driver in test mode then restart and go back to default settings will the driver load again ? Or I'll have to be running in test mode all the time ?
I mean with loading it permanently that I don't need to boot in test mode every time I want my driver to be running but load it once and return back with the driver running
My current windows is 8.1 64 bit
I recommend you to use a VM to this, thats how I does it. Enter the VM to TEST MODE and also you can attach WinDbg KD to the VM so you will be able to debug your driver. Without being able to debug your driver it will be very hard for you to write drivers and run them.
TESTMODE - https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/ff553484%28v=vs.96%29?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396
VM Kernel Debugging - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/debugger/attaching-to-a-virtual-machine--kernel-mode-
Try to disable integrity check - bcdedit /set nointegritychecks on
I am developing a Windows driver, which will likely run on mostly Windows 7 machines, and possibly Windows 10 in the future.
Is it possible to create a full memory dump within the context of the driver (kernel mode)? Will the method used be the same for both Windows 7 and 10?
In the hypothetical world where it is desirable to disable 64 bit Windows Kernel Patch Protection (which is disabled when running in debug mode), are there any downsides or implications to running a system permanently in debug mode?
Specifically, is performance meaningfully impacted by this? Or are there any specific limitations that users of a debug system may encounter?
What behaviours, apart from KPP, does the kernel or system as a whole alter if booted with Kernel Mode Debugging enabled? Is the answer different on Windows 7 vs Windows 8/8.1 vs Windows 10?
The machine can freeze. Some user mode failures get bumped up to kernel breaks.
The DVD software stops working (DRM protection)
Boot time is impacted. (Waiting to attach debugger)
Don't leave it on if you don't need it
Not seen a difference with different os's
I'm curious about how, running Windows 7 on x86, you could execute some code in kernel mode. This is for my own personal use; so I'm not bothered about giving Windows a trillion permissions or whatever. Does kernel mode code have to be specially compiled or linked? etc
Only code from the kernel itself, and from certain device drivers, can run in kernel (supervisor, ring 0) mode.
So you will have to write a device driver.
EDIT: the question has already been answered here.
Ring 0 drivers can execute code in kernel mode.
You will need Windows Device Driver Kit for such development.
Also you have to be extremely careful with driver development because unhandled exception occurring in the kernel indicates a serious bug that exists in the operating system or (more likely) in a device driver and not in an application. Once memory in the kernel gets potentially corrupt, it isn't safe for the system to continue running and you see what is typically called "the Blue Screen of Death."
So normally your drivers should be WHQL certified.