Breakpoint Convergence in Fortune's Algorithm - algorithm

I am implementing Fortune's sweepline algorithm for computing Voronoi diagrams. My primary reference is "Computational Geometry: Algorithms and Applications" by de Berg et al., and while their coverage of the topic is very clear, they pass over several small but important details that I have been having trouble working out myself. I've searched the web for help, but other websites either give an even higher overview than the textbook, or give the exact same pseudocode provided by the book.
I need a way to determine whether a pair of breakpoints determined by a triple of arcs on the beach line converges or diverges, in order to detect upcoming circle events. It seems that to make a decision I would need knowledge about the shape of the Voronoi cell edges that the breakpoints trace out as Fortune's algorithm progresses. For example, if I could find the slope of the edge traced by a breakpoint I could calculate where the two lines formed by the breakpoints and their respective slopes intersect, and decide whether they converge based on that result. However, I have no idea how to get information on the slopes, only the current position of the breakpoints.
The only information I have to work with is the x,y location of the three sites and the current y-coordinate of the sweepline (I'm using a horizontal sweepline).
Actually, I do have one idea for determining convergence. Given two sites, the breakpoint between the two sections of the beachline they define is governed only by the current position of the sweep line. I thought about recording the position of the two breakpoints, temporarily advancing the sweep line a small amount, and recording their new positions. Because edges in a normal Voronoi diagram do not curve, if the distance between the new pair of breakpoints is less than the distance between the old pair, then the breakpoints converge; otherwise, they diverge. But this seems both dangerous (I have no idea if it always works) and ugly. Surely there must be a better way.
Any ideas would be appreciated, and pseudocode (in a C#-like syntax if possible) especially so. Also I am aware that there are computational geometry libraries that I could use to get Voronoi diagrams, but this is a personal learning exercise, so I want to implement all parts of the algorithm myself.

So this is rather embarassing, but after sleeping on the problem the answer seems obvious. I'm writing this to hopefully help students in the future with the same question as me.
The Voronoi edge between two sites perpendicularly bisects the (imaginary) line segment connecting the sites. You could derive the slope of the edge by taking the perpendicular of the slope of the connecting line segment, and then performing a line intersection test on the two edges, but there is an even easier way.
As long as three sites are not collinear, then the edges that perpendicularly bisect the segments between the sites are also tangent to the circle whose edge contains all three sites. Therefore the breakpoints defined by a triple of Voronoi sites converge if the center of the circle defined by the three sites is in front of the middle site, where "in front" and "behind" depend on the coordinate system and sweepline alignment you have chosen.
In my case, I have a horizontal sweepline that I am moving from minimum y to maximum y, so the breakpoints converge if the y-coordinate of the center of the circle is greater than the y-coordinate of the middle site, and diverge otherwise.
Edit: Kristian D'Amato rightfully points out that the algorithm above misses some convergence cases. The final algorithm I ended up using is below. Of course, I'm not confident that its 100% correct, but it seems to work for all the cases I tried it out on.
Given left, middle, right sites
if they are collinear, return false
center = ComputeCircleCenterDefinedBy3Points(left, middle, right)
return IsRightOfLine(left, middle, center) && IsRightOfLine(middle, right, center)
IsRightOfLine(start, end, point)
((end.X - start.X) * (point.Y - start.Y) - (end.Y - start.Y) * (point.X - start.X)) <= 0

Welcome Drake. I implemented it by checking whether the breakpoints physically converge on the circle center in a 'fictitious' increment of the sweepline position. This actually complicates itself a bit because in certain cases the circle center can be almost or precisely at the sweepline position, so the sweepline increment needs to be proportional to the difference between the current sweepline position and the circle center generated as you recommend.
1. currentSweeplineY = 1.0f; circleCenterY = 0.5f (and we are moving downwards, i.e. in the decreasing y direction).
2. Set sweepYIncrement = (circleCenterY - currentSweepLineY) / 10.0f (the 10.0f divisor is arbitrarily chosen).
3. Check new breakpoint positions at new sweepline position.
4. Check distance to circle center.
5. If both distances are less than current distances, the breakpoints converge.
I know this is probably very expensive, since you have to calculate the breakpoint positions multiple times, but I'm confident it takes care of all possible cases.
Anyway, I'm finding serious issues with floating point precision error elsewhere in the algorithm. Definitely not as straightforward as I thought initially.

If the sites are ordered clockwise around the center of the circle, the arc is converging. If they are ordered counterclockwise around the center of the circle, the arc is diverging. (or vice versa, depending on your implementation). Testing for cw or ccw falls out of the code you use to find the center of the circle.
Here's a snippet of C# code for computing the circumcenter d of points a,b,c:
Vector2 ba = b - a;
Vector2 ca = c - a;
float baLength = (ba.x * ba.x) + (ba.y * ba.y);
float caLength = (ca.x * ca.x) + (ca.y * ca.y);
float denominator = 2f * (ba.x * ca.y - ba.y * ca.x);
if (denominator <= 0f ) { // Equals 0 for colinear points. Less than zero if points are ccw and arc is diverging.
return false; // Don't use this circle event!
d.x = a.x + (ca.y * baLength - ba.y * caLength) / denominator ;
d.y = a.y + (ba.x * caLength - ca.x * baLength) / denominator ;


Parabola fitting with two given points and a cost function

Suppose that there is a parabola Y = aX^2 + bX + c, and it might be rotated as follow:
X = x.sin(phi) + y.cos(phi)
Y = x.cos(phi) - y.sin(phi)
phi = rotation angle
We wish to fit it on a border (e.g. inner border of an eyelid, figure below). The problem is that how we can change the parabola in each iteration such that it minimizes a cost function. We know that the parabola can be in different rotation and its origin may vary in the search region. Note that the there are two given points which the fitted parabola should passes through them (e.g. the white squares in fig below). So, In each iteration we can compute a, b and c by the two given points and the origin point (three equations and three variables).
The question is how we can reach the goal in minimum iteration (not to test all the possibilities, i.e. all angles and all positions in the search region).
Any idea will be appreciated.
#woodchips: I think this is a programming problem, and he asked a solution for the implementation.I definitely disagree with you.
A possible solution would be to first search along the vertical line which is orthogonal to the line between the two given points. And also you can vary the angle in this interval. As the nature of your problem (the border of eyelid), you can limit the angle variation between -pi/4 and pi/4. After you find the minimum cost for a position in this vertical line, you can search along the horizontal line and do similar tasks.
Why not use regression to fit a parabola to several points in the target shape? Then you could use which ever algorithm you wanted to get an approximate solution. Newton's method converges pretty fast. The optimization here is on the coefficients in the approximate parabolas.

How to find collision center of two rectangles? Rects can be rotated

I've just implemented collision detection using SAT and this article as reference to my implementation. The detection is working as expected but I need to know where both rectangles are colliding.
I need to find the center of the intersection, the black point on the image above (but I don't have the intersection area neither). I've found some articles about this but they all involve avoiding the overlap or some kind of velocity, I don't need this.
The information I've about the rectangles are the four points that represents them, the upper right, upper left, lower right and lower left coordinates. I'm trying to find an algorithm that can give me the intersection of these points.
I just need to put a image on top of it. Like two cars crashed so I put an image on top of the collision center. Any ideas?
There is another way of doing this: finding the center of mass of the collision area by sampling points.
Create the following function:
bool IsPointInsideRectangle(Rectangle r, Point p);
Define a search rectangle as:
TopLeft = (MIN(x), MAX(y))
TopRight = (MAX(x), MAX(y))
LowerLeft = (MIN(x), MIN(y))
LowerRight = (MAX(x), MIN(y))
Where x and y are the coordinates of both rectangles.
You will now define a step for dividing the search area like a mesh. I suggest you use AVG(W,H)/2 where W and H are the width and height of the search area.
Then, you iterate on the mesh points finding for each one if it is inside the collition area:
IsPointInsideRectangle(rectangle1, point) AND IsPointInsideRectangle(rectangle2, point)
Xi : the ith partition of the mesh in X axis.
CXi: the count of mesh points that are inside the collision area for Xi.
And you can do the same thing with Y off course. Here is an ilustrative example of this approach:
You need to do the intersection of the boundaries of the boxes using the line to line intersection equation/algorithm.
Once you have the points that cross you might be ok with the average of those points or the center given a particular direction possibly. The middle is a little vague in the question.
Edit: also in addition to this you need to work out if any of the corners of either of the two rectangles are inside the other (this should be easy enough to work out, even from the intersections). This should be added in with the intersections when calculating the "average" center point.
This one's tricky because irregular polygons have no defined center. Since your polygons are (in the case of rectangles) guaranteed to be convex, you can probably find the corners of the polygon that comprises the collision (which can include corners of the original shapes or intersections of the edges) and average them to get ... something. It will probably be vaguely close to where you would expect the "center" to be, and for regular polygons it would probably match exactly, but whether it would mean anything mathematically is a bit of a different story.
I've been fiddling mathematically and come up with the following, which solves the smoothness problem when points appear and disappear (as can happen when the movement of a hitbox causes a rectangle to become a triangle or vice versa). Without this bit of extra, adding and removing corners will cause the centroid to jump.
Here, take this fooplot.
The plot illustrates 2 rectangles, R and B (for Red and Blue). The intersection sweeps out an area G (for Green). The Unweighted and Weighted Centers (both Purple) are calculated via the following methods:
(0.225, -0.45): Average of corners of G
(0.2077, -0.473): Average of weighted corners of G
A weighted corner of a polygon is defined as the coordinates of the corner, weighted by the sin of the angle of the corner.
This polygon has two 90 degree angles, one 59.03 degree angle, and one 120.96 degree angle. (Both of the non-right angles have the same sine, sin(Ɵ) = 0.8574929...
The coordinates of the weighted center are thus:
( (sin(Ɵ) * (0.3 + 0.6) + 1 - 1) / (2 + 2 * sin(Ɵ)), // x
(sin(Ɵ) * (1.3 - 1.6) + 0 - 1.5) / (2 + 2 * sin(Ɵ)) ) // y
= (0.2077, -0.473)
With the provided example, the difference isn't very noticeable, but if the 4gon were much closer to a 3gon, there would be a significant deviation.
If you don't need to know the actual coordinates of the region, you could make two CALayers whose frames are the rectangles, and use one to mask the other. Then, if you set an image in the one being masked, it will only show up in the area where they overlap.

Arduino convex hull algorithm

I am working on a project using an Arduino that needs to calculate the area of a polygon made up of many points. I use surveyor's theorem,
But the points are in random order, not (counter)clockwise. Some make lines that cross, and they make polygons like a bow-tie or hourglass, which don't work for the surveyor's theorem, so I need to sort them in (counter)clockwise order. what is the easiest way to do this?
You don't need to find the convex hull. Just use the area formula from a bunch of points ordered counterclockwise:
float totalArea = 0.0;
for(i=0; i<N; i++) {
float parallelogramArea = (point[i].x*point[i+1].y - point[i+1].x*point[i].y)
float triangleArea = parallelogramArea / 2.0;
totalArea += triangleArea;
// or divide by 2 out here for efficiency
The area formula comes from taking each edge AB, and calculating the (signed) area between the edge and the origin (triangle ABO) by taking the cross-product (which gives you the area of a parallelogram) and cutting it in half (factor of 1/2). As one wraps around the polygon, these positive and negative triangles will overlap, and the area between the origin and the polygon will be cancelled out and sum to 0, while only the area inside remains. This is why the formula is called the Surveyor's Formula, since the "surveyor" is at the origin; if going counterclockwise, positive area is added when going left->right and negative area is added when going right->left, from the perspective of the origin.
The mathematical formula is given below, but does not provide the intuition behind it (as given above):
edit (after question has been changed)
There is absolutely no way to "get their order" without additional assumptions, e.g. "the polygon is convex".
If the polygon is concave, it becomes nearly impossible in the general case without lots of extra assumptions (proof: consider a point which lies within the convex hull, but whose neighbors do not; there are many possible valid polygons you can construct using that point, its neighbors, and their neighbors).
If the polygon is convex, all you need to do is sort by the angle from some arbitrary point inside the polygon (e.g. centroid of three arbitrary points).
You could find the center of gravity (cx,cy) of the points and then calculate the angles of the points relative to (cx,cy).
angle[i] = atan2(y[i]-cy, x[i]-cx) ;
Then sort the points by angle.
Just beware that a random set of points does not describe a single unique polygon. So this method will just give you one of the possible polygons, and not necessarily the polygon you would have obtained if you had manually connected the dots.

Position N circles of different radii inside a larger circle without overlapping

Given n circles with radii r1 ... rn, position them in such a way that no circles are overlapping and the bounding circle is of "small" radius.
The program takes a list [r1, r2, ... rn] as input and outputs the centers of the circles.
I ask for "small" because "minimum" radius converts it into a much more difficult problem (minimum version has already been proved to be NP hard/complete - see footnote near end of question). We don't need the minimum. If the shape made by the circles seems to be fairly circular, that is good enough.
You can assume that Rmax/Rmin < 20 if it helps.
A low priority concern - the program should be able to handle 2000+ circles. As a start, even 100-200 circles should be fine.
You might have guessed that the circles need not be packed together tightly or even touching each other.
The aim is to come up with a visually pleasing arrangement of the given circles which can fit inside a larger circle and not leave too much empty space. (like the circles in a color blindness test picture).
You can use the Python code below as a starting point (you would need numpy and matplotlib for this code - "sudo apt-get install numpy matplotlib" on linux)...
import pylab
from matplotlib.patches import Circle
from random import gauss, randint
from colorsys import hsv_to_rgb
def plotCircles(circles):
# input is list of circles
# each circle is a tuple of the form (x, y, r)
ax = pylab.figure()
bx = pylab.gca()
rs = [x[2] for x in circles]
maxr = max(rs)
minr = min(rs)
hue = lambda inc: pow(float(inc - minr)/(1.02*(maxr - minr)), 3)
for circle in circles:
circ = Circle((circle[0], circle[1]), circle[2])
color = hsv_to_rgb(hue(circle[2]), 1, 1)
def positionCircles(rn):
# You need rewrite this function
# As of now, this is a dummy function
# which positions the circles randomly
maxr = int(max(rn)/2)
numc = len(rn)
scale = int(pow(numc, 0.5))
maxr = scale*maxr
circles = [(randint(-maxr, maxr), randint(-maxr, maxr), r)
for r in rn]
return circles
if __name__ == '__main__':
minrad, maxrad = (3, 5)
numCircles = 400
rn = [((maxrad-minrad)*gauss(0,1) + minrad) for x in range(numCircles)]
circles = positionCircles(rn)
Added info : The circle packing algorithm commonly referred to in google search results is not applicable to this problem.
The problem statement of the other "Circle packing algorithm" is thus : Given a complex K ( graphs in this context are called simplicial complexes, or complex in short) and appropriate boundary conditions, compute the radii of the corresponding circle packing for K....
It basically starts off from a graph stating which circles are touching each other (vertices of the graph denote circles, and the edges denote touch/tangential relation between circles). One has to find the circle radii and positions so as to satisfy the touching relationship denoted by the graph.
The other problem does have an interesting observation (independent of this problem) :
Circle Packing Theorem - Every circle packing has a corresponding planar graph (this is the easy/obvious part), and every planar graph has a corresponding circle packing (the not so obvious part). The graphs and packings are duals of each other and are unique.
We do not have a planar graph or tangential relationship to start from in our problem.
This paper - Robert J. Fowler, Mike Paterson, Steven L. Tanimoto: Optimal Packing and Covering in the Plane are NP-Complete - proves that the minimum version of this problem is NP-complete. However, the paper is not available online (at least not easily).
Not a solution, just a brainstorming idea: IIRC one common way to get approximate solutions to the TSP is to start with a random configuration, and then applying local operations (e.g. "swapping" two edges in the path) to try and get shorter and shorter paths. (Wikipedia link)
I think something similar would be possible here:
Start with random center positions
"Optimize" these positions, so there are no overlapping circles and so the circles are as close as possible, by increasing the distance between overlapping circles and decreasing the distance between other circles, until they're tightly packed. This could be done by some kind of energy minimization, or there might be a more efficient greedy solution.
Apply an iterative improvement operator to the center positons
Goto 2, break after a maximum number of iterations or if the last iteration didn't find any improvement
The interesting question is: what kind of "iterative improvement operator" could you use in step 3? We can assume that the positions at that stage are locally optimal, but they might be improved by rearranging a large fraction of the circles. My suggestion would be to arbitrarily choose a line through the circles. Then take all the circles "left" of the line and mirror them at some axis perpendicular to that line:
You would probably try multiple lines and pick the one that leads to the most compact solution.
The idea is, if some of the circles are already at or close to their optimal configuration, chances are good this operation won't disturb them.
Other possible operations I could think of:
Take one of the circles with the highest distance from the center (one touching the boundary circle), and randomly move it somewhere else:
Choose a set of cirlces that are close to each other (e.g. if their centers lie in an randomly chosen circle) and rotate them by a random angle.
Another option (although a bit more complex) would be to measure the area between the circles, when they're tightly packed:
Then you could pick one of the circles adjacent to the largest between-circle-area (the red area, in the image) and swap it with another circle, or move it somewhere to the boundary.
(Response to comment:) Note that each of these "improvements" is almost guaranteed to create overlaps and/or unneccessary space between circles. But in the next iteration, step 2 will move the circles so they are tightly packed and non-overlapping again. This way, I can have one step for local optimizations (without caring about global ones), and one for global optimizations (which might create locally suboptimal solutions). This is far easier than having one complex step that does both.
I have a pretty naive one pass (over the radii) solution that produces alright results, although there is definitely room for improvement. I do have some ideas in that direction but figure I might as well share what I have in case anybody else wants to hack on it too.
It looks like they intersect at the center, but they don't. I decorated the placement function with a nested loop that checks every circle against every other circle (twice) and raises an AssertionError if there is an intersection.
Also, I can get the edge close to perfect by simply reverse sorting the list but I don't think the center looks good that way. It's (pretty much the only thing ;) discussed in the comments to the code.
The idea is to only look at discrete points that a circle might live at and iterate over them using the following generator:
def base_points(radial_res, angular_res):
circle_angle = 2 * math.pi
r = 0
while 1:
theta = 0
while theta <= circle_angle:
yield (r * math.cos(theta), r * math.sin(theta))
r_ = math.sqrt(r) if r > 1 else 1
theta += angular_res/r_
r += radial_res
This just starts at the origin and traces out points along concentric circles around it. We process the radii by sorting them according to some parameters to keep the large circles near the center (beginning of list) but enough small ones near the beginning to fill in spaces. We then iterate over the radii. within the main loop, we first loop over points that we have already looked at and saved away. If none of those are suitable, we start pulling new points out of the generator and saving them (in order) until we find a suitable spot. We then place the circle and go through our list of saved points pulling out all of the ones that fall within the new circle. We then repeat. on the next radius.
I'll put some ideas I have into play and make it mo`bettah. This might serve as a good first step for a physics based idea because you get to start with no overlaps. Of course it might already be tight enough so that you wouldn't have much room.
Also, I've never played with numpy or matplotlib so I write just vanilla python. There might be something in there that will make it run much faster, I'll have to look.
Can you treat the circles as charged particles in a charged cavity and look for a stable solution? That is, circles repel one another according to proximity, but are attracted towards the origin. A few steps of simulation might get you a decent answer.
Sounds like a Circle Packing problem, here is some information:
Circle Packing Wolfram MathWorld
Circle Packing Algorithms Google Scholar
CirclePack software
This seems somewhat relevant to what you are trying to do, and may provide some potential constraints for you.

What algorithm can I use to determine points within a semi-circle?

I have a list of two-dimensional points and I want to obtain which of them fall within a semi-circle.
Originally, the target shape was a rectangle aligned with the x and y axis. So the current algorithm sorts the pairs by their X coord and binary searches to the first one that could fall within the rectangle. Then it iterates over each point sequentially. It stops when it hits one that is beyond both the X and Y upper-bound of the target rectangle.
This does not work for a semi-circle as you cannot determine an effective upper/lower x and y bounds for it. The semi-circle can have any orientation.
Worst case, I will find the least value of a dimension (say x) in the semi-circle, binary search to the first point which is beyond it and then sequentially test the points until I get beyond the upper bound of that dimension. Basically testing an entire band's worth of points on the grid. The problem being this will end up checking many points which are not within the bounds.
Checking whether a point is inside or outside a semi-circle (or a rectangle for that matter) is a constant-time operation.
Checking N points lie inside or outside a semi-circle or rectangle is O(N).
Sorting your N points is O(N*lg(N)).
It is asymptotically faster to test all points sequentially than it is to sort and then do a fast culling of the points based on a binary search.
This may be one of those times where what seems fast and what is fast are two different things.
There's also a dead-simple way to test containment of a point in the semi-circle without mucking about with rotations, transformations, and the like.
Represent the semi-circle as two components:
a line segment from point a to b representing the diameter of the semi-circle
an orientation of either left-of or right-of indicating that the semi-circle is either to the left or right of line segment ab when traveling from a to b
You can exploit the right-hand rule to determine if the point is inside the semicircle.
Then some pseudo-code to test if point p is in the semi-circle like:
procedure bool is_inside:
radius = distance(a,b)/2
center_pt = (a+b)/2
vec1 = b - center_pt
vec2 = p - center_pt
prod = cross_product(vec1,vec2)
if orientation == 'left-of'
return prod.z >= 0 && distance(center_pt,p) <= radius
return prod.z <= 0 && distance(center_pt,p) <= radius
This method has the added benefit of not using any trig functions and you can eliminate all square-roots by comparing to the squared distance. You can also speed it up by caching the 'vec1' computation, the radius computation, center_pt computation, and reorder a couple of the operations to bail early. But I was trying to go for clarity.
The 'cross_product' returns an (x,y,z) value. It checks if the z-component is positive or negative. This can also be sped up by not using a true cross product and only calculating the z-component.
First, translate & rotate the semi-circle so that one end is on the negative X-axis, and the other end is on the positive X-axis, centered on the origin (of course, you won't actually translate & rotate it, you'll just get the appropriate numbers that would translate & rotate it, and use them in the next step).
Then, you can treat it like a circle, ignoring all negative y-values, and just test using the square root of the sum of the squares of X & Y, and see if it's less than or equal to the radius.
"Maybe they can brute force it since they have a full GPU dedicated to them."
If you have a GPU at your disposal, then there are more ways to do it. For example, using a stencil buffer:
clear the stencil buffer and set the stencil operation to increment
render your semicircle to the stencil buffer
render your points
read back the pixels and check the values at your points
the points that are inside the semicircle would have been incremented twice.
This article describes how stencil buffers can be used in OpenGL.
If there's a standard algorithm for doing this, I'm sure someone else will come up with it, but if not: you could try sorting the points by distance from the center of the circle and iterating over only those whose distance is less than the semicircle's radius. Or if computing distance is expensive, I'd just try finding the bounding box of the semicircle (or even the bounding square of the circle of which the semicircle is part) and iterating over the points in that range. To some extent it depends on the distribution of the points, i.e. do you expect most of them or only a small fraction of them to fall within the semicircle?
You can find points in a circle and points on one side of a given slope, right?
Just combine the two.
Here's part of a function I wrote do get a cone firing arc for a weapon in a tile based game.
float lineLength;
float lineAngle;
for(int i = centerX - maxRange; i < centerX + maxRange + 1; i++){
if(i < 0){
for(int j = centerY - maxRange; j < centerY + maxRange + 1; j++){
if(j < 0){
lineLength = sqrt( (float)((centerX - i)*(centerX - i)) + (float)((centerY - j)*(centerY - j)));
lineAngle = lineAngles(centerX, centerY, forwardX, forwardY, centerX, centerY, i, j);
if(lineLength < (float)maxRange){
if(lineAngle < arcAngle){
if( (float)minRange <= lineLength){
The variables should be self explanatory and the line angles function takes 2 lines and finds the angle between them. The forwardX and forwardY is just one tile in the correct direction from the center X and Y based on what angle you're pointing in. Those can be gotten easily with a switch statement.
float lineAngles(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3, int x4, int y4){
int a = x2 - x1;
int b = y2 - y1;
int c = x4 - x3;
int d = y4 - y3;
float ohSnap = ( (a * c) + (b * d) )/(sqrt((float)a*a + b*b) * sqrt((float)c*c + d*d) );
return acos(ohSnap) * 180 / 3.1415926545f;
It would appear that a simple scheme will work here.
Reduce the number of points in the set, by first computing the convex hull. Only the points on the convex hull will contribute to any interaction with any convex bounding shape. So retain only the subset of points on the perimeter of the hull.
It can easily be argued that the minimal radius bounding semi-circle must have one edge (two points) of the convex hull coincident along the diameter of the semi-circle. I.e., if some edge of the hull does not lie in the diameter, then there exists a different semi-circle with smaller diameter that contains the same set of points.
Test each edge in sequence. (A convex hull often has relatively few edges, so this will go quickly.) Now it becomes a simple 1-d minimization problem. If we choose to assume the edge in question lies on the diameter, then we merely need to find the center of the sphere. It must lie along the current line which we are considering to be the diameter. So as a function of the position of the point along the current diameter, just find the point which lies farthest away from the nominal center. By minimizing that distance, we find the radius of the minimal semi-circle along that line as a diameter.
Now, just choose the best of the possible semi-circles found over all edges of the convex hull.
If your points have integer co-ordinates, the fastest solution may be a lookup table. Since a semicircle is convex, for each y co-ordinate, you get a fixed range of x, so each entry in your lookup table gives maximum and minimum X co-ordinates.
Of course you still need to precalculate the table, and if your semicircle isn't fixed, you may be doing that a lot. That said, this is basically one part of what would once have been done to render a semicircle - the full shape would be rendered as a series of horizontal spans by repeatedly calling a horizontal line drawing function.
To calculate the spans in the first place (if you need to do it repeatedly), you'd probably want to look for an old copy of Michael Abrash's Zen of Graphics Programming. That described Bresenhams well-known line algorithm, and the not-so-well-known Hardenburghs circle algorithm. It shouldn't be too hard to combine the span-oriented versions of the two to quickly calculate the spans for a semi-circle.
IIRC, Hardenburgh uses the x^2 + y^2 = radius^2, but exploits the fact that you're stepping through spans to avoid calculating square roots - I think it uses the fact that (x+1)^2 = x^2 + 2x + 1 and (y-1)^2 = y^2 - 2y + 1, maintaining running values for x, y, x^2 and (radius^2 - y^2), so each step only requires a comparison (is the current x^2 + y^2 too big) and a few additions. It's done for one octant only (the only way to ensure single-pixel steps), and extended to the full circle through symmetry.
Once you have the spans for the full circle, it should be easy to use Bresenhams to cut off the half you don't want.
Of course you'd only do all this if you're absolutely certain that you need to (and that you can work with integers). Otherwise stick with stbuton.
translate the center of the arc to the origin
compute angle between ordinate axis and end points of radii of semi-cirlce
translate the point in question by same dx,dy
compute distance from origin to translated x,y of point, if d > radius of circle/arc eliminate
compute angle between ordinate axis and end point
if angle is not between starting and ending arc of semi-cirlce, eliminate
points remaning should be inside semi-circle
I guess someone found the same solution as me here but I have no code to show as its pretty far in my memory...
I'd do it by steps...
1. I'd look if i'm within a circle... if yes look on which side of the circle.
2. By drawing a normal vector that come from the vector made by the semi-sphere. I could know if I'm behind or in front of the vector...and if you know which side is the semi sphere and which side is the void...It will be pretty damn easy to find if you're within the semi sphere. You have to do the dot product.
I'm not sure if it's clear enough but the test shouldn't be that hard to do...In the end you have to look for a negative or positive value...if it's 0 you're on the vector of the semisphere so it's up to you to say if it's outside or inside the semi-sphere.
The fastest way to do this will depend on your typical data. If you have real-world data to look at, do that first. When points are outside the semi-circle, is it usually because they are outside the circle? Are your semi-circles typically thin pie slices?
There are several ways to do this with vectors. You can scale the circle to a unit circle and use cross-products and look at the resultant vectors. You can use dot-products and see how the prospective point lands on the other vectors.
If you want something really easy to understand, first check to make sure it's inside the circle, then get the angle and make sure it's between the angle of the two vectors that dictate the semi-circle.
Edit: I had forgotten that a semicircle is always half a circle. I was thinking of any arbitrary section of a circle.
Now that I have remembered what a semicircle is, here's how I would do that. It's similar to stbuton's solution, but it represents the semicircle differently.
I'd represent the semicircle as the unit vector that bisects the semicircle. You can easily get that from either one of the vectors that indicate the boundary of the semicircle (because they are 90 degrees away from the representation) by swapping x and y and negating one of them.
Now you just cross the vector created by subtracting the point to be tested from the circle's center. The sign of z tells you whether the point is in the semicircle, and the length of z can be compared against the radius.
I did all the physics for Cool Pool (from Sierra Online). It's all done in vectors and it's filled with dots and crosses. Vectors solutions are fast. Cool Pool was able to run on a P60, and did reasonable breaks and even spin.
Note: For solutions where you're checking sqrt(xx+yy), don't even do the sqrt. Instead, keep the square of the radius around and compare against that.
