Autosuggest using Google Places - google-places-api

I am using the following code to get the Google Places Autosuggest working and I am not able to get this working(Autosuggest does not work). Please point what might be wrong:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<form action="">
<input type="text" id="city"></form>
var input = $("#city");
var options = {
types: ['(cities)'],
componentRestrictions: {country: 'fr'}
var autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(input, options);

Autocomplete expects the 1st argument to be an input-element, currently (I guess)it's a jQuery-object.
Use either:
var autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(input[0], options);
var autocomplete =
new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(document.getElementById('city'), options);


Wordpress Fetch API Admin Ajax 400 Errors

When I submit my form to my wp-admin/admin-ajax.php I get a 400 error using fetch.
I have tried removing content type.
Hard coding the Fetch URL
using FormData
let formData = new FormData(form);
Using URLSearchParams
using them both
const data = new URLSearchParams(new FormData(form));
I cant get it to work and am out of answers online so thought I'd ask here.
Can you see an error in my code?
<form >
<input type="text" name="fname">
<input type="text" name="email">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="add_user_details_hook">
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
let form = document.forms[0];
const data = new URLSearchParams(new FormData(form));
form.addEventListener('submit', function(e){
fetch('/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php', {
method: 'post',
body: data
function ajax_add_user_details_func(){
add_action('wp_ajax_add_user_details_hook', 'ajax_add_user_details_func');
add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_add_user_details_hook', 'ajax_add_user_details_func');
Edit I do believe it has something to do with empty FormData as even when I iterate over the object with forloop the fields are empty:
for (var [key, value] of formData.entries()) {
console.log(key, value);
Returns no values

CKEditor - get attribute of element with Onclick

I'm trying to get the value of the attribute data-time-start when I click on the span.
<textarea id="editor1"> <span class="sub" id="sub1" data-time-start="0">Hello </span>
<span class="sub" id="sub2" data-time-start="2">My </span>
<span class="sub" id="sub3" data-time-start="6">Name </span>
<span class="sub" id="sub4" data-time-start="8">Is </span>
<span class="sub" id="sub5" data-time-start="12">Zoob</span>
My JS:
var textarea;
$(document).ready(function () {
textarea = $('#ckeditor_block').find('textarea').attr('id');
function ckeditor_init() {
CKEDITOR.replace(textarea, {
language: 'fr',
allowedContent: true
I tried with this:
CKEDITOR.on('click', function (e) {
var element = $(;
var cursor ="timeStart");
But nothing appened ...
How to do that please ? thank you !!
You can't (or better you shouldn't) use the default jQuery event/element handling in this case, because the CKEditor comes with its very own event/ element system.
Update: Based on the comments below, to avoid CKEditor's quirky behaviour, it is better to use attachListener instead of jQuery's 'on' to bind an event listener
Step one: Bind the click event:
var editorInstance = CKEDITOR.instances['editor1'];
editorInstance.on('contentDom', function() {
function( event ) {
// execute the code here
Step two: Find and access the data attribute:
var editorInstance = CKEDITOR.instances['editor1'];
editorInstance.on('contentDom', function() {
function( event ) {
/* event is an object containing a property data
of type CKEDITOR.dom.event, this object has a
method to receive the DOM target, which finally has
a data method like the jQuery data method */'time-start');
For more info check the CKEditor docs.
Updated fiddle is here

How to change checkbox checked value in Knockout.js?

I want to change checkbox value by jQuery, but Knockout bindings not working
var viewModel = {
myValue: ko.observable(true)
$(':checkbox').prop({checked: false}).change();
It is described in the Knockout.js documentation: checked binding.
<p>Send me spam: <input type="checkbox" data-bind="checked: wantsSpam" /></p>
<script type="text/javascript">
var viewModel = {
wantsSpam: ko.observable(true) // Initially checked
// ... then later ...
viewModel.wantsSpam(false); // The checkbox becomes unchecked

Parameters not being properly passed to controller action from view

For an app I am working on, I've got the following Razor code for a View I am working on:
#Html.InputFor(m => m.Property1); // A date
#Html.InputFor(m => m.Property2); // Some other date
#Html.InputFor(m => m.SomeOtherProperty); // Something else.
<a href='#' id='some-button'>Button Text Here</a>
<!-- SNIP: Extra code that dosen't matter -->
var $someButton = $('#some-button');
$(document).ready(function () {
$ (e) {
e.preventDefault();'#Url.Action("Foo", "Home", new {p1 = Model.Property1, p2 = Model.Property2, pX = Model.SomeOtherProperty})', '_blank');
...upon a comment, I checked the rendered HTML. The values come with values, as expected...
<input name="Property1" data-val="true" data-val-required="(Required)" type="text" value="1/1/2013">
<input name="Property2" data-val="true" data-val-required="(Required)" type="text" value="4/11/2013">
<input name="SomeOtherProperty" data-val="true" data-val-required="(Required)" type="text" value="42">
<a href='#' id='some-button'>Button Text Here</a>
var $someButton = $('#some-button');
$(document).ready(function () {
$ (e) {
e.preventDefault();'http://localhost:xxxx/Home/Foo?p1=1%2F1%2F2013&p2=4%2F11%2F2013&pX=42', '_blank');
...and on the server side...
public ActionResult Foo(string p1, string p2, string pX)
var workModel = new FooWorkModel
Property1 = p1,
Property2 = p2,
SomeOtherProperty = pX
// Do something with this model, dosen't really matter from here, though.
return new FileContentResult(results, "application/some-mime-type");
I've noticed that only the first parameter (p1) is getting a value from the front end; all my other parameters are being passed null values!
Question: Why is the ActionResult being passed null values, when some value is assigned for these other fields? Or, a complimentary question: why would only the first parameter be successfully passing its value, while everything else is failing?
The issue is being caused by the escaped URL being generated by Url.Action(). (Source: How do I pass correct Url.Action to a JQuery method without extra ampersand trouble?)
Simply add a #Html.Raw() call around the Url.Action(), and data will flow as intended.'#Html.Raw(Url.Action("Foo", "Home", new {p1 = Model.Property1, p2 = Model.Property2, pX = Model.SomeOtherProperty}))', '_blank');

Mixedup ajax response on mutliple Form.Request mootools

I have 2 Form.Request in 2 functions that are executed on 2 different buttons clicks
here is fiddle
seems like I did not set the events in right order in my functions since they are mixing up the responses. if you hit Clear cache and than Send you still get response from clear cache and vice versa. Unless you reload the page and click again you cant get the right response for each button as it should be .
Since this is not my original form and *I can only change it with js * , i added the clear cache button with new Element. I cant figure out as to why is this happening and any help is appreciated.
this is original html:
<div id="toolbar">
<li id="adminsubmit">Send</li>
<div id="response"></div>
<form action="" method="post" name="editform" id="myform">
<!-- form elements go here -->
<input type="hidden" name="task" value="">
​ and here is js:
var AdminForm = {
start: function() {
var toolbar = $$('#toolbar ul');
var addbtn2 = new Element('li', {
'id': 'cache',
'class': 'button',
html: 'Clear Cache'
addbtn2.inject(toolbar[0], 'top');
var btn1 = $('adminsubmit').getElement('a');
var btn2 = $('cache').getElement('a');
btn1.addEvent('click', function(event) {
event.preventDefault ? event.preventDefault() : event.returnValue = false;
btn2.addEvent('click', function(event) {
event.preventDefault ? event.preventDefault() : event.returnValue = false;
formChange: function() {
var adminform = $('myform');
var target = $('response');
var adminsend = new Form.Request(adminform, target, {
onSend: function() {
target.set('html', 'formChange sending');
onComplete: function() {
target.set('html', 'formChange sent');
clearCache: function() {
var adminform = $('myform');
var target = $('response');
var clearingcahe = new Form.Request(adminform, target, {
onSend: function() {
target.set('html', 'clearCache sending');
onComplete: function() {
target.set('html', 'clearCache sent');
window.addEvent('domready', AdminForm.start);​
The Form.Request in Mootools inherits Class.Occlude, see
But the Class.Occlude will prevent that several Objects are created and applied to the same DOM Element. That is, it works like a singleton, so the first time you do new Form.Request(adminform, ...) it will return a new instance of Form.Request.
However, the second time you call new Form.Request(adminform, ...) the previous object will be returned instead.
Your fiddle actually demonstrates this very good, because the first one that is clicked of "Clear Cache" or "Send" will be the one that initiates the object. The second time it will discard your options and just return the old object.
So there are two ways to solve this:
Create the Form.Request but don't set the event handlers through the options but through
adminsend.removeEvents('complete'); adminsend.addEvent('complete', ....)
Don't forget to remove the old event handlers before applying the new! otherwise you will just apply more and more eventhandlers.
There are two "buttons" so make two forms, which would be much more semantically correct as well.
